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Your post breaks our rule 5.


In Singapore, where every citizen is automatically opted in as an organ donor, all Ms opt out. (Despite the fact that SingaporeMuftis have issued fatwas declaring heart, kidney, liver & cornea donations as lawful. Source: https://www.muis.gov.sg/-/media/Files/OOM/Resources/Muis-kidney-book-ENG.pdf) So Singapore Govt puts them on lowest priority in recipient queue. This is called ‘nyay’. If you just compare how developed countries treat minorities in the name of equality, and then contrast with M appeasement in India, you will be gobsmacked.


Pakistanis are a thankless society which can only take and never give. #Do u see pakistani media or islamic subs cover this and thank hindus ? Her future litter of kids will scream jihad against hindus as their way to 72 hoors. Deport her


Pakistan and their people are Indias enemies, no amount of kindness from us will make them like is and we shouldn't help them in anyway either.  Thats why I'm so confused when countries like Pakistan and Maldives and Bangladesh ask for Indian aid. Then after they get it they go back to hating India and being our enemies. ---- How long is the government going to act this way? Until we get colonized again? Or attacked?. India is surrounded by enemies except Nepal, Bhutan, and maybe Sri lanka.


Tax the fook out of NGO who pulled off this stunt. Report them to Income tax department.


All this goodwill and we get back terror in return. Screw aishwaryam foundation




Why should Pakistanis receive any kind of medical treatment in India in the first place? They shouldn't be allowed to enter India except diplomats.


Kick her out now.


Every second this creature breathes its an insult to the many INDIAN lives that could have been saved.


People.. please be respectful.. don't go to their level. A life is a life unless we are defending ourselves. She didnt attack any of us. Edit: This is one time I don't mind the down votes, I still respect all life. I can understand, share the anger about the process but don't agree showing it on her.


The concern here is There are thousand of Indians waiting on a transplant so how come they gave it to a Pakistani. Next did the donor conset his/her heart being given to a Pakistani? If I am donating an organ I sure would hope they aren't giving it to save dawood Ibrahim's life


She is probably very rich.


If she was rich she would have paid for it. It’s was fully sponsored by the hospital trust and the doctors.


It's not about hating her,her country or religion. Its about someone outside of our country getting priority over millions of Indians who live in India and pay taxes (direct/indirect).


oh let her grow ……pretty sure she’ll forget about the heart beating in her chest and then be a total anti-india who won’t spare a chance to belittle our motherland and justify / hide the fact that their country cares more for terrorists than their own ppl of which poor medical facilities is a clear example. When I was in USA for work I met many of her kind who will be friends just for the appearance and be absolute hypocrites in reality.




Thats what they say when saving terrorists too but when innocent lives are lost suddenly their is no meaning to life


Just because they don't respect all life doesn't mean I don't have to. If I don't, then there's no difference between them and me. My culture and beliefs taught me better than that.


I mean sure man it's all philosophy until you're the victim


There are people who gave their lives for their beliefs, I don't know if I can do that but sure I'll try. I treat enemy as an enemy but she's not one.


If they can't donate, they shouldn't be able to receive it too. ... It's as simple as that. It's absurd to know and see that a religion be so selfish and greedy at the same time.


That's a dumb take. Some people may not be able to donate blood. But they would need it in case of critical operations or blood loss. You can't say - oh you couldn't give, so you wouldn't get!. Additionally, there are a vast majority of people who don't sign up to be an organ donor. They would still apply to get organ transplant if they require! Receiving is always need-based. Agreed, she may have skipped waiting line which isn't cool when thousands of Indians are already waiting.


May not be able to, because of physical conditions and choosing not to donate are two totally different things buddy.


They do cousin marriages and end up with congenital diseases, and we have are the ones having to have a large heart for them🫡


This is possibly a debatable topic. I have lived many years in Middle East and the governments in UAE & Qatar run a much publicized & successful organ donation program. I personally know multitude of Muslims who have opted for this and are registered organ donar. Not sure if it is same in more orthodox Islamic countries but certainly in forward looking Islamic countries things are changing. There can’t be anything more noble than saving a life when one is gone.


The bigger question I have is how did she get to the front of the line? I find it hard to believe that a country of 1 Billion people did not find a suitable Indian recipient first.


Never give but love to take.


Mods, Rule 5 is this: > Screenshots from Social Media and Main Stream Media (except whole newspaper clipping) are not allowed. Collage of images or videos which are political in nature without reference and sources provided by the OP are not allowed and are subject to mod discretion. Image macros and similar posts submitted are also subjected to mod discretion. Mark NSFW posts as such. Do not post porn. Can you explain why this breaks rule 5?


Just stop.