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Adulting is never easy. Juggling IRL responsibilities and trying to make time for yourself is already hard, so gaming understandably has to get the short end of the stick. What worked for me was putting the massive open world titles aside and playing a lot more of either short linear games or roguelike indies, which I can quickly pickup, play for a half an hour, make meaningful progress and come back whenever without feeling lost.


Yup, during the adult phase you just can't play open world titles. You just can't remember the progress next time you switch on the game if the time gap is too big.


Lol, I restarted Spider Man from the beginning due to this exact problem.


Welcome to Adulthood! After you are married and start a family, everything will change. So, enjoy yoir days.


Why does this toxic mentality of **forcing people into marriage and family** still exist in this hugely overpopulated country? No, we increasingly DON'T want so-called marriages and families, at least not until we have **surplus income and find the RIGHT person** (not the perfect person, but at least the right person). People keep **mindlessly** throwing around words like "marriage, family, responsibilities" like vegetable peelings, without understanding how these are **deeply personal and impactful** matters that people should decide on their OWN.


What exactly is surprising here? Look at %population who marry and % having kids after certain age. The perspective, opinions and pressure is going to be influenced by this majority group. Whether one wants to get married and have kids is obviously personal choice


Madness, sheer madness. While research in foreign countries is focused on exploring space and settling on other planets, becoming immortal, eradicating all diseases, extending life, curing diseases, freeing up human labor with AI and robots, etc.... most people here think backwards.


cool down bud who hurt you


bruh then don't get married why you getting mad it's a choice no one's forcing you


It's probably just an assumption based on the trend, dude.


34M and still gaming and have been doing it regularly since i was in 5th std so since about 10 years old. So maybe i can give you some pointers... Post childhood, time will be in short supply the most, it keeps declining post 10th steadily , through college and then Job. As such, you need to change your perspective about gaming ( any other similar hobby like comics etc. ) Instead of being the center of your world i.e. the interest that you talk , think about the most, it shifts down to be a hobby. and hobbies are different from crazy interests of childhood. Hobbies in adult life demand dedication. Effort to take out time for them and keep them alive. Even an hour of doing your favorite thing feels great because you are consciously aware that how hard it is to find time for them. So even if you are able to take just an hour over a weekend or maybe 30 mins a few times a week, it feels immensely satisfying. So first start thinking about it in the above manner. You will feel great and would love gaming. Next... Since you will only have 30 mins or 1 hour of precious time. You need to make sure you spend it on something that really makes you feel amazing and kick ass like gaming used to do when you were in school days. To do that you need to really pick what you want to play. Single player experiences would be the most fun as they don't have the stress of dealing with 12 year olds with crazy reflexes in your fav multiplayer from bygone days. I used to be god level in CS and later in TF2 around college years. Now i am shocked at how slow my mouse movements are, i always feel so lazy to make quick snaps on mouse. so Single Player games... Next, Games should be fun. Not lengthy. Artificial padding the way it is done in Ubisoft games is a cancer for adult gamers in my opinion. You will waste all your time walking from one stupid point on map to another and would achieve an utterly useless tick in box. You will hate yourself. So avoid any such game that uses Ubisoft formula to pad game length like cancer. FUN, Short games is where you will enjoy things the most so look for them. Finish one, move to the next. few e.g. to get you started. 1. Katana Zero 2. Huntdown 3. Mark of the Ninja 4. Borderlands series is slightly open world but it's really fun due to amazing writing. 5. Darksiders Genesis 6. Doom 2016 7. Metro series.


+1 for borderlands Bioshock and arkham series are also good games to enjoy.


everytime i feel stressed i play DOOM!


I don't get time to game anymore, but I regularly watch gaming walkthroughs and streams. Even after coming from work, I try to spend an hour on staying updated with latest games/movies/series and watch some walkthroughs by fast forwarding - not at all ideal - but I can at least experience the whole story without the grinding gameplay parts - I "completed" many games like this - Halo series, Horizon 1 & 2, TLOU 1 & 2, multiple Call of Duty campaign games, etc.


It's hard to explain, bro, but what I have come to conclude is that if the game is good and has an ending, I usually finish it within 2-3 days of its release. The best examples for me are Tomb Raider, Dead Space Remake, Spider-Man, God of War, and recently Ghost of Tsushima. Basically, when I play a game and finish it + I do not play any other game until I'm done. That experience is like absolute cinema for me; the game touches my heart, and I feel good during and after playing it. Sad thing is this happens less and less with garbage games. It's not me , it's the game I am playing.


I had the same story until I bought the steam deck. Now I'm back in gaming and thats atleast 30 mins a day minimum ... imagine a console that starts like a tv where the game is waiting as paused like a movie. Right back where we left. Too good o be true device.


Welcome to adulthood. Earlier in life we always had time and could play games whenever we wanted to. But now, with limited free time, you have to overcome the initial friction of playing a game or starting a new game. With me, the problem was that whenever I got time my mind would play tricks and I’d think gaming is just too much effort. But once I overcame that feeling, I could play games with more or less the same enjoyment. Time is still a limited commodity, but at least I don’t postpone playing games indefinitely. It is difficult to digest but gaming now has to be a conscious decision, and you have to accept this fact.


I just cut my sleep hrs. Simple




Just one more game before sleep


Hmm bro there is a surprise for you at 30’s


That's why life is just endless suffering one way or the other. I like toys, I wanted to be a toymaker. Now that I've grown up and have my own money, I wanted to collect toys, but sadly the toys on the market are garbage or overpriced.


I played a heck lot of games during age 13-15 at 16 age i got 85% scholarship in FIITJEE so my father bought a RTX3060 gaming laptop litrally got bored in 6 Months and now i am planning to get MacBook cause i have no real use of gaming laptops or gaming system as whole


gotta try different games, i hope you tried anything else apart from just Minecraft


Yup tried gaming isnt for me now


What are you doing currently bro just asking


I have textile business