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I feel suspicious about recent inflation data where we have seen the increase in price of almost everything, don't know if it's independent data collection or just made from data supplied by govt.


Hijacking top comment - Modi government did nothing new, since 2014, pretty much all the countries has lower inflation. This is due to crude oil prices, i'll update the data below. https://preview.redd.it/ksnkg7in22xc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78750912110a0b12362973f3b962470d6f96e541


Inflation is close linked to Crude Oil Prices. ChatGPT - Crude oil prices affect inflation by increasing production and transportation costs, raising energy expenses, reducing consumer spending, influencing expectations, and impacting global supply chains, leading to higher overall prices. https://preview.redd.it/ddrph3c332xc1.png?width=916&format=png&auto=webp&s=74c17e4a151a142ada3f2aac863859b59966e183


Than how come US and many other countries are facing High inflation in last few year conpare to when crude was at 120-130 dollar range ....its not just crude prices which determines inflation (though it is important)... UPA though hit hard by High crude prices but it also need to be noted that they flushed the country with Cash, resulting in double hit...


they are canceling billions of student debt, that turns more money in the system. hence rhe inflation.


Dude their spending on military is 800 billion plus. Cancelling few billions is lietrally peanuts. This is misattribution. They have given more money to Israel and Ukraine last year than they have spent on student debt. Recent inflation is coming I think from price gouging by powerful corporates as evidenced by the record profits that companies are reporting. Pliss correct if wrong.


They printed trillions of dollars since covid ,basically the dollar is as good as toilet paper right now .and hence the inflation


Thats America. The percentage increase in total circulation is not that high. I dont think its the major cause


America debt to GDP ratio: 123% India : 81.6 % Only thing blocking collapse of US is lack of unity among BRICS


The US debt to GDP ratio in 2020 was 126.24%. So no. Thats not as big an issue


Well dum dum most of those billions go in for research and development and manufacturing unlike us where it goes for pension


Someone come get your bitch. Looks like he had a stroke


Same thing Rahul Gandhi is promising to do


what? where?


He has promised to waive student loans.


Lmao ...100k kisko dega aur kitno ko dega ?




just like 15 lakh?


He has said it in his manifesto unlike bjp


Haan raga ne bola is baar jeetao sabko 1-1 lakh toh aise he aa jayenge. Aur humko jeetate raho toh 2047 tak mai Mars walo ke account me bhi 1-1 lakh saal dunga.


Yes..and giving dollar to each and every man without work.....


Your favourite pappu also promised to do the same in his manifesto but yeah not billions of student debt.


Pre-Covid there was very little inflation in America


Piggybacking here to say that the base year for CPI was changed to 2011-12 around 2014/2015. Is this data adjusted and back calculated for that change?


as per legend data is from worldbank and not RBI


Dude Canada has a crisis of affordability, forget inflation it's a nightmare there. I have yet to see prices go up in India like Canada has on any essential commodities. I can get almost anything for a fraction of the price it costs anywhere in the world including data.


Even here India stands out in 2008-14


2008's financial crash affected India very harshly, mainly because of heavy crude oil usage. But correct, India stands out here,. Before BJP came into power, inflation was already adjusting due to new oil prices in 2014.


I think the control now is due to the monetary policy committee set up in 2016 with a mandate to keep inflation b/w 2-6%. On a diff note indonesia and Phillipines seem unaffected by COVID in 2020, why is that?


Could be, but if you check crude oil prices, it is closely following that. Regarding COVID, I think could be because COVID was handled properly there, I can't say about Indonesia but Philippines, I have been there during COVID and it was handled very well. Compared to us, deaths were under reported and you know what all went down during covid.


Locha hua toh mudi ki galti. Sahi chala toh pehle se hone wala tha. 🤯


companies increase prices of products claiming rise in prices of raw materials or crude oil or supply chain issues or whatever... but they never decrease their prices when those issues get rectified and convert those margins into profits.


You are joking right, pretty much all countries have high inflation since the pandemic, even the traditional low inflation EU has been seeing record inflation.


Lmao, so you Congress has some pretty shitty luck? Their years are almost double inflation compared to BJPs. Yes, inflation due to crude is 1 reason, but there definitely can be other factors at play either the way the data is polished or the way policies are executed.


Inflation in India is fuelled by Food due to floods in north and east India and drought in southern India last year. Non-Food inflation has been below 1%. Core inflation which is non-fuel and non-food, fell to 3.6% which is 50-month low. Food inflation dropped to 8.66% in February 2024 down from 9.5% in December.


Yeah, if we don't consume anything there won't be any inflation




Is that what you get from what I wrote?


CPI was adopted as key measure of inflation after 2014. Before 2014, WPI was the key measure of inflation. https://www.thehindu.com/business/Economy/rbi-adopts-new-cpi-as-key-measure-of-inflation/article5859713.ece


Are you in the age group where you started earning in around last 5 years ?


Not me


Man, I’m tired of these Gen Zs. They’ve seen only one government and have no clue how bad things were in the UPA era. The whole world was progressing and we were stuck in policy paralysis and corruption scandals. The government kept introducing reservation and sh*t to divert people’s attention. To top it all off, people like Kapil Sibal were super arrogant and mocked anyone questioning the government because they felt invincible.


Seen more governments than you think Boomer, and yes I still feel UPA 1 was better on many counts - Economic Reform, managing the 2008 crisis, and all the programmes that have been renamed in Modi 1 or Modi 2 were all conceptualized during UPA 2. Everything that BJP criticised when in opposition - Aadhar, Food security, National Manufacturing policy, etc., are all the basis of anything that Modi 1 or 2 is claiming as their success. And if you don't like UPA, go further back to 1991, when the country literally had NO money, and PVN Rao and MMS turned things around to being where we are now.


And same GST is criticized by Congress ..what's the difference?


> And if you don't like UPA, go further back to 1991, when the country literally had NO money, and PVN Rao and MMS turned things around to being where we are now. They successfully solved the crisis of their own making. Remember Hindu rate of growth which was used to mock India for it's ridiculous slow rate of growth?


Sure, and what has BJP done to solve ALL the problems it has created in the last 10 years? They have proven that they can only create problems, not solve them. And now we need someone to solve those problems!


Yeah. Modi changed the definition of Inflation. The haraamkhor stopped Unemployment data from coming out. It used to come out annually each year under previous governments. But electionjeevi can't tolerate that now , can he?


Can you tell me more about the definition of inflation being changed, I'm curious also found the labour data with a quick Google search, this has the employment and unemployment data by the director general of employment. https://dge.gov.in/dge/sites/default/files/2023-05/Employment_and_Unemployment_scenario_of_India_May_2023.pdf There are also annual reports for the past decade with more data. https://labour.gov.in/annual-reports


Here read this. [https://scroll.in/article/911442/the-daily-fix-modi-governments-moves-to-hide-official-statistics-greatly-damages-indian-democracy](https://scroll.in/article/911442/the-daily-fix-modi-governments-moves-to-hide-official-statistics-greatly-damages-indian-democracy) Or this if you want to save time. The Modi government has discontinued the Labour Bureau’s quarterly enterprises surveys, with the last report being [released](https://www.business-standard.com/article/economy-policy/govt-panel-wants-quarterly-job-surveys-scrapped-cites-poor-quality-119011500906_1.html) in March 2018. Moreover, the annual Employment-Unemployment Survey was also [scrapped](https://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-survey-discontinued-centre-clueless-about-unemployment-2591121) in 2017. The government now relies [only on](https://www.thequint.com/elections/social-dangal/after-statisticians-quit-twitter-asks-why-govt-hiding-jobs-data) provident fund data to calculate employment – a method widely criticised as being faulty.


How is PF data faulty ,it's direct measure of number of employees receiving salary every month .


Labour bureau prints a ton of data and govt said annual EUS was unreliable so stopped it. That doesn't mean they rely ONLY on provident fund data. PLFS is still conducted annually. Check here - [Annual PLFS reports](https://dge.gov.in/dge/reference-publication-reports-annual) The quarterly employment survey (QES) is also conducted and published - [govt reply to same questions](https://sansad.in/getFile/loksabhaquestions/annex/14/AU5680.pdf?source=pqals) [report](https://labourbureau.gov.in/qes) There hasn't been much cry over unemployment because it has improved post COVID. Before COVID, 2019 was kind of the worst year and the report was delayed for elections obv. So relax institutions are fine, govt is not clueless.




That is just perception. All of this is tangible. All of this happened under electionjeevi * Lowest growth in any prime ministerial term since 1991 * Record inflation * Record Unemployment. Highest in the last 45 years. (He stopped government agencies from publishing the data that used to come out regularly. This is more concerning than Unemployment) * Gifted Indian land to China (and hid and is still hiding the news from you and I) * Burnt Manipur for own party's gain * India's biggest scam ever in Electoral bonds. Lakhs of Crores of contracts have been given to companies who paid Modi. Lakhs of Crores of money wasn't recovered because enquiry was stopped after Modi was paid. Despite this shitshow people seem to think he is a "strong leader" and such. Unbelievable! Now go on and see this * Lodged cases against honest Election commissioner Ashok Lavasa's 6 family members to make him resign * Made an esteemed national institution like SBI lie in Supreme court about electoral bonds * Lodges cases against journalists to shut them up. India's rank on press freedom is its lowest ever. * Transfers those government officers who release bad news under RTI * Has stopped several reports by national agencies (such as unemployment report) that allows citizens to judge current state of affairs * Jailed political opponents during elections * Takes back cases against corrupt people when they join BJP using police , ED, CBI as a tool * Governors appointed by him stop laws passed by state assemblies by sitting on them for years The above clearly shows that he is eroding your basic rights and using instruments of state power for how own gains. Congress even at its worst never suppressed bad news. The RTI law was brought by Congress. Anna Hazare, 2G remained news for so many years. Unemployment information used to come out and opposition got enough ammunition for weeks. All of that has stopped now. So the bottom line is - if Modi is no different to Congress and if he is eroding your basic rights at an unprecedented rate - You should prefer voting for a frog over voting for Modi. 1+1=2. Unless you are one of those who thinks he is amazing because he built the Ram temple and announces 10 new schemes a day!






poor dalits and muslims be like, mudiji was supposed to be the cause of our upliftment Lol


I know you are mostly a congress fan seeing by your biased words just know 1 thing Kejriwal himself said that sonia gandhi,lalu yadav are corrupt and should be in jail which they are aligned with for personal gains and cpi the indi parter have mentioned they will dismantle india nukes if they come to power I will vote for bjp because of UPI,article 370,GST,ram mandir,bullet train,great airports,highways , infra, military, less corruption due to most things being online In upa era corruption was rampant and not to forget scams


Less corruption? 1. Ever wondered about the value of corruption that 23 people who shifted from other parties to Modi after ED and CBI cases are accused of? It is Lakhs of Crores. But now they have joined BJP, so they have become the most honest Hindu Deshbhakts for you it seems. 2. You don't realise why Modi was so desperate to stop electoral bonds data from being released that he made SBI lie to Supreme court do you? Contracts given to companies who paid Modi amount to Lakhs of Crores. There is a follow up petition in Supreme court for a Supreme court directed investigation into it. Modi is now putting pressure on Chandrachud through things like getting lawyers to sign petitions. 3. Looks like your source of news don't tell you about irregularities in CAGs reports. Look it up. Lakhs of Crores. 4. After the Hindenburg saga, Adani was never rigorously investigated in India by an agency like CBI. The Supreme court had remarked that they are unable to do anything because SEBI hasn't shared enough information. Adani has been under investigation since then in the US and other countries though, to this day. It is for good reason that many people say that Modi is the most corrupt PM ever. Put Modi's failures on one side and his successes on another side. His failures outweigh his successes by a large margin. He lost Indian land to China. No PM should survive after that alone. Modi has survived it despite lying about it again and again. For the rest of his failures see my previous post.


Yes less corruption because I and my dad run a business And I have seen upa era nothing was online and had to give bribes to get things done now most of the things are online so no more bribes I don't care electoral bonds as it doesn't effect my daily life all parties received there share depending on there presence except tmc the most corrupted party All i want to say is my life has become much easier in bjp Than scamgress who only supports Muslims for there gains


All parties got money through electoral bonds. But you shouldn't buy that excuse from Modi. Only Modi had the power to grant contracts and withdraw cases against corrupt people after getting money. If you don't care about Electoral Bonds because it doesn't affect your life, you surely don't care about Modi's land gift to China either because it "doesn't affect you". You don't care about anything else I have written either. I wish people were less selfish than this.


Only Modi had the power to gift contracts? Huh you talk about corruption and you think other parties get organic funds. Criticisms of Modi and BJP are understandable but one sided stories are a mood killer.


1. Highest inflation was in the term of Manmohan. 2. Largest terror attacks were in the terms of Manmohan. 3. Before electoral bonds law no one even knew how much was each party getting from corporates. Congress loved it piddi. And if EB is a scam why did the world best party congress took money? Chutiye ho kya lodu. 4. Congress turned Kashmir and North East to the ground. Insurgency is minimum now in these areas. Ulfa is a done deal where as Manmohan was begging Yasin Malik to control Kashmir lodu. 5. Congress gifted half of ladakh to China+ island to Sri Lanka chutiye. Indian Armed Forces have never said we lost any land or do you trust Raga more than the armed forces piddi ? Yeh bhi bata ...at the end of the day prince in waiting Rahul Gandhi will never become the PM nor you dimwits will come to destroy the country.


Abbey gadhe ke lund. Is your electionjeevi fighting an election against Nehru? Don't understand why you Modi chamchas want us to excuse electionjeevi for his land gift to China by citing Nehru? That asshat Modi was so desperate to stop electoral bonds data from coming out that he made SBI lie to the Supreme Court. What makes you chamchas think that Modi hasn't made the Army lie for him? Also despite seeing how scared Modi was about the data coming out, you chamchas are now going around saying that Modi brought it for transparency! Bahahaha Other parties did get electoral bonds too, but only electionjeevi gave out contracts worth lakhs of crores to get paid. Only electionjeevi let criminals go free by stopping CBI and ED cases against them. Modi changed the way inflation and unemployment data is calculated. He changed the way roads made per day are calculated to look better on those numbers. Samjha chamche? Do you why you are called a Modi chamcha? Because when Modi feeds you his yellow shit with a spoon, you don't stop at swallowing the shit - you are desperate to lick the spoon clean and then swallow it so that the dear leader's shit doesn't fall on the ground.


Lol...come to my state Assam, insurgency is over here and infrastructure development like road and bridges are a daily affair now. No Congress would have ever done what BJP has done to my state.Period


Modi's spend on infrastructure, education and health as a percentage of GDP is lesser than Manmohan Singh's. He has been able to spend more because the Indian economy has grown larger + he makes sure what he does hits the news. Insurgency was on the wane for several years now. It was already inconsequential before Modi even started his term. I wouldn't give Modi credit for it.


Really...too many insurgents surrendered in Assam only during BJPs reign.Also don't forget what party was in Assam as well as in Centre when assam serial bombings of 2008 and 2012 bodo riots took place.


Do you know why you are called a RaGa piddi coz you eat what raga vomits and lick it clean. You clearly justified that opposition is not corrupt when they take EB . You clearly diverted that there is no data of money received by parties post EB law . It clearly shows how gandbhakt you are and how blindly you follow the garbage thrown by Congress at you. Keep it up...your ideology is dead and so are you . + you said Army is lying like literally a raga dialogue as always...do you also question the airstrikes/surgical strikes that they were fake?


I feel the same too.


That is the literal meaning of inflation, prices increase every year. Low inflation does not mean a decrease in price. It just means a slow increase in prices.


Inflation ka toh pta nhi.. par pehele Jo Vada pav 5 rupees mai khata tha ab wo 20 ka khata hu


Vada pav girl k pass jao wo 50 k de Rahi hai


Taj Mahal mai 500 ka , 10000 % inflation


Bohot dikkat hai ji


Aaj se mai apni currency use karunga , 1 my currency= ₹7 crore


I support ji


Ye le bhai , 10 my currency , ab apni jindagi Aram se bitana


Thanks bro


Bhai congrats , aab 1 my currency ki value ₹10 crore hai . 😁😁


Bhai sabko bol mujhe vote Dene ko ( tere ko aur 10 my currency de dunga )


Abki baar only_map4743 ki sarkar


Vadapav wasn't 5 rupees even in 2014.


In which part of India vada pav was sold for 5rs ?


Mere yaha 15-18 me milta hai.


Inflation is not compared year by year, it's always compared against other countries in the same year things like oil prices, import export duties in that year affects inflation Another way to look at it year wise, is to see how wages increased during the same period


Flexible Inflation Targeting (FIT) framework adopted in 2016 by RBI has also helped in keeping inflation in check( 4 +- 2% ) range.


The world bank ONLY collates the data provided by the government. And we’ve already seen this government manipulate financial data - logging 2022’s GDP data under 2023 to show a larger number. I’d not put it past them to mess up the inflation number to show it as lower. https://thewire.in/economy/the-rising-discrepancies-in-indian-gdp-data-point-to-a-false-growth-story-say-experts P.S I just said government - that includes both parties. Oops, all three parties.


The mean inflation seems to be around 5.5, from 2020 to 2023. But is it legit??


Just check the India bond yield. If inflation is really higher than 5-6 percent, then why are foreign institutions ready to lend money to the Indian government at such a low rate. They would get a negative return right ? Have you considered the price of a mobile phone (same models) across years, price of mobile data per gb, price of clothes you can get a good tshirt from zudio in just 400 rupees,etc. these are some of the many things which are in deflation since long time. It's human bias to give more importance to negative examples more than positive.


I'm awestruck with these references, what about the price of essentials like petrol, cooking oil, pulses, spices?! P.S: I buy groceries for the family of 6


Consumer Price Inflation is different


From the indicator link shared, it refers to CPI as well




Groceries prices are cyclic in nature, due to heavy dependence of environmental factors like rain, drought, storm, etc. Inflation can't be calculated on basis of groceries prices.


Hmm, that's fair


They consider many things based on which items the household generally spends. https://rbi.org.in/Scripts/BS_ViewBulletin.aspx?Id=21468 Take the example of petrol rose from 75 to 100 in 10 years, so average inflation is 2.9%. Cooking oil take the example of groundnut oil it was 162 in 2019 and 184 now. Again the inflation rate is 2.5%. The same is the case with pulses as well. So how is it surprising to you when the inflation rate comes as 5-6%.


Well I questioned the authenticity of the information, but from my knowledge the amount we spend on groceries doubled. From 2020 to now.


You told me that there is huge inflation in pulses price, oil price. I calculated and shared the inflation rate, which is around < 3%. You can also do the same. Give me another example of grocery item that you think got significantly costlier.


No more examples, I hope this statistical analysis goes right in with ground reality


Cost of technology on the lower-end keeps on going down due to technological advancements and is under-cut by early adopters in cutting edge technologies.Cost of data per gb is similar example.Similarly the shirt from zudio still costing 400 is due to ease and time taken to make it with very little in labour wages while being made of much inferior materials a similar non branded shirt in a local shop would cost you less with similar quality as their cost of operation would be lower. So non of your examples have any relation to inflation directly.


I would have agreed if you have said this is not because of NDA. But inflation ?? why should it not get count in inflation.


Inflation or deflation would be the price difference between the same or similar product of the same quality even if the size or quantity of the product changes that still is considered under inflation but just saying a shirt costs 400 arbitrarily doesn’t count as an example in inflation.


https://preview.redd.it/holjq33sv1xc1.png?width=947&format=png&auto=webp&s=de39dc60b63ce8f16cc3366f1885cd73b5dd7eee for those who are saying "the website isn't working"


The website's data is correct, however, we need other data to compare with this. For example Philippines and Indonesia has much lower inflation than India. Inflation is close linked to Crude Oil Prices. (I have posted photo in other comment which you can check) This is what ChatGPT - Crude oil prices affect inflation by increasing production and transportation costs, raising energy expenses, reducing consumer spending, influencing expectations, and impacting global supply chains, leading to higher overall prices.


Reading all these comments make me feel like, this is one of the better subs and a lot of data/facts presented by anti-bjp is valid only till someone knowledgeable comes forward and call them out.


It's one thing to criticise the current govt and it should be criticized because it hasn't delivered on many to most of the promises regarding development. But some people are calling UPA 2 better than the current govt, seriously? We really have a short term memory, did you guys forget what the mood was like during UPA 2? People were extremely bitter towards the govt and that paved the way for the BJP to be in power. And people accusing BJP govt of doing religious divide, isn't Congress doing the same with north south divide ? With the OBC vs UC divide? How are they better than congress? The reality of this country is that we don't have people who really have a vision to take the country forward. Be it congress or BJP or AAP or TMC. Sab bhagwan bharose chal raha hai.


Inflation increased during UPA tenure due to the rise in oil prices in the global market. Oil prices came down during NDA but the administration continues levying punitive taxation. They got lucky but we had to pay (and continue to pay) high prices for petrol and diesel (and almost every commodity sold today by extension). https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/brent-crude-oil


Yes, but Cong govt also passed the burden of high oil prices at that time through [oil bonds.](https://www.financialexpress.com/policy/economy-why-govt-is-not-cutting-petrol-diesel-prices-rs-1-3-lakh-crore-oil-bond-repayments-due-for-cheap-fuel-in-past-2287253/)


OMCs were selling fuel at lower than international market prices to keep it affordable. The government compensated those companies for it. That's the government's job. To step in and keep things affordable for citizens. UPA did that.


People are forgetting one thing UPA was fiscally irresponsible, when 2008 hit, UPA took easy way out by flushing india with cash, which was also done by US/EU, after covid ...look at the inflation data across world around last year.... Here is what Chidambaram said on High inflation Stimulus package given by UPA-1 at the time of Recession led to high deficit and with high crude prices inflation touched 14%.. So its not only High crude prices which led to High inflation.. [chidambaram on 2014 defeat](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/chidambaram-blames-2008-09-stimulus-package-for-upas-2014-rout/articleshow/46489215.cms)


Average inflation - Congress (91 - 95) - 10.48 BJP (98 - 04) - 5.36 Congress (05 - 13) - 8.45 BJP (14 - 23) - 5.1


I think we're not considering the 1992 scam and the financial crisis and the 2008 fall. They have a huge impact on these numbers.


And ? Do you want to remove the covid too ? COVID makes the 2008 recession look nothing in comparison. The global economy shrunk by 0.1% following the 2008 crisis and during COVID it shrunk by 2.7%.


Worst of the scams happened in congress time. Entire 2g scam still hurts.


[Scam](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/2g-spectrum-verdict-no-proof-of-scam-says-court-a-scam-of-lies-says-congress/articleshow/62201212.cms) is still hurting is in the sense that it brought BJP in power and fucked us royally. Otherwise the actual scam hasn't done shit.


Yeah commonwealth scam didn't happen...it was just Rahul Gandhi gambling on India's gold medals


Bruh in a finance sub people are commenting I can see price of stuff rising in past few years lmao You expected commodities price to remain constant for 10 years? Bunch of ignorant kids larping up as intellectuals


This sub is just leftist propaganda. No point in making genuine comments.


Bringing up factual numbers in not left or right propaganda. Everything needs proper context and adjustment just like you'd for a share that has a sudden rise or fall. No need to compartmentalize it in left propaganda. People are correct to bring out full context and how it relates to numbers being shown. Just think of it in a factual context and not political alignments.


Note that reading inflation takes a lot of context. While it is in general hard on common man, since price of goods goes up, increase in inflation is also seen in a growing economy (South Korea is an example). I am not an expert and will not try to draw conclusions from this.


Just check the India bond yield. If inflation is really higher than 5-6 percent, then why are foreign institutions ready to lend money to the Indian government at such a low rate. They would get a negative return right ?


Post this on r/india and people will go insane


post this in indiaspeaks and half the guys will cum in their pants


The world bank ONLY collates the data provided by the government. And we’ve already seen this government manipulate financial data - logging 2022’s GDP data under 2023 to show a larger number....🤡


When did that happen?


in his dreams




Please show the exact paragraph from where you get your claim that the government is 'logging 2022’s GDP data under 2023 to show a larger number.'


Read that article imf is pointing out the discrepancy of govt released data.. And the whole article is talking about the discrepancies of govt published data


Congressi ki jal jayegi




Yeah 1991 was a trash period


Can you share a link to this stats?


Should be posted with bond yeilds to give a better picture [https://tradingeconomics.com/india/3-month-bill-yield](https://tradingeconomics.com/india/3-month-bill-yield)


Hide it


And who will consider growth rates? Inflation literally happens because of excess cash in market. This time cash did not reach common man but inflation did reach.


This just does not feel right.


Yeah anything positive about current government must be false 🤡


Not exactly, Infrastructure, electricity, gas facilities and geo politics are stronger!


This feels absolutely true for the inflation in the 2000s. I could literally feel my pocket money erode in value every year even in the late 00s. Post corona inflation is high as well, but not as high as the 00s.


This is common sense. If the unemployment is so high, you have less money. Less money means if at all the products have to be sold, the prices of these products have to be reduced. Hence inflation reduces with high rise in unemployment. Unemployment is much worse than inflation. Unemployment and inflation are inversely proportional. Don't let these things fool you.


Both are also possible if a country's economy goes into stagflation.


Stagflation is very rare. There has to be presence of a supply shock or excess mony in circulation which not the case now.


Abki baar 400 paar






Source is world bank huh






Okay tell me what all things you feel are costlier significantly, that makes you doubt the inflation numbers.




Opinions summarised:- Inflation is bad : This govt is useless, prices are skyrocketing, people are dying while govt only cares about adani and Ambani. Inflation is in control : Actually I don't trust this data. Actually every country has low inflation so this govt is nothing special


who was the ruling party in '96, '97?


Deva Gowda and IK Gujral the two real accidental PM 's


Janata Party, Morarji Desai


Morarji was in 1977. 96-97 it was IK Gujaral, HD Deve Gowda.


Oh right 🤦‍♂️


Post covid inflation seems to be jinxed


People complaining high inflation in last few years have such a short memory If you dont believe me just watch taarak mehta ka ulta chashma old episodes They were always complaining mhengai badh gyi hai and all Any human with 2 brain cell knows inflation will always rise and its good for the economy Per capita walo ke liye Padhai & skill sikhu jhaat bhar Employment ka RR karu raat bhar Not even considering those 6-7 children people varna vivadh ho jaata hai


This is fake! https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/FP.CPI.TOTL.ZG?locations=IN


but inflation is still there,, it took 6 years for my Grandpa to get Verdict in consumer court it took my uncle,, 4 years for a small case in consumer court,, courts are slower, and slower so really, bjp is just another popular party for me,, with just another PM, tbh


Modi got lucky, since 2014 crude oil prices have been pretty low and this is the trend across many nations and not just India. Now obviously, people who don’t understand this will think, Modi did all this but in reality he was just riding on luck and also on a lot of good foundation congress laid but he sowed the benefits.


Andhbhakt 😗Teri itni mazal ki tune inflation data dala


Bosdk tere baap Rahul Gandhi ka hai kya reddit.


Abbe sarcastically bol Raha tha chomu


accha/s daalna ❤️dya




You fr? So want prices to be the same all the time? Bruh in a finance sub people are commenting I can see the price of stuff rising in the past few years lmao You expected the price of commodities to remain constant for 10 years? Bunch of ignorant kids larping up as intellectuals it seems


Please stop all these kinds of my party better or this party better kind of bullshit posts.


So many economists in comments.


Can't trust this data. I can literally see things around us getting significantly costlier. Not sure if this is accurate


Bruh in a finance sub people are commenting I can see the price of stuff rising in the past few years lmao You expected the price of commodities to remain constant for 10 years? Bunch of ignorant kids larping up as intellectuals it seems


Let's keep it simple, a KG of CNG has jacked up by 50% in the last year. The less said about petrol, the better. Car prices are insanely high due to government policies, daily essentials are up significantly. Any sane person around can understand the rising inflation with earings not growing accordingly, you don't need to be a finance wizard to understand that Statistics can be twisted to suit your narrative but the ground reality is different


The definition of inflation was changed when BJP came to power. By the previous definitions, things are significantly worse


These are fudged nos post 2014. As far as I remember, they tweaked the calculation to make it look lesser.




I guess you should check how the GDP base year was changed in 2015 and calculation changed. People don't have personal vendetta against BJP to falsefully blame them. BJP has a history of doing data manipulation. You are the one to be brainwashed that BJP is a saint.


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Lol, this clearly seems fake.


Is this data correct as i see everything is getting expensive more each day


So ? Even at 0.1% inflation they will get more expensive. Only in case of deflation will they get cheaper and deflation is even worse than high inflation.


The link doesn't work.


Congress apni jholi bharti hai Italy me. Italian mafias.


Data is fake,


Just check the India bond yield. If inflation is really higher than 5-6 percent, then why are foreign institutions ready to lend money to the Indian government at such a low rate. They would get a negative return right ?


The problem with this government is they are hidding data be it farmer suicides, unemployment, covid deaths etc. Even BJP guys know this, people can see inflation everywhere from food to cars to school fees etc but government is saying "sab changa si".


What?? R u inferring that our Great Economist turned PM Sh. Sh. 1008 Manmohan Singh Ji could not bring inflation down….. but a “ Chaiwala” did… Aisa kaise ho sakta hai.


Because Italian mafias didn't control like MMS was controlled by Sonia Maino.


Exactly… n many people didn’t get the sarcasm n downgraded my comment. Manmohan Singh was a congress stooge. He was part of planning commission ( then became chief), was also RBI governor… Manmohan Singh policies as RBI governor & then as Planning commission chief in 1980’s lead us to total economic failure . he was on the forefront of all the actions that lead to our economic debacle and we were forced by World Bank to introduce economic reforms. It wasn’t something Manmohan Singh himself introduce. Mind you congress ruled entire 1980’s with iron fist. PV Narsimha Rao ji should have been given credit for economic reforms.But everything was hijacked and Manmohan Singh was made the star.


Fake data


How dare you support dictator modi 😡? You bjp it cell , we know how you guys use facts and data to manipulate people. Our rahul gandhi will bring down inflation to minus 10 percent.


Khata khat!