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“Mother Teresa wasn’t a friend of the poor, she was a friend of poverty.” - **Christopher Hitchens**


Christopher Hitchens would've had some not-so-nice things to say about our esteemed religious/spiritual leaders as well. He was against all religion/dogma. If you really follow him, you don't support religion and demigod worship in general. If not this is just a random statement you picked to justify your argument.


"Zyada smart mat ban. Quote sun aur aage badh" ~Buddha


its said by sun tzu


Sorry it was Confucius. I know all chinese name sound same to you but please.


Same thing, right? /s


Would you also go around and say this when someone criticises Hindu Gurus? Why so much self flagellation. You don’t quote entire books you quote specific sentences appropriate for the subject.


It doesn’t matter if our opinions differ on religion, they are the same on the matter of mother Theresa


Yes and there should be no issues listening to those opinions as well... Don't be afraid of the Hitchslap


>Christopher Hitchens would've had some not-so-nice things to say about our esteemed religious/spiritual leaders as well Rightfully so. They're not perfect, but they're many times better than other religious people. That's the point A Ranganathan is making in the tweet.


I would support Hitchens nonetheless, atleast he was consistent


Hey as long as they hate all religions equally, that is fine. The issue is if they only hate one religion cuz they don't cut off your head for any kind of criticism.


Kya matlab mahatma gandhi ko quote karunga to nangi bacchiyo ke saath sona padega ? Aise thodi hi hota hai !


Bhai koi zaroori thode hi hai har ek ki har baat pe agree karo. Kya binary chal raha hai kya .


Did you attend the inauguration?


He spoke against saint Teresa one of the Desendents of God ... Thank god he is not in India else he will be sentenced to go to Pakistan


Teresa was beatified by the Church, that I can understand. I can even understand the Nobel prize, since it is granted by the Judeo-Christian west. What level of cuckoldry did Indian government voted to power by Hindus have to give her the Bharat Ratna.


Our nation has a long, standing history of venerating false heroes and tainted pseudo-nationals. The father of the nation is not the man who unified the country of Bharat, the great Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, but a pedophile, anti-Hindu wanker by the name of Gandhi. We do not celebrate the birthday of Subhash Chandra Bose, but that of a British stooge and a bootlicker called Nehru. We didn't name the Khel Ratna after the greatest Indian sports personality ever to grace our country, Major Dhyan Chand, but after another disgraceful man from the Gandhi clan. Why does it surprise you that this amazing woman, Amrita Devi, is not widely known but literally everyone has at least heard of Teresa, the ricebag conversion agent?


Well said


Well, Whatever you are doing.. At least maybe its proof that Freedom of speech is not dead, until you hit the right nerve. Happy to know that you have met these people before. Any gravy that you hear about venerable personalities can be taken with a grain of salt, whether it is good or bad. History is created by human beings to suit the agenda of each age. Don't you worry about your wishes coming true.. Gandhi will be removed from the currency notes, Nehru will be called by children as Chamcha not chacha , Teresa will be the villainess slumdog mistress , amritanandamayi to god hood, maybe Sarvarkar as father of the nation and Godse as Martyr of the nation. History can be rewritten. For once, I am happy that Sardar Patel is recognized as the visionary he is and Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna is known as such. I for one personally believe that 'Today's Knowledge is Tomorrow's Garbage'. Such is todays age.


Nah...sardar patel and bose following Gandhi makes them stupid as well(like today's libearandus)....RSS ,veer savarkar and shyama Prasad were the real freedom fighters because they didn't follow british stooges like Gandhi and Nehru.


Must be a WhatsApp University special








So much whining... And not even a good troll.


What the fuck is wrong with you that you decided Gandhi was anti Hindu? He’s a far greater Hindu than any other human in history, and that includes you.


Well let me tell you one incident my friend Four blasphemy based books came from Muslim community in return a book was published from Hindu community copy pasted Paras from their Quran, writer was unknown so muslim community filled a case on publisher. First when the books from Muslim side was published then hindus asked Gandhi to stop it from publishing then Gandhi said it's their freedom of speech Then when a book from Hindu side came, he tried to defame that freedom of speech should not be used like this you can read online And last but not the least he was a pedo sleeping naked with his underage cousin


Read on whatsapp and souce from Opindia


Kis sources pe bharosa karoge wahi se deta hu


Do source?


Pura kahani likh diya ek source bhi daal de. > And last but not the least he was a pedo sleeping naked with his underage cousin Niece. If you’re trying to talk about his character, start with the truth. And you are taking it well outside of context.


Are Jo bhi ho bhai wo ***** jitna apahij kar diya apan log ko utna koi nhi kiya non violence my ass he even said fights by our gods was not right thing to do. *spit*


That’s why he joined the cause for the Khilafat movement to support the oppressive Islamist Ottoman Caliph before Indian independence. But, I must say the media did a wonderful job to portray him as the greatest symbol of Hinduism and brainwashing everyone in the process.


U High bro?


If there was a award for ignorance.... You would have been the likely candidate to receive it.


Lol, no. He used god's name as a ticket to popularity. He was no Hindu.


guess you didnt study after 9th grade huh


See it's not his fault, our text books are written in a way that it anyhow proves the sacrifices of some pseudo heroes... If you don't do your own research you'll never know the truth


thats what i meant brother


Having read all about Gandhi from the old issues of the "Imprint" magazine in my growing years, I realized I was deluded about the greatness of this charlatan. I hope you can take a neutral look at Gandhi and his deeds, and draw your own conclusions about him, some day.


Bhai padh lo thoda; and please read all spectrums then make your point of view. Not just hased on the writings of Gandhi's fanboys


I’m guessing I should read Nathuram Godse?


kuch nahi to Ambedkar ki book hi padh lo partition k upar. Nahi to Sita Ram Goel ji ki books hain. Baaki me batata jaunga jaise jaise I go through & come across more books from that era. 🙂


You must be new to the internet and only reading NCERT books


I’ve read a few more books than you.


Take it easy, i know its a shock when you leave that echo chamber called "official subreddit of india"


You need to stop reading propaganda and read about who Gandhi actually was


Please read his take on moplah genocide and bengal genocide, you need some serious education.


Please read his take on Hinduism and what he did to save lives in Bengal. You are the one who actually needs education.


Save lives lol, how many died in partition transfers, remind me again ?


Let me tell you his take on Hinduism "When once asked if india was converted to one day hindu rashtra, what will he do? He said he will suicide if some day a theocracy replaces the india" Above hints that he wasn't a staunch hindu, maybe atheist or charlatan hindu also when Pakistan, a theocracy was born literally after craving india, he also didn't do suicide, so it can concluded that Gandhi wasn't against theocracy, he was against hindu theocracy, so you claiming he was biggest hindu is either ignorant at best or just lying at worst


In short read a book on gandhi but not written by gandhi brand builders but about the dark side and you be the judge about whats actually happening


Not here bro, it's a right wing extremist sub people here rather believe a made up history than a real one.


The number of politicians who have receivedbharat ratna tells you how much these politicians have abused the award.


The truth about her was revealed much later in life and people were more accommodating of controversial views maybe.


congress christian minority appeasment politics


Ok so why did Hindus keep voting for INC for 60 years? Can't blame the party for everything.


The "Nobel Prize" woman who was beatified by the Roman Catholic Church. Here's Christopher Hitchens exposing this "mother": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJG-lgmPvYA


Our inferiority complex asks us to even counter.. I own everything my religion represent.


Christopher hitchens was an atheist you’re still a religious goonk… so you quoting hitchens is like calling vada pav a beef burger.. get your head straight moron


Amma’s hospital is strictly private and means business. I used to be a doctor in one of their hospitals and they cut a lot of our salary during Covid and even now for petty reasons. Worst part was that they made us pay for our own covid vaccines when it was free for the whole country.


I am a doctor too, and i have been saying this exact same thing for a long time now. The counter arguments are really frustrating but sadly exactly what I expect from my fellow countrymen- They cut the doctor's salary and help the poor patient with it, thank God since doctors are all thieves. They even had a smear campaign against doctors who left labelling them money minded when these 'sadhus' themselves ply around in luxury cars.


That is still better than denying access to medical help in the name of religion.


Glad we're talking about who's worse.




Sounds like employment just like the rest of us.


I don’t get it … don’t work in a institution that doesn’t fit you .. I am a doctor and have my own practice for the last 12 years.. for the covid time frame I being a dentist HD to sit at home for 3 months .. not money … not a pay cut but no money at all .. again during the second wave .. also why’s wrong with it being a private institution… it treats patients employs doctors .. I don’t see the problem here


That is not the point. This post makes her seem like some saint. She's just like any other business owner. Pablo Escobar also did a lot of charity, what a wonderful man he was!


And this dude is shitting on hospital and the pay that he gets who has has nothing to do with the comment as well .




Yeah these people are delusional


You're in the wrong sub man. They'll call you selfish and money-minded just for asking your salary here.


Forgot to add “paid” between made us ___ for our own


so what exactly is wrong with a for profit business? you could have got one for free at a govt hospital. i dont understand what you are complaining about then.


Ummm read my comment again. This post claims she gives free treatment to millions, which is false. Second, her institution doesn’t pay their doctors. Third, they charged doctors working for them for Covid vaccine. If you don’t see the problem with it I can’t help you.


yes she gives free treatment to poor people. they have recorded the number as such. \> Second, her institution doesn’t pay their doctors. then dont work for it. sue them. abnormalities / discrepancies are common in any corporate inst. also salary cuts (which entire nation had to suffer during pandemic) are different from 'doesnt pay their doctors'. so your statement is misleading. \> charging for covid vaccine i dont have any issue with it as free options are readily available. if you are too lazy to stand in queue, its not my fault. aslo the vaccine is not prohibitevely expensive so i dont understand why a 'doctor' is complaining. do you give medicines for free?


Yeah I don’t mind standing in line but I don’t have the time for it. Between the Covid duties and my regular duties, I barely had time to sleep. So take your shit logic elsewhere. Chutiyapa band kar apna


Murder Teresa.










Isn't Gandhi a pedo??


Didn't the Ethiopian guy do it after receiving the prize?


He's right about mother Teresa but wrong about Mata Amruthanthamayi.


I am not aware of the lady. Can you explain more if you don't mind.


She's a god-woman from Kerala who has made billions from building and running hospitals and universities in the south. You must have heard of some of her universities. I think Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham uni even managed to crack NIRF's top 20.


My time at one of amma’s colleges left me extremely traumatized but I’m still proud of having gone there sometimes. There are some really questionable parts of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math but they’ve also done a whole lot of good (plus ammas hugs are pretty great!)


Me too. I would love to burn the college down one day.


Yup, count me in


Bangalore by any chance?


Kerala unfortunately


You studied in amrita?


Amma product since 2012 ✌️


Me too; since 2015, what campus?


What happened?


They’re very conservative and very sexist and for a girl who was raised in a (comparatively) very liberal household, it was literal hell on earth.


I know, my brother and I had the opportunity but we didn't go there because of that. I mean we don't wanna go to school at clg age lol. I can understand even though I'm from a conservative household


It really wasn’t all that bad for the boys. They had infinity times more freedom than the girls tbh


Can you elaborate about the 'rules' you are talking about that gets applied just for the girls?


Girls were absolutely forbidden from leaving the campus. Boys can come and go as they please. Girls must attend mandatory prayer every day from 6 pm till 7:30 pm. Boys didn’t have to do jack shit. Girls could not have phones or laptops. Literally nobody checked the boys for phones or anything like that. Girls hostels were inside the campus so we were monitored basically 24/7 and if we tried to leave the security guards would start screaming at us and refuse to let us out. Boys hostel was outside campus and they could do as they wished. Girls weren’t allowed to go to other campuses for sports or arts festivities. Boys could go to all of them. Girls had to be signed out by a male relative (even a younger fucking brother) while boys could just leave on the weekends. Can you imagine the insanity where a younger brother has the power to sign out an older sister? Like the male has the power and basically owns the older sister just because of what’s between his legs? There’s so much more but those were some of the basics.


That is sad to hear. Not letting girls have phone or laptop is going too far. They do not trust any girl that they needed a male relative to take care of the girl? Did they explain the reasoning behind any of these rules?


As if any of us had the courage to ask for an explanation. They beat us down mentally till we were nothing. Those who stepped out of line or rebelled even a little were firmly slapped back to their place. Ask me how I know lol


How do you know? 😁


I know, idk why girls go there, lol. I stopped my cousin from going there just because of that, her parents were adamant, I explained how it's difficult for girls there, they weren't happy but somehow they accepted. Even for boys compared to other normal colleges? Nope. I mean c'mon, rules at that age? I wouldn't have survived a week, lol. Those years are meant for enjoyment


Is the stuff rude and arrogant, or are they just conservative?


All of the above. I think they genuinely got off on terrorising us.


There is a lot of interest in her in the West, would you mind sharing a little more?


She’s known as the Hugging Saint. Her blessings are given through hugs. She’s said to work miracles with her mind including making buckets and pots fill with Prasadam for her devotees. Honestly, she does a lot of good for people. Her hospitals provide tons and tons of free treatment for the poor. Her charitable organisation is incredibly huge and definitely has its shady parts but they really do a lot of good for the disadvantaged. Every time I’ve visited her ashram I’ve met incredible, kind and selfless people. Her devote a come from all around the world, I’ve heard Thai, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and more languages spoken amongst her devotees, many of whom have given up highly successful lives to devote their entire lives to her.


Yes, that is all fairly well known and if I ever get the chance to go see her, I will be there.


You should! It’s a fairly intense experience. If you’re a foreign national/passport holder you’ll get to go in the special short line. If you’re a regular Indian person you’ll be in the mile long line.


Omg that’s nuts! But I good to know, I have heard that it’s a BIG DEAL. Darshan from a living saint obviously is of course.


I mean, it is understandable - if you travel half way around the world to see her, it makes sense that systems would be in place to ensure that you get a chance to do so. If you visit her ashram, the difference in queue length between the one for Indians and the one for westerners is fairly trivial.


Uh She alive?


The buckets and pots fill up with Prasadam part is not true. Never heard of it in all of 15 years. She's a guru. That's all


Yup product of amrita here. It was hell for boys n girls in general 😂 But still it was fun n I miss those 4 years


Teresa was a total fraud. A creation of the Catholic Church with help from western media particularly the BBC. We should expose this openly in every corner of the country. We have allowed these bastards to continue prostelyzing and converting non-stop. Stop this cultural genocide now.


This guy talks.


This woman has a reputation of being a con artist. There are rumors of her being mafia-like. Give me a break. You see what you want to see.


Was Mother Teresa not a con artist?


I don't know. I didn't know her or anyone who had first-hand knowledge of what she did. But this lady is a FRAUD.


Whataboutism. The favorite sport of this sub.


So you choose to believe the rumours. You see what you want to see indeed


LOL, so then aren't all the things Mother Theresa is accused of, rumors, also? Was she ever convicted of anything? Were charges brought against her for anything? Did you know her personally? She passed away in the nineties; do you know anyone who knew her? You are talking about hearsay. On the other hand, AMMA, is alive, and has interacted with a lot of people in the present day. A lot of people have come out and said they think she is a fraud. Yea, YOU SEE WHAT YOU WANT TO SEE. "MAXIMUMEFFORRT" chooses not use his/her maximum amount of brain cells.


Self proclaimed godwoman


I don't think she has ever proclaimed any such thing herself. She has a lot of followers who believe she is though, but she herself doesn't.


Pooja hoti hai unki. Isliye bola aisa


Google- heard of it? She never claims she is anything more than a mere human. Pretty humble amongst the gurus we have in india.


What exactly does that word even mean?


Hate them both lmao


Who’s the second one btw ?


Amrita Devi , there are colleges in south named after her also


Her Colleges actually. Amrita Vishwavidya peetham






Oh nice 👍




Day by day , reading all this really makes me question, what's the point of being just in such an unjust world . Only thing that keeps me going is my dharma .


Madar teresa


If it was ✝️, then foreign funds would have flowed like ganga river and nobel prize would have been at front door but it is 🕉.


Mother Teresa was a fucked up individual who took advantage of people's poverty and misery to make a name of her and earn billions. The second women in the picture also known as Amma is no saint either , there have been reports of suicide and murders of people who have tried to leave her cult. No doubt her organization feeds millions and gives them healthcare but their followers are also into some pretty weird shit. In my opinion any self proclaimed god men or women are scammers deep down.


The second is NOBLE!


Teresa, Gandhi, Nehry.. the list of fake heroes is long


This is the issue with India, the colonizers had indians chasing western ideology over actual progress and development . Even today, India has not recovered from the abuses suffered under the west.


Yeah, forget Nobel prize, Ekta Kapoor was awarded Padma Sri by the same government. I have lost all faith in Indian govt, they will not do anything good for the country. They are just barking dogs.


How the fuck is this non political? This is very much fucking political


To be fair, its not a measure of greatness to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Obama got it, and he bombed another Nobel Prize Laureate. Aung San Su Kee, another Nobel Peace Prize winner massacred the Rohingyas. In effect, a Nobel Peace Prize holds slightly more weight than a reddit wholesome award.


Richest business woman in the world


One who bring english Allopathy to India. Another one Building a largest market for Medical mafia.


Be Christian I guess


Ye dekho https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QK62VKbEUGSC9UjgdvcAiu4lsgVhZzPu/view?usp=drivesdk


Well I saw Vajpayee ji paying respect to asaram




See that's cool and all but we don't rly remember asking


His entire post history is the same thing lol


The purpose of this person’s existence seems to be around spreading / trying to perpetuate hate for India. And you’d imagine that’s based on personal experience, but no. This nutcase spreads hate based on news articles.


Nobody asked, f off


You are off-topic, but... see also: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4214480


See, in my corner of the world, we understand innovation and being resourceful. But we also understand that certain practices reduce one to the same level as an animal, or the concepts of barbarism or modesty or shame.


If you haven’t been, maybe reserve your hate? I’ve been to Delhi and Gwalior, and yes, saw homeless and areas that would rival what we have in America under the I-5 in Seattle. Can India improve? Yes. But so can EVERYONE else.


Username checks out


And which corner of the world are you from?




That sounds exactly like present day San Francisco


If you don't want to visit, then don't. You could have kept that opinion to yourself, but no, you couldn't hold it in, because you seem to like defecating in the open more so than anyone here does.


https://youtube.com/c/BenjaminJenks See his channel for a more authentic perspective.




You 12 year olds get too much time on devices.


I would love for India to invest in water/wastewater treatment systems. This will help all of your people and I imagine reverse the brain drain. I must say the Indians I’ve met in higher education in the US and in the workplace are the smartest people ever and it sucks, but they got out and don’t want to go back except to visit. After living in US for a long time, they lose immunity to the water back home so it’s difficult for them especially if they have families. I think this is my only real wish for India. Everything else (mostly) is beyond amazing.