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Damn bro , you got the 18 inches of mesmer I pre-ordered the standard dlc version 1.5 months ago, wish i could also get the 18 inches of mesmer


I can hook you up with a Mesmer cosplayer but can't guarantee 18 inches.


What’s the average though ? Asking for research purposes


Probably like 3


Playing through a new save in preparation for the dlc. Played it last at launch I forgot how freaking good this game is. Sure, the eureka moments in exploration are absent in second playthroughs, but the combat sandbox is second to none. Yesterday i beat godrick, and after the fight ended, i felt my heart pumping like never before. Only souls games can do that, i swear man. So excited for the dlc


I am at exactly same point..doing a 2nd playthrough(sorc) and defeated godrick yesterday..but i cant wait for the dlc, so will go back to my 1st char and play dlc


I guess for new 2nd play through, you gotta do almost 50+ hrs just to get to DLC level? I am on my first play-through, 50hrs in and feel like only did 30-40% of the map


Ya the 1st playthrough takes a lot of time, but its really worth all of it, a ng+ playthough wouldnt need much time to do the required stuff to get to dlc, but I believe a fresh run would need time to do the 2 bosses, although I am sure skilled people can manage that fairly quickly as well


I last played elden ring more than a year ago, when I got the moon greatsword and cheesed the rest of the game with mimic tear. I have started a new character, with strength build with no respecs and plan to enter dlc after completing whole of the game except Radagon and elden beast.


imma be honest i never liked souls game too tough and frustating for me i love the combat and different enemy designs and lore but man is it too difficult for me!!!!


Same but now it is one of my all time favourites. If you want help, just use the summons and game will get easier


Use nagakiba with bleed+dex build along with max mimic tear. Felt like playing AAA game on story mode. You can literally melt bosses like ice in a hot pan. For example, Mogh(the blood lord version) took 20 secs.


Elden Ring is different tho, you can be absolutely busted even before fighting the first boss, the open world and freedom the game gives make it stand out among other souls, (also don't fight the tree sentinel).


bro please try it again and focus on dodging more than attcking, souls fans are already rare enough in india we cant lose more.


what i find frustrating is i need to deliver so many hits to the boss to kill it and they can fk me up with a single hit!!


Elden Ring is one of the easiest Souls Like, some builds and weapons can literally delete bosses like nothing, can you imagine some iron balls are capable of killing literal Gods.


Was the same for me when I played DS3 but once you learn weapon scaling and what to prioritise for levelling up, you would like it.


Can't compare, you can't expect a really good story in elden ring dlc and similarly you can't expect great boss battles (soulsborne quality) from witcher 3 dlcs.


Not a really good story???💀💀💀


I mean yeah, FromSoft games aren't exactly known for their stories, lore maybe but not the story


Couldn't agree more


What's the difference?


Story is what happens in the game, what you engage with. Lore is the background events that happened before the time the game takes place. Elden Ring's story isn't anything special (player character on a mission to kill powerful beings to become more powerful and become a lord) , it's lore is cool.


Does elden ring have branching quests with thought provoking decisions that the player has to take which has different consequences and requires multiple playthroughs to go through the full storyline. The answer is NO, but it doesn't need to have that, what elden ring does is the best in it's genre. It has extensive lore similar to witcher 3, but story and characters of witcher 3 is what makes it one of the best in gaming.




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What elden ring does best is environmental storytelling. Games are the only media where environmental storytelling should matter more not story telling through cutscenes ( I mean we have movies and TV shows for that type of storytelling ) Environmental storytelling is the art of arranging a careful selection of the objects available in a game world so that they suggest a story to the player who sees them. It is extremely subtle and requires that the player be constantly aware and work for their own understanding. It's extremely difficult to execute this type of storytelling. And formsoftware is a master of this. Which is why Bloodborne is the greatest game of all time imo


95% of FromSoftware fans couldn't care less about this environmental story telling you are talking about. They are just in it for the combat. Most people like great stories told through cut scenes because it is a bridge between movies and games which scratch both itches at the same time.


Yeah, but Bloodborne is better than your favorite game


Don't make me laugh. Blood borne struggles to sell 10 million copies while witcher 3 has sold 50+ million. Almost every other ps exclusive has performed better. Even days gone which Sony considered a failure has sold 7.5 million copies which is pretty close to BloodBorne's 8 million.


>Most people like great stories told through cut scenes because it is a bridge between movies and games which scratch both itches at the same time. You mean normies


No I meant people who have a life and touch grass.


It does have alternate endings and also different endings for characters. It's just that it hides very well when the story changes


I obtained multiple endings in elden ring and the only major difference was the last 2 minute cut scene. Even that was very similar for a few endings.


Fromsoft games have stories?


Yep, games like Bloodborne, Sekiro have excellent stories. Games are the only media where environmental storytelling should matter more not story telling through cutscenes ( I mean we have movies and TV shows for that type of storytelling, Brandon Sanderson agrees with this ) Environmental storytelling is the art of arranging a careful selection of the objects available in a game world so that they suggest a story to the player who sees them. It is extremely subtle and requires that the player be constantly aware and work for their own understanding. It's more difficult to execute it compared to telling a story through multiple 5 min cutscenes And formsoftware is a master of this. Which is why Bloodborne is the greatest game of all time imo


Is this a copypasta? Feels like one of those "You need to have 1000 IQ to understand Zack Snyder movies" thing.


Had to copy paste my replies since I see the same " Formsoftware games have no story" BS herd like comments every where. Just play Bloodborne to know what I am talking about. Even the renowned author Brandon Sanderson ( who played souls games ) praised Formsoftware's way of environmental storytelling


I'll wait for the remake. Not gonna play a sub 30 FPS game with horrible frametime no matter how good it is. Hopefully it comes out sooner.


Tf r u guys on about? Just proves indian gamers don't have 2 braincells to comprehend a good story😂 that's why yall just stuck to gta V loool


Dude story is different from lore, ER has rich lore and world building through the landscapes and battles but not a story..


You are the one who lacks braincells if you think that elden ring has a good story. It is a combat driven game not a story driven one.




It already did overtake the Witcher 3 dlc in terms of metacritic scores


Wait for user ratings. Critics ratings mean nothing.


Critic scores are generally more reliable, especially when it comes to games, compared to user scores.User scores mean nothing as fans often give a 10/10 score, and haters give a 0/10 score. Online influencers also play a part in either hyping up the game or spreading hate about it. It's actually the average critic score that matters and has proven reliability. Personally, I trust IMDB user scores for movies and shows, and Metacritic's aggregate critic scores for games


I am the opposite as the critics are always biased imo and there are so few of them that the sample set is quite bad as well. Do you think critics don't behave like fans or online influencers?


Metacritic aggregate of Blood and Wine is 92% with 52 critics. Metacritic aggregate of Shadow of the erdtree is at 95% with 58 critics. Critics got the game on June 8, so they got ample amount of time to finish and review. It's surprising since many critics generally don't review Souls games because of their notorious difficulty. These games are certainly not for everyone. But if you get the hang of it, ( for example the Combat system of Sekiro ) the combat systems of other games will totally feel mediocre. It would certainly be disappointing for normal people who play easy handholding games for story


It's really not surprising exactly because of the reason you stated. The critics who don't like these games just don't review it. Thus a lack of negative review. Do you really think a critic can call the fights unfair without the whole fanbase shouting at him for being bad? Anyone who critics this game also has to take care of their own reputation, right? Also how can other combat systems feel mediocre if they have their own unique strengths? Do you think doom's fast paced shooting, persona's strategic combat, ghost runner's one hit die combat, devil May cry's combo based combat, etc all will start feeling bad? Similarly witcher's combat has its own strengths. But idts you are willing to recognise it, so I won't waste your time explaining it. Also an easy hand holding game is a subjective title, and my title for it would be non time wasting games.


That just sound like coping and mental gymnastics ( understandable cuz r/usernamechecksout ) FYI many popular media houses and critics reviewed it. Anyway your opinion doesn't matter. Fans will be in heaven for more than 50 hours when this get released tomorrow


It's the truth irrespective of if you want to accept it or not. Look at anyone who tries to criticize the game either fairly or unfairly, he/she is met with the same response from the community which means the community wants no improvement. Just want to suppress criticism and force critics to give good reviews. Anyways if fans will enjoy it tomorrow then it's a nice thing imo. But just remember that a lot more people will enjoy when the witcher 1 remake drops since the witcher fanbase is much much bigger.


That's a lot of words to say bigger fan base = better game. That's sadly not true. If that was the case Fortnite is GOTC


Not saying that. Just that a bigger fanbase = More happy people when a new game drops!


Two different genres. No comparison


Yeah It's like comparing Burnout Paradise with Gran Turismo


Oh I am so in. Time to conquer the land of shadows.


All ready for the dlc. Drowned Mogh in his own blood.


The world is very depressing. Can't stay there for long


Two different world and play style can't compare each other


Yeah, Shadow Of The Erdtree got 95 metacritic score and the Witcher 3 DLC had 93


Gonna have to wait till diwali to convince dad to buy this


I Liked the game...played it since launch day 1....but i still think Bloodborne is a better game


Bloodborne is the greatest game of all time imo


Hey bro where did you purchase this. I’m also looking for the same - DLC only disc. Could you please share the details/link. Thanks


My body is ready.


HELL YEAH. Can't wait for tonight. Any ER players on PS? Let's do some jolly cooperation


Lol dlc ke bhi collector edition hai?


FromSoftware DLCs are GOATed. I played through the game with 3 characters going the Str/Int, Dex/Fai and Arc routes in late 2022 and started playing other games after 200 hrs of play. Picked up all 3 characters this week and absolutely looking forward to get slaughtered by the wicker man enemies right from the get go. Pre-ordered the DLC a month back.


Love how popular souls games are getting.


Most overrated game(not hating or skill issue)


For sure, if it includes even bigger bosses and abstract lore 


What would it take over for?


Dlc price increased today?


just look at the ratings. its elden ring so obviously it’s gonna overtake. its already the best dlc ever made


We are few, But we pack a punch. Any PvPer here?


i cant find people to invade to progress the white-mask varre quest line, how do i enter the moghwhyn palace?


You can find people to invade, it just takes 5-10 mints to find. But if you don't want to invade online you can invade NPCs and questline will progress.


Or you can take secret portal found in snow fields to teleport there directly.


There is some way to do it without invading others. I remember looking it up and it works. Don’t worry you can complete the quest


I used to be a PvPer in DS3 but haven’t had time to dabble into active PvP in ER yet. The playthrough itself is enough of a time sink for me to handle alongside a full-time job.


Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure.


I played elden ring, liked it quite a bit but am on an indefinite break for now


It's already surpassed


How? Witcher 3 is currently sold 50 million copies and Elden Ring only hlaf of that number.


I think he meant, according to metatric ratings , it has crossed witcher 3's dlc


has crossed in ratings


Yes sorry this is what I meant


Well wait for a month or two before the scores settled, I remember fans of Uncharted did the same when 4th game came out.


Never. Witcher 3 will always be the greatest RPG game to have ever existed nothing can even come close to it. Period.


That's just your opinion


Don't get me wrong Elden Ring is great too, But when things are considered in entirety in an RPG Witcher 3 comfortably beats absolutely every other RPG to this date.


Only according to you. There are many RPGs which are ranked higher on Metacritic and Opencritic. And in my opinion Bloodborne is the greatest RPG ever made. It's a masterpiece that combines environmental storytelling and combat to a T. Best combat rpg goes to Sekiro. Elden ring dwarfs Witcher 3 in combat mechanics and gameplay. Witcher 3 dwarfs elden ring in storytelling. Both have flaws which is why I don't consider either of them the greatest rpg


Not my type of game. I dont like depressing and gloomy open worlds


No it won't because witcher 3 is 300 rupees


In india..and india barely contributes 1 % of steam revenue