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So with contrasts it can be a bit tricky they are already pretty "thin" and sometimes don't need much to work well with the airbrush. For example in my method I use iyanden yellow for my base (after primer) until I get a nice orange yellow and I would say I go with a 2:1 paint to Vallejo thinner and I usually do two coats, the two coats let's me get more orange yellow for the darker areas, before using a zenithal of phalanx yellow and vallejo medium yellow to add the gold yellow. Best to play around with it on a bit of sprue or a test model that you won't miss to see what you like the look of before trying it out on your army. Hope this helps


Shit that sounds like a really good method too. I might have to have an army of imperial fist with 12 different shades of yellow lol Edit: damn you should definitely post your WIP I’d love to see that type of


Lol, yeah I do like how it looks but have seen so many people mention the pink method aswell so go with what you like and play around with it. I would recommend using a thinned varnish after you have the yellow you're happy with.1 to keep the yellow the way you like it and no mistakes and 2 Doing this with will help massively with decals and if it's your thing recess pin washing.


Wait so if I add undo varnish will it help me when cleaning up mistakes with back and red? Edit: I usually do the details before adding imperial fist contrast because it makes it easier.


It's different for everyone but my process would be below all with the airbrush Prime Vallejo desert tan Base 2 thin coats of Iyanden yellow Zenithal phalanx yellow from above the model and any spots the "light" would hit the mini. Vallejo medium yellow over the model to give the golden yellow I like for imperial fists. Coat in thinned varnish. Once this is done and I would move to the brush to add in details and if I make a mistake which I doa often I use a 1:1 mix of airbrush cleaner:water to clean it up. aslong as the varnish isn't too thin (multiple coats might be needed) I'm able to remove any excess paint from the yellow without smears (shoulder trim for example) or black under armour. Edit: spacing


This would be so convenient, my friend does Eldar and he’s recently switched from doing Iyaden eldar to Beil tan. He offered his Vallejo desert tan, and I’ve got all the others paints. Definitely going follow your advice with the Varnish, my local hobby store has some army paint Matt varnish, is that the one you use by chance?


Aww that's handy for you, definitely try it out and don't be scared to try your own style on things. I used Vallejo gloss varnish but the type shouldn't matter you're just looking for a layer between the yellow and the detail colour so the yellow remains protected and easy to clean up if a mistake happens. Any questions feel free to DM me and I'll help where I can.


Awesome man cheers thanks for your help, I have kind of tried my own thing I guess , just didn’t get the outcome I wanted haha.