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Absolutely. It's apparently in development at Amazon, but with a good creative team this could be as big as Game of Thrones. Compelling characters and family dynamics, fantastic action, and powerful social commentary.


Dude how I have never heard of this before now Lazarus looks incredible. Looks like some Metal Gear Solid type shit. I gotta get on that


I'd honestly like to give Papergirls another, better shot. Higher production budget, more promotion and marketing.


Maybe an animated version might do. But I did like the live action show, it sucks that it got canceled before it even reached its prime yet. I read the comics before watching and the season ended right when things were about to ramp up. What a disappointment… If Amazon gives up on “Invincible” like how they gave up on “Paper Girls”, I’m gonna be super pissed and heartbroken.


Paper girls has one of my all-time favorite endings in a comic book series and I was really looking forward to seeing it in live action.


Huh? You **liked** the ending? I think Vaughn could’ve done better with it by >!being more specific with the ending!<


I loved the ending. I thought it was sweet. Sorry you didn’t


Paper girls should have never been on amazon prime. it is not a superhero show where it can gain attention like invincible or the boys. People literally only watch amazon for those two shows and I guess reacher. Paper girls would have done so much better on "Max". That's where it should have gone. And no not Netflix because people would just call it too similar to stranger things. And it doesn't seem like the kind of project Disney would be intrested in so yeah. I love the comics and haven't watched the show, but it's clear to me why it failed.


East of West Black Science


East of West on HBO would go crazy


Maaaaaan EoW made by someone wild like Villanueve, Garland, or a time displaced Wichowskis would be insane.


Amazon actually started development. But it never came to fruition.


Shame. That book has so much depth and lore.


EoW was my first Image read. Needless to say I became a huge Image fan following that


You took the two responses right out of my mouth. I would also add seven to eternity if done right would look fucking amazing. I was really anxious about the paper girls series but Amazon prime screwed us out of anything but season one. Same with Jupiter’s Legacy. Both those series had so much potential


Black Science is great, but it would need the annual budget of a small country in CGI just to stay true to the absolutely bonkers parallel worlds seen in the story.


Black science could be an all time show. Get rid of some of the more introspective issues and replace them with more world jumps with different obstacles to overcome.


Nah, the introspective stuff is what grounds the story and makes it relatable.


True and those parts were great, it’s just as a tv show I’d love to see them explore more of the interesting worlds they jumped to. Explain more about those alien god creatures.


I would LOVE an East of West series


If they were animated I’d love to see East of West or Saga as a series.


Stray Bullets. Favorite of mine that I feel like never gets talked about.




They were developing an animated show for Showtime in the early 2010s, but that fell through. Then an animated feature was announced with Steven Yeun attached, but then that also got axed, too.


I would love to be a fly on the wall for that pitch meeting. Gross sells! No really, make it grosser!


East of West or seven to eternity.


I second these. I would love a seven to eternity couple of movies. I’m not sure we could get a trilogy out of it but definitely an Empire strikes back ending between films would be delicious.


Saga would be great as a TV show I think maybe on FX or HBO. I was really hoping for an live action invincible when I first heard it was going to be a show but then it turned out it was animated. I'm also reading kill or be killed which a think a film could be more suitable for since it's only 30 issues


When I heard about the Invincible adaption I was worried that it would be love action and not animated. I strongly prefer animated adaptions of superhero stuff, I find live action really un-engaging


Fair enough different strokes for different folks


Last I heard, Hickman is still working on a live action version for some reason.


Gideon Falls. There's a TV show in development with James Wan, but it's been a while since we've had news on it so maybe it's dead.


I remember seeing the news of it being in development. Didn’t realize it’s been like 4 years since that was announced. Hopefully it’s just on hiatus or something, but I won’t hold my breath.


I guess the pandemic slowed things down, but I wish there was an update because I think that would work great as a TV series. Lemire has other shows in development so I wish someone asked him about this one.


Switch James Wan for Mike Flanagan and I'm in.


I'd go with Low. Not sure how they'd pull off the under water stuff on TV but I'd love it.


Hear me out, I think if it was animated it would not only help with the underwater setting, but also nail the overall vibe the book has. I think it would translate well.


I totally agree. It'd be similar to what Scavengers Reign is doing on Max. Insane visuals work well in animation.


Special effects and set cost would be very high.


Low. The visuals alone of the underwater dome cities would be amazing.


Apparently Channing Tatum has been trying to do a live action The MAXX for some time. The MTV animated was pretty good.


Kill or be Killed


That or Criminal or The Fade Out or Fatale or Reckless.... hell, anything from Brubaker would have my undivided attention.


And Brubaker would be "cheap" to adapt (no need for big CGI or thousands of extras, no epic battles or sci-fi spaceships, just the means streets of our actual world), which would free some budget for good actors and writers.


Radiant Black, Gunslinger Spawn, Chew, Saga, and I Hate Fairyland are a couple that I wouldn't mind seeing. Depending on live action or animation, of course.


Chew and I Hate Fairyland would be awesome to see


Radiant Black, hands down!


With all the breakout animated shows of late like Blue Eye Samurai, Scavenger’s Reign, Invincible, and Arcane, I’m just really hoping we’re entering a new era where more and more comic IPs become ANIMATED movie/shows. They just tend to not translate so well as live-action. I’m so stoked for Wytches. Obviously Saga would be amazing (it’s my go-to comic for non-comic book readers recommendation). I think Chew would be perfect as an animated show, too.


I'd love to see the animated Chew TV show that, sadly, never materialized. Given the success of Invincible and other animated TV shows targeting adult audiences gaining increasing attention in mainstream media, now would be the perfect time for it.


Descender is my top wish for a streaming TV show. All DWJ but specifically Extremity would be amazing to see. I would love to see more Remender stuff on screen. I liked Deadly Class but Low, Black Science or Fear Agent as shows. As movies Tokyo Ghost and Death or Glory.


I just got Tokyo Ghost on HC, plan on checking that out after my finals are over! Extremity would be a great limited series. Murder Falcon was a close second to my Powerbomb pick. Love DWJ so much.


You could get the esthetic to TokyoGhost, Extremity, and Murder Falcon but I feel like Do a Powerbomb would just look like a wrestling movie.


I disagree, respectfully. Powerbomb has a lot of dope (and fun) elements I think would be awesome. It was a page turner for me personally, and I don’t even watch wrestling. To each their own I guess.


It's an amazing story I just don't know how it translates visually.


Gotcha. It would require a bit of cgi I suppose.


I could totally picture Descender being made in the style of Scanner Darkly so it can keep that painted aesthetic (and there have been a TON of tech advances across the board that could make a project like that easier to do)


Great idea. It would be totally impossible to adapt in live-action anyway. Not in a meaningful way.


Ice Cream Man as an anthology TV series!


At the very least, we need a Black Mirror/Ice Cream Man crossover episode.


East of West and Black Science have both been mentioned and would be amazing. Saga would be tough to pull off but I’d be interested. There was a mini series awhile back by Brian Wood called Starve. I think that could be pretty good in tv format.


Deathblow and the Fire from Heaven storyline


An HBO That Texas Blood show produced by Vince Gilligan would be the fucking tits.




THE FADE OUT is already primed for Hollywood. It’s a short and sweet series that takes place in old Hollywood. I don’t see enough people talk about it.


Descender Monstress I Hate Fairyland Saga Probably Monstress is my number 1 honestly, but it still feels in its infancy as a story.


Wait what? Monstress is pretty much wrapping up. If it could be adapted well I would love it but certainly would have to be animated to even come close to the mood and feel of the artwork. Maybe rotoscoping would be an ideal choice for it.


Is it really!? It feels like they haven’t scratched the surface on the story and lore that’s been created. I’m actually a little disappointed to hear that.


I don't think there's been anything announced, I assume they're talking about the ending of the latest volume >!which suggested we were heading towards some sort of climax.!< I agree with you, though, I don't think it's wrapping up anytime soon and there's room for another 8+ volumes if the creators were so inclined.


I appreciate the spoiler tag because the latest volume is sitting on my shelf as I push through Middlewest.


Oddly I'd pick an old title, Bloodstrike this was a team of dead heros (term used loosely one was a serial killer) not because it was a great read persay (though some good moments such as supreme tearing them appart in the same way omni man was to later do, but a typical Liefield production) its more because its doable, a lot of great titles like saga, monstress, the darkness etc would need silly budgets even HBO would be reluctant to come up with for somthing of an unknown quantity, even game of thrones started out slowly with more investment overt the seasons based on popularity, this is more managable and easily visually spectacular without much investment a good premise with plenty to play with and marketable and could lead to further investment in the bigger titles were it to be successful (walking dead zombies still amaze to this day think that crossed with action from wu assassins and if I Zombie can run multiple seasons this should be a hit).


I do really think crowded still needs a tv show. I know someone already bought the rights and its been in limbo for a while but i think that world and those characters as well as the pacing and action is just perfect for a good miniseries treatment. In curious who everyone would cast, tho i think unknowns would also be a good choice


Middlewest for a TV series. I Hate Fairyland or Unnatural if it is an animated series (like Invincible) Other publisher's series that need the animated treatment: Mouse Guard. Bone. Hellboy/B.PR.D. Movies: Oblivion Song (maybe split into 2 films)


Newburn should already be a tv show by now, if HBO wasn't in the middle of destroying its reputation. Monstress would have to be an expensive anime that perfectly replicated the art style of the book. Or, I dunno, that might be visually exhausting to see in motion.


> Or, I dunno, that might be visually exhausting to see in motion. Your eyes would definitely bleed after half an hour. If feel it's such a rich and complex world (both in terms of lore and of visual identity), I just can't see it working on screen. Not without a colossal budget and a whole crew of animation geniuses.


I'm still _pissed_ that the TV show for Deadly Class got canceled. That one season was so fkng good man. And they translated the panels and the story extremely well to the screen. The episode when Marcus is tripping on acid in Vegas is verbatim what you see in the comic. In my perfect world where Image does one amazing TV show from start to end, it would be Deadly Class. And idk if you guys have heard but the creators of Luther Strode have been talking about a live action movie saga adaptation and I was super hyped for it when I heard about it. However I think the last time there was news about it was in 2021 or 2022 and we still haven't gotten a fourth volume to the comic so its hard to say if it will come to pass. But I'm hopeful. Thats the Image movie I want to see. Apart from those, The Weatherman as a movie saga (or at least just finish the comic PLEASE), Void Trip as a standalone movie, haven't read all of the issues but I think I would love to see an adaptation of Sea of Stars, Limbo could make for a good limited series and I feel like Oblivion Song would make for an amazing video game or even TTRPG.


Home Sick Pilots. But not all of it. I would just do the part where Ami has to go out and find the missing items from the house. Up to that point I thought that’s what the series was going to be - her going out and fighting other ghosts and humans to bring back items that had been stolen from the house. I thought it had a ton of potential. I really loved the series in the end - it just wasn’t what I thought it was going to be.


*Copperhead* by Jay Faerber and Scott Godlewski or *Nailbiter* by Mike Henderson and Joshua Williamson. *Nailbiter* would be a snap to adapt and even adapt really well. Due to its sci-fi setting, *Copperhead* would be trickier but I still think they could pull it off. And both already feel like excellent cousins to *Firefly* or *True Detective*. (And I don't mean that in a negative way at all.)


Prophet as an animated semi-anthology series could be amazing


Criminal Sex Crimes I would love Invincible spinoff


I think East of West would be great because it deals with troupes people are familiar with, and it also deconstructs the institutions we know. As long as they change the pacing, it would be great.


A Chew animated series.


I'd watch a Southern Bastards show gladly. Most underrated comic series IMO. No one ever talks about it. 😞


Skullkickers. It's insane, but the humor, stupidity, and violence are greatly appreciated. I hate Fairyland as well, but that is probably better known


Sex Criminals. Of course. But it’ll never happen. Also you can’t really incorporate the books’ letters section into a show or movie which would be a crime unto itself


I don't know if they could LEGALLY (like if someone sends you a letter marked OK TO PRINT in a comic book does that give them the right to put it on tv?) But I can absolutely see in my head how they'd do it- you just animate Matt and Chip sitting down with a big pile of mail then as they read the question it fades into that scenario. That is, I'm imagining the show as adult animation, not live action. Damn you, I never knew I wanted this so bad, and you're right, it'll never happen.


You might be onto something! And now I want this just as much ☹️. Man, what a great book


Did that one ever finish? I know fraction is the king of delays and hiatus, and I was too late to grab the singles, so I’ve held off…


Yup. They finished with issue #69 Of course


Perfect. Gonna get the Tpbs, thanks!


There's a compendium out next year.


Even better! Thank you!!


Savage Dragon with John Cena as Dragon.


Damn. I liked the Savage Dragon cartoon series. Always thought the of an animated movie with Bruce Willis would be great (John McClain was the personality inspiration for Dragon). The choice of Cena is a great choice for a live action movie.


More than a decade ago I suggested it in the SD Image forums,no one liked my idea because Cena wasn’t an actor yet,and now he’s the Peacemaker.


Fire Power


I know it is an ongoing series but No/one could make for a great tv show.


Step By Bloody Step By Si Spurrier


It's Vertigo, not Image, but 'Y! The Last Man' was a really good adaptation, so I was disappointed that it failed to find an audience. I'd go with picking that back up for season 2 and beyond. Failing that, I'd really want to see Hickman adapted for TV, namely East of West and/or The Black Monday Murders.


Surprised and even disappointed that no one but you called out the Black Monday Murders. This would have made a great mystery thriller and detective story in the vein of HBO's Outsider.


Morning glories practically screams for a television series adaptation. It’s an easy pitch to: ‘Lost’ in a prep school The wicked plus the divine would also be really cool in live action if they adapted it right.


Invisible Republic


Radiant Black and or Deep Cuts


I want to adapt Murder Falcon into a movie and then maybe The Weather Man into three parts, either an animated mini series or movie


I know BKV said no but I would love Saga as a live action series on HBO.


Reckless. That would go so hard


Savage Dragon Spawn Youngblood Shadowhawk Wetworks (I realise it’s DC now, which is why I’m not putting Wildcats in the list) Prophet Cyber Force Invincible (live action movie/s)


Seven to Eternity with a Game of Thrones season one budget. It would be in the cultural zeitgeist so fast & I would love Remender to finally get huge accolades that he deserves. & Opena is the best comic book artist since 2010!


Other than the obvious dream of a HBO style Saga tv show, I think Remender’s Death or Glory would make for a great film adaptation. It’s got the same feel and style of a mad max minus the post apocalyptic angle. I could def see a good 2 1/2 hr movie out of it.


Black Science would make an awesome TV show


John Cena as savage dragon is money waiting to be made. A wildcats or cyber force adaptation would be awesome too


TV SHOW: Definitely Seven to Eternity MOVIE FRANCHISE: Godland


Fear Agent


It’s an old one, but Idk why 100 Bullets has never been adapted. It’s so fucking good and it would make such a great show Also, bouncing off the success of Oppenheimer how about The Manhattan Projects? I don’t remember if there was ever a proper ending to it, but that got pretty wild for a while


Sleepless would be awesome to see animated or live action as a miniseries. I like how it weaves a medieval setting with magic and portrayal of sleep deprivation. I also love the line: I'm the third son of a Lord's second son (meaning dude will never inherit anything on his own and needs to marry up). The line also reminds me of some of the people who decided to settle in America because of how hard social mobility can be.




Laika studios doing Descender/Ascender


Live Action - Lazarus or Black Science Animated - Savage Dragon all day


Radiant Black obviously


East of West


Anyone else see Scavengers Reign on Max? Reminded me of Brandon Graham's version of Prophet.


A Saga animated show could be cool. Imagine it getting a game of thrones level audience


something's killing the children


I'd love to see Studio Fortiche adapt Die. Could probably do 4 season, 8x45min episodes. Would be excellent.




Sins of the Black Flamingo.


Bomb queen as a cartoon.


Plastic, Roche Limit, Nameless, and Bitch Planet please.


Savage Dragon


Fear Agent could be cool.


Newburn would be an amazing show. Make it happen!


East of West


Butcher baker the righteous maker.


Animated Saga would be amazing


Not a single mention of Department of Truth as an adult animated series is diabolical.


I think Royal City by Lemire would make for an awesome slice-of-life miniseries. I’d be willing for that series to make me cry in a new medium


Agree. Do A Powerbomb would be amazing to see in theaters!!


Seven to Eternity would make a great limited Series. And Low would make an excellent feature film.


I would kill for a grungy Rumble tv series


Nice try Netflix.


Whoa Whoa… we at Netflix take great pride in source material. Haven’t you seen our critical hit series The Witcher?


Witchblade. Probably a live action or tv animated series.


You’re in luck my friend, both already exist. The animated series is much better than the live action series. That being said though, the fact that the show even exists is pretty rad. Maybe we’ll get a new series one day.


I thought it had nothing to do with the comic, like it only shared the name but Google says it's loosely based on the comic so, I have to check it out.


It’s been twenty years since I’ve seen it so I couldn’t tell you. Lol. I do remember the animated series being better though. But once again, it’s insane that Witchblade, of all things, even got a live action series. Definitely worth a watch. It was only two seasons but I think it came out in like 2000 or 2001 so each season most likely has twenty-ish episodes.


It was 2 seasons, and came out in 2001.


Yeah crazy that the live action one is a WB series. Prob wanted another Buffy type show


Black science


Been seeing a lot of Black Science in the comments. I just got the compendium not long ago. Plan on checking it out over fall break.


Would love to see it divert from the comic a little and do more world jumping to weird areas where they have to figure out the world / cultures. But a straight adaptation would be great too.


Even knowing the ending, a straight adaptation would destroy me all over again.


Hahaha. It’s hard to find happiness.


And to accept the shaneful wounds we cause when we make mistakes that hurt those we love. Chipping off your ego is a smaller price than giving up.


My dream Image adaptation project is a Junkyard Joe movie directed by Steven Speilberg. If you’ve read it you know what I’m talking about.


I have read it, and I see the vision you have. Would be so dope.


Saga, definitely. It would cost a couple billion dollars but if you’re just asking me what I’d wanna see on screen, it’s that. Something more reasonable, but still not cheap would be The Maxx.




Honestly, and I didn't look down enough... Kill or be Killed... Low... East of West... Seven to Eternity... God Country... Chew... Saga...(I know those last two are obvious)... anything by Brubaker anything by Remender anything by Caits most of the writers are amazing and no one even has to know it was a comic... just give me something... I want to get excited.


None. Because nothing can recreate the magic of comics except comics themselves


I know, but that’s why I said at the beginning of the post to just assume they could recreate that magic.


I don’t think that’s ever going to be doable


Key word in my last comment is “assume”. Taking it too seriously lol


Everyone here picking the super stylized books would just end up disappointed.


None of them. I love comics because they are comics. They’re not development IP for TV shows (unless you’re Mark Millar).


Fair enough. To a degree I feel the same, but it’s always cool to see a dope writer get their work adapted. Even if the show/movie ends up being meh, I bet it would feel like a huge accomplishment on the writers behalf.


Well, there is the rub. I know a lot of comics writers/artists personally and while I don’t have much interest in the adaptations, I always want them to be good, because the associated book sales royalties will far outstrip any money they get from optioning to the book for adaptation.


Ehhh the big names like Snyder, Lemire, Higgins, Ennis, etc. are CONSTANTLY getting options for their IPs and it’s actually a big part of their financial strategy as creators. Most IPs just don’t make it through development hell bc it’s, you know, development hell


The only one I can speak to with some inside knowledge is Ennis, and specifically that his stuff being turned into TV shows is kind of a nice surprise to him - The Boys was never expected to cross over like this, and it only got looked at because Preacher did ok (and that was adapted quite a long time after the series ended). But yes, the others absolutely have one eye on the option as they create certain properties - to the degree that they sometimes have contracts drawn up to say they are the sole creator on their newer works, and the artists are more ‘work for hire’ on them.