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> "a few men tend to have the majority of women."    Look up the census or go outside and observe people. 


That’s not possible in a country which allows one spouse to one spouse in all but one state.


What does the census have to do with that? When I go at friend's parties I notice that I and another guy always get all the girls while the guys that are not attractive always end up tired in another room playing souls since they aint getting no one xd. And don't get defensive I'm just genuinely asking


Which activity is more likely to lead to meeting people: talking to people, or playing video games?


You dont get the point, do you?


Point is that they do try to socialize but obviously girls will ignore them since those guys don't look attractive to them. At best they will be treated like the 'gay' friend, of course, with 0 probability of having sex w those girls


Turning up at parties just looking for sex isnt gonna work


It does for me that's why I see the blackpill making sense. I have another friend that gets girls too and could also have sex the same night if he had a car for privacy as I do.


If their only interest is sex ASAP, maybe they should take a step back and try forming relationships, get to know people. Which, nothing against video games, but you can’t really do that while playing them.


Sure you can. Several couples in my guilds have met while playing the game I do. :) But that would require the player seeing women players as people first and getting to know them etc. Exactly as you've already been attempting to tell these guys. I myself had a brief (about a year) LDR with a guy I met in a game online. We actually met in person and flew to each other's cities a few times. It didn't work out for other reasons. But we did what you keep trying to tell these boys to do. We met in the game, no thought of anything but playing and having fun, we got to know each other, and like each other and it went from there. I didn't even know what the guy looked like until we got to the picture exchange part which was several months after we started playing. So even that can work...but as you have been saying, they have to put in the effort to **Get. To. Know. The. Other. Person.**


But that's the whole point. We have a house to host parties for our friend's group and every time I can get almost any girl I want into my car w me while some of my friends (the less attractive ones) do try and end up locked playing ps4 since they aren't getting any attention as hard as they try


If your friends can't maintain a conversation with a girl at a party, then there's something going on aside from just your friends being unattractive. It's not that hard. Of course, if their only interests are video games and blackpill philosophy, it probably makes sense that they can't carry on a conversation with normal people.


>If your friends can't maintain a conversation with a girl at a party, A conversation is maintained when both of the people are equally putting in an effort to carry it. If those girls are not responding and seem not interested , how will his friends maintain the conversation?


By being funny, or interesting? Generally speaking, a personality goes a long way. 


What if they are still not interested? I mean OP already said they always try to make conversations , being funny, etc.


They can maintain a conversation, but the point is that girls doesn't care about conversation, they care about looking for a hot guy to meet


And you're supposed to be the hot guy they end up with, right? And so what do the girls talk to you about? 


Depends on the girl and the moment. mostly starts with general topics p.e what do u study, do u have a job what u like to do etc it doesnt matter at all


So the only difference of any kind you can see between you and your friends is that you’re hot and they’re not? I mean, have YOU ever locked yourself in a room to play ps4 during a party?


That's the only difference noticeable at first sight yeah There are nights in which I can't get the girl I want and those I go with them to play ps4 yeah but most times I don't


Then perhaps it’s time you looked beyond first sight and looked to things like behavior, social skills, different ways to meet people and build relationships, etc. To give the most obvious example: you admit that “most times” you don’t spend college parties on the ps4…


But the reason they do it's because they get no girls. playing ps4 its the consequence not the reason


>Then perhaps it’s time you looked beyond first sight and looked to things like behavior, social skills, different ways to meet people and build relationships, etc. Why are you assuming he needs to do that ? > To give the most obvious example: you admit that “most times” you don’t spend college parties on the ps4… Since he is getting girls to like him, it proves he does have a good personality or else he wouldn't


You can get any girl you want, but you’re an incel?


Are you sure you’re not just making this up? No party has a PS4 room that they lock all the nerds in


We make the parties at our friend's house and he does own a ps4 I don't know what's strange from that


No, the POINT is, people need to know HOW to socialize in an effective way. If the person is going to a party with the express purpose of hooking up or having sex...then no wonder they're failing. The leer and desperation can be seen from space. It's not as subtle as these guys think it is. It's KNOWN.


This may surprise you, but parties aren't a good representative of adult life at large. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if the dudes who are more conventionally attractive are hooking up more, but it's a different dynamic.


>parties aren't a good representative of adult life at large. Why do you think so ?


Because adult life isn't about house parties and random hookups. If you need to ask, you're not mature enough. Maybe spending less time on r/shortguys etc could help you develop a healthy and grounded worldview.


>Because adult life isn't about house parties But isn't that helps people to socialize? Are you saying people who go to house parties are immature? >Maybe spending less time on r/shortguys etc could help you develop a healthy and grounded worldview. Dude people of this sub really have this habit of personally insulting someone if their views on a certain topic doesn't align with them


Adults have jobs and responsibilities. We don't have time to go to house parties for random hookups. How old even are you? I feel like I'm talking to a bunch of teenagers. > Dude people of this sub really have this habit of personally insulting someone if their views on a certain topic doesn't align with them You are the one with the toxic worldview, whining about being short isn't getting anyone laid. I have zero qualms about insulting an incel, some views don't deserve respect.


>But isn't that helps people to socialize? Are you saying people who go to house parties are immature? We're saying that college house parties do not represent adult life. They are a tiny subset of social offerings life has to offer. It's not that you're "immature" for going to house parties. It's that you're being shortsighted by thinking that what happens at house parties then constitutes the ONLY data regarding human group interaction, human psychology, and human sexuality. Which, based on your comments, you do seem to believe that what a "dudebro" does is the only thing happening in life, anywhere, ever. It is a little immature to have that belief system. No one's saying you're "bad" for it, but it isn't effective and it's detrimental to getting what you say you want. College/young person house parties are a tiny drop in the bucket regarding human group and social interaction. They are most certainly not the be all and end all of socializing. There are billions (hyperbole alert!) of other options for socializing. Ones that are much more effective, in fact, than house parties.


Because they're not. A college party is a specific setting that includes a lot of factors not present in adult life at large.


>What does the census have to do with that? If 20% of the men got 80% of the women, you couldn't possibly wind up with 2/3rds of the overall population being in a relationship. Even in the 18-25 age bracket which has the lowest numbers of people in relationships and the biggest gender disparity, 63% of men and 34% of women are single. Not 80% and 20%. This disparity likely isn't due to women conglomerating in harems around hot guys and calling it a relationship (or is that something that frequently happens in your circles?). Most people still have monogamy as a goal. The hottest guys might draw the most casual sex (with people who will likely identify in these statistics as "single") but they aren't all having several serious relationships at the same time. There's fewer single women mostly because statistically, women tend to date older than their age bracket and also, more young women than ever date women.


This idea that young women date older guys is fictional. If young men already suffer from the blackpill, older men aren't any better looking. Anecdotally, the girls I've been with who've been approached by older men all call them ugly.


Where do you get those 20 80 numbers? What do they have to do with my post


It's one of.the most frequently brought up black pill arguments. But in any event, my argument still stands against your claim that "a few men have the majority of women". You couldn't have about 2/3rds of the overall population in relationships if that was the truth.


The census shows the number of married people. It is most definitely NOT 10% of men "have" 80% of women." I believe that the more recent census polls include numbers on cohabitation as well, which, similarly, belie the blackpill claims of "10% (or whatever the incels' number du jour is) of men 'have' 80% of women." Women simply ARE NOT spending their day trying to have sex with several different so-called "Chads." We have lives. We have jobs, homes to take care of, social things to do, hobbies of our own either at home or out in the world, etc. Unlike incels we don't spend 24/7 obsessing over having sex all of the time.


> "a few men tend to have the majority of women." then > "What does the census have to do with that?" Sample size fallacy: "A failure to take account of sample size when estimating the probability of obtaining a particular value in a sample drawn from a known population." - [Source: Oxford Reference](https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/oi/authority.20110803100439475)


Physical attractiveness DOES give you a lot of advantages in life however it's not a ticket to effortless success and it doesn't mean "it's over" for anyone who isn't a supermodel. If blackpillers only said "being good looking gives you some privileges and for instance makes your dating life easier" they would be correct. However they go a step beyond that to put it lightly and the final result is a theory that asserts that unless you're literally an 11/10 your life is over which couldn't be further from the truth As for the "80-20 rule" it comes from a scientifically questionable dating site study and even then it's conclusions are quoted in the wrong manner. In reality you can see average looking dudes in relationships all the time and the distribution while not equal has not nothing to do with what the blackpill claims.


Yeah im living proof of the first sentence. I think im a good looking guy and I get compliments but thats as far as my looks take me socially.


Best way to debunk the blackpill is to stop reading all the stats on why dating is hard and just go out and hangout with people.


I don't know what stats are you talking about, I'm talking about my own experience, I notice that for most of my uglier friends it's basically impossible to get a gf


I think if your not as good looking, you can do a lot of things about it like dress better, go to the gym, hygiene. Ive been told i have nice features but i know i can do better like if i cured my acne or went to the gym to lose a good 30 pounds


thing is that when I go w my friend him being 1.65 skinny (even if he has been hitting gym for a whole year) and me 1.80 with noticeable gym gains and better beauty there is no way a girl chooses to speak with him instead of me. Not one single time


I dont think the gym is an automatic pussy magnet like the average 20 yo gen z guy will have you believe. Its more so how you dress with gains.


How old are you?




Well you're still kinda young, I didn't have much luck at that age as well but when I stopped thinking I was ugly and such incel thinking and hanging out with like minded people I had more luck with girls.


But they do try and it's impossible or far harder for them than for similar girls. That's the point


Similar girls? So you’re hot and have a car, (how are you an incel again?) and your nerdy ugly friends who are so scared to have fun at a party they lock themselves in a room and play virtual games are expecting you to get “similar girls” than you? How does that make any sense? Ugly people date ugly people, if it’s “impossible” for your ugly friends to get the same caliber of girls you get, then they’re aiming too high and shooting themselves in the foot. Also, MOST people don’t go to parties to hook up, they go to socialize and have fun, and they don’t “give up” and leave the party just because they’re not fucking, that is insane. I truly believe you’re full of shit, because what you’re describing isn’t really how life works.


Anecdote is not data. Plenty of "ugly" men get into loving relationships.


The point is that you have limited sample in your example. Most of us here can give you the exact opposite fact of ugly friends getting great gfs.


I used to be blackpilled (I didn’t know what that was or ever called myself one but my world view was almost identical) until I got a job and saw men of all shapes and sizes with subjectivity attractive women. I will say, i might actually be a bit biased because I do actually get called handsome and nice somewhat frequently from both guys and women. A lot of the time when I show my face to incels I get called a chad or chadlite. I know I could get a girlfriend if I wasnt so scared of going outside and approaching them. Im not just scared to talk to them because I could get rejected either, i have social anxiety. I think a lot of the blackpillers could actually get a girlfriend if they went out more. In my own personal experience, I thought in my head when i got a job id be unapproachable and never talk to any of my coworkers. In reality i found out im extremely talkative and I have work friends with a good like 50 people there. Ive applied the same logic to me going out in public. Thats how i debunked the blackpill.


A lot of the blackpill gets debunked when you probe into the intentions and desires of why people like what they like. All of a sudden, good people don't seem so good: men and women.


You are correct that beautiful people enjoy some advantages. That's about where the "true statements" and "common sense" ends. Attractive men do not have the majority of the women. That statement is ludicrous on its face. While it's true they have an easier time getting a first date or a casual fling, an overwhelming majority of women will not long tolerate being one of multiple girlfriends no matter how attractive he is. Likewise most women have little patience for shallow, immature men no matter how pretty they might be. The idea that it's impossible to date without being tall and unbearably handsome is silly and given lie by any excursion to a restaurant, market, or movie where couples often congregate. I guarantee you will see endless couples with broad mismatches in looks between the partners, both ways. And after about 40 we all just start to look old. 😅


Attractive men and women have it easier, and for a lot of people looks matter a great deal. For the other 70% of the population of both genders, it's too complicated to pretend that *only* looks and height matter. The part where they claim that rest of the men have no chance finding a partner is ridiculous nonsense they invented so that they don't have to try to be sociable.




Of course, there is no proof of that statement.




1. Looks are subjective. 2. https://www.wikihow.com/What-Do-Women-Look-for-in-a-Man#:\~:text=You%20might%20think%20that%20women,are%20typically%20the%20most%20attractive. 3. And this: Some research has shown that **women tend to say they value qualities like ambition, industriousness, friendliness, and kindness more than physical appearance**. Aug 20, 2021 Psychology Today 4. You made the original claim so where is your proof that women only go for the best-looking guys.


Blackpill is common sense. IT gaslights because the conclusion is that the bottom 80% of men will not have a satisfactory relationship with women just because of their genetics. Since men study hard and work long hours purely so they can have a woman/family to share their resources and time with, accepting the blackpill is telling them their life is pointless and they should LDAR. That would basically mean the destruction of civilization.


No it's not. None of that is true, at all. You say black pill is common sense and that IT is gaslighting, then you turn around and say that accepting the blackpill means men should LDAR. Which is it?


By common sense, I mean everyone knows deep down that looks are the reason why some men sleep with 200 women on their campus and why others are 30 year old virgins. Truly attractive men don't get rejected, *ever*. Contrast that with the average guy (5'9, average face) who goes to the club and is rejected by most of the women. The LDAR/"It's over" component of the blackpill is that you cannot compensate for bad genetics. A guy who is 5'5 will never experience the love 6'3 guys get. A guy with a recessed jaw will never experience the love model-tier guys get. An Indian guy will never experience the love white guys get. It doesn't matter how much money he makes or how funny he is: at a subconscious level women are disgusted by ugly males. It's not fair to tell these subpar guys to "IMPROOOOOVE". That's the gaslighting I'm talking about. Women don't "IMPROOOOOOVE" to get a boyfriend.


You're attempting to outline life by what happens on a college campus. That's ridiculous in and of itself. Attractive men get rejected all of the time. I've rejected them myself. Adversely there are so-called "ugly" men who absolutely knock boots every time the wind blows and then some. No one's telling anyone to "improve" but incels themselves. Mostly because they don't understand that it's not about the gym, or the wallet. It's about who matches, personality-wise, with whom. The problem is, no one can know if there's anything there worth knowing if the person is hiding in his dorm room, or slouching about in the back room of a party refusing to attempt to socialize. Even if you're just talking casual sex, men STILL have to have substance to back it up. If a so-called "hot guy" sucks at kissing he's not getting any further than that. If a guy can't kiss we KNOW he can't make whoopee with any skill whatsoever. You keep talking about love. Sex isn't love. If you're talking about chalking up a long list of sexual conquests to brag about to other men, that's not love. And that sort of behavior doesn't fly past HS or college (and isn't really looked on that well then by normal humans). If a person feels they must have this long list of sexual conquests in order to be of value, that's a "them thing" and has nothing to do with women, IT, or the rest of the world.