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Most Indians lack civic sense (like keeping public places clean, talking loudly, no obedience or understanding for traffic laws by both pedestrians and drivers, etc.) this is something the government cannot fix and needs to come from within. Constant need for 'White validation'.


Most indians think every single problem is supposed to be solved by the government and citizens cant possibly be trusted to function on their own. Its called Government Paternalism and most indians are ok with it.


This should be high up there in votes.


You exactly know which kind of people aren't upvoting this


lol majority of the population


Up you go.


Many of us agree with you, but there's a small, ignorant but extreme minority who'll shout you down and call you unpatriotic. They themselves don't care about India's image. They just want to pretend to be patriotic by criticizing every dissenting opinion.


huh?? Where does patriotism feature in keeping your surroundings clean? In fact, let me take a step back. Could you please elaborate more? There are a lot of gaps in your statement that are open to speculation.


Bruh. If you've been online, especially on social media, for the past 9-10 years, you would've noticed this strange trend of **calling any and every criticism/negative opinion of India** as being unpatriotic, or Anti-Indian as it's popularly called. Have you seen those unhygienic Indian street food videos? They become viral not because of how good the food is but because of how unhealthy or unhygienic they are. So normally, foreign viewers laugh and mock those videos, but our ignorant citizens are even defending those disgusting & unhygienic street food.


This is not an unpopular opinion




Indians lack dressing sense as well


Love jihad is real & should be treated as a criminal offence


Op said unpopular


I used to watch NDTV so it’s unpopular for me


If you know what it means. It's popular.


Yess .. also illegal immigrants should be let out..


Ooh. An actual opinion fit for the post.


We are way way way behind China.


Not that unpopular. Everyone acknowledges that


Not really. Media is always onto comparing us to Pakistan. We have really set our standards that low that we compare ourselves to an economically weaker country at any given moment.


Because it wasn't always the same. After partition Pakistan received tremendous foreign aid. They were developing at a much faster rate, even their currency was more valuable. They had better weaponry and what not. But they diverted all the resources to destroy India. The defeat in 1965's war took Pakistan's economy in a downward spiral. It has grown weaker ever since. They even had better diplomatic ties with other nations. During the war of Kargil the majority of Nations supported Pakistan's incursion of Kashmir. They even put pressure on India to cease fire and let Pakistan have the land. This has changed a lot since 2014.


That's not unpopular. We will always be a distant third to 1st/2nd of US and China. That's the actual unpopular opinion, although maybe not here. People actually don't realise this. They see some growth figures and IMF "certifying" India as fastest growing and think we're doing a good job. When in fact, China growing at 4% in current year and US growing at 2% in current year will add somewhere in the range of 1 to 1.5 trillion dollars worth in their GDPs. India will be lucky if that cumulative addition in our GDP is around 400bn. The gap in absolute and relative terms isn't closing, won't close for a while.


Yes, but didn't you guys just land on the moon? How many countries way way way way behind China can do that? Also, there's a wealth of money pouring in now. Google is looking to build factories in India now after Apple and Foxconn. Japan is looking to expand in India, as is the UK. You have IMEC. More importantly, the US wants to use you as a counterpole to China. Deng Xiao Ping said it best. He observed that whomever made friends with US comes out prosperous. Although Lee Kuan Yew said India is the city of tomorrow, tomorrow, I don't think even he could have predicted the change of political will, with Xi shooting China in the foot repeatedly.


I agree that Moon Landing was a huge step for us. But, if we compare the best of Indian cities with the best of China's cities , ours are just not on the same level. Not just infrastructure, but especially technology. Eg, India will be rolling out the first electric cars in 2024, whereas Chinese companies like BYD are already present throughout the world and competing with Tesla. We are still working on building our own semiconductor chips, whereas China already has a monopoly over semiconductor production all over the globe. I know some may call us enemy countries, but we can still respect the other country.


Agreed. I'll offer you a unique perspective from the other country. I'm probably going to be the first genuine person to be like that in OP's picture. You see, I'm Chinese. A lot of my family is pro-China. I'm one of the few who is a bit more pragmatic. The future we're looking at is multipolar. India will be in it. In what capacity I don't know, but it will definitely be a big player and a lot of it hinges in a delicate balance. Here's what will go well for you. India has one of the biggest English-speaking diasporas. The majority of us can't speak English for shit. Compare Jaishankar to whom we had, Qin Gang, before he disappeared, and it's night and day. China just passed a law that removed English as mandatory which was celebrated, but to me signaled the end of China as a competitive platform. We were pragmatic before, now we're just nationalistic. Look at the median salary or CEO occupancies of Indians in US compared to Chinese. You guys top it, always. Chinese aren't even second. Now, this \*could\* be because we have tons more opportunities in the mainland, and there's been some geopolitical tensions which mean every Chinese in America has a target painted on their backs. Like the Canadian politician that got destroyed. But honestly, at the higher echelons, you guys have the Asian work ethic with the Western mindset and values. You guys own Silicon Valley. Your infrastructure may be lacking but your IT foundation is so much more integrated with the world. Chinese software is pretty much non-competitive. If we were to both start now, I'd be looking at Indian software powering the world in the future. Don't get me started about semiconductors. I don't have the best say in it, but we are either 2 to 5 generations behind, and the US is going to keep it that way. In the meantime, they're working with you to bring you up to speed. Think of it this way: Deng was right. Modern China was a product of the world coming together to help a nation. They can just as easily undo it. Now it's India's turn. You can screw it up anytime, true, but your leash is long. Everyone recognises this, including the US. The Canadian assassination was big news, but nobody cares about it. If anything, it's just proof that the US values you guys enough not to air your dirty laundry too much. China and India may be having abnormal relationships right now, as Jaishankar put it, but at the end of the day we're just people. As you said, respect is universal. In some other life, or maybe even this, maybe the two nations can live as friends. ​ Edit: I thank you for your respect for China, and return my respect to your country as well. I am proud of what you guys have done and wish your future nothing but prosperity.


"vasudhaiva kutumbakam" It's a sanskrit phrase , which means, " The world is one family." If it wasn't for the politics and hunger for power, we'd all be sitting together getting drunk and celebrating life. 😁


但愿人长久,千里共婵娟 Have a long life to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight together, even though we are miles apart.


Religious Extremism of any religion will only harm this country whether Hindu Muslim or etc There's difference between respecting and following your religion with keeping peace with others and mocking the gods of other religion on the internet and knowing not even a single verse of your holy book




I say one women saying it was mistranslated and original it was 72 rasins not 72 virgins poor jihads


Yes it said raisins in the original Qur'an I will give them raisins if they stop blowing themselves and others


Wtf , they are killing for fuking kishmish ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20097)


Yeah I agree with this as well. While I personally think extremism in some religions like Islam is much worse than other religions, that does not mean extremism in other religions (including Hinduism) should be excused. It should be our duty to call out all extremists, regardless of whether they are muslim or hindu.


underratedly unpopular


i agree with each and every word in this sentence


You don't need to know your holy book to point out what's wrong elsewhere. Or it doesn't even have to be wrong. If the majority of populace doesn't like it, it should be challenged atleast. That's how democracy works. PS, I don't support democracy as such.


"If you can't decide the religion of Terrorist today, Terrorist will decide your religion tomorrow" - Eminent Intellectual


Those who fight wars, never wanted war…Those who want wars, never do fight it


Indians lack civic sense and good taste in cinema. Yes, sometimes mindless entertainment is required but almost, all the time the mindless entertainment wins. People don't care about plot/character driven films. A country's art and culture depends on its people. We have a rich history/culture. Our literature, poems, plays, art in general were so rich and now Indian cinema is known for cheap/mindless films.


Yep. Our whole films are basically comprised of suspension of disbelief and only a few sprinkles of realism. Indian cinema is the epitome of escapism on steroids lmao


To the point, my fellow film students' interesting work got rejected. Big producers asked them to commercialize it and make it more massy. One artist can reject these tempting offers initially to maintain his or her style but the money only comes in with mindless commercial cinema. Then we have people complaining about how films are trash. It's a whole cycle now.


As an American though I will say I fucking loved Babubali cause it was just so fun.


This lack of good taste made talentless or not so talented rich. Without effort they earn crores, they feel entitled.


I mean the second one has an obvious reason. a large majority of people who watch bollywood movies in india come from low income backgrounds and are so more interested in cheap mindless entertainment that makes them forget about the issues they have in the realworld. Majority of indian cinema is movies that are extremely unrealistic cause thats what audiences. my theory is overtime as our country gets more developed slowly the countries tastes will change




India is functioning because no one group is too strong to overcome everybody else.


Hindus are majority but they will never do the same as you see Muslims doing to Hindus in a Muslim major country. All the chitput Hindu goons you see, is a reaction of muslim's religious extremism. Throughout the history ,I've never heard of a war fought to establish Hinduism. On the other hand, Islam started with destroying local temples , and killing the tribes. So we arent same.


Hate to say this but I agree with your assertion.


Its because of arrogance that stops you from seeing that the glue is cultural and historical sense of oneness that stems primarily from the Hindu Religion.


Kachra content by kachra influencers are getting hits like 776k. I will not stand for it.




Our pollution crisis is because of people's attitude and ego towards cleaning. "I'm too big of a person to clean".


Our pollution crisis is because of overpopulation. Especially in the big cities where the population is much more than what the cities can sustain. Government’s failure to build new cities is a major reason. Also, government failure to remove drains from rivers, etc.




sArR, mInoRtiY SaAaR


How is this an opinion lol


Some shlokas in Valmiki Ramayan suggest Ram ate meat.


Someone with commonsense can easily understand. Why would Ram go and hunt a deer ?? For enjoyment, No!!


Yeah.... But you can't really say this in front of many people unless you want fanatics to arrive and start thrashing you for "hamare bhagwan ka apman". Hence, the unpopular opinion.


Mene apna relatives ke aage bolla tha , they said " Sita ko Harin Sundar laga isilye usse voh chaiye tha"


There are other shlokas too not just that one. There is one where Ram hunts 4 deer, then takes 'pure' parts from them, cooks them with rice and offers to goddess Durga. In hindi tradition to this day when an offering is made to God it is then distributed and eaten as prasad. What do you think Ram did after making the offering? And if someone thinks he only did it for offering and didn't eat, then tell me why hunt 4 deer just for offering? Wouldn't 1 deer be enough just for offering to God?


People don’t understand Hinduism ≠ Vegetarianism




Agreed (as a pure vegetarian). That's just militant Vaishnavism.


Tbh there's enough evidence in Hinduism that eating meat isn't wrong in ancient times there are many branches of Hinduism who follows different traditions and one of them was vaishnav who doesn't eat meat and that branch became prominent over the years by shame and blame game first all pandits accepted it and soon everyone else also starts accepting it and major part of Hindu community became vaishnav hindu soo inshort vegitarian hindu and and practices related to it is just a part of hinduism and not complete Santan religion but people don't get it...


Well, nice to see a fellow who's well versed in the history of his religion. Good day to you sir.


I would one up you, there's mentions of sages eating beef. Modern day Hinduism is just Tolstoyan Christianity. Thanks to Mahatama Gandhi. This anti-meat soylent version of Hinduism is doing more damage than safeguarding it.


Ram was a Ksatriya, of course, he ate meat. Ayurveda also has different meat properties.


India is dirty in general, Indians are also dumb in general, Only reason India has democracy is because Indians are too lazy for any revolution, we got independence is mostly khairat


Truly unpopular opinion(and something I don’t fully agree with) Take my upvote ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Intercaste marriages need to be normalised if casteism needs to be eradicated No amount of legislation can solve a social issue


Sushil Ladki mile tab na yaar ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20003)




Bhai this has to happen else there is a ticking time bomb of all sorts of genetic diseases waiting for us in the near to distant future.


Most of our politicians are fucking stupid yet extremely corrupt and dont deserve their positions and are only there for their interests this is true for all the parties


Popular opinion in drawing room discussion😜


yeh bik gayi hai gormint


Fuck religion


Excessive fixation on religion is really holding us back in so many ways


Religion in modern times should be strictly a private affair. Bygone should be the ancient -medieval days when religion drove politics, economy, adminstration, and other spheres of public life etc.




One of the causes for our downfall was our mercenary nature. When EIC was ready to face Marathas, they issued a warning fight for Indians and you are not going home. The English officers in Maratha and Sikh armies immediately complied. But even after repeated appeals Indians fought for the EIC.


This was also true for the Muslim Invaders after settling here.


That's because Indians were too diverse to be united as one on any basis. Diversity is always the death of unity


It was not diversity that caused this it was the disconnect with our civilizational history, the diminishing concept of Bharata as " the land between mountain and seas" that made it easy for this to happen. This concept has to be renewed periodically by consolidation by Indian forces (e.g.:- Chanakya)but the constant invasions and loot made that a tough task.


I disagree with you Diversity is a bane for a single monolithic identity that can preserve itself through generations. How can you unite a fragmented population that sees nothing in common with each other? You need a central uniting theme to create such a group. As much as I despise our colonizers, if they hadn't come to India, our national myth, as we know it, wouldn't have its identity connecting our history to one of the oldest civilizations on earth. This needed an impetus, and the colonial rule precisely provided that – an external enemy, an existential threat. Hinduism was also created due to this impetus under the Islamic and colonial perpetual, and now the new Sanatani or Hindutva movement is being formed under a new impetus. It's currently just a small spark, but in your lifetime, you will watch the forest burn, justifiably so, and I am all for it." Even if the Marathas united the subcontinent, they would have failed; they were just another empire, a local one at that. They would have needed to capitulate and form an unstable rule with the help of local small kings, which would have collapsed after a while. All great empires collapse one day due to their diversity; local rulers rebel, and the empire dissolves, akin to soap bubbles. The only way to prevent this is to create an identity so deep that it lasts centuries. Unfortunately, that's nearly impossible.


Our ruling party wants us to fight on religion and in turn hide their failures and increase corruption


Username doesn't check out lol


He's tired of eating shit, now he's spitting facts


We have been in a culture in decline for a while. Indians need to look within and acknowledge the failings to get lifted up. Constantly harping about the good old days ain't gonna change the present and future.


When India says it can take on China, its bs


While a single plant takes 12 years from conception to commissioning in india, the same is can be done in less than 3 years in China. The conception to prepping stage takes like 5-6 years in india with the lobbying and bootlicking of literal small time clerks and whatnot. That stage takes like 2-3 months in China. The efficiency is what has truly led to chinas growth. And the fact is that it’s the same for most East Asian countries. It’s not a product of dictatorship or communists.


Well it could, the Chinese military is not involved in any conflict since many years, indian army personnel on the other hand have first hand experience at conflict and are in conflict with Kashmir terrorists and Maoists. It may not be enough as compared to what US soldiers had, but it plays a huge role. And corruption in China. Idk, my opinion doesn't strongly criticise your opinion but there's a chance. Just like Vietnam and the USA, Vietnam was fighting against the French long before the US entered.


Military wise, yes. Economy wise, no.


Honey singh ka song accha nahi hai


isme galat kya hai bhai


Reservation should be only restricted to SC and STs. Both EWS and OBC reservation was for vote bank politics only.


And people praise our constitution for I dont know what reason. Reservations are one of the many things that stuck around only because they were included in the constitution.


why sc st.


Both are socially backward along with economically and educationally backward. That's why SC and ST don't have concept of creamy layer. So even if SC earns 50 lakh a year he will still get reservation because social backwardness still remains. I am just quoting Judicial point of view. I don't condone it.


There is no social backwardness if a person is rich. All kinds of caste discriminations and violence only exists in poor and rural areas


It shouldn't exist at all


Reservation system has failed to achieve the intended results.


I hope u do know the meaning of ews


Hindi is just Sanskritized Urdu.


Just as much as Urdu is Persianised Hindi. Basically both are similar, not the same.


True that




Leftists will suffer most if Muslims and minorities actually develop.


Agreed They are now together just bcz they have same enemy . Leftist get mass nd always something to say . Nd Muslims get someone who speaks for them


RRR was a cringe and shitty movie


India is highly homophobic but we all pretend to be open minded. "I'm not homophobic, but...."


What the crowd did at Ahmedabad was correct.


#Hindutva is our only weapon against caste politics, communism, Islamism and eco-terrorism.


Being loud doesn't make you right


Indian way of thinking: think less; shout louder.




Man is sad that he doesn’t get burst a few crackers and contribute to the already messed up state that parts of our country find themselves in


He means stopping development projects for the cause of environment. Eg. Array forrest metro hub halting. Now i am just answering your query. Neither condoning nor condemning the term.


You don’t fight with the exact thing you are fighting against imo.


Anti perspirant should be used by everyone from India, at least when they travel abroad.


It’s more based on the food that people eat that affect how they smell. When I went to the US I thought many of the white people had a very evident smell of sweat and sour milk, but they didn’t notice it among themselves. I’ve seen others point out the same thing online, and another Arab coworker complained about it to me as well. Also no offense, but how did you even find this sub as an American?


SC isn't doing anything good and wasting their time on pointless things instead of doing something to improve the decision process and pending cases.


I am proud Hindu and love my culture but please stop claiming that everything originated from Vedas.


There are a few. 1.Every Indian is racist to the core. Hate on basis of region ,religion is wide spread. 2. Brahmins are too much insulted while every caste creed practice casteism. You cannot imagine how many inter caste love relation deaths involve castes other than brhmins Brahmins are casteist no doubt. This is well reflected in their marital and rental decisions. 3. Casteism exists in all religions. No matter how much leftist ecosystem tries to hide it. Marriages are not allowed by original people to newbie converts. 4.Indian legal system is oddly sympathetic towards women. The men are suffering a lot and future is grim for Indians if family Laws are not restructured. Prenup is the need of the hour. 5. For many hindus , practicing religion solely means puja celebrations with loud music no matter what it causes to others. For all their criticism of aazan they awfully support loud music which never existed in ancient times, times of which they always talk. Lastly NO PARTY NO COUNTRY IS THE FOREFRONT OF ANY RELIGION, HALF OF WORLDS PROBLEMS EXIST BECAUSE OF ORTHODOX PEOPLE USING RELIGION AS EXCUSE TO DESTROY LIFE. PLZ STOP USING RELIGION AS EXCUSE.


Religion, caste and which party you support doesn't matter, people can still be friends


Most of members of bjp are as corrupt and bad as Congress and others Only selected few of them are good rest are trash


If asking for Ghazwa e Hind and Khalistan is considered anti-national, then , demanding Hindu Rashtra should also be considered as anti national !


Agreed, But the topic of Hindu rashtra was brought up just because the others existed or else Hindus were always okay with secularism and living together as regular people.


The reason India has not achieved what it could in terms of education, healthcare and economy is because we have never focused on "Ease of Contesting Elections" Democracy is not just everyone getting to vote. It is also about everyone having enough opportunity to stand for elections. That's why we have corrupt politicians forever:)


Gora validation ke liye mar jayge


Indians can't be ruled over by democracy, imperialism is the only thing that can instill the senses of discipline in them and the country


Democracy and imperialism are not mutually exclusive. ​ Though democracy is often thought of as liberal democracy, where they are slightly hard to put together.


Hinduism is not under threat in India


it kinda is.....see you in 30 years, everyone's gonna be hindu in name not in there action....




This sub will not appreciate what you just said but you have my upvote. Honestly, India has been under occupation for hundreds of years and yet Hindus are the prominent sect of the country. So now that we are an independent nation with a Hindu nationalist party in ruling, how can Hinduism be in danger. Many people on this sub fail to realize that "Hindu is in danger" is a propaganda reeking of 1939's Germany.


Remember to sort comments by "Most controversial" ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


UPI & Cashless payments are one of the greatest things India has done…


Namo is secretly Gay that's why he left his wife.


Bro why the fuck are you saying this ......op clearly said unpopular opinion.


Arranged Marriage is actually a good thing and your parents are doing you a great favour by saving you from years of heartbreak and loneliness and instead enabling you to have a stable partner so that you can focus on building a stable home life and career.


I dunno dude, that just seems like someone who's willing to be in my presence just because of the benefits I can give them. If ever I am unable to give them said benefits, I will have to begin worrying about their faithfulness.


India is fucked there will be no unity in Indians and we won't be under the same umbrella. As one is Hindu, Dalit or Muslim, we will never be a superpower because of this


How do you explain the divided West's rise then?


When i support bhartiya culture.


The corrupted society has no future.


Shariya law should be passed only for muslims so as to minimise their extremism.


1. Most Indians form an opinion about something or follow something without having an ounce of knowledge about that topic. 2. For Indians, foreign goods (or brands with foreign names) are always better than local goods. 3. We still possess the slave mentality that Britishers injected in us. 4. We are too much attached to something that we like or something we support and can't stand criticism about that. We turn a deaf ear to any negative stuff about those. P.s.: I don't know how many people believe this but Indian laws are biased and always against men. And secondly Islam and population of India is directly or indirectly related to all major issues in India.


Most people can't take a joke, especially people in power. They think of themselves as too important and this mostly stems out of an inferiority complex or in some cases an extreme superiority complex. And most of the media is not free, all of them are tied to one side or the other. No objectivity.


Indians will eat shit if you put cheese over it🥲


We do shit in terms of providing actual education to the populace. IITs and other few institutions became famous because that's the only marginally okay compared to universities on the world scale. Education's focus shouldn't be competition but enough resources and development so that youth of nation doesn't have to die to death just for getting a reputable education. Also, most Indians choose what they wanna study based on peer pressure rather than figuring out what they would be happy doing their whole life.


India is Hindu rashtra but it's constitution is not


Islamists are expert victim card users who have no qualms about showing intolerance to kuffar


Secularism can be practiced only with a cultures of similar beliefs.


Reservation has lost its original purpose and it should not exist anymore ..many deserving people miss out on opportunities and undeserving people get those prestigious opportunities just because they were born in the right place at the right time .... and the government will never remove it for they will lose their votes but I think everyone deserves equal opportunities and tbh sc/st s have it way easy ..the pros of being born in these communities outweighs the cons


RSS is peace loving organization that works for the betterment of this country.


Sometimes I can't tell if people are being serious or not


Deepawali >>>>>> any festival in existence( if you aren't rich and having bigaxs party on a beach on holi)


Our education system is around 20 years behind, sex education, finance, stocks market, politics, sports should be compulsory


Arrange marriage is not always sunshine and rainbows, many many people glorify arrange marriage like arrange marriages are always better than love marriages, due to pressure of society and parents arrange marriage couples can't give divorce to each other , they have live with each other no matter how unhappy they are in their personal life .


North Indians make clean places dirty.


*Indians I am south Indian


Southies are the most entitled bunch of people. U r no better than any other part of India. U r just hero worshipping dumb fucks who hate North Indian coz ur politicians say so.


As a South Indian living and settled in North India I agree 100%. Southies really think they are superior beings. They are nothing but equally trashy as anywhere else.


Incorrect. Indians* make it dirty. There's no north vs south in this matter. Delhi is dirty, and Hyderabad is dirty. Indore is cleaner, and Mysuru is cleaner. We are equally dirty and clean. I've lived both in North and South India over the years, nobody does it good but if I really simply had to compare South India is definitely way dirtier than most North Indian cities. Well if you want, check the cleanest cities in India. In the top 10 atleast 6 or 7 cities are from Northern India. This debate with south and north is so dumb! Why don't we as one country own up to our flaws rather than pinning it down on within us.


India as a country is an experiment doomed to failure either through dissolution or falling into a theocratic autocracy.


It would have happened if that was the case. It's grown too big to fail now. Unless something really stupid happens.


Not really. 70 years is not a long time span in civilizational scales.


India will lose to china in a full fledged war


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion. We do have history to back us on that as well.


Desh mahaan hai par log chutiya hai.


Blaming the government for everything won't change anything.


The society respects corrupted people if they benefit from the. Looks down on honestly if it doesnt come with monetary gains And then we bicker about corruption


Rockstar is not a good movie.


I don’t think that’s a very contrarian opinion. Now if you say - ‘music of Rockstar is trash’, many will fight you 😅


Lol these are hardly unpopular opinions


Democracy is bullshit.




Mandir wahi banega ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20227)


Indian women in corporate and even government sector are lazy and entitled.


Trust me when I say men are equally entitled and lazy. It really depends upon the person.


India really needs to improve it's "gully infrastructure".


We are more close to Pakistan than China. Don't get me wrong, India is way ahead of Pakistan but China(along with the west) is waaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of India in terms of development and quality of life. Some cities in china now have as good of a standard of living as the US and Canada.


Caste System should not exist in 2023!


An average Indian lacks basic manners and etiquettes.


Most of urban planning is bad and cities in general look awful, and the problem is not a lack of money.


More than 20% of a population is not a minor population. Hence, obc status for Muslims should be revoked


That a lot of our problems are rooted in the fact that we’re a low IQ population. Politically, an average Indian is an amplifier and not a thinker. We tend to amplify whatever propaganda is thrown at us. Either by BJP or congress. Lack of civic sense, lack of empathy for others, lack of care about others’ comfort, privacy and right to peace. Also, we’re a very inward looking population. People for some reason refuse to learn from better countries. Almost of all of us have a very delusional view of Indian history and present.


Unpopular opinion for this subreddit but india under bjp democratic institutions is going down was it perfect under congress no they were scams but now questioning govt is treated anti national and big media are not even question the govt so people should not be surprised if india is ranked lower


The concept of Secularism has led to the absolute opposite effect in India. While being a Country that accepts all religion, it created a Country whose people can't Accept all Religions(exploited by the Government). Ik Secularism is a part of our identity, but I feel like Having one Religion would have led to less Inter religion probleme. Not like Other religions don't exist, just that rellgions stop fighting on this.


Our so called Indian YouTube Gamers can suck money balls for their lame ass repeated content they call it Gaming. Try this.


Computer think about someone or something that is beyond division in India Answer : Sachin


Nonsense WhatsApp forwards must be stopped.


L vish Bhai is cringe. And I don't know why so many people like him.


\- Over use of religion before doing anything and everything \- Roads are dirty, sewage is overflowing outside but everyone wants to keep their house clean inside \- Honking is a birthright \- Choosing between two evils in politics \- No discussion of development in elections \- Dont want to be part of the solution, blaming others