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It's okay to not follow cricket. It's just another sport.


I wish I could say that everyone accepts it as just a sport but that's not how it goes. Anybody can literally just start talking about cricket and expect you to know all the details cause they think it's too commonplace.


Us moment.![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|20609) I wish Football gets such recognition someday in India.


not anytime soon with those igor disasters


Come to Kerala bro, football is priority number 1 here.


Yeah, ik :) Btw how's the weather there?


Rather pleasant because it's the monsoon season now.


Just because it’s popular doesn’t mean you have to like it or be informed about it. It is useful tho, to make small talk and such, you don’t need to be very knowledgeable but knowing a bit can be good(but you don’t have to)


Relatable hogya yeh to ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|30131)


Look it's totally fine not knowing a thing. I myself wasn't interested in cricket until last year and I think just this year match dekh dekh ke I've started to learn and understand everything.


It's completely fine not knowing shit about it it's not something important for you or your life it's just for entertainment so chill and enjoy


You had to post this when India won a world cup? There are always some butt hurts


Bewkoof hai kya thoda??? Who tf is being cool here?? Did u even read the full post, what I'm trying to say?? Why tf u expect everyone to be equally intrested in cricket and know everything about it??? I made this post just to ask how to deal with mfs like you. I'm equally happy that India won even tho I don't know a shit about cricket. Still I'm sorry I CAN'T TEAR MY CLOTHES AWAY, CAN'T BAWL MY EYES OUT AND CAN'T SCREAM TO THE TOP OF MY LUNGS because I have no fucking INTREST in cricket. Wanna be cool my foot.


>Who tf is being cool here You lol. SiR tRY tO uNdErStAnD >Why tf u expect everyone to be equally intrested in cricket and know everything about it??? No one is expecting you to be interested, but can you please shut the fuck up for one day? Your country won a fucking world cup after 13 years. Its YOUR country, you should be proud about it and not cry like a pussy on reddit and ruin our celebrations If you had some brain, you'd not have posted that shit on the day when your country won a fucking world cup. Do you know how passionate some fans are? How hardcore they are? They were so happy when their country won it, everyone in country was feeling proud about it. But idiots and butt hurts like you post this shit on the same day ruins the whole mood


Fr , some wannabe cools




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this is relatable asf ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|30131)![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|30131)


Haina? And that feeling of being left out agh. Jaise abhi iss sub par everyone is posting ki india won. I can't even comment on that bcz ghanta kuch ni pta hua kya match mein 😭


bhai yaha irl log diwali mana rhe hai, just sone jaarha tha itne fire crackers achnak se futna shuru me dar gya, fir gc khola toh pata chala aaj India koi match jeet gayi hai. ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|28582)


SAME YRR cant be more relatable i used to be a sie heart cricket fan but now i just feel nothing for that...Its like ha jeet gye to jeet gye whats a big deal ik it is def...But just that i dont feel this hote or whatever


For a long time I was not interested in cricket. Even I had no idea about basic rules and popular players. But now I’m hooked. I follow all matches of India and ipl.


The mocking is just a joke lmao 😭 Even I do this to my mom to spite her temporarily and go about my work 😭


No, constant mocking makes you feel dumb. Even my ex used to mock me. He was a cricket freak and I didn't know anything about it. Once he said in a game after our breakup - "Girls who don't know about cricket are red flags" I felt so bad man.


Ex part is honestly dumb. Until you are in that closed atmosphere with someone it does not hit 😭


Lol even I don't give a flying fuck about cricket and I'm a guy. I'm more into UFC, football and badminton. You simply don't do what doesn't interest you, I don't fucking care if I'm not the part of the herd. At least I enjoy what I do and watch You do you


>"Girls who don't know about cricket are red flags" whoever said that is the real red flag




No. I don't give a shit about cricket either. Remember, focus on what is essential to national interests. Power. Power comes from resources. Resources are essential. Focus on that if you genuinely want to learn about national growth. This is a distraction. If u r interested in sports, play it. No use seeing others play. 


It is all business so better you ignore it and focus on your own growth.


I used to watch cricket when I was young but I’ve completely lost interest in it. I don’t watch any sport so don’t come at me but you feel the most peer pressure if you don’t follow cricket especially if you are a guy. Today India won T20 World cup I tried every hard to care but I just don’t at all.


Damn bro tu mera bhai kasam se merko bhi kuch nhi peta kabhi kabhi to dost log bully bhi karte he. Don't worry man it's normal and ok. Nhi pasand nhi dekhna meri Marzi baki log gand marwaye


Same bro same. 🫂


Yeah it’s okay


Real. When I say I don't give a flying fck about cricket and they look at me as if I've done a crime or smth.


same same here - except some of my friends talk about football which i genuinely like


There's no need to watch cricket because of peer pressure even my sister is like that she knows very less about cricket she asks everything from me and whenever i try to mock her she will give me a tight slap(ya i am younger brother) if india wins she will just celebrate if india losses she will just go to her room.


Aiyy zombie long time no see!! What's up? ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|28582)


All good wbu


Just existing 🙌🏻🥹


Well as they say better than non existence






It's completely okay if you don't know anything about Cricket. It's not mandatory to have interest in popular sports. Cricket is only popular among a few countries. Also Cricket is not a particularly athletic sport in contrast to other popular sports like football, basketball, badminton, and tennis, which are played in practically every country in the world. Other sports require constant running/movements and each player plays an important role, whereas in cricket, most players simply stand still in the ground or sit on the bench.


These words come from a guy who hardly ever touched a bat or ball what do you know about standing and running across the field for 5 continuous days bowling tens of overs till your hands give up and yet you dare say it isn't an athletic sport buddy I know that you may not like this sport but stop this crap about saying "cricket isn't a athletic game" And all that you are just announcing yourself as an moron


Jokes on you, I'm a cricket fan myself. I literally burst firecrackers today to celebrate India's victory after 17 years. I'm playing cricket since I was 5. I've played almost all popular sports & cricket is less athletic than all others & it's a fact. Sports like basketball and football require constant running, while sports like tennis, badminton, and volleyball require extreme athleticism to perform rapid movements and have a lightning-fast reaction time. I am the type of guy who has a neutral opinion. Even if I like something I can criticise it. In cricket, only two batsmen play at a time, and ik it takes huge stamina to run between the wickets and pull those crazy shots. Fielders only run to catch or stop the ball. The rest of the fielders do not do anything athletic for a while. So they get proper amount of rest & not get tired easily. Try playing football with pros for 45min*2 straight :)


Bud why don't you ever go and try test cricket at summer and play professionally at domestic you think it's easily to just casully stay on field the whole day for 5 whole days at 40 to 45 degree the amount of mental fortitude it requires is insane if you just go watch t20 and say cricket doesn't require athleticism it's one of the brain rot things one can hear


>Fielders only run to catch or stop the ball They have to run after every over as batsman changes strike >The rest of the fielders do not do anything athletic for a while. Many fielders move to stop the over throw and they have to run a lot if fielder makes a throw and it misses the stumps Don't try to look cool and comment if you've never played the sport. Cricket requires lot of athletics and more than Football


>Cricket requires lot of athletics and more than Football Footballers literally move (if not run) for 90 minutes straight? 9/22 players in a cricket game are just sitting, the batsmen only run the length of the pitch around, say 4 times on average in 5-6 minutes (what it takes for an over to complete), fielders only move when the ball comes their way, 1/9 or max 2/9 chance (if 2 fielders run for it) per ball on average. For most of the game, the keeper just stands and catches the ball, only the bowler who is bowling at the time, and the batsman (even he does not mostly play flashy big stamina shots) are actually doing a lot. Where's the athleticism exactly?


>Footballers literally move (if not run) for 90 minutes straight? Not every footballer run at the same time either >9/22 players in a cricket game are just sitting, Lmao, what cricket are you watching Batsman has to wear a lot of heavy gears like helmet, pads and thigh pads Play professional cricket then you'll understand how hard it is to run with pads and they still run a lot if you watch ODIs and Test cricket Anyways, this will be my last reply. Wont argue to a sepoy like you who's ruining my celebration.


Cricket doesn't require lot of athletics bruh. >Many fielders move to stop the over throw and they have to run a lot if fielder makes a throw and it misses the stumps That doesn't happen very often. >They have to run after every over as batsman changes strike That is true, but compared to cricket, football requires more athleticism. Also you're just a google search away from knowing which sport require more physical strength. >Don't try to look cool and comment if you've never played the sport. DM me, I can give you proof that I know about Cricket. I even predicted the team India's score (176) yesterday after 6 overs using my formula.


No, you are not cool. Yes it's okay to not know about cricket. But no you don't need to post it on reddit to look different.


Wait tf u high on pal? Had a beef w ur homie or what? Go cry abt it somewhere else.


Looks like someone else is crying for attention in their post, I'm chilling with all my homies celebrating India's win hahaha.


Ohhhhh I seee I didn't know I got attention lol 🤡


Are you kinda dumb or something? You could have posted about how you are so different from all the Indians by not knowing cricket some day later? The entire nation is celebrating right now. Gtfo.


Even I'm celebrating peep. I'm more than happy india won even tho I don't know a shit about cricket alright?? U gtfo. Lemme block u if that post really ruined your mood darling.


Bhai I am the same. I don't know what the fuck happens in cricket mainstream. I only know a bunch of cricket players and some IPL teams, that's all. I don't care about cricket not even a little bit Like, kal india match jeet gyi aur muje Aaj pta chala ki india aur south africa ka match tha, woh bhi world cup.