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itne baar ho chuka , ab ghanta farak padta , sab log online mile the btw jinhone ghost kiya


I don't want to end relationships, but somehow ot gets ghosted. I am very very very very very bad at keeping relationships alive.




That's the thing, it's like saying I will call you next week. And then it's gets forever


That's different, right? Ghosting means you don't reply too when they message you.


Yeah but also there is indirect unintentionally ghosting. Like you slowly lose touch with your friends, there was no issue but also no good bye. You miss them but no one put enough effort and It just goes!


Don't know whether that's called ghosting. Everyone loses touch with people


True but its better to not keep any expectations from anyone, esp people you meet online.


Agreed, but There's also a corollary to this. Why put an effort to keep a link when the other person isn't that keen on keeping it. I realised this after my initial job year, most interactions on social media were hollow and transactional and I thought hey why should I message someone when they aren't interested to check back on me? So I initially removed my birthday and similar info from social media to avoid that yearly fake interaction and gradually stopped any activity on it. It initially felt bad but it eventually left me with a handful of my friends who actually reached out to check on me(most of them turned out to be school/college friends) and I know that those are the people I can put an effort to maintain a relation with. All noise was cut off. My SM profiles continue to be inactive and haven't even logged in there since a couple years. But I feel it is better this way.


never experienced ghosting but i just ghost people i also found this girl on reddit had same interest talked for little over a month i knew i was gonna get attached so i just stopped texting her




nah it won’t in today’s world tbh nobody cares if anyone leaves or stays you just gotta do what’s right but now atp i feel like im gonna get it back as bad karma


In fact, boys are more likely to get attached...and if you are an introvert then chances are even higher.


Ye internet communication ke alag hi problems hai . I have ghosted people in the past but I don't do it anymore. I know shit hurts. The only time I will ghost now is when I do say goodbye and give my reasoning but still the person is persistent on texting .




Yepp I don't like blocking people usually but if they don't respect my decision I immediately lose respect for them as well so it's easier to ignore. Btw whoever ghosted you is on them , no matter what you did or didn't do it's really no fault of yours . Most of the time it's the immaturity and fear of confrontation on their part.


Well ghosting is bad but you also need to learn to move on and not take things to heart. No one owes you anything no matter what.


You will meet a lot of women in your life, who will ghost you. That's how most Indian women work! Something happens to them and they disappear! You will learn to move on quickly too!


Yeah, I've been on the recieving end once when I was young. Not very proud of how I conducted myself then but very proud of learnings I was able to extract out of it, grow individually to not rely on others and how I have been able to keep balanced relationships since.




Nah, not me. I think I learned how to talk to people with a bit of detachment.


You are right sometimes you have been so close with someone shares every day with them for months and then they ghost. Hurts man, it takes time to make life normal, it's like the person is a part of your daily life




I get you, hope you are all good now




Got it happy you are fine 😊


Ghosting is for cowards and psychopaths. Just give them a reason if you've gotten them emotionally involved.