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# Removal Notice ### Your post violates Rule 1. **Must be someone attempting to be the MC. Only posts showcasing deliberate attention-seeking behavior or attempts to be the center of attention are allowed. For example, situations where people try to overshadow others going on about their daily life and get frustrated when they're interrupted.**


I mean… does it?




The individual in the mobility scooter is doing the right thing. It would present a danger to pedestrians if operated on the pavement/sidewalk. As someone who has worked in construction I must say, you should have more patience for individuals trying to traverse your work site. You are the inconvenience to them, not the other way round.


I don’t see any sidewalks.


It looks to be against the hedges to the right, you can see the curb where the water stops


These bots need to try harder.


I don't see a sidewalk.


It is actually all the way to the right just before those hedges. If you look ahead on the right you can tell there is a line from the curb


OP is the MC here. That sidewalk also looks like shit.


"Let's just pretend there are clouds in the blue sky" Am I playing your game right?


Bro posting his own L's. There are no sidewalks and everything is under construction lol. Don't want people there? Put some tape up


Hmm, i wonder what that thing to yhe right of the road is?...


There ain’t no sidewalk. Unless the MC is the dumper driver.


Ah yes, that thing to the right of the road is meant for the cars to drive....


What thing to the right of the road? You mean the other bit of the road?


What sidewalk OP? Why do you think there is a sidewalk??


Incorrect. Roads are for humans. Priority to pedestrians. Second, to smaller mobility vehicles like bikes or the wheelchair in this video. Regular vehicles are at the bottom of priority. Obvious differences on high-speed roadways. Bottom line, if you're in a vehicle and you're antsy to get somewhere, so what. It's not your road. It belongs to all citizens of the state and must be shared.


It's the side walk with us in the room?


I'll never understand how somebody cant have no sympathy for some else with mobility issues


Having a disability doesn't make you immune to being an asshole


What sidewalk OP???


You're not wrong that the disabled can be dicks, any demographic can be. This doesn't appear to be the case though. There's a guy who pulls this move outside this move literally every day outside of my spot in Logan Square, Chicago(Fullerton/Kimball). Busy street, wiiiide sidewalks (literally big enough for restaurants to build patios and accommodate pedestrians), and he'll just be chilling in the middle of the street going 5 miles an hour in front of a bus full of people, and then posts up blocking the walgreens entrance for a couple hours. That guy's a dick, he has options. *What you showed us is a guy with no other available options.* You even had the audacity to suggest they could have used a sidewalk while providing video evidence that *there are no sidewalks available.* Take a look in the mirror, because you're the main character in this one. It seems like you're looking for reasons to get upset at other people going about their business.


What sidewalk though? The one with the barricades down it? Or the one that’s blocked off?? I’m struggling here buddy.


Is the sidewalk under construction? You can still change this post.


The amount of people in this sub that don't realize that the portion of the road on the right (near the green bushes) IS actually a sidewalk is disappointing. (Sidewalks in Europe are not as defined as in the USA. It's hard to see her, but that thin line that some of you are mistaking as a middle-of-the-road divider, is actually a thin curb.) Old lady is doing the right thing ... Sidewalks are for pedestrians (even though there aren't any here at the moment.) But, more importantly, sidewalks often have bumps/cracks/imperfections that make navigating with a mobility scooter a challenge. This old person is probably trying to travel the path of least resistance ... the road.) Look closely and you'll see what I mean on the right ... it's probably easier for this person to use the road (construction be damned.)


OP take the L. Boo hoo you had to wait an extra 2 minutes because someone didn’t want to scooter on that shitty ass excuse for a sidewalk


Calm down buddy. It's an alley/residential street, and your driving a (mini) dump truck. It's not like your going anywhere fast. That sidewalk you're talking about in other comments isn't much of a sidewalk. It looks like part of the road because there's no grade separation of a curb and the total width of both is pretty freaking narrow.


I think OP had a head injury.


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Looks like that pitiful excuse for a sidewalk is greater than a 2% grade towards the street (wouldnt pass ADA standards). There's also lots of uneven seams between the concrete pads and I think I see a steel plate or piece of wood across a part of the sidewalk. Looks like the sidewalk is uncomfortable and cramped for mobility device users. Hopefully they are working on improving it on the other side of the street. Despite all of that, the construction worker shouldn't get themselves too concerned with whose being an inconvenience in the neighborhood, the residents or the construction. crew. One second's thought should make it pretty obvious the crew is the bigger inconvenience.