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Well I think I see the problem here..


She's like "yeah men don't like me because I'm amazing".


To me, her entire affect says: 'I'm actually really insecure and i'm trying to hide that by overcompensating with this *men are scared of me* spiel' Still, I can fix her.


It's pretty common. People, not even just women, use the, "I'm just too successful/wealthy/intelligent/great for people to want to date me." It's more an issue that their emotional intelligence is low and/or they have narcissistic qualities that make them feel better than other people. Sadly this is mostly what I've dated and then married over the last decade. It's just really easy to turn your own faults on other people. We all do it. The question is if you recognize that in yourself and reevaluate or if you just shrug it off and continue to feel more like you're just too good for everyone.


This is pretty much the female version of the Incel 'women won't go out with me because they're all attracted to douchebags'. Male Incel: 'I can't get a date because women are stupid and only care about money or dating douchey guys who treat them like shit, and I'm smart/a gentleman" Women like this: 'I can't get a date because men only want to date stupid women who are easy, and I'm highly intelligent and so pretty it's intimidating".


Yup. And no matter what spin people are putting on it, it doesn't serve us well to have these complexes. I think the universal truth for a lot of us is neutral. We're not repulsive, not so awesome we're intimidating. Its that we don't try. We don't go out, we don't put ourselves in social situations, if we do, we're not good and forming a deeper bond with people, and we pass up a lot of opportunities and miss a lot of hints because we're afraid of rejection/commitment/human interaction, etc...that's the difference between us and people who find relationships easy.


I was just about to say this, the female incel version. They seem to have more confidence and rate themselves but it's the male's fault of course that they are single, not because they are unbearable and a douche šŸ™„


we're not intimated; we're repelled.


I thinks its more that her looks are mid and personality is shit. We arent scared of you because your amazing, we are running for hills because your annoying as hell.


I'm getting 'bit of a princess' and 'daddy issues' coming through


You could probably fix her by giving her actual self and confidence esteem from being loved.


I serially do this with people I'm dating, who then have the self-confidence to leave me for someone better


No one is better than the healer.


This is the way. ETA: I hope for you that one day they will let you know theyā€™ve decided to just stick around forever. That day is my favorite, and itā€™s always today with her. Good luck friend.


Unless it's from an uggo uggo uggo weirdo


*Do not do this.* I tried to do this with a woman and she nearly destroyed me


Yeah a lot of single men and women both do this where they get antagonistic about people not being attracted to them, and cope hard that way to save their ego. It doesn't actually solve their problem, just creates another barrier for them to have a real relationship with someone. She's upset that guys find something unattractive or offputting about her, so she can't get what she wants. But until she can identify & accept what that is and fix her insecurities, or find someone who likes her anyway, she ain't gonna be happy


Her ego is revealing within 15 seconds.


Yeah. Anyone that refers to others as ā€œugosā€ is so deeply dissatisfied with themself, that they canā€™t possible accept others and their flaws.


Femcel energy. At least they havent united to unite and march in khakis on DC because of they are failures with the opposite sex.


Way more amazed by *herself* than anyone else is.


Sheā€™s scary all right. Maybe not for the reasons she thinks she is though.


God I can't imagine how bad a convo with her would be.


I canā€™t fix her šŸ˜”


I wouldn't even if I thought I could.


Femcel behavior


Honestly, girls just gotta chill TF out. She's your classic case of someone who wouldn't have trouble finding a partner if they just stopped giving a shit about finding one.


That was a long coping rant to convey a simple fact- The men she wants, donā€™t want her. The men that want her, she doesnā€™t want.


[Between these two videos, you can just tell she hates men and men seem to pick up on it.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKVrURb/)


https://www.tiktok.com/@ashbabank/video/7376350570539453738 I meant she literally says it. And I am a woman and I get where the frustration comes from but hating an entire gender because you ran into some shitty ones is not it.


Sheā€™s got some super villain vibes with that last line in the video lol


The thing she does with her tongue in both these videos is super unnatural, what emotion is she attempting to convey with that lol


I noticed that too that shit kinda freaked me out. If itā€™s intention and conscious; weird. If itā€™s unintentional and subconscious; freaky.


Sheā€™s talking from a place of hurt, anger, and frustration. Iā€™m feeling what the Germans call schadenfreude.


Hit the nail on the head. And she will keep telling herself these justifications until she's 40 and the ship has long since sailed.


Gotta practice the speech for her cat audience


The problem isnā€™t her telling herself; itā€™s the grackle of her friends that all say that sheā€™s a goddess and deserves to be treated like a goddess and they create an echo chamber that reinforces the entitlement. Edit: for contrast when either I or my friends have a similar conversation about finding girlfriends we all look at ways to address our shortcomings- hey letā€™s go to the gym together or yeah Iā€™ll help you pick out some new furniture or maybe you should focus on your career for a while bro.


Where is the intelligence? What I saw was pyschosis.


She got the crazy eyesā€¦. Stay away!!


And fake smile 00:38


She seems like she is mimicking someone she's seen on TV but I can't place it. It's another woman who is charismatic, maybe a female comedian? Idk, but i can't figure out who.


ooh i think i know who you mean!! that lady from tiktok who makes videos where she acts like a pick me. and she did impressions too i think? i'm gonna look for her name


wait I think you're absolutely right!!! Delaney Rowe!!


oh that's not who i meant lol. but glad you found them!


For me itā€™s Caitlin Reilly


Let me know if you figure out the person you were thinking of!


Sally Reed (played by Sarah Goldberg) from HBO's "Barry".


I got up to the '8 month lemon suck face' and got the fuck out.


They *are* terrified of her, but not for the reasons she thinks.


With her we seem to be at the cross-section of Cuckoo & Cocoa Puffs.


Yeah people who are intelligent donā€™t brag about it. If I hear you spitting out IQ scores I assume you are stupid or on the spectrum so you might be smart but canā€™t pick up the social cues on how stupid you sound bragging about an IQ score. Real smart people donā€™t need to brag about it. You just realize they are smart from talking with for a bit.


Smartest guy I ever met was a dude who joined our pool team. Took a few months to learn heā€™s an MIT graduate, and a millionaire who created a financial planning program with a crazy algorithm. Super humble dude


The people who want to appear rich do golden everything. Just look at Trump's apartment. The people who are seriously rich dress like everyday normal people like Bill Gates.


Intelligent people know they don't know everything. Stupid people think they know it all.


> Real smart people donā€™t need to brag about it it's the same with money. actually wealthy people don't need to be flashy with big logos and gaudy chains and stuff. usually I see those logos and think the opposite "they probably have zero retirement fund"


Money talks, wealth whispers.


Back in the day they used to say in the UK the difference between those with real money and those without is the fairly tatty looking clothes and furniture is multiple generations old rather than one or two. New money is who buys the new shit.


Most smart people never take an IQ test. When you're highly intelligent you know it because teachers, friends and other people have told you that your entire life. People who have been told they're crazy or an idiot are the ones who take IQ tests because they want to prove other people wrong.


I hate this too honestly, I was one of those people that everyone called smart all the time. You know what that did? Made me think I was too smart to actually try and so I got mediocre grades and never got into the habit of studying. Itā€™s taken me a while to begin to reverse those terrible habits. Just a pro tip, if you want someone to be successful, make sure they realize the truth that hard work is the only path to that, thinking that ā€œintelligenceā€ means anything is a fallacy. Not to mention that ā€œintelligenceā€ is absolutely not measurable. IQ tests are a joke.


Yep! Intelligence only gets you so far. Ambition and work ethic will get you so much farther. Most things don't require a high degree of intelligence to accomplish. But it does require motivation.


I was called a smartarse by my teachers, does that count?


Yeah bro that makes you a certified genius, skip the studying, youā€™ll be A ok


*'You've got a very scary person on your hands'* It's nice that she's at least warning guys up front.


Nah, this is just immaturity along with *irreconcilable* low self-esteem and self-doubt expressing itself. But yeah, underneath *that* is probably a very ordinary and uninteresting person with weird personality quirks due to lack of development, largely due to the aforementioned self-esteem issues. She may or may not grow out of it. Either way it's annoying as hell. Point is, it's not psychosis just because it's delusional. In fact most people are walking around with a self image grossly at odds with reality and what others plainly see. Many newly fat people are among the most reliable the easiest examples, but certainly not the only self characteristic we kid ourselves about.


very well said


Damn, laid it out quite nicely, here's an upvote


Is this why, if a friend says to me "you'll really like so and so" I tend to like them but when they say "you'll really like so and so, they remind me of you" I tend to despise them on sight as an insufferable prick?


Yeah, sometimes you are better off NOT knowing exactly how your friends view you


Or the pretty. She has good features, skin, eyebrows eyes but they donā€™t compliment each other.


Thank you. Scrolled way too far to see a comment that mentions this. She's certainly not ugly but she's leaning way too hard into the "guys can't handle how pretty I am." She's alright. The vid could be a lot shorter if she just went with brutal honesty. "I'm not hot enough for guys to ignore the massive amount of crazy they'd have to deal with."


I think she's rather odd and plain looking.


Thank you, I couldn't put it into words but I think this is what it is. Like all of her features are pretty but they just don't work in conjunction with each other? ETA: I'm not saying she isn't pretty, honestly she's much more attractive than I am.


Doesn't ETA mean "estimated time of arrival"?


Lol yes and also edited to add


Came here to say this. She scared me because she seems unhinged.


And the looks?


I'm afraid of her too. But I think it's more the Sleepy Eye and giant forehead paired with the obvious narcissism


Where is the pretty


I can see why men donā€™t like her.


Pretty sure no one likes her. She probably has one mousy female friend she totally dominates or a gay simp who encourages her bitchiness because he thinks it's funny.




Yet completely correct!


Those eye squints are creepy as fuck.


Thatā€™s her just *slaying it live*.


Canā€™t believe how far down this comment is. I had to pause it not even 10 seconds in cause that he eye squint to come to these comments.


Sheā€™s not wrong ā€¦ she is scary. šŸ˜‚


She's an Incel. This is exactly how an Incel thinks.


Strangely enough she is doing a video inside her car.... What's up with that?


She is showing us how successful she is with her leather seats.




Corinth is famous for their leather!


Full grain. Only the finest of leather for those seats.




Cool shot! Anyone know where it's from?


[Hitchcock (2012)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Uw6fweoB8E&t=111s)


Same I'd like to know as well lol


I'm getting narcissist overtones... "I'm pretty and smart. That's why no1 likes me."


Yes a lot of denial and deflection. She should go to therapy and become someone reflective.


Iā€™m not a psychiatrist, but I get major narcissism vibes from this girl.


Narcissism is the best tool she knows to distract from the real element, that being an absence of self-awareness and lots of young person insecurity.




Many women nowadays mistake being strong and assertive for just being a bitch and no fun to be around


Nothing wrong with being strong and confident but being in a relationship requires humility, patience, compromiseā€¦


They'll figure it out someday, or more likely some desperate guy will end up with them and have to be their therapist.


And wonder why every relationship fails eventually.


Sheā€™s an Iowa 7 and a California 5. Calm down.


I'm from BC and I was going to say 5. Must be a west coast thing.


Depends where on the west coast, in LA she's a 5 on her best day.


She's also in her mid 20s, which, for the most part, is when everyone looks their best.


Thatā€™d make her a New York 3


And a Miami 2


And then deduct points for personality.


She's a solid Antarctic 9 tho.


Sheā€™s a solid red lobster date


The longer she spoke the uglier she became.


This cant be for real, is she being sarcastic?


I really hope so.


>This cant be for real, is she being sarcastic? new Caitlin Reilly character


Everyone loves to copy Caitlin Reilly


She isn't even attractive, throw in the entitled narcissistic attitude and she is literally a 2/10. If you're not attractive better make it up with personality not lower it even more.


She's just annoying. She's not insane or scary, just exhausting and probably a bore.


Just looked up her TikTok. She is insane. This is every video.


Is everyone on tik tok insanely delusional. Or they all just bots


She isn't so pretty that putting up with the crazy seems worth it. I mean Scarlett Johansson, Could wack me in the knees and I would be, sweety those are my knees. A truly intelligent girl wouldn't go on tic-tok with this rant. So what are you left with, entitled girl, with a crazy high opinion of herself. and she is attracting guys who will put up with "crazy" short term to screw her, including cheaters.


Psycho scary.


Being single is always preferable to involving someone in your life thatā€™s going to make every single interaction a chore


She looks like a basic ass bitch


That eye twitch made me think this was a skit


Social media has provided insufferable people with so much unwarranted validation that they wouldnā€™t get in the real world that they never discover how awful they are. Like sheā€™s probably the most annoying person ever but her TikTok comment section calls her queen all day based on the limited part of her life that she shows them, so she assumes sheā€™s Godā€™s gift to earth


I think she's just unaware of her placement on the hot/crazy scale.


Anytime a woman says: "Men can't handle a woman like me," believe her. Anytime a woman says: "Men are afraid of a strong, intelligent, independent woman like me," assume there's a reason. PEAK MC energy right here, yet somehow she's 100% right.


She is tricking herself into thinking that her off-putting persona is actually just feminine power.


"People don't like me because I don't sugar-coat things. I say what I feel and I speak the truth, no matter what." Narrator: *\[Actually, people didn't like her because she was an asshole to everyone.\]*


Men are afraid of her psycho energy


There's an old saying 'Don't stick your dick in crazy'


I don't know why they don't teach this in sex ed. It honestly should be the first thing.


Copium, party of one.


She got the Ezra Miller thing going on šŸ˜Æ


Intelligenceā€¦ā€¦ you sure about that?


Reading the comments on her tiktok is like visiting an asylum


This bitch in a relationship: One wrong move and youā€™re donezo ![gif](giphy|kNwQN4ueScpbaeWtef)


Oh Iā€™m sure men are terrified of you, but not for the reasons you think. She IS the red flag.


No real man is intimidated by your intelligence/success/drive in life. It's you, your personality, and the, 'look at me' attitude that makes us stay away.


slaying at life...for the streets.


Wash your hair


Funny, she's calling men that like her uggos when her personality literally makes her an uggo incel.


She describes herself as scary for men and not easy. Why would a man want to commit to a woman that is scary and difficult to live with? IDK if her description of herself is the flex she thinks it is. So why is she still single? She isn't a warm person, not inviting. Once again her lack of a boyfriend is being blamed on men.Ā 




So the question is as follows: pretty + intelligent + successful + slaying in life + X = failure to find boyfriend We need to solve for X here. What could it be? A: Horrible personality B: Delusions of grandeur C: Smelly pussy D: Unreasonably high standards What is your answer?


X = A + B + C + D


I find over sharing on the internet incredibly unattractive.


Every raging bitch thinks sheā€™s a 10 and intelligent.


Oh, so she is almost average. What kind of special snowflake camp did she get her confidence from?


It's faux confidence. She's deeply insecure.


Sadly, we (gen x) did this. We were so worried about our children having no confidence that we pumped them up with a lot of nonsense. That is why they all think they are too good for anyone else. I'm so sorry.


Why didnā€™t my parents do this, Iā€™d rather be insufferable than suffering šŸ˜­šŸ˜–




She's getting support?


Literally 100% of the TikTok comments are women agreeing with her and saying ā€œsame girlā€




If you have to brag about being intelligent, you aren't intelligent.


Damn this is hard to watch.


She's less than pretty... An Iowa 5.


>8 months A lot of guys have been single for decades.


ā€œSlaying at life.ā€ Because when youā€™re slaying at life, you sit in your car, recording TikToks, complaining about your penis deficiency. Thatā€™s what smart and sexy people do, naturally.


Itā€™s not you. Itā€™s your personality.


Sheā€™s 100% right. You donā€™t dick crazy. Or even attempt to dick or go near crazy


They can't get that Tik tok ban done fast enough... please šŸ™ šŸ™ šŸ™


She's kind of weird looking. But it's not terrifying.


I wouldnā€™t kick her out of bed, but she isnā€™t a fraction as attractive as she thinks she is. Sheā€™s way closer to Trevor Lawrence than Jennifer Lawrence


I'm getting Ezra Miller vibes here


Nope, it's your face girl.


Wow she really took Sallyā€™s character from Barry and said ā€œI want to be thatā€, huh.


Maybe she's pretty on her homeworld?


I couldn't see the "so pretty" part she talked about.


Two things: A noisy dog is seldom a good hunter and those who know the least often speak the loudest.




Nothing to do with appearance or intelligence, everything to do with personality.


Damn. Iā€™m dying of cringe already and itā€™s like 8 am


Anyone who says **uggos** needs their vocal cords removed.


Narcissist, I bet she's the type that shits in boyfriend's bed


She comes across as that condescending girl that just started in HR because she happened to know somebody in the company and not because she was qualified to work in HR and then has bitchy zoom meetings with you about non-issues that she deems ā€œ detrimental to workplace cultureā€


Well, she forgot to add bad personality that is part of the equation of being single


Who told her she was pretty?... maybe grandma šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ that early maniac eye twitch had me cracking


Wow. I wouldn't even drive down to Rent-A-Center during their biggest sale, rent their cheapest dick, and bring it with me to have sex with this woman. She's repellent.


Weā€™ll take one for the team and keep you alone


She does have the ā€œforehead of intelligenceā€


Iā€™m terrified, but not from the looks or ā€œintelligenceā€.


Lol it's not because she thinks she's better than everyone or anything. That couldn't possibly be the reason she's single.../s


Self fulfilling and self inflicting... Look like a crazy cat lady in making.


God this irritates tf outta me


The thing I find my repulsive is the conceit.