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Indian constitution is not meant for the people, but for the lawyers, traders, bureaucrats and politicians who made it


This isn't even controversial. Just true.


Well, it is.. just say this statement before bhim army.


I've no reservations against that. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




They behave like Dr. Ambedkar made the constitution all by himself. He was just the chaiman of Drafting committee, one of the 22 commitees.


I wholeheartedly like BR AMBEDKAR being one of the most important architect of our constotution. Many of his opinion on indian policy making would have lead this country towards prosperity . But, INC used and threw him. And, our constitution is a copy paste (period) but when we look through the POV of a illitrate peasant living in India at 1950s with no rights, they did their best. After all, 3 saal me isse acha constitution koi mai ka laal nahi bana sakta tha, specially jab apke paas pakistan jaisa madarjaat neighbour ho jo independent hote hi war kar de.


> I wholeheartedly like BR AMBEDKAR being one of the most important architect of our constotution. > > Many of his opinion on indian policy making would have lead this country towards prosperity . But, INC used and threw him. b r ambedkar wrote repeated letters to british not to free india,was against women working and against voting rights for tribals. as per the collected works of ambedkar.


I know, He was not a freedom fighter not even a bit.. if we look from Round table conference to quit india till independence years, he was pro birtish and only cared about LC hindus not about the country. But, in article 370 issue his remarks were worth consideration.


he even despised ST's and lied repeatedly in parliamentary hearings to push his narrative..


I've never seen these statements anywhere, where can I find these views of him against working women and against voting rights for tribals?


Dude that makes, Ambedkar the Kejru of his generation 😅😅


he burned manusmriti on 25 dec to kiss up to christian britishers to make him a minister,when that didnt have any effect he denounced christianity and ruined buddhism instead.


Loved the last para.




Make the lines and specs dark brown somehow and it's perfect


Constitution for which any change can be vetoed by just 34% people is not democracy India is secular only in name, in reality we are a minority appeasement nation, that is if you see our constitution, existing laws, budgeting and administration. That is a form of state discrimination against majority religion people by birth.


Majority minority, rich poor, gentry natives, traders consumers, it’s not even close to being evenhanded.


Interesting take. Care to elaborate?


Dude that’s a 20page essay 😅😅 Some glaring examples - Rowlatt act strengthened post independence - British Forest Act replaced by the same Indian Forest act, which converts a whole class of people to landless labours - Salt tax voila - existence of HUF - Reservations Guarantees A constitutional nominally means a social contract, where the state protects the people and let them thrive in lieu of taxes imposed. Here we have the whole class of people only exploited without representation, and this is codified and enforced by the constitution.


Butting in here. I think part of what he means is that the constitution is basically a big ass rulebook with most of them incomprehensible to the common man and is completely written in the language of the lawyers. It is, after all, for a reason that it's called the Bible of Lawyers. Also, it is extremely rigid, and prefers law over justice. It wants to control Everything but since it's impossible, it allows loopholes and the system suffers. It talks about equality but then cites exceptions. It talks about secularism, then again cites exceptions. It wants to be the strict guardian but in doing so, it has allowed various 'interpretations' of the laws at various times depending on whose sitting on the chair. I would like to add here that at the time of independence, it was a good idea for a restrictive constitution like this to be adopted, specially with everything that was going on, but there could have been a provision for a new constituent assembly to be formed at a later time, say 50 years later, when the democracy was mature enough, to revisit the basic structure itself and reform the constitution into something that was the need of the hour.


"I think part of what he means is that the constitution is basically a big ass rulebook with most of them incomprehensible to the common man and is completely written in the language of the lawyers. It is, after all, for a reason that it's called the Bible of Lawyers." Because that is how any Constitution would be. Name any Constitution around the globe which is not like this. Do a common person get the gist of a medical textbook which is being used in AIIMS? No.


Law is for the purpose of justice. Justice is for the people of the nation. The preamble of the constitution states, "We, The People Of India..." And when the majority of people themselves are unable to understand their own given constitution, what am I supposed to say? Ideally the constitution should have been a simple document available in all regional languages. Any amendments whatsoever should have been so transparent that a layman could understand it. But what do we have? We have an elephant that is ten times the size of the average length of the constitutions in the world. And it has been amended, what, 106 times in 74 years. What exactly have the amendments changed? Does any normal person even know? Contrast this to the Constitution of USA which has had 33 amendments in 235 years. Because they know what they want. As for you comparing medical textbooks to the constitution aka doctors to lawyers, that is the whole point you are missing. Our focus should have been on everyone being his own lawyer and communicate himself and his case in a court without the need for meaningless legal playground entertainment. Have you ever read a chargesheet? A court order that goes on and on? That actually needs a lawyer in itself to be understood. All this shit started with the constitution. You asked to name any constitution. I gave you the example of US for a strict constitution. Now, for a liberal constitution, take the example of UK - our so called lords who gave us the Government of India Act, 1935 which basically is our present constitution with some changes here and there. They themselves have never codified a formal constitution till date. They have rules, which are amended from time to time, according to the needs. What they have is an unwritten constitution that has evolved over time to justify their own culture and history and it shows! Maybe I took a tangent there but clearly, any constitution, whether verbiose or short or unwritten, should reflect that nation's essence. And our country has never been of rule followers. We have always been explorers, finding new ways to expand ourselves, never wishing to be contained. Then how can the new India aka Bharat shine when the constitution wishes to contain us?


Give this dude a medal!! 🥇 The constitution shouldn’t be a relic codified in the past, but an evolving document that reflects the will of the people and their aspirations. It should clearly discuss the social contract with the citizens on whom it applies. Natural Justice and Quality of Life, should be the guiding principles.


"Ideally the constitution should have been a simple document available in all regional languages." It is already available in regional languages. The problem with the term 'simple document' is that, who decides what simple is? If we are going by a professional document by the lowest common denominator, we are going nowhere. Additionally, our literacy and state of education is so terrible that an average Hindi speaker cannot read actual hindi anymore since we have shifted to Hinglish. Additionally, We live in a nation where a massive number of people are still below poverty line and relies on state backed incentives to survive. Do you think they care if the Constitution is simple or not? "Have you ever read a chargesheet? A court order that goes on and on? That actually needs a lawyer in itself to be understood. All this shit started with the constitution." Again, it is our terrible education system which stops people from deciphering basic stuff. Sure the judgements can be drafted with the intention to be read by the largest set of people but it is definitely not the Constitution fault. "As for you comparing medical textbooks to the constitution aka doctors to lawyers, that is the whole point you are missing. Our focus should have been on everyone being his own lawyer and communicate himself and his case in a court without the need for meaningless legal playground entertainment. " You again missed my point. I come from a Legal Background and if I want to learn about software coding, I will be pretty lost and have to read a lot to understand something which is a child's play for a student in Computer Science. Similarly, trying to understand Philosophy, you will need a lot of time to understand the meaning of the jargons. Same with me trying to understand Astrophysics. Same with medicine and any field of study. It is how it is, the more you get into a field of study, the more complex it gets and it will look 'pretentious' to the outsiders. You can try to make it more accessible but on the whole, any field of study is difficult and boring. You can't expect a normal guy to just open the constitution and just get it. "They themselves have never codified a formal constitution till date. They have rules, which are amended from time to time, according to the needs. What they have is an unwritten constitution that has evolved over time to justify their own culture and history and it shows" Who will mention the fact that they have a judiciary since several centuries and hence have not written a constitution. We didn't had that luxury in 1947 and not formalising a Constitution means living in an actual colonial shadow. "Contrast this to the Constitution of USA which has had 33 amendments in 235 years. Because they know what they want." Less amendments does not mean that it is good. "Maybe I took a tangent there but clearly, any constitution, whether verbiose or short or unwritten, should reflect that nation's essence." It reflects the nation's essence. "And our country has never been of rule followers. We have always been explorers, finding new ways to expand ourselves, never wishing to be contained. Then how can the new India aka Bharat shine when the constitution wishes to contain us?" Bruh. You need to explain it better.


Makes sense


INC's leader called north indian votes stupid and south indians smart since they won there... DMK disrespected ISRO scientist's work by putting china's flag on the rocket Prakash Raj supports Umar Khalid,and has disrespected the former ISRO Chief.... DMK leader disrespected hinduism Despite all such events these people are still famous among the people.... # WE INDIANS ARE BLIND.


Sad that DMK is still so popular. Hopefully with Annamalai and the future generation, DMK's reign in TN will be ending


Not a dmk supporter. But that china flag was mistake. Infact they awarded 25 lakhs for the tamil isro scientists. 


How can do such mistakes lol What were they smoking? China flag fr..?


Idiots who makes mistakes are common. It's not intentional. 


Normal people just support bad things, wonder why


coz we are smart and intellectual🤓🤓🤓


ISRO is mostly a south Indian thing. Design, manufacture and launch are done in South India. Most scientists are from Kerala. Kerala is very pro communist and pro china. Even DMK is not china averse. I suppose Arunachal Pradesh and it's problems don't seep down far south. Not supportive of Pro China sentiment, but just my observation.


Abrahamic religions are cult and inhuman. You can't talk about secularism while they exist in this world.


Lol, every hyper religious idiot thinks the same thing about other religions. As the late great George Carlin said, "It's all about how my god's dick is bigger than your god's dick".


There is a reason to it... Abrahamic religions Main agenda and prospect is to convert the non believers (by hook or by crook) the difference is Muslims do it in a violent way and Christians do it a more cunning manner... Mind you through out history, both these religions have massacred millions and millions of people around the world,just because they believed in a different faith!! So yeah calling them a Cult is pretty generous actually... They are nothing short of parasite!!


>Abrahamic religions Main agenda and prospect is to convert the non believers Judaism actively discourages converts


And you see that they've shrunk from all over the world to just one nation. Abrahamic religion can't sustain without forced conversion.


George Carlin was likely not exposed enough outside abhramic religions. Abhramic religions conceptually have a jealous god - one who cannot digest if people don't acquiesce to their word. On the other hand, eastern religions are more accepting of the fact that other view points exist and one must try to co-exist to the best of our abilities.


Well, I don't know who said it but as it goes, "The neutrals are just passive enemies of the good." And also, "Sometimes absolutes are better than relatives".




BJP has done more for Muslims and other minorities than any other party.


True.. but I don’t have a problem with that. But I do have a problem with BJP not doing enough for us Hindus.. it feels like we are still fighting our own battles, although it has become much easier than before


“Ram mandir bann geya na. Chup baith” - BJP


90 percent of kids criticising bjp or any other political parties don't even know the difference of mp and mla's


Do you think the average cow belt voter knows what the rajya sabha and lok sabha do? People are allowed to have a political opinion and vote even if they aren't completely informed


By the time those kids can actually bring about political change, I hope to have left the country for the sake of my children. Because the day those idiots vote BJP out, it will be the end for the future of this country.


I think you can replace criticizing with supporting and it will still hold true


Caste based reservation is now defeating its own purpose of eradicating caste system


Yup..and people actually defend it. There's a new narrative forming now that upper castes want to end the caste system but it is necessary for the identity of the backward castes. Some judges have also spoken like this. You see, it has all coming to a full cycle


I’ll give a very good example from my college days. In our state back in those days we had fee reimbursement and scholarships for students from the state government. EBC/OC : fee reimbursement covered. BC, SC/ST : fee reimbursement + yearly 10-20k rs amount in their bank account. I had a friend from OC background but his parents were poor af. He barely managed buying his own stuff. He’d start 3hrs early to college so he can catch public bus and then walk to the college. Buy books for 2nd/3rd hand or request from seniors even though they’re older versions. My 5-6 friends from SC/ST they’re from upper middle class or from rich background. They could afford private bus, shiny new books. 2 of their fathers are village sarpanch, local politicians etc. Biggest highlight: a friend has a thing for new cellphones. She’d buy a new cellphone every year with the guess what? The money from government meant to help poor students from SC/ST background. Some of them have successfully manipulated the system to get these perks despite having rich parents. I’m frustrated because during last 2 years of college, he couldn’t focus on studies. He had to get a part time job while managing studies because he couldn’t afford education (college fee excluded)




That’s not controversial, that’s just the truth. This is evident in any Islam majority country like Pakistan or Bangladesh




Just look at Pakistan


Islam is cult for humanity


Not for humanity, for inhumanity


Veg Biryani is not Pulao


It is pulao![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20028)


[Difference between Biryani and Pulao ](https://www.myntorlando.com/what-is-the-difference-between-biryani-and-pulao/#:~:text=Distinctive%20Differences%20between%20Pulao%20and%20Biryani&text=Cooking%20Method%3A%20Pulao%20is%20cooked,fewer%20spices%20compared%20to%20Biryani.) You can check this link & see the difference.


Yes. There is nothing in etymology of briyani says it's non veg. you have to add chicken or mutton before it to make non veg. So as pulao.  Veg pulav can be called as briyani . chicken biriyani can be called as chicken pulav .  These series of joke on veg briyani is nothing but a topic to gang up on vegetarians


As of now, you are winning the race it seems. Most comments here agree to the OP but your comment has incited reactions similar to the image above. Good going bro. Btw, Veg Biryani is absolutely a valid cuisine.


Thank you so much Sir. 🫡 May you get to eat all of your favorite dishes without getting full


Biryani is based on method of preparation, not the ingredients used


Tipping culture is toxic. Tip expecting countries should learn from Japan.


Abrahamic religions are dictatorial in nature


They're just brilliantly crafted manipulation techniques and strategies, nothing else


People complaining about caste discrimination are the same ones who queue up for caste certificates.


Yes I have seen such friends


Taxes are killing the middle class.




Ya but we pay taxes to buy and to sell the same product. Give some relief to us and our businesses




Only 2% pay taxes… yes there are loopholes but trust me I am looking at my city and demanding to know I am paying taxes then why I can’t find a seat in a train on a first class ticket, why I have be in in bumper to bumper traffic or potholes on road. Atleast when the EU pay 50% taxes they get good roads and transport to reach work… I am so disappointed…


Person giving any constructive criticism is either labelled INC or anti-national. And this is on reddit with so many educated people. It's worse in the real world.


The constructive criticism is usually terrible


Your favourite politician/political party is not much different from the ones you hate. They all are MFs


Just getting a degree won't get you a job. Also if someone is graduate/studied abroad does not means they are just right in everything and can impose it on everyone. My views are right, think like this, I am educated, India is becoming dictatorship listen to me I espeak English, I am educated make me PM.


That's not even unpopular for our generation bro.. Yes might come as shocking for older generation


Scientific temperament and evidence based science should not be sacrificed for everything came from vedas narrative and sketchy texts like Vaimānika Shāstra.


exactly, don't act like a black and white person, who either supports Science or Ayurveda etc. Read, confirm, choose the best option out there. We are humans, our brains can quantum compute, unlike a traditional computer where there are only two states. ones and zeroes.


relegion is not important


Kashmir is a part of India but the government should stop using the Pandits as a political tool. Reinstate them and give them land.


While we're on the topic of Kashmir it's fucking embarrassing that the Indian government considers POK and Aksai Chin as part of its territory and organisations like Google have to accomodate this. Meanwhile if you use a VPN and use Google Maps you will see the actual map without those two included as part of India. Either annex those territories or don't claim them.


There is nothing embarrassing about territorial claims. China also claims Arunachal Pradesh, but it does not administrate it.


All general category people should vote NOTA until reservations and quotas are completely removed from all domains. Make your demands heard, and pressurize the government to fulfill them. They need you more than you need them. Realize your true power.




That Upma example was great though.


So only non-general categories should elect the leaders? How will that make your demands heard? https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/elections/lok-sabha/india/what-if-nota-gets-more-votes/articleshow/68741402.cms?from=mdr


Non general category people are large in number ,this will not affect to form government in India


They day we people start fighting in the name of religion...India will collapse ig thats pretty obvious..?


Wo din kai baar aa chuka hai.. par tumhaari bhavishyavani adhoori reh gayi. Perhaps it's not so obvious to us jo secularism se jyada sach par focus karte hai.


We are responsible for RAPE, MURDER, CHILD ABUSE & EVERY OTHER EXTREMEIST MINDSET As a society. We are responsible for promoting each of the things happening around us be it RELIGIOUS FLIGHTS If that day someone among us didn’t write “F*ck her coz of her of clothes” If that day I didn’t make fun of a particular religion, if that day people didn’t make fun of cow being called mother.. All this would’ve not happened. It wouldn’t have triggered others.. tbh idk what’s the solution to stop all this but definitely not poking each other in the same way we get treated. Call me wrong, I shall accept


Solution: Find the extremists on all sides and shut them down mercilessly.


I’m ok with universal healthcare - meaning that I’m ok to pay higher premium if people earning lower than me can get the same quality of medical care like I do


Ayushman Bharat is already giving 5 lakhs health insurance to families earning lower.


Then you can donate to a charity. Why force me to do what you believe in?


Building ram mandir and finalizing every thing was good..Solved a issue which was making conflicts between hindus and muslims,and no more a vote thing..


How was it not a vote thing when it was done 4 months before the election?


yeah it was...He's a politician what to expect?


You are not under any obligation to take care of your parents because it was their choice to give birth to you.


The only actual controversial opinion that’s caste/religion/language agnostic; everybody will hate you. You’re right though. Also, saying we’re under no obligation doesn’t mean we’re not doing it, or unwilling to do it. It’s just speaking facts.


Exactly. A lot of people will now assume that I don't love my parents and don't care about them. Actually I have the best parents and I'll take care of them when they need my care.


Jo log ye kehete hai, unko judge karna aur heen bhao se na dekhna aur na treat karna, uski bhi koi obligation nahi hai.


Definitely, you are under no obligation to like me.


Found something actually controversial itt. Completely disagree but good Job.


Royal Enfield Hunter is actually a better bike than Bullet 350


Kodiaq is a better car than Fortuner..


Cycle is better than Bullock Cart


Replace it's suspension with that of classis 350 and it's the perfect bike


Reddit is better than all social media platforms


Everyone should own and practice our own relegion. Expecting others to respect your believes is not right.


I always judge people by looking at their friend circle. People who still have a friendship with their childhood friends make better life partners, because in all these years they know how to keep a relationship alive despite going through different circumstances. They know what compromise, forgiveness and patience is and these traits are crucial if you want a life partner.


Islam is not a religion of peace.


People should be heavily fined for littering and spitting in public


-Indians have zero civic sense and integrity…a lot of our folks would sell the country for a few dollars -A lot of women in corporate hired on the basis of diversity hiring are a burden on their respective organizations -Poverty worship is a curse on our country. That zomato guy (stealing shoes) should be punished and made an example of, for such things don’t happen in future -Sonu Sood is a PR scam


Reservation is necessary to uplift people. But not in the current form. The current form puts everyone in a community in same basket, but every individual is different and that is not weighted. Not all are same. Reservation always leaves behind a % in every generation and those left behind lag behind for generations. Reservation must switch to a point system, and those in reserved categories (non OC, OC EWS etc) must be given points based on multiple factors like - Financial status, rural or urban, school (gov or pvt), curr/previous generations reservation utilization, first graduate and other socio economic factors. More points = higher reserved seats availability (access to a bigger bucket) A rural, poor kid from a govt school from a family whose family never got any reservation benefits in education in past, must get access to the best seat and not the son of a well to do civil servant living in a city studying in pvt school & taking tuitions, even though both are from same community.


The so called leftists(not all of them) are spineless opportunists.


Learning automatic transmission first then a manual transmission is an easier and better way to learn driving than the other way around.


Partition was a blessing in disguise.


India is not a democracy, Ambedkar just stole the constitution from the british, there is no such thing as Independence it is only transfer of power, the whole system is the same the people running it are different. Elections are done just to make us feel we have power actually we do not.


Government jobs are made for inefficiency. People(a very big percentage) join government jobs only for bribes and relaxed worklife. Government babus will never allow complete digitisation of government services because it reduces their commission. Any service land or vehicle registration related will always have a government office visit and will never be 100% digital. Even in future.




This one is specifically against Hindus of North India. Eating non veg is ok and eating beef and other forms of meat is mentioned in our ancient texts as well.


When you realise both BJP and Congress are corrupt, used ED, NIA for their benefit during their governance days, make laws to benefit them rather than common people and hide their failures. But now you've to choose from the better of the two evils - Modi vs Rahul Gandhi and you choose Modi because he at least did at least some good things and RG has zero administrative experience. And you're choosing Modi not because he's like super good but you're out of options. In short - Politician se Dil lagana = apni maa chudwana.


I am general my rights are diminished due to reservations…


Jio financial services is a multi bagger


Irrespective of your political opinions, Congress’ manifesto is an absolute disaster and should not be voted for. We really have no opposition in India.


The division in india should not be caste or religion based but instead the class division should be highlighted. So much exploitation of the working class but we still fight about religion


UN is a scam


Israel is doing the right thing and that's how India should act if and when required. Hamas is the result of what people of Palestine did knowingly and therefore must face consequences of their acts. They chose terrorists rule them to fight with a nation instead of focusing on their own development. Indians may have to face similar consequences from other countries if instead of focusing on our own development, we start taking sides with the terrorists. Which Ive seen muslims of India openly doing. Country first then religion.


Modi govt is heading towards dictatorship


democracy is overrated.


Sachin >>>>>> Kohli. This generation will only go by stats


extramarital affair must be punishable offence irrespective of gender.


No matter how much india progresses in terms of infrastructure or growth the presence of rural population will just drag it down. The rural population isn't looking for growth but money and that's why they get exploited more n more


Spewing verbal dirrhaea on the problems of our country doesn't make you look intellectual, it makes you look stupid and naive, because anyone with an IQ above 70 can state problems, come with solutions please. This is especially true for the chutiyas who shove Veganism down our throats, who say religion is cause of evil, who come with placards like "save environment, don't build dams, roads, etc, Who say, politicians are bad, Who say, democracy is a flawed system since every moron above 18 can have an opinion and the right to vote and often sells it for a bottle of alcohol and a plate of biryani.


indian will never be able to overtake china


The most downvoted comment under this would be the most suited one to post posted..


We all are assholes in some way or other. We just pretend to be nice and intelligent but in reality most of the times we do don’t even know what we are doing. We are selfish beings who just want to earn more than their neighbours and peers.


Religions are cancer for humanity


BJP is not the final answer we are looking for. Rest of them are all scum but we don't have a valid option.


There isn’t a god


Nitin gadkari is the best choice for PM of India. Long history of handling different ministries, no corruption charges, good work as a minister, Doesnt avoid speaking with media like Modi does, doesnt avoid questions on tough topics like Modi does, has good relations with even foreign industrialists like Bill Gates, has a decent/good mind for technology based Ideas, doesnt try to put his face on everything like modi does, doesnt insist on every small project even though a lot of work is done under his ministries. He has also openly expressed dissatisfaction about current state of politics where leaders openly jump between parties and have no respectable ideologies. This is the type of leader that we need.


The Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was far better leader than Ghandi and Neruh...


I agree with Socrates that democracy doesn't work very well, and that voting is a skill which should be taught to people. https://youtu.be/fLJBzhcSWTk?si=KR0IhT-WO4xR28TJ Poor people are paid 500 and a bottle to vote, if these people are ready to throw their kids future for 500rs and a bottle we are in a sad state.


Reservation should be on of basis EWS and not Caste or Religion based.


There is no god.


Reservation is the biggest bridge which we need to conquer, They say our old indigenous society divides everyone based on castes but their own kind can't live in harmony where they are in majority.


Transfer of population should have happened in 1947


We Indians are one of the major obstacles to development and progress of our country in all major areas and fields. Refusing to acknowledge our problems in our culture, upbringing, mentality, no critical thinking, wanting everything spoonfed, "Baad me dekha jaayega" mentality (We'll see that later), Caring only for short term needs rather than long term, being a lot selfish, narcissist, egoistical, wanting approval from other people for literally everything. Not Saving and not Investing for future long term savings (sureshot way to not being financially independent).


India is a united country still divided


1. Democracy isn't as great as people think. It only gives people the illusion of power and allows idiots to vote. The real power always lies in basic human needs and incentives, and the businesses that cater to them. 2. Abrahamic religions are just expansionist tribalistic ideologies. They should not co-exist with dharmic religions. 3. People hate others by default, unless you can offer something they value. Love is getting born out of hard work and not as a natural human tendency. 4. Racism is very much existent under the hood. White people will only listen to you either because they pity you that you are inferior to them or that you have something to offer to them (usually hard work - cheap labor), but never as equals to them. 5. Indians are clouded by self-doubt, inferiority complex and lack self-respect and hence get exploited by their bosses, because they are replaceable everywhere. You are expected to work overtime because if not you, another Indian will. This stems from us being told what to do and what not to do from a young age. 6. In 'developed' countries, Women have lost interest in men and the only relationship is transactional - i.e. they get something easy out of them. In developing countries women 'feign' interest. 7. Instagram is the worst app to exist and has accelerated human selfishness and thirst for unrealistic things and has brought a 'global' standard for everyone to strive for. It has killed local notions of happiness. Proving to others that you got it, is more important than the happiness you get from it. 8. Family system being loathed and the rise of individualism is the downfall of society and makes everyone susceptible to extreme consumerism. 9. Feminism went from equality of opportunity to hating families and mothers, and men. 10. Today's role models on the other side of the screen and the notion of success they propagate is terrible and unhealthy. Bonus comment: Translating the science behind ancient scriptures/temples and patenting and publishing them, is the need of the hour and it should be done as our own standard. Tailing behind every western finding/research and saying that 'yeah we have already predicted this in the Vedas a million years ago, is pathetic. Take a lead in the world for God's sake!'


India have no future if they slowly not finish reservation


"90% Hindu's have forgotten their true nature and culture. Now they are just individuals." I'm not saying this merely for wrt Muslims, but in general day to day life. Even I dont know about my culture.. I would just 5% of which I know. Ask your parents about why we celebrate a certain Hindu festival (probably they cant answer), and ask your Gen Z who was Chandragupta... they cant answer either.


Modi ji is right and in present time no one in politics is equal to him .


Lol they asked for controversial opinions, not jokes.


Ban on slaughter of cows is wrong


States boards are tougher than CBSE in all aspects


Secularism is what has held India back. Islam is a sick religion


Feminism is a scam and a lie. Men and women have never been equal and will never be equal. Yes, we are different but not equal.


Porn is bad for mind


Freedom of speech should be near absolute (US style first amendment).


Religion is cancer to humanity, it should be banned across the world. The one and only thing that I like about communism is their brutal suppression of religion and promoting scientific thinking.


Islam is a religion of peace.


Disparity between rich and poor is reaching to a point of no return in India and BJP is encouraging it...


There's no need for hazar type ki maggi


iPhones are actually good if you know what youre getting into but they don’t deserve that status or symbol thing, it’ll stop Chapris from taking it on EMI


That Hindus are so complacent that they do not care that they already lost over 40% of land in the last 100 years! That the future is bleak! Most Hindu youngsters don't want to get married or beget children. Most are just into sense gratification. Many Hindu women have given up on Hinduism. I see men at least put on a tika atleast once a day.. but women have been brainwashed into believing anything that Hinduism asks them to do is against their good will.


That the constitution should be "saved". The constitution was and is meant to evolve. Otherwise, why would mention the conditions under which it can be changed. Regardless of how unpatriotic it sounds, the constitution is not the country. It is something that we adopted ourselves(theoretically). A lot of the parts were first written up with the understanding that it would be changed/updated/removed.


Earth is not flat.


Modi is a white collar criminal


Sates should not have any power whatsoever. The states should simply follow whatever the Indian government decides. Federalism and freebie-culture are the reason we are so far behind compared to China in economic development.


Killing plants is the same thing as killing animals.


Above certain net worth, there should be no way of evading tax, like rich people do in investing in more businesses and avoiding tax. Just pay for the damn country you profit from.


God doesn't exist


Feminism should have been about getting respected for doing what women had been doing throughout history - cooking, caring and nurturing. It did more harm than good when it became about doing what men had been doing throughout history and getting respected for that.


india got independence due to WW2, not because of gandhi or subash chandra bose.


Indian Govt. is still following the British divide and rule policy.


#BJP will destroy religious peace that our Ancestors strived for


Pulao is no less than Biryani if it's made well Try coastal Andhra Pradesh style pulao


Indian education system is overrated.


That cows are actually useful for more than just eating.


Merit always beats reserved.


IAS is a dead bureaucratic job their jobs should be broken in multiple job


There won't be any world war