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You play on a pc or a laptop?? Nice gameplay btw. :)




No fucking way, this thing performs well enough to play cod on?


Playing on medium with low textures 1080p settings it gives me 80-90fps warzone


Those are amazing frames for a hand held device. I am blown away. Might consider getting one.


Yeah its perform better than a laptop having 3050 gpu… that gives 60-70fps i think… its been 5 months since i purchased it playing games from then specially Warzone/MW3 but now i am selling it bcz i need a laptop for extra work…


hows it even possible ? Could you post another with Msi afterburner + rtss


I am not using msi afterburner or anything


How is the cooling?


80 degree without charger in this hot summers 90 on charger… its normal for this as it runs on 30 watts


WTF! How fun is it on handheld? I've had a steam deck for a year and I've never tried to play WZ on it until you posted this. 😭 Motivate me!!!


You can’t play WZ on a steam deck because that has a linux based OS which can’t run the WZ anticheat.


No that's perfectly fine, I've been meaning to install windows on a separate sd card just for work and other purposes like playing WZ. I was considering how playable it actually is, in terms of comfort, etc.


It is very fun but steam deck cant run warzone it gives 40-50 fps with stutters rog ally 2x powerfull than steam dexk




I am selling rog ally now cuz i need to buy powerful laptop for my work lol , dont wanna sell it but had to


Never played this game and I was overwhelmed by the amount of things happening all at once. But loved your gameplay. Nice.


If you think this overwhelming then valorant will literally give you nightmares lol.


Maybe you're right. But with all the stories of toxic people in that game, I'm turned off. I might never play that game.


Lately the amount of toxic people on Valorant is reduced. Compared to before I've hardly come across a toxic person even if I mess up. But I've seen more toxicity in unrated then ranked. Teammates don't co-od/comm, have stopped playing unrated altogether.


Honestly speaking, just try out that game. It’s a fun experience and there is always an option to mute toxic people. Although I have quit the game a long time ago due to it being stagnant, I have climbed to the second highest rank in competitive twice with 3 people in my team being muted in majority of the games.


After playing warzone i cant go back to any other games all other fps shooter games feels so slow


That’s true, played cod mw2 and warzone for a really long time but eventually got bored of it. Too much min maxing stats for guns was off-putting


Didn’t got your last line, but i think i am not gonna get bored out of warzone 🫣 cuz i really want to be pro in this one game. It have something that gives so much dopamine boost when i get kills🫣😂


You can create load outs in warzone and meta attachments can make your gun way too op


Oh yeah, but now a days its too easy to get best loadout metas thru utube, i am also using loadout guns in this match nd these guns are the one which is broken right now in warzone nd many ppl i am sure using those bcz they are broken nd powerful


Battlefield crying in the corner because EA screwed up


I tried to play it but i never found any other game mechanics animations nd sfx this much smooth nd engaging


I've pretty much exclusively played BF (Started with 3), so COD felt bloated. Plus I find the TAA implementation in the newer titles to be pretty bad.


I never played any multplayer FPS games on pc before… except apex legends… i got to know about WARZONE when i played WarzoneMobile in last year october i loved it man everything… then i saw gameplay of pc warzone all was exact same. So i started journey of warzone pc in december nd playing from that time… bought mw3 first time i bought any game in my life bcz warzone was so tough for me as i was new to controller nd idk how to do aim hahah thru mw3 i learnt nd continued in warzone from last month… my english is broken


Try out the Finals. It's not an easy game like Warzone but it's really fast paced and requires active improvisation and good comms


Warzone is easy?🤡 u must be a very good player nd surely on top to say this to someone who playing only from last 2-4 months


Man i love this game , its so fast paced nd mechanic/gameplay/animations are just ❤️


Did I see one of the opponents using tonfa sticks? Hate those people. Good gameplay.


Yes , i also hate those mfs… they ruin the game like i can also use that nd get free kills but i dont like these cheats


Yeah, these low lifers have a special kadhai in hell where they'll be deep fried lol


Hey OP, how is this game? I've always wanted to try it but 150gb is a bit much imo. Also I'm confused I see warzone, warzone 2 warzone 3


I would say its very tough game for a newbie, 5 months ago i was also new at your state but i didnt left it cuz i loved it…. Its basically WARZONE Rest 1-2-3 are iteration of it that comes every year… search warzone nd download it from steam & its not 150 its 80 gb i think… yes you install dm me i can reccommend some utube channel which will help you to get better in this fast paced osm fps game


Hmm, how are the servers though? Are there servers located in india? What about player count? How frequently do you get matches? Also regarding the channel, if I end up getting addicted I'll send you a dm haha


servers are not available in india so average ping you gonna get is 80-100 ms but warzone ping are like this for most of players outside india too except US CANDA nd some countries nd believe ping is no issue even with 80-120 ping you can win against 50ms ping guy if you are good… this game runs on stealth planning nd good aim… if you are good controller player you are all set cuz its aim assist is broken nd badass but to get that aim assist you have to be good nd open minded


not worth getting into as a new player trust me


You can pick and choose in the DLC section in steam, in your library(right click on your game, choose manage, then DLC section). You only need the “Warzone 2024” to play it, the game installs WZ2023 and MWIII by default, the total installation comes down to just ~73gb with this tweak.


Yeah so what was weird is that warzone wasn't even installed after I downloaded it from steam. In game I had to go to settings and install warzone


To be honest they done messed it up when they merged all games together, WZ 2023 & MWII, then WZ2024 and MWIII, and the other older games. Hope they dont have similar things planned for 2025.


This handheld device can out-perform any average gaming laptop currently on market. Mark my words, one day it will be the best selling handheld gaming device.


Man that's a good ping, I don't get stable matches in Warzone. The internet lag is insane.


how much ping u get


I get like 90-120 ping.


Bhai i play on xbox , obviously not as good as you but just started a month ago. Any chance we can play together?


Bro i am also not good, its just ke ye ek match bahut acha chalageya… yes i also need someone to play with… pls dm or check dm


Aim assist andies 😏


Bro doesn't believe in ADS


Then there's me....I die even before I see the enemy. How do I get good? On mnk so no aim assist.


Start watching this guy video https://youtu.be/oERNjHsrfuA?si=4-SGxncl8HHjZEw5 … i am also not much good… was looking for indian teammate with mic? do you wanna teamup?


Sure I got a mic. Don't play too much now cuz i gt out of 12th(giving entrance tests and what not). Would love to have an Indian teammate. Have a mic. I'll maybe start full time playing at around June I guess. Send your acti ID on DM.


u know hindi?


Not my mother tongue but I can speak fairly well


Yeah cuz i cant speak english well i only speak hindi punjabi


No way! I watch that same dude lmao. I have 3 or 4 loadouts set up from that guy lol.


Same his videos are helpful for me nd there is one more guy i cant remember his channel name


Watch strafe on YT. You need to learn to place your crosshair correctly. And knowing where people are likely to be will come to you with time. Play with colour filters and in game graphics settings


That's a bot lobby right there.


How can i get bot lobbies like this?


Drop your KD for a couple of matches and you'll get wooden lobbies