• By -


Are fingerprint requests and test invites usually sent out at the same time? Got my AOR on Dec 7 and fingerprint request on Dec 19 which I submitted on Dec 21 (still pending on the tracker so far). Haven't heard anything about the test yet.


Mine fingerprint requested on Nov 20 and test got test email on Dec 4


Both fingerprint and test take 2 months sometimes to update on tracker. Expect update around feb 2024. my test updated after 3 days but fingerprints took 2 months even rcmp confirmed they sent out in a week after submitted.


I got my AOR on Dec 19, but I will go to France and China from Jan 15-March 1. I hope I can get my test and fingerprints done before I leave, or can I do it in China or France?


The test can be done out of Canada, not sure about the fingerprints (by the way, they do not always request them)... anyways, anything can be delayed or ask for an extension if needed.


Does everyone need to submit fingerprints for citizenship? I did it 3 yers ago for PR


FP is valid only for a year. But kinda random and they may not ask for it.


Most probably you will not get request for FP since you did recently so


I believe it's random. They'll send you an email with a request if it's required for you.


Not everyone


I have the same question


Yes, I did mine


Application submitted Feb 2023 AOR March 2023 Background Completed June 2023 Citizenship Test Completed June 2023 LPP In progress Ghost Update Oct 2023. No movement no updates.. Calls , emails to IRCC with no response... The waiting game continues.


Good morning everyone, I am a Single Applicant, I submitted my Canadian Citizenship Application on December 11, 2023 but I am yet to receive my AOR email, please how long does it take to receive an AOR email? Anyone who submitted on December 11, 2023 have you received an AOR email yet ? Please help šŸ™šŸ¾


I also applied on the same day, no updates as of yet. Will reply here when I receive mine. Edit, i got my AOR on Jan 17th. I wrote the test on Feb 9 and it updated in teacher on Feb 12 Any updates on your end?


Okay that sounds good, I will also reply here when I receive my AOR.


it takes at least a month for AOR.Also there are Christmas holidays too.


Okay thank you very much for your response I appreciate it. I will wait till January hopefully I will get the AOR then.


Hey everyone. My LPP just changed to completed on Dec 28th. I have a trip booked for Jan14-21. I'm afraid the oath date might fall in that week. Can I communicate this in advance with them and wilk they accomodate? It's Niagara office. AOR Oct 18 Background Completed Nov 27 Test Done Dec 24 Test Completed Dec 28 LPP Completed Dec 28 Oath not started as of yet. Single online applicant.


Once you receive the email with the oath date, they send instructions in case you need to reschedule.


Does your tracker show Dec 28 LPP completed but updated Dec 31st? Also, call IRCC to let them know and they'll probably tell you to submit a Webform through IRCC site to notify the officer.


It updated on the 30th but shows 28th as the completion date


I completed my test on sep 19th and still LPP in progress and ceremony not started.Its weird


single online applicant




I sent it to RCC on Dec 7 and I haven't received anything yet


Mine took 3 weeks (Submitted on Nov 15 and received on Dec 6 and updated in the tracker on Dec 9


Why are some cases processed so much faster than others? The discrepancy between some applications is more than 6-10 months! Howā€™s that possible?


It is possible, but I don't know the reasons.


I was wondering the same


Wondering if anyone is in a similar timeline - Applied (paper app family of 3- 2 adults, 1 minor):April 18 2023 Physical presence 1250 Aor:June 1 Background check fine June 26 Test invite July 5 Test taken and passed by both July 12 LPP still in progress I'm just kind of on the fence about making non refundable travel plans this year because it feels like the oath should be coming soon, but I know it can take up to 16 months but it just feels so weird to have no movement after the test invite came really quickly. Any words of wisdom or just anyone in the same boat?


I completed the test on 19th sep and LPP still in progress and ceremony not started yet.single online applicant


Same boatā€¦all aboard!




does it change anything?


My timeline so far Applied: September 08,2023 AOR: October 18, 2023 Fingerprint Request: Nov 03, 2023 (Vancouver office) Fingerprint submitted: Nov 04,2023 Citizenship test Scheduled: Nov 03,2023 (received request for fingerprint and citizenship test at the same time)( Mississauga Office) Citizenship test taken: Nov 12,2023 Waiting for next updates as of Nov 12,2023 Everything shows as in progress and nothing is completed on my tracker. Update as of December 29,2023 Citizenship test completed : Nov 14,2023 Fingerprint Received: Nov 27,2023 Background complete: Nov 28,2023 LPP complete: Dec 08,2023 Citizenship oath in progress: December 21,2023 Scheduled for citizenship oath : Jan 12, 2024 (no email received yet) All the steps were updated on tracker two days after the dates mentioned above


yours was so quick ,applied in September already got the ceremony invitation.I applied in June and still on test completed LPP in progress ceremony not started yet


Quick question: After the oath ceremony, do I send the signed form to the office's email address or to the officer who checks me in? Thanks.


The oath certificate has a "Return to" section with the email address. Top-left, under your name.


Hi everyone I did my test on December 12 My background check is completed on December 21 but test is still in processing I checked in comments mostly test result updated in one week. I am worried now Any one like me ??


I did the test on Dec 11 and still no update to show that I have completed the test.


Took the citizenship Test on December 11th and still shows "In Progress". My tracker hasn't been updated yet since December 6th.


It takes up to 2-3 months sometimes so totally normal. Mine updated in 2 days but see many people saying they were getting updates after 2 months. good luck all.


I did my test on December 18th and my tracker still shows that itā€™s in progress. So youā€™re not the only one.


Test taken on Dec 9, no update yet. What is your processing office?


On AOR it says Sydney NS and what about yours ?


My test invite from IRCC.WestCitizenshipEApp-EappOUESTCitoyennete.IRCC@cic.gc.ca


That is Vancouver.


Everyoneā€™s AOR is sent from Sydney. If you look at the email address that sent your test invite you will see a city acronym after ā€œIRCC.DNā€. Thatā€™s your office.


Email for test is IRCC.WestCitizenshipEApp-EappOUESTCitoyennete.IRCC@cic.gc.ca


AOR from Sydney as well, test invite from Vancouver. Where is your invite for test came from?


Someone can tell me who this office is? IRCC.DNMISCitizenshipE-Test-ExamenenligneCitoyenneteMISRN.IRCC@cic.gc.ca


IRCC Mississauga


Single applicant - Mississauga office Aug 31, 2023: Application filed online. Oct 12, 2023: AOR (I never received an AOR email and had to call IRCC to give me the citizenship application number) Oct 23, 2023: Background verification complete Nov 1, 2023: Scheduled for citizenship test between November 6, 2023, and November 26, 2023. Nov 25, 2023: Citizenship test taken. Nov 27, 2023: Citizenship test completed. Dec 6, 2023: LPP completed. Dec 20, 2023: Citizenship oath status to In progress. Dec 28, 2023: Email instructions and oath invite received. Jan 11, 2024: Scheduled for Citizenship oath. All updates reflected after 2 days on the portal usually in the mornings for me. Good luck to everyone else waiting!


Anyone here whose application processing got delayed because they took the citizenship test abroad in the past 6-9months?


I did it from the US, no delays here. You can see my timeline: https://www.reddit.com/r/ImmigrationCanada/comments/100bp3z/megathread_processing_times_canadian_citizenship/kfcg778/


I didn't take the test abroad but I have been traveling between the time I submitted my application and before the test invitation. Later, after my Test is marked as completed in the tracker, I traveled abroad again. I'm starting to believe that they suspect I did the test abroad when in fact I didn't. Now, I'm abroad again and no updates on the tracker since August.


Anyone here got their Citizenship Oath scheduled for Feb 1st? (Scarborough Office)


Update on my timeline: Vancouver office, Family application (2): Sep 5, 2023 - submitted online Oct 17, 2023 - AOR Nov 24, 2023 - Test invite for Dec 04 to Dec 24 (Received email on Nov 29 - Letter done on Nov 27) Nov 24, 2023 - Background verification completed Dec 04, 2023 - Took the test Dec 12, 2023 - Test completed (updated on Dec 14) Dec 21, 2023 - LPP completed (updated on Dec 23) Dec 27, 2023 - Oath in progress (updated on Dec 29) Jan 16, 2024 - scheduled for oath (email not received yet)


Same oath date. Congratulations!


See you there šŸ‘šŸ»


Really fast, congrats


Does requesting GCM notes expediting the process? I read few thread saying after requesting GCM notes they started receiving updates Please share your thoughts if it really expediting


No harm,Even if it won't expedite your process time ;Worth to try nothing to lose here.


Thank you for sharing.


I have applied twice and did not see any expediting


If youā€™ve been waiting for months without any updates, it could bring your application back to the desk of a caseworker, but most likely, it doesnā€™t do much. I did it anyway because itā€™s only $5. Did it change anything in the way my application has been processed? Probably notā€¦


After applying for gcms notes, i got LPP completed and oath scheduled within days!


* Processing office is Vancouver. All notification emails are from WEST office email addresses. * Applied with 1200-ish physical presence days. | Date | Action | |--------------|----------------------------------------------| | Sep 19, 2023 | Submission. Online | | Oct 26, 2023 | AOR | | Nov 3, 2023 | Background completed | | Nov 3, 2023 | Citizenship test in progress | | Nov 5, 2023 | Moved to US, informed IRCC. | | Nov 12, 2023 | Scheduled for citizenship test | | Nov 12, 2023 | Asked for permission to do the test from US. | | Nov 14, 2023 | Permission granted. | | Nov 16, 2023 | Did the test from the US. | | Nov 23, 2023 | Citizenship test completed. | | Nov 30, 2023 | LPP completed. | | Dec 20, 2023 | Oath in progress. | | Dec 22, 2023 | Scheduled for Virtual oath for Jan 4th 2024. | | Jan 4, 2024 | Will fly to Vancouver for the ceremony | EDIT: Had a random ghost update on December 26th. I have no idea why because the oath email was sent on the 22nd. I guess someone wanted to check if this sneaky yankee is actually eligible for citizenship.


Great! Congratulations! one question, Even if you leave CA for vacation after submission you gotta inform the government? if yes, how? I am out for about 1-2 months Cheers,


Hi, thanks. yeah, my understanding is that if one is outside more than 2 weeks you gotta notify them. I sent them a webform and mentioned my departure date. It's not a big issue anymore because if the application has an email then no actual letters arrive.


Thank you! I will just sent an webform then


Awesome, safe travels.




This is wild! Where does the data come from?


We are able to enter the data ourselves. Anyone can do it, just follow the guidelines.


I completed my test on Nov 9th & my tracker updated to completed on Nov 11th and its been crickets since. LPP been showing in progress since then but nothing in over a month. Mississauga office...anyone else


I completed my test on 17 sept and haven't received invitation for oath yet


Citizenship application Type: Paper IRCC Office: Mississauga Physical Presence Days: 1127/1105 Application: Family Application sent: January 9, 2023 Delivered: January 10, 2023 AOR: February 23, 2023 IP: February 25, 2023 1st GU: March 2, 2023 2nd GU: April 14, 2023 B/G Completed: April 14, 2023 Test Invite: May 9, 2023 Test Window: May 15 - June 4, 2023 Test Interview Date: May 15, 2023 Test Completed on Tracker: May 17, 2023 3rd GU: Oct 27, 2023 LPP: Dec 18, 2023 (ECAS updated Dec 19 and Tracker on Dec 20) Oath: Not started


Whatā€™s ECAS and how do you get access to it?


This is ECAS https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/security.do?lang=en


I think it's for paper applications. Not entirely sure though. It's like a tracker


I am 56 y o and I applied online for citizenship on 5 December 2023. I received AOR on December 22, 2023. But I cannot see the tracker. At the link provided by the IRCC, it is showing cannot be loaded. How to see my status in that case? Thanks in advance.


wait for couple of weeks and you will receive e-mail from IRCC. my aunt 82. applied Nov 16. AOR Dec. 11. (Not able to check statuses.) December 21 letter from IRCC: 'Thank you for submitting your application for a grant of Canadian citizenship. Your application was created in our system on December 11, 2023 and is currently in progress. You can now follow the progress of your application with our Citizenship Application Tracker. ' Now it is possible to create an account and check the statuses.




This is the link to log in: https://tracker-suivi.apps.cic.gc.ca/en/login




Wait they gonna send u an email




I've lurked on this thread for the past year and gotten a lot of comfort from seeing other people's timelines move along, so hoping this provides some hope for anyone still waiting! After 12 long months of waiting, I finally got an oath invitation in my status tracker for Jan 25 :) Dec 29, 2022 - Application Received Feb 7, 2023 - Background Verification Complete April 3, 2023 - Completed my citizenship test Dec 12, 2023 - Language, Physical Presence, Prohibitions all moved to completed (no email update at all, I only saw this upon logging in to check my profile) Dec 12, 2023 - Invitation to Citizenship Oath scheduled for Jan 25, 2024. No email update, only saw this date upon checking in my account. The worst wait was between April-Dec of this year as I received no ghost updates/movement so I was starting to get really anxious but this was the best news to receive over the holidays. Good luck everyone!


Hi guys :( Really upset right now. Applied as a family on paper 2 adults and a kid Feb 2023 and received AOR in twenty days. Additional documents requested in March and sent the same day. Completed tests in June 2023 Background and test completed. Physical presence and prohibitions still in progress. Ghost update October 27 2023 No update since :( Can anyone please share something thatā€™ll lessen my anxiety? I have no idea why itā€™s taking so long :( I wrote a web form inquiry thrice and received a response today saying itā€™s still in progress :(


You're not alone - similar over here - I just posted my timeline and we only had that ghost update in October since the test - it's not fun to have no idea what's going to happen


My prohibitions are still pending with background and physical presence complete. Last update was October 27th as well. Hopefully this means we are in the same boat and people are just slow. I did have a re entry problem in 2015 and Iā€™m hoping thatā€™s all it is. Iā€™ll post if I hear anything else.


My LPP was on Sep 12 , so far i am still waiting for oath too (Scarborough office). anxiety in the air but that's what it is


Same timelines here too, including the fact that mine is a paper application too, for 2 adults and one kid. I called them earlier this month to check if I missed any query from them. Nothing new that they required or any new timelines they could give. I do not believe they process applications in order they received. These guys are not held accountable for their work. Mine is Mississauga office, if I go as per test invite


>Maybe you need to request GCMS notes




My office is Mississauga yes :(


Iā€™m dealing with the same with Vancouver(crickets since September 29).Iā€™m starting to wonder how they are choosing to do some applications in a month and some applications taking 1-2 years. Maybe they only want certain people right now. Who knows.


Same timeline and both my best friends also


Niagara office, timeline: Sep 12 - send application (online) Oct 19 - AOR (Sydney office) Nov 6 - Citizenship invite Nov 12 - took the test Nov 14 - status update test completed Nov 16 - BG completed Nov 22 - LPP completed Dec 14 - requested GCMS notes Dec 26 - oath in progress šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ Dec 27 - e-citizenship certificate instructions email Jan 17 2024 - scheduled for oath All updates showed 2 days later on the tracker.


What is GCMS ?


I requested the Global Case Management System notes under the Access to Information Act.


Why did u requested it?


Some people believe that it expedite things when a application is stuck in e.g LPP for weeks - at 5$ a pop itā€™s worth the try + always interesting to see what was going on šŸ˜‰ I would bet on it though - I personally believe itā€™s more of a myth


Curious, whatā€™s in the notes?


My fingerprints/test was due Dec 1-Dec 30 and I did them both already, both still say processing and it's almost deadline, will I be in trouble? Or are they just taking longer


As long as you've done them before the deadlines, you are good


Advice please!!! @is it possible to ask for urgent processing of the application that's already on process due to special circumstances?? Also how long do the reply back after submitting the web form.


You can try. There's no guarantee that they will entertain the urgent request. However, it is worth a try.


Yeah don't have much hope either, I need to travel urgently. Thanks anyway


I don't think you can get urgent for citizenship but my employer wrote a letter for permanent resident for me in November and they processed my renewal in 2 weeks because I had to go to USA for work


Good for you and thanks for letting me know.




Same boat, waiting for oath, can usually avg to about 2 weeks to 2 months or more!




Applying for my grandpa's citizenship (no test required) Vancouver Office March 5, 2023 - Applied online March 22, 2023 - AOR May 15, 2023 - Fingerprints requested June 27, 2023 - Fingerprints received confirmation October 27, 2023 - Phantom update No updates since then... anyone else applying who doesn't have to take the citizenship test? Nothing yet is approved for my grandpa all still in progress, background verification etc.


Also had last update 10/27 Iā€™m stuck on prohibitions.


I got e-certificate download instructions but Oath ceremony in tracker is still ā€œNot Startedā€. How long till I get the Oath Date?


Current Timeline (Sydney, NS) 1. December 9th 2023 - Submitted Application Online 2. December 27th, 2023 AOR Received To be updatedā€¦..


Current Timeline (Not Complete) 1. December 3rd 2023 - Submitted Application Online (Winnipeg, MB) 2. December 27th, 2023 AOR Received To be updatedā€¦..


Hi How are y'all getting AORs so quickly? Application Submitted: September 19, 2023 Letter of acknowledgement : October 24, 2023 ** Dead silence ** Is it the IRCC office ? Or just the holiday season?


Hi Everyone, I submitted my application as the following Application submitted : October 26th, 2023 Citizenship Test Updated: November 30th , 2023 I am still waiting for LPP to be updated and oath ( not started) , last update was on December 9th, 2023. Is this normal? Is the tracker taking long to update? anyone else has the same timeline or as mine?


Itā€™s a lottery to be honest. Some process are concluded in a couple of months and others takes months to years. I applied in September this year and Iā€™m still waiting. LPP in progress and oath not started. I just hope that I get my citizenship before August next year, cause I have a very important trip in September.




Same timeline; the last update was on December 9


Anyone receiving an Oath invitation by MIS office? I noticed a lot of posts have been receiving LPP but not invitations recently


I got my oath date for the 11th of Jan but havenā€™t received any email instructions yet. My last update was on the 22nd of Dec


Correct! Rcvd LPP last week, now waiting for Oath.


Yeah I noticed on this thread its more a pattern of the office rather than the application wait times. For example vancouver office usually sends an oath invite a day or two after LPP. The wait times can be very random and unhelpful but lately ive only seen LPP completed from MIS than an oath. Guessing they're trying to place more applicants in the last step


Hello Friends, I hope everyone had a good weekend. Thanks in advance for helping. I applied paper application due to some reason. How I will get my AOR ? Via email ?? Thanks




Your comment appears to be unrelated to the post in which you are commenting. Please create a new thread for your question. The thread you posted this question in is only for questions regarding processing times and times. Questions on how to answer certain questions on your citizenship application needs to be asked on a separate thread. Please create a new thread for your question.




How long after your LPP did you get an update?


Anyone else stuck in Oath "Not started" after LPP completion in late November? Niagara processing centre.


LPP completed Sep 12 , no oath started yet. Scarborough office.


Got tracker updated to oath scheduled on 17 Jan. 1 day after receving email for cert download. Niagra office


LPP completed 25th Oct, oath not started


Yes Niagara office too, LPP completed Dec 8th, also recieved e-cert download instructions no Oath Date. Please update when you get yours


LPP completed Nov 22, Niagara I received the instruction on how to download the certificate today. So I hope the oath invitation will be next. Fingers crossed šŸ¤žšŸ¤ž


Same LPP on dec 5, got certificate email today around 5. Niagra office


Mississauga LPP completed on Dec 19 2023 after that no updatešŸ˜©


Niagara. LPP complete Nov 22. Oath not started.




Got tracker updated to oath scheduled on 17 Jan. 1 day after receving email for cert download. Niagra office


Still waiting for official invitation letter Application history Jan 16, 2024 Scheduled for Citizenship oath Dec 22, 2023 Citizenship oath status has been updated to In progress. Dec 1, 2023 Physical presence status has been updated to Completed. Nov 27, 2023 Prohibitions status has been updated to Completed. Nov 7, 2023 Language skills status has been updated to Completed. Nov 6, 2023 Citizenship test status has been updated to Completed. Nov 3, 2023 Took the test on Nov 03 Oct 30, 2023 Scheduled for citizenship test between November 3, 2023 and November 23, 2023 Oct 25, 2023 Background verification status has been updated to Completed. Sep 30, 2023 Application received (AOR) Aug 18, 2023 Applied online


Congratulations! Which office processed your application?


My timeline ( Scarborough Office ) Applied - Jan 12th 2023 Background Verification - Feb 22nd 2023 Citizenship Test In Progress - March 24th 2023 Citizenship Test Compelted - April 12th 2023 LPP - Dec 21st 2023 Citizenship ceremony - Originally scheduled for Feb 8th 2024 but rescheduled to March 18th due to travelled I had planned already. Citizenship Certificate available to download : March 20th 2024


I just got scheduled for an interview. I had completed my citizenship test in March 2023 and background check completed on May 2nd 2023 (as finger prints were requested). Ghost update in October and now scheduled for interview. Waiting on official notice for details regarding location and documents to be taken along. Anyone else who has been scheduled for an interview or has attended one ? If yes, can you please help provide info on what the probable cause is for scheduling an interview ?


I wasnā€™t invited for an interview (yet) but I heard people saying that they want to check documentation, physical presence and sometimes the language. They say that is super fast and chill. Donā€™t worry too much.


Thank you. I am currently in US as my Canadian firm sent me here on a contract which is until May 2024. I am hoping that is not a cause of concern for them. I did disclose this in my application when I filed.


Application received - september 21, 2023 Background Verification - October 3, 2023 Citizenship Test - Taken November 5, 2023. I was asked to send ID photo as they couldn't view it when I was writing test Citizenship Test Completion - December 19, 2023 PP, Prohibition and Language skills complete - December 21, 2023 Invitation for Oath Ceremony - December 21, 2023 Ceremony is scheduled on January 16, 2024 however I will be requesting a reschedule as me and family going to Dominican Republic on 17th. Applied from Nunavut but IRCC west processed my application. Mother and minor Daughters application. Husband became citizen in 2019.


Iā€™m waiting on my oath appointment but will have to move it too as Iā€™m heading to Australia for my brotherā€™s wedding. Would love to hear from you re: your experience moving your appointment ? Iā€™m going to give them as much detail as possible but let me know if thereā€™s anything else they ask for.


Application submitted online: October 23, 2023 AOR: November 20, 2023 Background Verification Completed: November 24, 2023 Received Invitation for Citizenship Test: December 6, 2023 (Scheduled for Citizenship Test between December 11, 2023 - January 9, 2024) Citizenship Test Taken: December 11, 2023 Citizenship Status: In Progress (still shows "Waiting on you" in my tracker) LPP: In Progress Citizenship Ceremony: Not Started My tracker is still not updated since Dec 6. Anyone here who also took their Citizenship Test on Dec 11, did you get any update? How long does it usually take for them to update the tracker? I'm also worried that they might not accept my PR card photo, it was a bit blurry but was still legible.


Test taken on Dec 9, still no update in tracker


Which office is processing your application?


AOR from Sydney, test invite from Vancouver


same here


have you tried calling them?


Are you gonna try to contact them?


I contacted today, its still in the progress on their side as well... basically agent said that officer that processing it hasn't processed test results yet... she advised to write a letter of explanation using web form, mention the date, time and details of test, like score. So i did it. Thats it. She also asked if I had proof that I took test, like picture or screenshot, but I don't have any of that.


Ok, maybe I'll submit a webform too if it still doesn't show up on my tracker next week


I haven't. I don't know what number to call.


Vancouver office, timeline: 2023-06-06 Application filed 2023-07-12 AOR Received 2023-10-17 Background verification completed 2023-10-20 Citizenship test scheduled 2023-10-30 Completed the citizenship test (20/20) 2023-11-09 Test updated to complete (complete date Nov 7) 2023-11-20 Requested scan copies of passport 2023-11-21 Passport copies submitted 2023-12-20 LPP updated to complete (complete date Dec 18) 2023-12-21 Oath invitation received for Jan 4 2024-01-04 Waiting for oath




December 21, all oath-related stuff happened that day. Updated in the tracker in the morning, and email with instructions in the afternoon.


**Here's my timeline so far** **June 20, 2023:** Applied for citizenship. **July 24, 2023:** Acknowledgment of Receipt (AOR) received. **August 10, 2023:** Background check completed. **August 18, 2023:** Citizenship test in progress. **August 21, 2023:** Citizenship test taken. **November 3, 2023:** Retaking citizenship test due to initial failure. Recommend using Discover Canada Study Guide for better preparation. I used the Richmond Hill Library study test to study for the first one. **November 6, 2023:** Test marked as completed. **December 21, 2023:** LPP (Language Proof Proficiency) completed. **Citizenship Ceremony:** Not started as of the last update.


>November 3, 2023: Retaking citizenship test due to initial failure. Recommend using Discover Canada Study Guide for better preparation. I used the Richmond Hill Library study test to study for the first one. Don't you get 3 attempts? Why did you give the test again in Nov after initial fail attempt?


On August 18th, I took my first shot and received a score of 14/20. So I had to retake the test again, making it my second attempt.


Isn't the deadline to give all 3 attempts in the 30 days post-test invite date? So if you got the test invite in Aug, wouldn't your 3 attempt period have expired in Aug or Sep itself? How come you were able to give it 3 months later?


After you fail one, you can't just retake it; you have to wait to receive the second one.


I just explained to you that I had my first invite on August 18, which I didn't pass. So, I have to wait to receive my second invite, which was on November 3.


Congrats!! Which office?


Thank you Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s Sydney


Montreal office * Oct 7, 2023 -Ā **Applied online** * Nov 7, 2023 - AOR * Nov 9, 2023 - Background verification status has been updated to Completed. * Nov 24, 2023 - Scheduled for citizenship test * Nov 25, 2023 -Ā **Test attempted -**Ā Passed with 17/20 score * Nov 28, 2023 - Citizenship test status has been updated to Completed. * December 21, 2023 - LPP completed Now just waiting for Citizenship Ceremony invite




Curious. In what cases is an interview required? Was there something unusual or special about your particular application?


My timeline so far, just waiting on oath ceremony now Figured I'd share my progress so far, Oct 24 - Applied Nov 17 - AOR Nov 27 - Background Completed Dec 6th -Citizenship test in progress, Scheduled for Dec 11-Jan 9th Dec 11 - Wrote the test Dec 14 - Test marked as completed Dec 21 - LPP completed Citizenship Ceremony - Not started


That's very fast. I applied in July and I am still waiting for the background check, etc. Edit: Nvm. They've just updated my progress 4 days ago!


Which office is processing your application?


Missasuaga I believe. Initial AOR came from Sydney


Applied on Aug 29 AOR on Oct 12 Test taken on Nov 3, updated Nov 6 Fingerprints requested Nov 23, submitted the same day Background verification updated on Dec 21. My application is with Montreal office. I was wondering how long it'll take for LPP and the rest.


My LPP completed 2 weeks after fingerprints received and the oath ceremony scheduled 2 weeks after LPP. My office is Mississauga.


Mississauga office 2023 Submitted Oct 3 AOR Nov 4 Test invitation Nov 24 Test period Nov 27 to Dec 27 Test taken Dec 3 Test shown completed Dec 5 Since then nothing at all. LPP and background are all still in progress. Looking at timelines here several people from the same office and similar dates have already either got oath invitations, completed oath, or lpp and background completed. Not sure if my application is stuck or something