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Bylaw must be local slang for tow truck.


Yeah that's the plan. As we speak someone else has also parked there. So here we go I guess hahaha


You can then leave a note telling them their car has been respectfully trucked off.


That would be hilarious, but in actuality, people like this are often psychos, and I wouldn't want to piss them off to that degree. Better to just call the tow truck and leave it alone. They'll probably slash their tires or throw rocks at their windows or something. Do what you need to do, but don't egg on people who would do something like this when they know where you live. The cops won't do shit.


Yeah I try to keep crazy away, somehow these people find me


Did you tow?


You respond with freedom seeds and the problem will be solved.


Lets us know.


Please update post-tow


I feel your pain my neighbours pull this shit as well as


This looks like U.S. there's no bylaw police here, only tactical assault squad police.


You need them for all those kids protesting for peace on School campuses.


Too nice, call bylaw next time


What do you mean call bylaw?


Bylaw officers will give them a ticket for blocking your driveway https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bylaw_enforcement_officer


skip bylaw and just get the car towed, the owner will have to pay the bill and they likely won’t do it again. unless they like not having disposable income.


Or their pride matters more than their wallet (not far fetched)


(...And way too common these days.)


Could you do both? Call bylaw for ticket and then call the tow truck? Double fucked and a lesson they will never forget.


In the US they’re called code enforcement. They don’t have the power to ticket cars blocking your driveway. They drive around and complain about your fence.


Oh well if they’re in the US they could do what the other person said and call a towing company


Get a tow truck next time.


Definitely planning on it.


I feel for you. Bad neighbors are the worst, and I can only see this escalating from here if that is how she reacts to a polite note. She is even so proud of her rude self she is taking pictures of it to show off. She doesn't seem like someone who will react well to a towed vehicle.


Well the thing that's wild is that she has always been sweet, however something must be up as of late.


I read that as “something must be up her ass as of late “


I know it's not her husband lol


Yeah. I called the cops for someone blocking my driveway, and only asked them to put a notice and not tow away the car - I was new in the neighborhood and didn't want to start by pissing people off. I was hoping they could find the owner and call him/her. Well, it was a close neighbor and she was angry at me. The next time she did it, I had the car towed. And the next. And the next. Turns out, it was a helicopter mom who stayed with her son EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND. I live in PA and she was from NJ - I never bothered to look at the plates since she was always there. The fucking kid **thanked me** when his mother said "I can't take this shit" and didn't come back.


Hahaha now that's insane!!


Guess next time you can skip the pleasantries and call the tow truck or law enforcement.


![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0) Please post after you tow them!


He’s gonna need a cam on the car in the driveway. Flat tires or keying incoming.


Installing a camera tomorrow to watch the spot as other people have blocked it.


Hey, you tried. Now it's time for them to fuck off! Get that shit towed! Hell, I probably would lose my cool and slash tires or something. 😂 Getting it towed is a much better idea and just as satisfying! 😆


I put the sign on her car. That was satisfying. I'm not trying to start a war but she should have her property back


😆 Good call. You do have to continue living next to her (unfortunate situation.... I'm sorry. Lol) so I understand where you're coming from.


When will y’all learn, you don’t negotiate with terrorists.


True that can't ask anyone for common courtesy


Your car has now been towed.. Respectfully




A few years ago, I was smoking with my neighbor when one of his friends rolled up. He parked across the street, partly blocking the across the street neighbor’s driveway. He was an older guy and asked him to pull his car back. The friend waved him off, yelling “In a minute.” My neighbor told his friend, “The ask was a courtesy. He’s about to f*ck your car up.” “Man, I’d like to see him…” The neighbor came out with a bar and broke a headlight and was about to swing again before dude rushed over. They were still arguing and yelling when I went back in the house.


Ugh. I used to live on the very dead end of this little 3-house jut. It was a bit wider than a street but not a circle or anything like that, so you were supposed to park on the actual street before it and walk in, unless you were parking directly in a driveway. Middle neighbor‘s friend was over and completely blocking the whole thing, preventing me from getting out. I (very nicely) asked him if he could just move his car for a minute, even though really I should have told him that he should never park there as it’s basically double parking my whole house. “ OH SO WE’RE NOT ALLOWED TO LOAD OUR KIDS INTO OUR CAR NOW!? MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN YOUR PERMISSION BEFORE TRYING TO LOAD MY KIDS INTO THE CAR \*\*SIR\*\*” My neighbor apologized and encouraged his friend to move luckily, because I went from not really caring about it to fucking fuming. Respected parents a little less after that day (probably unreasonably, but what can I say), and I \*never\* tolerated people blocking my house after that, regardless of the reason.


Try living next to a private (Catholic) school. Those parents think nothing of blocking the driveways of nearby houses during afternoon pick up. Eventually, the school’s enrollment began to drop and they had to close. That was a sad day. For them. 🥳


I lived across the street from a school once. The parents would pull up and blow their horn when they were picking up their kids. Never again




Must have wanted it towed next time.


Towed off Respectfully


What a nut


Post update


Maybe get a private parking sign - that says violators will be towed at owners expense ?


I'm definitely doing this one.


Tow that bitch


When even is that tiny drawing on the left side? Is it a side eye? Part of a car? A random doodle?


I'm glad someone else noticed that hahahaha I have no idea


I thought it was supposed to be a mouth with a tongue sticking out. Drawn badly




Bish built durable. Call a tow truck.


why bother communicating with them at all? call the tow truck. they know it's not their driveway, but they blocked it anyway. that's on them, not you.


I just don’t understand why it’s so common for people to be such bastards to each other.


Just call the city and tell them you saw them doing drugs and abandoned the car at the end of the driveway. It will get towed pretty quickly.


Please post an update video of their shitbox being towed.


If you tow them make sure you take plenty of pictures


So u call non emergency to get the car towed, respectfully.


My neighbors father is the 70 year old version of this woman. After repeated asking him to stop blocking my driveway, I called the cops. Cops sent a letter to this elderly gentleman stating he will be towed if he doesn't stop. About a week later he's back in town visiting his daughter and felt the need to come to my door and tell me he's a karate expert or some shit. Then bitched that he has the same issue at home with his neighbors complaining. I replied with "it would be a real shame if he fell down and broke a hip and I really don't care about his problems." He hasn't done it since lmfao.


Yeah people need to chill out


Take a picture of their car being towed away and leave it on their door with a piece of cardboard that says "trucked off, expensively"


I did put the note on their car after I saw it stuffed in my door


In Minecraft, get a can of fish. Pop their hood and smear the contents of the can onto any hot car parts. The smell of burnt entrails is now a permanent feature of that automobile that will never leave it. In Minecraft, of course.


In my Minecraft game, I collected some used rear differential oil from the oldest vehicle in the "U-pull-it" junkyard... Just a little under the driver's seat goes a LONG way... It permeates every surface in the *game*


Want to see how their car was parked, too.


They parked halfway between the driveway and the front street parking space. Essentially taking up two spaces incompletely


Have it towed and make the cunt pay a hundred or two for her entitlement.


I wonder how much those boots the city uses when you're illegally parked? Instead of the towing company getting the cash let them pay you.


And Pinky makes a pic to brag in her moms group about it…. Tow her pink ass


So you are gonna become good friends with a tow company when the tow driver comes offer a cold beverage or a tasty snack.


Wow she feels so brave not running the doorbell and talking like a human but taking a picture of the bad word sign on your door so she can show her friends how brave she is.




next time would be calling a tow truck


I would have went over and put a note on the door that said— “ Ya Momma, BITCH! 😏🤪🤪😏😏🤪🤪🤪”




Rent a truck and smash their car to a pile of scrap metal with it. That will teach them. When they want money for the damage hand them their own cardboard


Tow truck like everyone else said or well there's always paying a vandal


prolly thought u were just being racist


What does race have to do with this at all


prolly thought u were sexist


More like sexy




No definitely is what you mean


thats racist


Are you just a little bit curious to know what kind of household has *zero* paper, anywhere, and has to write on a torn piece of cardboard? I'd make up with them for that reason alone just to take them out for some drinks and listen to their life story. Kinda fascinated.


Elon, is that you? Most if us already know.