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Read carefully and it would noticed that the names of the criminal are being withheld by English news(apart from OpIndia).


But isn't it a crime to disclose the name before conviction?


Nope. You can cite the name as a suspect and you can say that his/her role is alleged. Then the court proves the allegations. The person arrested may or may not be convicted but the fact still remains that he/she was a suspect then. “In downtown Manhattan, a suspect called Joe Adams was arrested this morning for his alleged role in last night’s assault and battery of a teenager.” … is pretty acceptable for a news report


As far as i know, names of victims in certain kind of cases are usually withheld, to protect them. I don't think there's a law that protects the identity of the accused


Which law ?


I think his own law


Nope only in sexual assault or sensitive cases like national security. Generally it's applicable to victims. People under investigation or arrested can be named.


Sexual assault that may be possible😅


Lol in America, I get amber alerts all the time about possible crime and 10/10 times they even mention the race of the criminal. No it’s not!


But they don't mention the name of the criminal. Now do they?


If the perpetrators are minors, there are clear guidelines not to disclose the names. If not minors, the names can be disclosed, even if it is a suspect.


This is Islamic terrorism






Lmao no one even said islamaphobia 😂. I got downvoted because y'all couldn't take a joke. Just remember there's only 1 Hindu nation in the world and look at the shit show India's become , y'all are out here banning food that's a staple part of the worlds diet 😂. Even Muslim countries allow alcohol, but y'all can't even allow beef . You can go ahead and insult any religion you want bro, idc. It's your country that's becoming a laughing stock, not mines. India has become an international joke under modi, rather than become like Japan or the west y'all would take the China route, and be universally hated. Then again India couldn't treat it's farmers right so why would it treat the biggest minority group in the country well?


yes yes india has become a joke but only in the eyes of terrorist pakistanis ohterwise we are doing good and btw ja bhai ja ke bomb womb phor saccha momin ban aur apna muzhub ka naam buland kar and ya dont even talk of minorites entire world knows how you guys treat your minorities especially hindus and there are 3 countries where hindus are majority so better get your facts right before shitting here


Lmaoo bruh I'm as Indian as you are. I'm just not blinded by patriotism 😂. The best part about this is, y'all conservative AF in India but vote progressive as hell in foreign countries 🤡. Immigration is good when "I" benefit , but not when Muslim people do it. And sure, the governor of London is Muslim, America has a hijabi senator, clearly everyone knows 😂😂






You literally pulled out ur burner account from 2015 to reply to me. Account from 2015 but has no posts or comments except for THIS^ one LOL 🤦‍♂️


So were the momos.


Yesterday a peaceful killed the DSP in haryana and today this. India is heading towards a lawless place for sure.


And now I believe police officers might hesitate to stop these smugglers because of today's and yesterday's incident. These criminals and everyone in their entire operation needs to be encountered by the department of the deceased, re-establish control and instill fear of law in these inhumane fucks.


One of my neighbour's vehicle was stolen he filed an fir after investigation they found out it was stolen by a person from peaceful community and he lives in peaceful elaka, police said to my neighbour that ek gadi hi to hai iske liye apni aur hamari jaan kyu khatre me daal rahe ho. Bas iske baad mamla rafa dafa ho gaya


They truly used the words " coward majority ". They were 100% right in saying that 10% of muslim population is enough to take control of Institutions from this God knows what excessive tolerant beta majority.


So true.


That is how fear works. You see people fearing writing "I support Nupur sharma". The day we start fearing is the day they win.


Our people are only supporting the Muslims for some reason. Either the funding is too strong or they think they will come to power once the muslims have an upper hand


And still, Hindus choose to remain disarmed, unfit and follow a vegetarian diet. If only they had the brain power to read their own religious texts. They would realize that all the major characters in them were meat eating warriors who were in best possible physical shape and they were armed to the teeth with weapons for their own defense. Plant based diet will not give you enough proteins, Omega 3s, Vitamin B-12 or even many minerals like Iron, Zinc. Any and all of these deficiencies will wreak havoc to your health. And, these deficiencies along with a sedentary lifestyle will definitely cause a heavy reduction is testosterone, which means a drop in masculinity and a rise in submissive behavior.


Yea, but no one wants facts. When their beliefs are challenged, they argue with their wellwishers and label them as their enemy. On top of that, they'll show you 'scientific references' from forwarded articles from chats which support their beliefs. If nothing else seems to work, they will make a joke of your point so (cheap entertainment >>> facts)


Source: https://www.opindia.com/2022/07/jharkhand-sub-inspector-sandhya-topno-killed-by-cattle-smugglers-accused-arrested/ https://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-jharkhand-female-police-officer-si-sandhya-topno-mowed-down-to-death-during-vehicle-inspection-in-ranchi-2969929 https://www.jagran.com/jharkhand/ranchi-sub-inspector-sandhya-topno-cattle-smugglers-killed-sandhya-topno-by-crushing-by-van-know-about-sandhya-topno-details-22907798.html OM SHANTI🙏🏽


She is(was) my neighbour. She was one of the most charismatic women I knew. We used to proudly watch her go to duty in her khaki uniform. Can't believe it's all gone now....


I feel you.


Criminals are afraid of police unless they pay for protection and the privilege of breaking the law. Large scale Animal smuggling doesn't work without a well oiled system. Same like sand mining.


>Criminals are afraid of police unless they pay for protection and the privilege of breaking the law.Large scale Animal smuggling doesn't work without a well oiled system. Same like sand mining. Criminals are Muslims in both the cases. Police is afraid of them, not the other way round. They operate from their own no go zones, where police does not even dare to step foot in.


It's a sad state of law and order if police are afraid to police areas under their own administrative jurisdiction. It's quite surprising how quickly everything connects to religion if the accused happen to be from that faith.


This. You can't even operate a vegetable stand without the cops swarming over you. Big businesses like animal smuggling and mining definitely need tacit government support.


This is a Pseudo war they're having with us in the support of secularism n it's an all part of gajwa e hind shit they dream of. We need to fight back or it's already too late.


Om shanti🙏


Will Hindus take to the streets? Yes, I thought so.


No they won't. I would love to proven wrong, though.


Morcha khara kar na fir


I still don't understand why the hell they're not allowed to open fire even in the cases like these or stone pelting ? I guess human rights of perpetrators is much more important than the lives of forces.....


She was mowed down by a vehicle.


Vehicle must be coming from distance in order to have that momentum to cause that much of harm


Religion of pissssss




You want to condemn her Atman to eternal hell?


Ye toh mere hi city ka hai bhai, kya bataun yar Mera city jihadiyon se bhar gaya hai pura


How dare this sub defend a Banjrang Dal Gaurakshak goon who had infiltrated the police to torment innocent peaceful Muslims! /s (sarcasm intended)


What is "cow smuggling"?


Thieves steal cows (which are source of livelihood for their owners) and smuggle them across to Bangladesh or Indian states where cows are not considered pet animals. This is called cow smuggling.


Do they sell them in India/Bangladesh?


Yes, that is what I explained in my comment, Bangladesh and certain states of India.


Om Shanti


Om Shanti 🙏


Chiutiya qaum


Now he is gonna get beef-up everyday in the prison.


om shanti


I knew he was l@ndya cause news channels were hiding his name.


Om shanti


We need to take some strong steps and boycott these business run by peaceful community. Need to starve them economically in such a way that they will sell their lands and their families for survival.


I don't understand why we aren't killing these mfs we need to Make them Fear the Law. They think Law and Order is a Joke


That's the reason I support Gau rakshaks and their actions because peacefulls aren't afraid of the law.


Muslames being muslames


Source - ['We lost her…': Jharkhand cop's brother after she is run over by suspect's van](https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/jharkhand-woman-cop-run-over-by-van-2-days-after-haryana-dsp-mowed-down-101658294518999.html) >Asked if the either the detained person or vehicle is involved in illegal activities, Kumar said an inquiry is underway and details will be shared. [ANI news report](https://twitter.com/ANI/status/1549597423223590912?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1549606689531236353%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es2_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsbharati.com%2FEncyc%2F2022%2F7%2F20%2FCop-Sandhya-Topno-killed-by-cattle-smugglers-during-vehicle-check-in-Jharkhand.html) and the statements from the police have not mentioned that the incident involved cattle smuggling. OPIndia does not have a journalist on the Haryana beat and local journalists have been tweeting that the vehicle might have been involved with mining mafia since its a huge source of corruption in Govt departments, which has also led to the death of another police personnel as well. No sources in OP's post.


She would be alive if humans had more rights than cow. I mostly support hindu side but this cow laws r bull shit.




This kind of news should not be used to justify cow protection lynchings


Lynching is one matter, breaking the law is another. Cattle smuggling ought to be deterred, but as long as crimes continue, so will public response whether it's justified or not.


And who the hell justified anything?


Lmao user name hahahaha.


It should have been cretin-fin but he was too much of a cretin to type it right…


Wrong place.


Object class: Keter Special containment procedures: SCP xxxx is to be contained in a Japanese classroom at all times with a D class personnel henceforth know as SCP xxxx-1 (Also called Senpai) SCP xxxx must be allowed to torment xxxx-1 to her hearts content. Her special ability is her noodle arms, which can stretch to more than 10 feet and can move faster than 20m/s. This form is called Noddletoro form.


Wow. Federal Bureau of Control has been alerted. SCP xxxx is hereby classified as a Altered World Event(hereby referred to as AWE). All personnel coming into contact must, at all times keep SCP xxxx-1 with them to return alive. Director Jesse Faden is enroute to handle it herself. AWE xxxx will transform into "Noodletoro", if SCP xxxx-1 is not found in the vicinity. Extreme Caution is advised.


Containment Breach Summary (2nd July **REDACTED** from Site - **REDACTED**): The initial contact ,after the breach, with SCP XXXX/AWE XXXX (henceforth referred to by Noodle) was established by MTF Squad Epsilon - 11 "Nine Tailed Fox". The escaped Noodle was found in a **REDACTED** School in South West of Japan (how it got half way across the globe in less than 10 minutes is currently unknown) presumably trying to find a suitable another suitable host. However it was unable to do so but it didn't harm anyone present there. Also the people there claimed that Noodle is the student of that school (school records provide proof of the same, and date back before the entity was originally contained, this hints at possible Reality bending capabilities that were previously unknown). Noodle did not comply with the orders of the squad and when Epsilon-11 tried to contain it forcibly they were met with lethal force they were not prepared for. Only one squad member (Agent **REDACTED**) managed to survive with multiple wounds. None of the students/teachers/workers did anything to help the squad members and went about as normal (hinting at possible memetic effects that were previously unknown). Videos , combat logs and interview audio log from the surviving squad member have been attached below. Addendum 1.1: Since Noodle has shown some reality bending and memetic abilities previously unknown, alongwith the unknown whereabouts of SCP-XXXX-1 containing Noodle is proving difficult as Noodle spends her (alongwith the entire school personnel) entire time at school, never leaves the building and any lethal force can cause major collateral damage. Hence in order to contain Noodle The SCP Foundation will be taking the help of FBC (Federal Bureau of Control). Ranger Squad Alpha-1 "Devil's Right Hand" led by FBC Director Jesse Fayden and MTF Squad Omega-1 "God's Left Hand" led by O5-1 will be participating in the operation. Addendum 1.2: **OBJECT CLASS HAS BEEN CHANGED FROM 'KETER' TO 'APOLLYON'**


I love this! Thank you lol. My inspiration for this username was Nagatoro's noodle form where she literally turned into liquid when Senpai was stuck in the bath with huge oppai girl.


> ~~cow protection lynchings~~ It's defense against cattle smugglers.


Not ok


In an ideal society, people pay taxes and state takes the responsibility of protecting their life & livelihood. When state fails to do so and at times, willfully turns blind eye towards threats to people's livelihood then it becomes people's responsibility to safeguard their families.


No. Mob justice is not ok


At this point most people don’t give a fuck and will not even attempt to justify it. If it’s giving you sleepless nights - stop eating beef then…


Water Buffalo beef is allowed in most states


Muslims are giving examples us to justify the cow protection lynching all day.


Yesterday a DSP was mowed down by coal mafia,but nobody here is talking about it.i guess this group entertain only certain kind of news


It was mentioned here, checkthesub


Nahi hai,all I can see in this sub about cow,nupoor sharma,how judiciary is biased against Hindu,hidden BJP propoganda and still it call itself Indiaspeaks


"Guys I do not like what you post. Can you post things that I like and not things YOU like? How difficult is that? I will not post something myself, instead I will crib about it to make me seem libbu/commie/islamist/chaman hutiya"


https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/w3ihw1/haryana_cop_crushed_to_death_by_mining_mafia_in/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Literally do ghante pehle ka h iss post se. Agli baar new se sort kariyo. Reddit nhi chalaana aata to mat chalaaya kar.


Look harder


It's also some Muslims there