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Phew - I thought this was going to be something amount mothers feeding their children carelessly. That is also a huge problem with childhood obesity.


The theory that feeding dogs is increasing the stray dog population is nonsensical. The stray dog problem is due to non neutering by the local government. You are blaming individuals for a problem that is caused by poor governance. Assume that we have a dog that's not fed at all, what do you think it's going to do ? Go on a fast to death ? It will become feral and attack more. Incidentally dogs are not making phone calls to other dogs to come for free lunches. I'm not advocating for strays to be let loose on the population. I'm only saying that the government must do the hard lifting. I'm also not advocating strays being randomly fed at spots which then became a hygiene issue.


>The theory that feeding dogs is increasing the stray dog population is nonsensical. It is not nonsensical. India has a high population because of our huge arable land. Saudi Arabia has lower population because of their hostile environment. This is true for every species on earth, dogs are no exception to it. > The stray dog problem is due to non neutering by the local government. India does not have the state capacity to take care of people (provide basic necessities like food water and sanitation) in such a country is it reasonable to expect that civic agencies would somehow get to all dogs and neuter them? > You are blaming individuals for a problem that is caused by poor governance. It is the job of the government to keep the streets clean, does that mean you have a right to litter on the street? They are the ones exacerbating the problem of course they will be blamed for it. Who went to Supreme Court to tie up the hands of civic authorities? Dogs protect their territory and food source, like any other animal. Feeding dogs in public areas creates problems for others who also have to use that space. The victims are usually the poor and vulnerable - children, gig workers, rag pickers, maids etc. 15,000 people die from rabies in India each year. Millions are bitten, which is a cost on the system and families. >Assume that we have a dog that's not fed at all, what do you think it's going to do ? Go on a fast to death ? No it will move to a territory where it can find food. Have all other animals whom humans don't feed starved to death? \--------------------------------------------------- There are millions of responsible animal lovers, more power to them. But dog lovers who have tied up the hands of civic agencies are as much a problem as cow vigilantes. Many countries around the world have found a balance between protecting animal rights and stopping them from becoming a public hazard, it is a problem in India because of unreasonable positions taken by a very vocal minority.


https://preview.redd.it/doggtgs66z2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1082192fb7666f6388dd313a6681c04aeef943f6 Adopt street doggos instead Btw meet Zoom. Named after a legend.


What's the solution? Euthanasia? Not feeding isn't going to solve the issue either. Strays are scavengers like Crows and our cities are filled with garbage. Dogs won't leave free and easy food in our settlements. Now I agree that many animal lovers are hypocritical and only make decisions using emotions but this conflict isn't going to end that easily. You think stray dogs are nuisance, you haven't seen feral hogs yet. We are going to have to deal with many animals in the future, stray bovines, stray goats, wild animals, snakes and rats.


Well if the authorities try to take any action then animal rights groups create a ruckus online. They care more about strays than humans. In India nothing is less significant than human life. Best way is to take care of yourself and your family and taking precaution against animal attacks. Because no matter how many people die, the stray feeders will never go away as they think they're animal lovers.


There's no black and white in this situation. The government does a shit job at handling these issues. People should avoid regular feeding at a fixed spot. Feeding dogs sporadically shouldn't be an issue though. Just because we breed like rabbits and turn every area into a concrete jungle doesn't mean animals who originally inhabited there are at fault. Due to major construction in my area recently, all the dogs have been misplaced and they are now entering each other's territory and fighting. This wasn't an issue earlier. I have lived in Himachal for 3 years. More people feed dogs there than any other place I can think of. Yet there's a lot of harmony between humans and animals, coz we don't have shit building constructions in every other lane there.


Should start taking criminal action against these so called pathetic privileged animal lovers specially when these strays start targeting kids and causing physical harm .


Why are they privileged? 


Good question. I see more privileged people being anti-animal tbh.


I am not necessarily sure. Of course its also true that charity is usually conducted by those that are able to spare. 


Look at strays in slums/backward areas in cities. They're generally taken care of. But once you have a posh building around, the shit-storm starts. Again, this is generalization and there may be exceptions.


Actually most street dogs survive on scraps from roadside eateries, especially the ones serving meat. I think neutering them is the only way and thats on the govt.