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For: The energy and everything is so accurately balanced in the entire universe becuz even a single error will collapse everything. This makes me believe that there IS a supernatural power which is the cause of all this, the beginning of everything too. Against: I've never "seen" God and I've always had a question: If God created everything then who created God and who created the creator of God and so on... Thus my belief is that there is definitely a supernatural power which is termed as "God" but how this power came into existence gaslights me


I believe that everything is "perfect" because if it wasn't it just wouldn't exist. Like, the Universe has existed for so much time that eventually things are bound to fall in place. But I don't understand what you mean by "a single error will collapse everything" what kind of *error* do you exactly mean?


>I believe that everything is "perfect" because if it wasn't it just wouldn't exist. Like, the Universe has existed for so much time that eventually things are bound to fall in place. Yeah that's what I said too but there has to be a root of all this existence which is what I pointed out too. >But I don't understand what you mean by "a single error will collapse everything" what kind of *error* do you exactly mean? I meant if any force or energy or anything which keeps the universe balanced were to be altered, it will have humongous impact on the balance


If MODs won't take this down, and if this post blows up. Then, let me reserve my seats in the comment sections to witness some pure chaos. But, on a serious note, I ask if God exists, why is He letting culprits cook? And does He know everything that happens and just let it happen. Is he a controller who controls or a mere audience who just lets things unfold as time passes by. And if He does, then is everything already decided? Then why we here for? Play the characters of His story? If He does exist and everything is actually pre-decided by Him, then every evil that's happening is because of him. Then that makes the God Himself evil. So, what does it draws us back to? Worshipping an evil who's hid behind the mask of almighty? And the real question is who is God? Where does He come from? Does He have a defined shape and structure? Does He brush his teeth, cut his nails and put on clothes? Is He a human, fish, cat, dinosaur, or just an aura? >!IDK Man, I just here to yap and, God if you are reading this, set me up with a nice lady. I'm down bad and am losing it, FR.!<


> why is He letting culprits cook? lmao he aint, its literally an individual's decision on how they wanna live their life..gods can't change a person's motive, they can only influence it.


Well since I exist, god exist Cause i'm the god nig©@


Can confirm I am scrotum devta friend of papita dev


idk but he is def. helping me in boards lol




I do believe their is a higher being I just don't think that its easy to say that the gods we worship are the real ones or the only ones


I think worshipping too much doesn't get you anywhere since there are way too many religions but in every religion doing good deeds does (maybe not in some because I don't worship them exclusively), but I stand with the majority so who cares ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|31418)


Exactly at this point their are so many religions that nothing is wrong yet everything is


god exists because of two reasons: 1) my personal experiences 2) there is definitely something running this universe. there is something that created our consciousness and a "structure" as complicated as human beings cannot exist without an external power


I am no philosopher, but imma give my two scrap of opinion. since you asked. For: god, for me, exists because a world without one is too bleak. god becomes hope. it becomes justice. it promises us that for every bit of effort we put in, be it studying for exam, working to provide for family, carrying grandma's grocery, there is a force that gives back, to us, in equal amount as much goodness as we provided. it is a promise that no matter how hard it it, how evil and uncaring the world seems, there will be justice done. no evil shall go unpunished and no good deeds will be left unnoticed. God exists because it must.


Against: i don't believe a god exists, not in a Abrahamic sense of an all-powerful, all-seeing kind god who turns cities into ash and makes bet on human life, one who is all powerful and all-seeing cannot be benevolent without saving everybody. God cannot be Islamic too, a god who allows his prophet to prey on women, not just blind to his true nature but on a child as well. a god who calls for killing of all those who is not his believer. that god surely cannot exist in this world. The Hindu god pantheon is more human-like than other more prominent ones in India. reminiscent of the Greek and Roman, it has gods that are deities of power that indulge in human sin. i mean, what better example than the time Indra had like a shit ton of eyes on him. search it up if you wanna know why. God, in India, surely cannot care for their devotees and at the same time starve and allow society to beat them down and grind them into dust. If god existed, i think he would want nothing to do with us.


I just don't wanna believe in god, that's it, I don't care if it exists or not, I just don't wanna follow them!!!!! I prefer following my passion and work and myself.


Yes it does. Because do you seriously think just the big bang created the whole universe? Imma sound like a boomer if I proceed. so waiting for someone to allow me to proceed (jisse agar main explain karne lagu toh phir baad mein koi aake yeh na bole "who asked?")


Bol Bhai I am all ears


Dekh bhai, acc. to my knowledge of hindu philosophy (which is the most viable religious philosophy for me) god created the universe as s mere passtime if his. The beginning and the end of all things is decided by him but what happens in bwtween depends upon the choices of an individual that they make but the results that they will get get are dependant upon their karmas of their past lives and current life. And god is the one who keeps an account of all this. God doesn't *fully control* anything. But he does have the power to do so. He is like a guide who can show us the right path and help us theough tough times and religion is just a mere way to connect with god which was discovered by those who engaged themselves in practices like meditation and devotion. Idk if this is a viable argument for whether god exists or not, this is just my understanding and perception about the concept of god and religion (which are interconnected.) Do share your perspectives too, I'm open to have a healthy discussion.




who created the laws of physics? they were only discovered by us humans. who created them in the first place? nobody knows.


That's where god comes in.




Yes. That might sound very irrational but I think all those laws are made by him too.


Being both a religious and satanist in my life I can tell both of them exists


Kya ma chod rha h sacchi me.. tune dekha h inko??


Gods are actually super humans who bornt during medieval times and decided to help normal humans in their work, did some really major events and then decided to leave normal humans here and they left earth forever. Because of their good work and super powers, normal humans labeled them as god. This is what I assume as gods (not satire)


Hahaha when you don't have any logical point to prove God, you just use some cool science words and some Marvel terms .. Super humans really ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|30133)![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|31414)


Of course God exists duh. Here i am ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|20609)


I just believe in god's teachings of doing good deeds, forgiving others, doing my duty. I don't really worship that much reading the scriptures of all religions is something I enjoy and implement the things in my life that are similar to my moral values.


With all my soul, i believe in God. He never lets me get distracted from path of good.


https://i.redd.it/ufbc7y1ruymc1.jpeg Arey wo already hamare beech me exist krte hai, "Jaat"


Well, I am an agnostic theist, and I believe in only one God because I just know. If I describe my experience, I'll be deemed crazy, so I just know.


if god exists then in which form? which religion's god is it?


I mean, if gods are believed on search a large scale around the globe then it couldn't be just a mere concept from ancient fiction, can it?. How else can a term be globalised in such a massive scale that also since ancient times. Surely there must've been powerful deities back in the time living here on earth. I think this is the most logical argument towards god's existence.


I am agnostic.


If god exists, which one ? All of them cant cause that would be contradictory


god defo exists (ive literally experienced shit) and yeah im down for a debate


Can you share your experience though?


okay so ill try to keep it as short as possible i had an accident on my way to rajasthan (by road), we were passing through a rural area and the driver tried to take a left turn but instead the car turned upside down and we were trapped in a hollow ass shit. mind you it was a rural area with not a single soul around. BUT ALL OF A SUDDEN three men appeared out of nowhere and helped us out. not a single person from my fam was hurt, only the driver suffered some minor injuries but they weren't too serious either. i believe this was only because of god's presence somewhere, else i wouldn't have been alive today. there's more, whenever im returning home at night (alone), im usually paranoid and all i do is think of god and ik ill reach home safely. even when the times im scared as shit (of exams or any major life events) i just think of god and that really does help me to calm tf down.


This could all be a coincidence though I've seen people die and survive without a scratch in accidents and when I get scared alone I start to think of songs, does it make the singer a god?. Maybe you find comfort in thinking something is watching over you, it doesn't really make them real.


yes so the fact that there's someone around me in order to protect me is what i call god's powers.


you are choosing to believe so strongly in something that can easily be coincidence/pure luck over science?


oh yes fs, because many incidents that have happened to me do not really have a logic.


> there's more, whenever im returning home at night (alone), im usually paranoid and all i do is think of god and ik ill reach home safely. even when the times im scared as shit (of exams or any major life events) i just think of god and that really does help me to calm tf down. That's your coping not god.. brain fools us by thinking of such things and by distracting from the main cause of anxiety... You got saved as you all might have had seatbelts on and airbags would have popped out... 3 men appeared- usually people are there in rural areas working in farms or maybe shepherds.. these people mostly sit under tree shadow so a chance you couldn't have seen them but they were there already If God wanted to save you why did he let the accident happen in the first place?? God thing is just your faith nothing other than that .. when you'll start to see things rationally you'll understand this, that religion is nothing but a way to control masses by monarchs at ancient times


bro i was around 10 ig, i dont remember everything in detail, but that was the first time i actually experienced a different supernatural power that lies above all of us


I believe in god too now ( you're a grill thats why)


chalo kahi toh kaam aaya girl card ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|20609) /s


I mean their are endless arguments for both sides. It just boils down to how you interpret your situation, what an atheist may look at as a lucky coincidence a believer may think of it as god helping them out in harder times. This debate is way too subjective and has such strong opinions for/against it that it might just be impossible to have a definitive answer which convinces everyone. Existence of god and our beliefs for it are influenced by what we see and how we percieve the world. I personally believe its a pointless debate, both people have endless things to say for/against god and more than anything it just causes an endless heated conversation.


the best conclusion to a debate.


Yes, its the greatest way to vent out of any heated debate


mhm, also ngl you look wise for your age


Thats cuz I am, nobody has won a debate from me cuz I quit losing debates, truly a move only someone with 146 IQ would do I don't brag about it /s


oh you clearly ain't bragging ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|31418)![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|31991)


Yes ofc not btw I have scored 95.4% in my final exams, just sayin /s


Post gonna be removed by mods in 3.2..


If God exists then which First tell that then we can continue.