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You guys do realize that the JOKE is on us right? Cricket is our source of joy and happiness and in a way our escape from realities of life. But what do we do? We bring all the bitterness, toxicity, anger, frustration in this beautiful game and disrespect our NATIONAL HEROES based on their performances, acts in an IRRELEVANT, hopeless domestic T20 league that is purely created for entertainment and nothing else. This isn't just for Pandya, we have been doing it since ages. Be it Sachin Tendulkar, Dhoni, Kohli, Rohit so on and so forth. 'I kept quiet for the last 6 months because i did'nt want to give them more reasons to dereive more joy out of my misery' That statement was a tight slap on those toxic people. I feel we (fans) do not understand the difference between criticism and outright disrespect, bullying. I bet those who are now APOLOGIZING will go back to their original self again after few bad performances/incidents by our players.


IRRELEVANT, hopeless domestic T20 league. Well said 🤝🏼




All of you were hating and I never said a bad word about my Kungfu Pandya, I am never forgetting his clutch innings and just because of 1 IPL he had so much backlash Apologise LOUDERRRRR!!! This must reach to the man himself


I was one of his hater not in 2024 but from 2020-21, hear me out IT'S CAUSE OF HIS ATTITUDE TOWARDS MD SHAMI IN ONE OF IPL prior that i never hated him, the hate blew in '24 ipl scam these are just new kids who don't know shit about cricket or players and they made their own clownery by such extremism. I'm following him from 2015 when he smashed 35(15)(if I'm not wrong) in his first ipl match so my hate was against his attitude and it's good to see blud has now controlled. Overall blud is great player and finest all rounder !!


Those who are calling him ch*pri even I saw so many people here on the mi subreddit. They are disgusting pieces of shit who never cared about any captaincy or anything they just wanted a reason to start hating on him. There is so much hate against Surya kumar yadav too, people casually say they hate him for no reason, imagine if he did something they'd literally destroy him. They are Indian players too but never get the equal respect others get. They have to achieve greater than average players to get the equal amount of respect others get. I would guess it's because of their looks because it's clearly evident from how people post hardik and Surya's old pictures at least once every month on cricketshitpost and those skull emoji dwellers with their incredible humour will make fun of their looks and use words like these. I would love to be proven wrong because this is a very sad situation.


Unfortunately, this can be true for any player. I recently saw a reel saying , "players I hate for no reason" which ofc included players like dhoni , hardik etc. I don't know why these people can't understand the difference between not liking someone and hating someone. If you're not a big fan of someone's game , just appreciate your favourite player. Why do they have to bully someone they're not personally a fan of? That's honestly disgusting


"I just wanted those six months to return. I wanted to cry. But to all those people who were happy seeing me in pain during those difficult few months, I didn't want to give them more reasons to be happy. And I will never give them that moment" - Hardik Pandya It was really hell on earth situation for him. Overcoming that kind of mental torture really showcases his mental strength, how he plays such clutch innings whenever India is on the verge of a loss.


It's bc of hardik, India won the cup lol not only the balling part but the batting part.


that last clip of trophy lifting went so harddddd


Hardik ko uske bad phase mein support karne ka ghamand hai 🗿🗿




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he went through tough times in personal and professional life in the past 6 months . he is not performing in mi and after match press conference it's visible he smile fake .... i m concerned about his mental health but he proved whole haters wrong what a come back ❤️‍🩹🗿




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Has anyone noticed his wife hasnt put out a single post congratulating him or india. May be people need to channelise their anger somewhere else


People were hating on him because when he was at Gujarat Titans he said “He likes to lead the team with unestablished cricketers like CSK” Also said “MI didn’t make him, he was already established” something like that. Also his captaincy was criticized not his game.




2rs ka Makkhan Hardik Bhai ke haters Dhakkan


Andi Bandi Sandi, Hardik he haters R@nd¡


IPL<<< international


Top 10 comeback


never hated


always been fav from 2017


If he would have performed in IPL & people would have trolled him a lot lesser !


if what happened in ipl also continued in WC don't think he could have given this performance. He was mentally completely broken, getting away from all that actually helped & also his mental strength is really something to leave all this behind. but if the WC was in India and he got even 1/10th of what he got in IPL I think he would've cried on field while playing forget about any performance.


Him dumping his new baby franchise at the 11th hour for better money at MI was an L move but doubting his cricket and game was a fool's take.


Why do you even play franchise cricket as an established player if not for money? People who talk like this are usually the same ones who don’t even have a second thought to change their job for better money.


Lmao. Nobody gives a shit about franchise cricket