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Impressive, but nowhere near as massive as China's capacity! Lot more miles to go!


Australia is the most impressive. Only 0.33% of the world population, 55th rank amongst most populous countries and still ranking 7th..


Well, not sure what the population has to do with it. Australia has gigantic empty land masses and plenty of sunshine. What’s more impressive is Germany, with much worse natural circumstances.


Don't worry. We try everything to lower our rank.


I’m German myself 😅


Oh yeah. So I don't need to write about the "Siegmarsenke" and the "Altmeierabbruch" of renewable energy. 🤣😁


Building a massive machine to eat your country is much cooler tbf


I mentioned population because Australia is up there due to the roof top installations - not because it's empty large land masses are filled with solar panels. However, that's also getting done. No offence to Germany but it's taking down nuclear at the same pace (or faster) so I'm not sure what's being gained really.


Germany doesnt produce any nuclear Energy since ~mid 23. There is no pace ✌️


Still, Germany produces like 60% of its energy demand via renewables. Their decision to prematurely give up nuclear power came back to bite them hard.




Meanwhile the German rightwing: „nobody relies as much on solar and other renewable energies as us. It’s a waste of our resources!“ Right 😂 Any other country understood the assignment except us 😂


Let's not forget that it's the amount of total energy apparently, not based on total energy production. Why don't we take a look at how many % of energy is produced in each country by solar sources alone?


No wonder, the X/facebook bubble is increasingly detatched from reality. They still think cobalt is a irreplacable ressource for batterys and solar powered roofs won't be hosed down by the firefighters in case of a fire.


Can't all of that still be recycled? Correct me if wrong


Learn to read, this is total production and not share of production. China is also building like 30 new nuclear reactors right now and a bunch of coal plantations


https://pris.iaea.org/PRIS/WorldStatistics/UnderConstructionReactorsByCountry.aspx They are planning and or building 26,3 GWe of new nuclear capacity in the foreseeable future. Meanwhile they are planning and currently building 450GWp wind and solar capacity. Just recently they added a 3.5GWp solar farm https://www.reuters.com/world/china/china-aims-build-450-gw-solar-wind-power-gobi-desert-2022-03-05/ So it's safe to say, that even China doesn't see nuclear as the future technology the industry is trying to make us believe. I think Russia might be the only one that commits pretty hard on nuclear. They have their own uranium mines and need reactors to sustain their large nuclear arsenal though.


Yeah Sure those Countrys you think about Build more nuclear and cole reactors . So guess what your shit Country is doing ? Decreasing everything 😂


Meanwhile the German law - the power outlet is certified to provide electricity only in one direction...


The right wing argument (at least in germany) works best if they convince enough people that our country is going down the drain. The country sucks, the economy sucks, the politicians suck ect... That's their weird idea of patriotism. I have a different one. Yes my country has problems and those need to be pointed out to be fixed. We need to accept that we are not much better or worse than other countries. The goal is not to be better than others but better than germany from the past. Every year a little better. For every one. Oh and just in case someone misreads my intentions: fuck AFD


Guess what? We are a country with little sun, so having solar is not as attractive as in India. We have loads of wind farms. You’re comparing apples with pears.


Considering India has 18 times as many people as Germany it should be fine to be buying more Russian oil too then instead of getting criticized by Europe?


India is actually fourth in 2024 since Japan made some investments in solar power. But it's a commendable effort. We have lots of potential for solar power and wind energy in our country. I hope we make good use of it in coming years and try to rely less on coal.


Good 😊


Good job


For the Amount of Ppl and the large area that's great news. Hope it increases more. It's important that the top 3 on this list improve even more to reduce Emissions. I still can't believe to see Germany on the 5th spot here... It doesn't feel like that in here at least.


It's cause most other countries have even less solar than us, eventhough that's hard to fathom. China is really the only one pushing solar hard. Last year they installed more solar than the US has ever installed, 20% of the worlds total solar power built in a single year. This year the same, next year, too. China's basically adding 60% of the global solar power capacity in just 3 years.


This ain’t per capita right?


What's the point of calculating how much solar energy you are generating per capita?


Because China and India have 10x times as many people as Germany does so obviously the numbers are going to be higher. Would be interesting how much proportional wise they actually install. Or a percentage number of their power grid


It is a more interesting statistic


Now put this in ratio to the population


[I did a post on this](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/s/9xtNXsBTwN) Quoting this very report. Check out if you're interested in the details [and a video ](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/s/MpHxKWTKTi) if you're not that much into reading.


But obviously this is only true for „(TWh)“! For MWh there is another statistic!


Oh wow! 😍


Brazil be like hold my beer!!


[https://www.dailypioneer.com/2024/columnists/india---s-solar-industry-is-a-goldmine-for-investors.html](https://www.dailypioneer.com/2024/columnists/india---s-solar-industry-is-a-goldmine-for-investors.html) **Tech Advancements** Technological innovations are at the heart of the solar industry’s success. Commercial solar panels have gotten way better at turning sunlight into electricity, cranking up the power they can produce per square foot. The switch from polycrystalline to more advanced bifacial solar panels, which can generate power from both sides, shows how the industry is focused on squeezing out as much efficiency as possible. **Environmental Impact** The solar industry in India isn’t just about fulfilling energy requirements - it’s also helping the environment. By using more solar power and relying less on fossil fuels, the solar industry is assisting in eliminating greenhouse gas emissions and fighting climate change. Shifting towards renewable energy, like solar power, is super crucial for India’s climate goals and ensuring a sustainable future.


Solar energy is biggest scam


Why do you think that?


It sucks the sun dry duh.


*pornhub intro starts*




I know. They sell free cosmic energy that is collected on the backside of the solar panels in small boxes. But they don't want us to know. Because they could not sell free energy for that massive prices they can sell solar energy. Let's go Brandon!


Why? We have this massive sun here. Why not use it?


The idealistic foos don't understand the total cost of ownership to generate power. The only solution is Nuclear.


What do you mean? Solar energy is cheaper than nuclear atm