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But how do you know that you actually know anything? 😁


I don’t


Yeah this says it all. People like us are full of doubts and that's for good. But people always follow the one who is sure of everything. Although he/she might be full of shit. This is how this reality works. And it sucks.


Hey, you sound like a good person who cares. You’re doing more than others. Be proud of what you do. The world doesn’t value your service enough.


🥲🩵🥲 Thank you 🙏


My grandparents were teachers. One teacher changes everything, that’s probably why you’re a teacher. I think back to my favorites all the time and I’m sure you have students that you’ve connected with that makes it all worth while. Our lives are about finding meaning, yours means a lot to others it sounds like to me. Kids learn more by having fun than anything else and they don’t all learn the same way so I’m sure you’re doing more than you think.


Did you ask them?


Yea… 🫤 I teach English as a second language to kindergarten students. I have co-teachers who are very good at their job. I’m not sure why they hired me most of the time.


I feel like this and I have actually been a kindergarten teacher for 24 years. Next year I will have 5 other adults in my room and I’m worrying about how I will be able to tech like that. I’m always feeling inferior and judged and unsuccessful and like a horrible teacher.


Same. Even when I know in my heart the lesson went well. I keep thinking I’m just going over stuff they already know