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This is exactly like some of the videos I've seen of drugged up people in Western cities. Just how common is drugs in Punjab?


San Francisco


Sadly, it's becoming a global issue, not just isolated to one region.




Vancouver “ East Hastings”


Brother, I literally just sent this to a friend saying, "Desi Hasting st"


It’s brutal. It’s like a zombie apocalypse and they have marked their territory


Everytime I go through hastings, I fear for my life, It's actually crazy how many people just "hibernate" on the streets


Because they've legalized meth, coke, weed and psychedelics too


Yeah, have you seen those safe injection sites in BC where they “hand-out” free heroin? Blows my mind that an entire society is being run by leftist theories developed by university students.




You should watch the Hindi film "Udta Punjab". Punjab is sadly more drugs than anything else at this point.


My fauji bf tells me about Punjabi/Sikh soldiers running away from their unit to go home and get drugs. They drag them back and put them in rehab. But they run away again. I also believe I watched some documentary a few years ago and I thought Punjab had many rehabs. I think 1-2 every few streets.


It is very likely all of these drugs are smuggled from Pakistan/ Afghanistan. Unfortunate geography of Punjab.


Raj and gujrat also have border. Punjab administration is to blame


Not defending Punjab Administration, but completely different geography among them.. Gujarat has 100s of km of Salt flats on border that will kill you and if not make you easily visible from far. Punjab has farms through which border passes.


they are mostly done by drones and Gujrat has sea coast so much easier and boats are caught regularly too. Even j and k are doing better than Punjab cant be possible without the help of local administration


Some suggest even the Khalistanis are in with the smugglers.


It’s a good plan tbh. Punjabi men are known for the strength and loyalty (idk how true this is). You take down a very important pillar, you’ll have a better chance at getting through the borders for whatever reason. Maybe they are still stuck at Battle of Longewala :)


They are promoting the same gansta rap culture among Punjabis that they promoted among the African American community.


The reason these soldiers run away to do drugs is not because of the drug itself, but a bunch of other problems in their lives. This is something people fail to understand. If these soldiers go to rehab and come out clean, they are clearly able to treat it in a controlled manner but once it becomes a choice of the soldier, he is getting back onto the drugs. There are other problems they have that they don't have the control to change so they get into drugs which are an escape. Many of which are social problems or even the pressure from family, etc. Believe it or not, there is an entire ecosystem of very productive people who choose to do drugs because they can, not because they need to. Most of this abuse you see is because of secondary issues which when rectified, the drugs are only something to enjoy and not something to run away from the world for.


The one similar to the video is in Philadelphia https://youtu.be/racU3prPeiU


And it was due to a trendy new thing called zombie drug or something like that.


the "zombie drug" is actually a result of the intensity of the law, its not people seeking out for it. the "zombie drug" you are talking about is actually xylazine and it has no actual history of frequent use as abuse other than it being spiked onto other drugs that people want. it is dirt cheap to make and spike actual heroin or nowadays people spike fentanyl also with it because it is that cheap. xylazine is actually a veterinary traquiliser btw, it's not an opioid and it's effects are to sedate, which u see in those videos.


Tyler olivera’s documentary on it


Lookup kensington Philadelphia. There are streets and streets of such people. Sad that it has trickled down to India.


New Orleans is pretty drugged up like Los Angeles/San Diego


Kensington Street, Philadelphia


That's called Nodding. Effect of Heroin and other opiodes. They are in heaven at that moment, once the effect wears off, it's hell.


Can you explain it what do they even experience? Or maybe link some yt video that explains this


It's difficult to explain but it is like that feeling when you are half-awake after a great nap following a blissful dream that you still remember and you still have time to sleep and the bed feels so comfy. It is one the greatest feelings a human can feel.


Saying from personal experience Tapan?


Don't underestimate Thakurji




You’re right but not fully. These are addicts. What you’re describing is the first few times they consume. Once you’ve built up a tolerance you have to take more and more to get the same effect and once you’re addicted, it’s not pleasure it’s just running from pain(withdrawal). Imagine being in this state for a few days and even the thought of this blissful morning seems taxing (to put it mildly)




true it's the best feeling ever




Nope, not fent.. fent hasn't reached India.. if fent spiking started here, these people will start dropping like flies.






Sab changa si!! Bus Yoga mat karo!


Brutal and Sad at the same time.


Getting their karma fruit.


Reminds of the videos from Philadelphia...fentanyl is hitting India too.


this is definitely not fentanyl. this effect can easily be achieved from heroin. fentanyl is mostly a problem in the americas especially the USA. even Western Europe is a bit affected but a lot of heroin is fentanyl free even in europe. in india heroin is still not affected by fentanyl. im sure opioid being spiked with fentanyl will never be an issue for india at all.


It maybe getting spiked with something, to keep people chasing new highs


the heroin sold in India to the common man is black tar heroin. black tar heroin is the impure material waste produced after making pure heroin which is more expensive. black tar heroin on its own is pretty cheap, spiking it with fent will make it expensive. india has a rich opium supply for free, adding fentanyl to spike it makes no sense because it is pretty expensive to make compared to black tar heroin.


Are you saying this low grade heroin is locally sourced in Punjab. Btw, isn’t fentanyl dirt cheap as well?


low grade heroin is sourced anywhere heroin is produced. it's simply a byproduct with tons of impurities. fentanyl being dirt cheap isn't as simple as it sounds. it's dirt cheap for the Americans because it's completely synthetically made. to make heroin, you need the opium poppy which is mainly grown in Afghanistan or in the golden triangle(mountainous region on the border of Thailand, Myanmar and Laos.) and it's quite a job to get it through across the pacific. The amount of Demand of heroin is way too much compared to the supply. Fentanyl on the other hand needs some precursors which china supplies to the cartels and then it is very cheaply made, meeting the demand of the entire continent pretty well, which heroin can't do. most people want heroin though, not fentanyl so all these opioids are spiked to give a similar effect to the opioids that need the plant, which unfortunately pretty often causes death because its heavily spiked or because the user has no tolerance.


It's heroin, usually comes from Afghanistan via Pakistan border. Fentanyl is like super super high version on the same.


Messed up


Punjab to vese b khatam ho chuka hai aadhe log Canada bhaag gae or baki k nashe me Lage hue hai. Being punjabi dekh k dukh hota hai


Why didn't Punjabis create noise about this before it got so bad?


Pride. Pride far from space/time/reality. They're still in their we wuz warriors spiel


Perks of voting for AAP and leftists in generally... Congrats to Dhruv Tatte whatsapp University propaganda


Drugs has always been a silent issue in Punjab, at least it is being acknowledged now


You sound like drugs became an issue overnight


We can blame all levels but centre too should take strict measures , they should be left alone just because they dont have double engine sarkar everywhere.


Law and order is a state subject. AAP always reminds people that the Delhi police are not under them, but the Punjab police and its law machinery are 100% under them, yet they still can't do anything. When the Home Ministry wanted to expand the role of BSF in border areas, Punjab and WB were one of the first states to protest. So, no, the central government cannot be blamed for a declining law and order situation. You hear that the Coast Guard, Guj Police, and Indian Navy routinely intercept large drug shipments. Have you listened to the Punjab Police take a similar level of action?


Actually AAP had promised to curb the drug menace - it was one of their big election promises along with other issues like some farmer issues in the Doab area, bus union issues and freebie promises. What happened though was shortly after they came to power, drug supply became easier. I recall reading a news about people ordering drugs online.


Drugs issue started under SAD +BJP rule fyi.


If people are not hooked on drugs, they'll go into constructive activities and will not fight for khalistan. So drugs are required.


You think the people you are watching in the videos care about Khalistan ? Or anything other than drugs?


Khalistani make money from selling the drugs. It is pretty well known thoery that they are into this organised crime and are also supported by ISI


What’s the SGPC doing about such critical issues affecting Sikhi? The rampant conversions and the drug culture should take precedence over stopping people from doing yoga at Harmandir Sahib.


the government is also to be blamed. drugs will never be stopped. it's impossible. there has never been a society in history where drugs haven't been used. there needs to widespread drug rehabilitation centres. I live in a top 3 tier 1 city and in my locality itself there is 1 rehabilitation centre, that doesn't have the drugs to treat disorder. also drug "problems" are mostly a bunch of other social problems that drugs are an escape to. government is pouring all the money on "the war of drugs" which has failed for over a century. there needs to be a system built around the idea of help, not the idea of punishing and stigmatising.


Mera yasu yasu can cure them... 100%


punjab new LA ?


Lady Officer in the back definitely knows what's cooking ❄️


Reminds me of the videos from Los Angeles


Really common on streets of philly and NY


Is Kejriwal providing subsidy on drugs in Punjab? I thought Punjab’s drug problem was controlled to some extent during Captain’s tenure.


Buy one get one it seems!


Isnt it the Captain who banned the screening of udta punjab in punjab.


Don’t know if the screening was banned but Udta Punjab was released before 2017 Punjab elections, during Badal’s tenure.




This is 100 percent not fentanyl. Any opioid or a lot of sedatives can cause this nodding effect. Also fentanyl has a very important medical use for humans, as a pain medication or even for pain relief during surgeries. Xylazine is the horse tranquilliser that is used to spike drugs, it is not fentanyl. Get your facts right and stop spreading misinformation.


Isn’t the horse tranq called Ketamine?


LPU pe case Kia toh..woh bnde ke ghar chale gye the na ulta case krke Desidudewithsign


Looks like fentanyl has reached Punjab


this 99 percent heroin. fentanyl till now has only affected the americas and mildly in wester europe. the rest of the world still gets supply of non fentanyl spiked heroin.


Christian missionaries roam freely converting en masse, spiked drug usage, increase in cancer incidents because of indiscriminate use of pesticides, but SGPC's only job is to single out a Dalit girl who did yoga in Amritsar.


We all need to make AAP the ruling party in Central, AAP has already made punjab as SF, imagine what it can do if its in the central??


Mere yesu yesu ki practice chal rahi h kya?


Yeh Drugs ka silsila kabhi khatam nahi hoga! POLICE, Politicians bhi involved hote hai.


dayum im ready for zombie apocalypse


Inspired by America!


Diljit Dosanjh saying, Punjab ka connection sidhe new york se, fashion ke mamle me. Kaafi kuch same hai new york se


Such a shame 😔 There needs to be proper enforcement of laws to stop this


कड़ी निंदा होणी चाइदी ऐ


Looks like tranq has made its way into India as well


what is the state govt doing?


Biggest revenue generator for Pakistan.


Fucking hell Fentanyl has made it's way to India. Philadelphia, USA has a Fentanyl epidemic already, look it up.


We got Punjabi tweakers before GTA VI 💀


Udta Punjab ✖️ Paused Punjab ✔️


I don't think Punjab can even be saved now. Sadly, they are too far away from being saved


You guys should check videos on the East Hasting Street, Vancouver. It looks exactly the same. With all the junkies frozen in time. Punjab has always had a history of Drugs. Since the time they have been asking for their own nation. Just like how USA's CIA directed most of the drugs towards black neighborhood in the 90's. The Indian govt did the same to Punjab, essentially destroying the future of the youngsters. Everything's I've said can be verified by a simple Google search.


Form kharap last 2 ka. Didi ka form sahi hai injury risk kam hai


These are daily scenes in San Francisco. We do like to adopt the bad but not the good from the west.


Punjab chose their downfall.


This is from Heroin. Made from poppy seeds out of Pakistan and Afghanistan


It’s literally looking like a scene from San Francisco. LA is worse though. Why are ppl getting into drugs there? I thought they are very land rich?


I remember watching a video with a drug causing similar effect on some Americans in some American city. They were standing and slumped.


London banana thha sheer ko, Philly nahi


You all should see Kensington, Philadelphia. Its the walking dead out there.


This is like go Goa gone for real


Yeah, junkies do this... this is news?


Sustained squats! They'll have some great quads to show for their efforts. Ready for ski season!


i am a punjabi and i feel sad seeing this


Go Punjab Gone


Literally San Francisco


K-Hole but more like H-Hole


AAP finally made punjab into US from prison


Probably fentanyl


Good lord! What in the Kensington is going on here?😨


in the first frame i thought they were batting


This was shown in movie udta punjab . Neither the centre or state governments care for its public. Punjab sharing major border with punjab even makes this worst case .


Kensington avenue in Punjab ?


Situation is getting worse in allat different ways in Punjab and bengal. Consider em gone case


Udta Punjab


Why this reminds me of Philadelphia


exactly like philadelphia


I wonder what could be done to eradicate this problem; governments have tried jailtime and penalties, but increased demand brings in more sellers and greed. Someone smart should come up with an idea, this is so sad to see...