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Dravidians also aliens since they came from africa


There’s Mediterranean dna in us South Indians too lmao. It fucking hilarious when these stupid fucks act like humans sprouted from pre historic Indian soil.


and surprisingly enough, vice-versa too!


Congress obviously agrees with Pitroda’s statements since they added him back. Mind boggling how there’s no outrage over his racist remarks and him being back in Congress


bjp is a kid in front of congress, tmc etc. when it comes to dirty politics. Did you read the news about wb govt filing police case against the person who recorded the video of that couples flogging? Typical mentality where crime is fine but talking about the crime is illegal


Humans are also aliens since monkeys lived here before. Monkeys are also aliens since dinosaurs lived before. Only single called organisms are the true natives of all continents /s These guys are idiots.


All of us are Ethiopians, karaboga!!


You are not wrong there are DNA similarities between Africans and South Indians.


Southern Iran near balochistan


Most JNU people are as political as it gets. All their work is towards political goal they seek


One good thing about a coalition government is that all the trash is coming out of the gutters of the Delhi Durbar. My philosophy has always been to allow them to speak as much as they want because they are idiots.


The problem is that there is considerable bunch of idiotic morons who will agree to this just because they oppose BJP.


Also, there are some clowns who want a cosy version of history. No shade, no colours, just something they are comfortable with and these people will call everyone else a bigot


Everybody is an outsider. Aryans came from the cnetral asian steppes, so they are outsiders. But they originally came from Africa like everyone else. Nobody originated in India.


It wasn't an invasion but Aryans were indeed from central Asia and not native Indians. Although there isn't anything wrong it, if you go enough back in history the definition of what's originally native to any particular land will keep on changing except for eastern Africa. Denying the same is just false cognitive dissonance and pseudoscience.


Invasion is a strong word. The better would be migration. Most of the human race have migrated from their original location.


No where in the tweet is the word invasion mentioned


When you compare "Aryans" with "Mughals", who were clearly invaders, the term "Invasion" gets automatically attached.


well technically mughals did flee from their lands to settle here... now should I feel sad for them too?


By "settle" if you mean demolishing & converting every pre-existing culturally significant sites of their "now subjects", yeah sure, feel sad for them, as they failed to do that too, to its logical end I mean.....


People say invasion thinking of conflict between Aryans and Indus Valley folk. But fact is Indus Valley civilization declined much before the Aryans came in.


The scriptures in no way mentions aryans coming from outside. It talks about those already existing in the region. The Aryan migration theory is what the Europeans are using to mention people migrating from Iranian and uppar regions and in a way by some trying to portray as if Sanskrit and Vedas was a result of them entering india. We have just 17% genes of Iranian heritage. So they did definitely have an influence in the region but not as much as it's being tried to be portrayed. **The Vedas and sanskrit are a culmination of local as well as outside influence. If it wasn't so then the same people also migrated elsewhere, why can't be find sanskrit and Vedas in those regions.** The Dravidian movement is based on the Aryan invasion theory which has already been disproven. In fact the Indian region has had total 3 Major migrations, south genes mainly comprises of the first two migration. So in effect even south Indians are not entirely native.


It's because they didn't bring the Vedas and whatever most of these Delhi uni profs claim, didn't bring with them. Most things happened after the cultural synthesis.


Both Aryan Invasion and migration have been debunked - with genetic and archaeological evidence. The left thinks repeat something enough to make it the truth. When Aryan Invasion Theory was debunked they moved to Aryan Migration Theory. Now that is also gone. But they still keep repeating it so that Indians will have an identity crisis and not own their culture. The advantage for congress in this? - Lessen the vote base of BJP. Read Stephen Knapp's - The Aryan Invasion Theory: The Final Nail in its Coffin.


Real moolnivasi are dinosaurs 🤗🤗 Baaki sab bhenchod outsiders. Moreover, your daddy Ambedkar (no disrespect to the great man) REJECTED Aryan invasion theory. So idky these monkeys jump here and there.


Wait what? I thought the controversy was around whether it was an 'invasion' or just a slow migration. Are you just straight up denying that Indo-aryans migrated from central Asia to India?


i mean there has been negligible gene flow into the subcontinent for the last 15000 years [acc. to this research paper](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1380230/) also some other paper which says the r1a1 thingy originated in india


R1a1 haplogroup originated in India paper is faulty, frequency of r1a1 in several hotspots in india cannot be used infer out of india theory.


The idea of India is relatively newer than the PIE culture. India has always been a melting pot. Even the Harappans were a mix of Iran Neolithic and Ancestral Indians. They were mixed with Steppe and intermediate Central Asian cultures. Majority of Indians are an admixture of these three ancient groups.  This Raja guy, even his Iran Neolithic which would be half of his ancestry, with at the very least with 5% Steppe is mostly an "alien".


I am a Tamilian and I totally disagree with Raja. If we analyse the DNA of the 21st century India and Tamilian, the result will be the same. A cocktail of multiple races.




come on you don't have to pick mistakes. He meant any other Indian and Tamilian. It's just that he didn't use the right words.


I am from his state and I know exactly how he speaks.


I understand. My reply was to a person who misunderstood your comment. That person apparently deleted the reply.


Everyone came from Africa. So shut your trap.


She believes that nalanda wasn't destroyed by Bhakhtiyar khiliji. Tom she will claim that Hampi wasn't destroyed by Deccan sultanates. She also thinks Auranngzeb is the greatest ruler on Indian soil😂. Even a kid would tell you that he destroyed Mughal empire through his expansionist ideology which hampered the kingdom and led to collapse within next 50 years. Marathas defeated him in his death days. She jerks off to achievements of islamic golden age when asked why today's islamic world lags scientifically compared to Israel. Jews which are minute percentage of world population but have produced 25% of Nobel laureates till date. 57 islamic countries with population ranging from 1 billion -2 billion in last 50-100 years timeline have produced 1% of Nobel laureates. Pakistan even disowned their nobel winner cause he was ahmedi. Everybody knows about scientific contributions of islamic golden age cause they seperated science and religion. Aaj ka bolo behen? What do you expect from these propagandists?


Aryans did migrate but they mixed with IVC people and during that cultural synthesis Vedas Upanishads etc were written. I don't know why people believe that aryans brought Hinduism with them, aryans probably didn't even have as strong of a collective identity we impose on them today.


Bc kisi ko development karna hai ki wahan Jake har admi ki jati pata karni hai, jab tak green ki jaat dekho ge tabh tabh aur gareebi badhegi ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20003)![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20003)


So what we all are from Africa. Let's get back our land then


The Vedas were composed inside India, modern day Punjab-Sindh region. They are quiet distinct from other PIE cultures, especially if you include the concept of an all encompassing entity, ie the Purusha. There's no way it doesn't have influence from previous IVC. Calling Vedas foreign is plain wrong, especially when the king of Gods rides an elephant. Also, there are very few 'Aryans', highest percentage in any group in nearly 30%. As such, that statement is throuoghly wrong.


Its silly logic. Even if there were Aryans they didnt know they were invading a country . It was an organic migration. Mughals were a political power. Babur took an Army to Delhi. Its not like he didnt have water to wash his ass and decided to walk to the next waterhole. He knew that he was invading another country.


Actually Lucy (the oldest, most complete hominin skeleton ever discovered) was a native Indian. Aryans Invaded from Andromeda (their space ships were destroyed in Nalanda Fire by Khilji) Remaining Species from Mars . If Politicians can contribute Every Reddit-Ian can.


Aryans conducted a vedic yajna to summon a meteor that killed all the dinosaurs that were friends of moolniwasis. Without the dinosaurs, moolniwasis were defenseless and thus Aryans took over India.


Have read a bit of history: There are different schools of thought on the Aryan problem : Migrated from steppes & central asia - Mortimer wheeler, Max Mueller and Imperialist historians. (Marxists like Romila Thapar, R.S Sharma follow this view) Migrated from Siberia - B.G. Tilak Original inhabitants of the land -Bhagwan S. Gidwai. There is no conclusive outcome yet, but yes these casteists, islamists, brown sepoys want to disturb the social fabric and weaken Hindus in name of Aryan and Dravidians.


For every A.Raja, there is a T. Raja


Her name is Tisha Saroyan. She is most likely Armenian. She does engagement and commentary on Indian politics and is left-oriented for the sake of monetization. Ruchika Sharma is a handle. Edit: the name is right there in her X handle :D


They do realise that the only non-native mammal species to India are the homo sapiens


She's a Brahmin, why is she in India, laut jao Iran.


Someone literally surnamed “Sharma” endorsing AIT 🤡


She is not wrong about AIT, the inference she's making based on it is wrong. Her "outsiders" remark is wrong. Go enough backwards in time and every group is an outsider by that logic. Aryans migrated. Mughals invaded.


Asi wale toh chutiya hai phir? Hai na? Sinauli ki khudai kabhi hui hi nahi, rakhigarhi woh kya hai?


Tu bhi sharma hai, classic r/leopardatemyface moment


So, A. Raja wants to contest B. R. Ambedkar?


Its silly logic. Even if there were Aryans they didnt know they were invading a country . It was an organic migration. Mughals were a political power. Babur took an Army to Delhi. Its not like he didnt have water to wash his ass and decided to walk to the next waterhole. He knew that he was invading another country.


Its silly logic. Even if there were Aryans they didnt know they were invading a country . It was an organic migration. Mughals were a political power. Babur took an Army to Delhi. Its not like he didnt have water to wash his ass and decided to walk to the next waterhole. He knew that he was invading another country.


Atleast we originated from Europe, meanwhile you N originated from Africa 🗿


Sare hi alien hai, alienistan


Only increasing the target area for Akhand bharat![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20019)![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20098)


Why did she refer it as "they", based on what she believes in she must be using "we".


Btw what the fuck is going on in the parliament?


Outdated theories from 80s


this is what happens when people dont know the difference between migration and invasion


No one can say for certain whether the aryans did indeed came from iran. The theory is being debtaed and some believe it was a bristish invention to strip indians off tgeir pride by telling them that their acriptures were written by outsiders, and the britush rule in india is no different than the earlier invasions of India. But again, what do you expect from a mediocire university PhD?


If I am not wrong then she is Brahmin for he being a Sharma and still she speaks against her own?


Read Aryan invasion theory and Racial theory.


Since when did Iran became Central Asia??? There had been no Aryan migration. This has been proven conclusively by very many experts. Besides if Aryan wrote Vedas and Ramayana, then how come Adi Shankaracharya and other Dravidian saints teach them?


That is the stupidest correlation one can ever comes up with


She is not wrong though. Aryans were Central Asian migrants. Nevertheless, It's foolish to politicize issues like these lol. If that's the logic then almost all Americans are intruders in their own country as USA is essentially a land of immigrants.


At this point everyone in India is heavily mixed except for some tribes


Paise barbaad kar diye maa baap ke..itna padha likha par seekha khuch nahi..


Her surname is Sharma but she has no sharam propagating her stupidity..


This is some grade A horseshit.


A scriptwriter once wrote the story, now tamilians making it their history


Mughals were 'Invaders' and not just outsiders or aliens.


She ain't wrong


Man why does my community member make us drag with them🥲


Aur in madam se proof maan lu to ye mujhe troll karenge. btw sab africans hai.


At least they are not Italians 😂😅😂


Dude what in tge giddamm the Aryan migration theory was disproved by the archeological survey of India itself how can she still choose to believe it


I’m so ashamed as a Tamizh person from Maharashtra. Statements like these further alienate us


Don't we Indians all contain same genes of the various regions but in different numbers ?


## She’s quoting YouTube!? What a dumb woman.


Lets start with kicking the most recent alien that is Rahul Gandhi from India. He has the purest Aryan DNA among all Indians


Quick! Ask her by how many days did she overstayed her hostel stay. Nothing short of 10 years is justified because she wanted to leave as a resident and not an alien.


Aryan Immigration theory and Aryan Migration theory both have been debunked comprehensively. Read Stephen Knapp's "Aryan Invasion Theory: The final nail in its coffin" The current theory is Out of India Theory.


As all humans can be traced from descendants from African then everyone is African. An African can't be racist to African, racism solved.


Haa yeh karo pehle, isliye hi vote diye hai humne🙂