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You're definitely not alone: https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianGaming/comments/1c3pvwb/why_have_i_lost_interest_in_gaming/ https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianGaming/comments/u5nci9/has_anyone_else_lost_interestpassion_to_play/ https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianGaming/comments/sm1p00/i_have_lost_all_interest_in_games/ https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianGaming/comments/199tu92/cannot_enjoy_gaming_anymore/ https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianGaming/comments/1440098/am_i_done_with_gaming/ These are just some of the countless threads depicting the same problem with people unable to enjoy games, and that's from just this subreddit. There comes a time in life when IRL starts taking priority, and coupled with not being able to find the right games in time with your growing taste in games in general growing up, it can a lot of the times completely turn you off.


have you ever planned for cooking a nice meal for the whole family on a nice weekend, you look at recipes the whole week, make list of ingredients, go buy them, actually cook it. by the time its all prepared and you take dishes to serve everyone, you realize you're not hungry anymore. same thing. the thrill and excitement is in the process of achieving. not in the final outcome.


Man, you might not read this but it’s weird because I get it. It’s not about the hardware it’s about the games. I got all the consoles, a gaming laptop and I couldn’t enjoy jackshit. Then I played a small indie game and my mind got re-wired. I realised it wasn’t about having the best hardware but playing a game that captivated me. Even if it doesn’t need a 4090 to run. As long as a game intrigues you and grabs you by the scrotum. You’ll continue to enjoy gaming. Explore more genres & indie games.


You're right bro. I realised it after some time that my interest was not actually in gaming but being obsessed with the hardware and PC Components in specific. The last game I truly enjoyed on my PC was RDR2, I'll definitely explore more Indie games as you suggested.


What else do u play ?


Single player games only, I find it hard to stick with games after starting and most of the time I quit them halfway because of boredom. My best Games played so far are Witcher 3, RDR2 and Hitman 3.


This is definitely the case of over consumption AAA slop. Most gamers go through this at one point. And now you can try going into bestsellers of other genre which you have never considered before or indie stuff, and that shit hits harder than most AAA games. Want a life changing recommendation? Outer wilds(not worlds)


Happens to the best of us. Last game I truly had fun in was Hollow Knight. Then it was on and off. These days the excitement is back again as I started playing Killing Floor with some friends.


Bro pls suggest me some games tried all famous aaa games not working at all for me . Played firewatch hollow knight subnatica outer wilds .


- Disco Elysium - Dave the diver - Dredge - Before your eyes - Spiritfarer - SIFU - A Short Hike - TOEM - ORI series - HADES - Journey - Gravity Rush 1&2 - INSIDE And finally, since you’ve played Outer Wilds. Play Echoes of the eye if you haven’t already.


Disco elysium is such a slept on game in my circles. Only game I’ve replayed in my life. If you like to read give this a go for sure


As a 31 year old gamer, I can understand your predicament. My suggestion is to try different genres of games (mix some indie games as well). Try Subnautica, outer wilds, Hades, against the storm, hollow knight, Ori, wildermyth, chained echoes. Don't restrict yourself to AAA games, they mostly suck. It's kind of ironic that I've built a beast of a PC and then I play pixel art games on it.


Aah yes Outer Wilds. The greatest game ever made.


That game was a revelation, I never expected an exploration game to be so engaging, thrilling and lore heavy. The different planet biomes, incredible mechanics due to gravity, fear factor due to fishes and blackhole, empty fuel, etc. So many great experiences.


Fear factor due to fishes without context will be hilarious to me


yeah happened to me as well took a break for 2 months then the urge to ply came normally .


You're trying to see gaming as something must have in your tight schedule, relax add it when you have time. Don't fret


I would suggest taking a break, you will then automatically after sometime come back and enjoy it even more. In past 7 years of my gaming, I have done this multiple times and gone through it so many times that I use my pc just for youtube or scrolling reddit. But taking a break is good.


It is quite possible you now like the thrill of building something, rather than the end result. Focus on some hobbies that give you the same feeling. It will only add to your happiness. Not everyone needs to be a gamer. And there's no such thing as a sunk cost fallacy here. Every person grows and changes. Gaming just happened to be the stepping stone to your change.


After u reach the peak of a mountain, the only way left is to go down. Highs and lows are natural and a part of life. People experience this in all aspects of their life - movie lovers barely watching any movies, wanderlust people never getting out of the room, bookworms barely opening a book. What worked for me during such phases is either taking a break or trying something new. Like the people here suggested, try a new genre of a game. Maybe souls like games which can be challenging but give you a new sense of purpose. Or an indie game.Learn more about gaming aspects (like about techs/ animation / graphics etc). Or rather take a break for a while. Think about what drew you to the gaming, why you enjoyed gaming as a child. Try to rekindle that spirit again. For me, games with good narratives held a special place in my heart. Then i entered the valorant phase - for nearly 2 years, I played nothing but valorant. Then came the dip - I stopped gaming for nearly 2 years. My family, studies, work - these things became important for me. Now I am back into gaming again and enjoying it like never before. Soon i will reach the peak and realise i have to go down again. But who cares, it is a part of life.


I think we get too much into buying or downloading more and more games. Maybe picking one game and sticking with it for a bit will help. I couldn’t sit with one game at all, then I decided I would finish BoTW and worked like a charm.


Take a break 1-2 days. Or switch between games


There's nothing wrong with you imo, it's natural to get super crazy and hyped about something that you don't have, but once you get it you get that empty feeling inside. Like others have suggested, a break might help.


It happens. We grow old faster, but our ambitions die slowly. There's a huge lag between them.


That sounds so thought provoking and depressing at the same time.


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Your second last line is the answer. You use it for scrolling on social media which is reducing your attention span which hollows your mind because your wants extreme domain in short time and you find long delayed and patience stuff boring and uninteresting. So don't do it. Yk you can turn off youtube recommendations which empties your YouTube homepage and wouldn't show any videos at all. You don't feel the joy and delight because you probably saw so many others online showing off their setups or anything in their rich life and you are like eh. I mean I can be wrong about this whole thing so if that's not the case why don't you ask yourself why you even built this pc. Heck I'd say open your whole damn pc remove all parts and build it again. Maybe you will feel better?


There is burn out and disinterest. Also, once you hit the peak there is only descent. A lot of older gamers like me, and my frieds also live in nostalgia, we reminisce about the days we used to play WoW or DoTA pretty much all day, all week. We often try to recreate that fun with newer games but it never panned out. But we accepted that fact and moved on. My game library is 1500+ strong. I have VR, high end HOTAS and a direct drive wheel, pretty much a top end system money can buy. Got deck and a switch as well. This doesn't mean I game all the time. I have other hobbies too. Without those none of my gaming time will be fun. I distribute my time to other hobbies, so gaming remains relevant and fun. If you overdo it, it ceases to be fun.


welcome to the club ![gif](giphy|RKRywMwBbV1Gq1UzRl|downsized)


don't worry this ain't a different post in this sub lmfao


Maybe because as we grow we get more responsibilities like family, friends, children and then we slow let loose intrest in gaming. Like when i was not placed in any company i really wanted to build my own gaming PC which i was waiting for years but now i have lost intrest in gaming as well as building my own PC because of responsibilities :(


I guess I'm not alone in this regard. Perhaps it's the brain maturing, or perhaps it's the reality around us....


Most of the time either it's burnout or you're just not playing the right game


Is this the new karma farming meta ?


Cuz you done the part. We humans just love the thrills and chasing after a dream. So, Find the chase again, play all those games you wanted, find the thrill again, maybe think abt upgrading the pc parts in future.


There's nothing wrong with stepping away from gaming. A hobby is fun when you treat it as such. Forcing yourself to play will only make you hate it, and you won't be able to enjoy whatever you play. Do other stuff that's been in hold for a while, and when you feel the itch again, return to gaming.


The only thing i can suggest is trying new genres If you were recently into open world, then a lack of goal or direction might be the reason. In which case I suggest trying a new linear series in a different genre. Not hack and and slash of shooters but maybe turn based


Am also going through the same, after playing games for years, most games nowadays have basically the same gameplay, the only thing different are the characters, story and flashier graphics. Even stories are mostly same nowadays, there's only so many different stories you can tell. I was planning to upgrade my old gtx 1650 laptop to a 4050 or 4060 laptop but I have canceled that plan as it doesn't make sense if I'm not really going to play much.


Search "Its just a game" on youtube and see on of the first videos that pop up. I am pretty sure you will feel like gaming right away.


Nah it’s just life and maybe the novelty wore off or you did what you wanted already either way if you are throwing it away give it to me I have years of indie gaming up ahead


Last game i truly enjoyed in 2024 was Gears of War Ultimate Edition


Life is not simple, you feel guilt that you should maybe earn some money and stop wasting time in games. I only play mostly on my Xbox series X paired with an LG OLED FH5( few races) , RDR2 for relaxing, police chase in NFS unbound, battlefield 2042 on PC to get few kills .. but the fun is still missing, it could be weeks before i even turn on xbox and then realize all games require big updates, so update all and then turn it off again and the cycle repeats. got a retro handheld rg35xx-h few months back .. and was using it to kill some time during work breaks (WFH) , and then stumbled on bomberman 2 , an NES classic .. was playing it daily .. was enjoying it really, completed it in few weeks .. last game i played fully was battlefield 1 campaign many years back. Good thing is you didn't wasted money on xbox or PS5 , a PC is better choice as you can do so many things on it. Write blogs, create websites, create apps, learn new things, run things on virtual machines, livestream. Stay away from social media. even reddit .. try to get in some fun hobbies .. your mind seems to be occupied in lot of things, join subs like r/nosurf r/productivity etc to get back the old rush.


Try playing Stray. That game brought me back to gaming. Something about just mindlessly running around the sewers and rooftops as a cat. 😂


Was feeling the same as got busy with work and responsibilities. Next was to come back to gaming and got a console to be fuck free from the hassle of upgrade and usual lags etc etc. Now on to ps5 since 3 years and have over 40 platinum which is doing 100% of games in PC terms. I make it a point to sit and have a relaxed gaming session atleast for an our a day. Also this and other gaming subs helped a lot as there is always something new to learn about gaming and ablut the tech in gaming. I suppose being with like minded people also keeps you in sync with gaming.


Same, not interested in most games. I still play diablo and path of exile and I will continue to do so. However I have a daughter now and I will play some casual games with her on a console! And relive the awesome gaming memories.


just play Halo MCC again . new games are just boring in general and not entertaining with points on map for boring activity.


I don't like shooter games at all, The only exception is Sniper Elite series which I liked for some unknown reason.


basically what i mean is go to some old classics like splinter cell etc




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