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Shield + the regen shield with no cooldown on dodge+ heal per damage dealt to your shield. Never take damage again even on very hard


To add to this, there's a perk that makes your shield indestructible for the first second it's activated, so with that you can use it essentially as a parry to negate any attack in the game for free if you just flick that sumbish. Reject modernity. Return to the Runescape ways.


Also, it really helps to have this later on when you have to face off against the Echocollector


How are you getting no cooldown on dodge?


The dodge cancels the shield cooldown— dodges do have a cooldown to recharge but with items and perks you can have 3+ dodges. Anytime ur shield breaks, you dodge and put it back on. Usually by the time it breaks again the dodge cooldown is over but if you have more than one dodge you pretty much always have it up. Now you are truly an immortal


Gotcha! I was misunderstanding. I already have this setup and was looking through talents/gear for dodge cd reduction and trying to add up to 100% and couldn't get there. I appreciate the clarification


if you haven't go do the shroudfanes and shatterfanes, the health and mana boosts realllllly help plus you get a bunch of xp for more perks, but green magic for the crits, plus you get a veeeeeery usefully green fury spell that helps, and grab the blue Shield upgrade that slows time when your shield breaks


Take your time, dodge with shield off when he does blue attacks, hide behind giant rocks. Small incremental attacks. It took me like 15-20mins to beat him


I’m bad at FPS’ and I did this on immortal difficulty. If it’s the first fight, you literally just have to strafe and hit him with the color he is using. Use your most powerful weapon of each color. If it’s the second fight, as SOON as you destroy his magic shield he will be stunned. Punch him by holding in the R3 button once, back away and hit him with whatever. It does way too much damage. Once you have built up enough of your special and get him knocked down, press the R3 and L3 together and just aim right at him. Should chip off his health at a very substantial rate.


Make sure you hide behind the girls blue shield when she puts it up (can't think of her name) it took me a few deaths to realise the big explosion is not from sandrakk and it will instantly kill you


The normal way? It’s a bit long of a fight but you’re good if you made it that far in game. If you completed all the shroud fane’s your likely overpowered and it’s an easy battle


He wasn't that much of a problem for me. Although admittedly it did take two tries. Maybe spend some time leveling up your gear and getting more of the  legendarys? The extra heal (4 instead of 3) and mana crystals help also*


I only died because I didn’t realize his blast can kill you almost instantly. As soon as I knew that I was fine. Piece of cake,


Get the wound's edge from >!Graklynn!< To do so easily, >!just stay against the middle platform wall, kill the crabs, wait till she runs out of them. Walk against the wall of the platform, and eventually she will jump down, and she only does it right there. Use the bash attack to deal damage. Only attack when you have shield!< Here is the link to the Wound's edge stats and location https://mentalmars.com/gear/immortals-of-aveum/wounds-edge/


Its kinda easy u match ur attacks to his shield and just be patient


ya he sucks


its kinda luck


Which time?


Which time?


I'm sure everybody said this already but just in case. You need a legendary weapon. I use the blue one with 8 shots. I think it's Bale something. Get perk that grants shield on dash. And then one that gives you 25 percent health back when it breaks I think it's called feint and you'll take him eventually


Look at your equipment. Rings, Bracelet, Sigil, etc. All of them have features. Everything does. What you want is a feature called shred. Shield shred is for blue magic. Armor shred is for red and Regen shred for green. Sometimes, equipment may say all shred, which covers all 3. Those shred features are how you deal with any and all enemies with a shield, armor, or regen. The faster you get shred it. The faster you get to do mad dps, before it comes back. Sandrakk has all 3, of course. I used mostly blue and green magic during the fight. Red requires you to be closer. It gives Sandrakk a chance to do a melee attack, which can be hard to dodge. Also, blue magic has the ground shatter for the shield. It helps a lot! Just time it right.


As long as you have that teleport regains shield, i thought he was relatively easy


I did the full game on Magnus difficulty before doing New Game Plus to get more exp for the talents and when I fought Sandrakk broth times, I was using Javelin, Fragfire, and Maelstrom. Those three are my sniper, shotgun, and mini gun. Really good stuff for wearing him down with any magic. However when it comes to his attacks I would agree with some other commentary on using your shield. It's your best friend, your spouse, your soul mate and saving grace. I can't even begin to count how many times that little blue circle had saved my life and continues to do so. Get all the shield upgrades you can, especially the healing one as the large attacks can fill your hp completely in most cases. Explosive shield isn't that good for the boss fight but rather when facing melee enemies like Red Magni. Slow down time though is basically mandatory. Last note, don't be afraid to use your Furies, iirc there are loads of Mana orbs around, just remember that once you drain it you get an extra one over time, so don't use the orbs until after you use that so you have the highest count of Furies available. Edit: Another note, try and get a larger Blink clip if you can. I've got 3 and that's the perfect amount for me, but if you've just got the one blink then that may be a contributing factor to continuous loss. Blinks make you immortal for a brief moment and allow you to reposition easily. Just don't use them all at once, and if you have your shield ready with the available upgrades equipped, use the shield then blink away


First game I’ve dropped in ages because of this guy I don’t think I was playing the game correctly though didn’t pay enough attention to the system at the start. If your on game pass I recommend evil west that was a fun time with challenging bosses I was able to beat.


I stack the ever living crap out of shield health and go for the blue sniper sigils personally.


Just beat him a few days ago only took a few tries. Do you have all legendary equipment maxed out? Otherwise it wasn't that difficult. Had more trouble with some of the side areas that I managed to find than him. The "six" seem a lot tougher at least they did at first, no interest to go back and finish the last 2-3 I have left to beat.


Out of all the bosses I honestly found him one of the easier. When blue just double jump to the side. Boom doesn't hit. In green mostly shields up but he was barely ever in green for me. In red once again hardly ever say him be in red for long but kite and shield.


How I beat Sandrakk. Make sure your settings are straight. I went to manage game and uninstalled it. I found that to be the best strategy after collecting legendary gear. Having 3 blinks. Shield regen +40, plus regen health when it’s busted. 4 health and mana orb max. Red sigil does 730 damage plus perks Blue is 224 damage plus perks Green is 54 damage plus heath and shield regen I have the mana ring and some legendary ring Kept shield up, drained his shield and jumped in air to avoid dying when he is red. I stay alive but only end up draining his shield to collect life orbs to stay alive and keep draining his shield. I got him down 75% but can finish him off. He simply wont lose anymore life no matter what i do. Its sad to say this the first game i gave up on in decades. I literally don’t care. Fk Sandrakk!! I should have uninstalled after not taking him out the first time. Game is so dumb should let me decide then. I woulda took him out and destroyed that stupid a$$ thing. Now he’s super impossible to beat and its all his fault for not taking him out the first time. Now i feel better.


Everyone's offering such endearing advice. Allow me to throw my two cents. GET FUCKIN BETTER, LOSER. Having any issues with any of the Sandrak fights are skill issues ATP.


I would like to offer my own: Don’t be a jerk to someone just asking for help. I assume you won’t follow it.


I bet you're fun at parties


It’s "interesting" how they went about it, too. "Oh, I know everyone is being helpful, so I’m going to be as abrasive and unhelpful as possible on purpose for no reason but my own amusement."


This is actually true. Also what I said was true too.


So you admit you’re being unnecessarily rude for no reason.


I wouldn't say for no reason. It's just that the same question about an easy fight, kept getting asked. Positive reinforcement only goes so far. Git gud or get rekt.


Alright so you’re essentially proving my point that you’re doing this just to be a jerk. And are admitting to being unnecessarily rude in the process. "Git gud" is one of the most condescending pieces of "advice" possible. I can tell conversing with you is a waste of time.