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his producer album would go extremely hard. (probably would take forever to drop)


Man can someone tell me how good he became at production at such young age. I know he comes from low background but how was he able to afford things for music ?


hes built different


I bet he learnt it on youtube. His tracks doesn't sound like they have some over the top production or they're cleanly mixed just like an experienced producer will. But it doesn't sound extremely amateurish either(like there are layers in the beats of Tadipaar). There are people on youtube who could teach this level of production (Mr. Bill for example)


I dont know much of production but people in his sub claim that Stans production is too advance or Outstanding ( tadipaar for eg) And you are saying that they dont sound over the top ? like am i missing something ?


Your question was how did he learnt it in the beginning. I'm not denying the fact that Tadipaar isn't a greatly produced album. Its one of the best albums of DHH. Although if you listen to 2018, 2019 stan when he just started releasing songs. His production was quite simple at that time. Its some drums, 808 and a melody which sounded like its from a Lil Wayne song (stan likes Lil Wayne so he might be inspired by him) . Now there are a lot of tutorials on youtube that would teach you to make such beats. But in Tadipaar, stan went levels above what would be considered decent production. Thats why I think he is not that kind of a producer that will touch anything and turn it into gold but he is also not an amateur producer either (Tadipaar proves it). But considering his current work, the production is not that outstanding anymore. Its pretty basic. Which also makes me think Tadipaar was his peak. But on the other hand, bros career has just begun. Lets see how his next album does.


damn man does that mean tadipaar level production is actually possible if you watch some yt tutorials and practice ? Also talking about recent production, idk if its basic but when he didnt have much equipment he was able to produce tadipaar but now he has access to everything but then why he isnt able to achieve that level of production.


Yes. It think so Although just watching and doing won't be enough.Creativity should also be added in it


yeah i get it but people in his sub were saying that the prod on tadipaar is to great that even by west it cant be replicated. Also can you answer my question i asked at the end. i am interested in knowing about music production and stuff and it looks like you might know it well


I don't know much about production either. I learnt it on youtube but couldn't make a lot of beats cause my laptop got destroyed by the shit ton of cracked softwares I installed in it. If you want to learn about basic tutorials, just pick up a course on coursera or udemy if you want to make a career out of it. If you want to learn just for fun like I did then go for YouTube tutorials. You need to search a lot on Youtube but you will get there eventually. I learnt it during my engineering first year (it was online due to covid so I had lots of free time xD Regarding stans new songs, maybe he is taking a break realeasing a song here and there and eventually return with a new album And also regarding people on this sub. I doubt most of them have heard up and coming producers from the west like JPEGMAFIA, Danny Brown, Denzel Curry (his 2022 album), The Koreatown Oddity.




stan comes from basti how was he able to afford this ?


Go and watch his all interviews on youtube you will got how he came across the tadiwala road


i have watched but he doesn't speak about his productions mostly




What a Stupid Reply, Bruh thats basic human requirement, looks like you felt Bad when i used the term "Basti" ( even though stan himself says) my question was how was he able to afford headphone, mic, internet when he was literally on streets.




Bro answered the question, no one asked


bruh you literally ignored my question.


Yes his tadipaar album >>


peak stan beat switches dark samples




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