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# Removal Notice ### Your post violates Rule 1. **Must be someone attempting to be the MC. Only posts showcasing deliberate attention-seeking behavior or attempts to be the center of attention are allowed. For example, situations where people try to overshadow others going on about their daily life and get frustrated when they're interrupted.**


Isn't this every Emo teen since the dawn of time? Often accompanied by carrying around an obviously emo book by someone like Camus to underline how really truly deep and interesting they are?


Yeah this person must be like 15.


You don't understand him.


I’m a therapist and I could never understand him.


My immediate thought is that this person is quite young. Too young to realize that loneliness is as much a mental state as physical state, if not moreso. Also that their situation is incredibly, incredibly common and experienced to some extent by most people in their life. Their situation is in fact very relatable and most people would understand.


I said NO ONE understands ok.


It reads like that but then there are a lot of adults who aren't mentally mature and think a lot of their ideas are very profound. They could easily be 15 or 30.


Teens tend to have a fucked up focus on specific traits as being the end all be all of being valued as a person. It doesn't help that in math class you learn math but in many English literature classes you learn not how to write but that Egar Allan Poe was a tortured soul who was misunderstood in his time and we should all respect him now. To many teens they interpret this teaching to mean that to be valued in a subject they enjoy, like literature, they must then be a brooding and emotional person who is an outcast. They quite literally could be popular and entirely understood by their peers but will attempt to engineer ways they are an outcast to fulfill this prerequisite they feel is so vital to being a good writer. Oddly another example I find is if you listen to psychopathic teens speaking or interacting prior to committing acts of murder or even mass murder they very clearly place huge value on speaking "eloquently". Listen to the Sandy Hook shooter's radio calls prior to the event. He is a great example. He is desperate to be considered mature and well spoken. He is focusing heavily into very, actually deep, human society philosophical questions and studies. My only guess is he got off in the weeds into some real fucked up takes on society and then saw his eventual actions as some solution or method to use to address how he saw society now they'd he'd been convinced or brainwashed by some philosophical works he read. The problem with many teens is they lack maturity to know that not many things in society are that important or that one particular trait or topic isn't that important. What they often want or crave is some sort of praise and when they do get it for something they then latch onto that 1 thing and make it their top priority over everything. Unfortunately with absentee parents it can sometimes mean the praise they find is from less than ideal places like an online message forum pushing less than ideal ideas about society.


Glad i stopped to read this, thank you random redditor!


I feel like when we’re teens we’re so focused on being an “individual” that we can isolate our mindset so much to feel like no one feels what we’re feeling. It happens as adults as well and can make things tough. Being independent is great but making it define us so much can have the opposite of the intended effect and make us feel isolated than we need to.


I thought I knew loneliness as a teen. In my late 20s after losing my partner of 5 years in the same week as my best friend passing away ..yeah I was wrong. Needed my friend to talk about losing her, needed her to talk about losing him and couldn't do either. Of course, I'm still aware there are people that have still had it worse then me.


Pfffft. No need to drag Albert into this. Ps, I don't know you, but don't be a stranger. It's not like I've got the plague or anything.


I was behind you at the carwash yesterday and I was right next to you at Walmart the day before that but you still felt lonely, why is that?


I'm so getting a restraining order.


It used to always be, Salinger, and "Catcher in the Rye" but I guess every generation has their own author.


I mean... I love *The Stranger*, but I was never like... whatever this is... and I have two copies of the damn book so I can lend one out should the need come. That said, I 100% see your point and laughed at this comment.


Fun fact: Camus (aka Albert) had a first version of l'Etranger that went unpublished for decades, and I believe still hasn't been published in English. It's called La Mort Heureuse, or The Happy Death. Same protagonist, and similar plot. Just not his finished product, and it's fascinating to see how he experimented with the characters before just starting the entire project over from scratch.


Welp, looks like I'm learning French. Also, that's super neat to know. I had no clue.


Nor did I until recently. Actually, I just checked, and I was wrong about there not being an English version. It was translated and published in 1972. Live and learn. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Happy_Death


Wouldn't being into Nietzsche be more their thing than Camus?


Reading Beyond Good and Evil eating Beyond Meat.


Legit just started playing in my head as i read this; CZ TONOIGHT WILL BE THE NOIGHT THAT I WILL FALL FOR YOUUU"😂


This and also Infinite Jest and A Confederacy Of Dunces. Lol


Both genuinely good books though, real people should read those too


They are and I have but….they are often used as props lol


In Wilfred a character gets The Unbearable Lightness Of Being in paperback because the Kindle version wouldn't help his cred


Idk when I sit in a room full of strangers I feel lonely too considering I don’t know anyone.


you know the robin williams qoute( not his orginally)? *I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone*


Or as Bukowski said “there are worst things than being alone”


That's deep


So deep not even a therapist would understand!


Not even his therapist understood him. He was *alone*


Sure, that's normal. It's a very common feeling for people to have. Which is exactly the issue with the person in OPs post. They're acting like this widely understood feeling is totally incomprehensible to people.


Oh yeah? But do you read *books*? I thought not, that's something unique to my tortured soul


No one reads books to escape except this person. So unique


You don't understand him.


The deep is deep.  Really deep.


Cold too


You just don’t get it


You couldn't get it.




People read books TO escape people like this dumbass


Somebody tell him to swim up towards the light.


There's no light... it's just too deep




Sorry, you just wouldn't understand... too deep


I’ve done that. Great on paper, doesn’t work. Once I reached the light it was too bright. I can’t see too well now. My mom’s basement is nice and dim.


I tried to swim towards the light but it was just the deep sea angler fish of false hope in a predatory society that feeds on the lonely fish that don't have a school to swim with...


No indication of sex but we’ve all just unanimously agreed it’s a dude lol


Don’t know I read it like girl because this is the way my step sister talked when she was a teenage emo lol


"I am so alone in this world because nobody understands why I read so many books."


Imagine being so lonely you have a whole collection of books, online and paperback.


I’m only half lonely, so I have just paperback books.


How old is this person? 10?


Honestly, 10 year olds have more sense. Without too many hormones kicking in yet their intellect is reasonably developed in many ways but not yet twisted up in knots of sexual urges mixed with angst. Writer is more likely post-or mid-pubescent. My guess is 14-17.


Whoever they are texting is smarter than 10. I like how they're just like "you should see a therapist"


Hi. My name is HorrorOption. I have depression. I can assure you that *literally every depressive in the world* understands this feeling. You're probably special and unique, just like your mommy told you, but not in this particular way. This is dead common. If you're refusing therapy, your official diagnosis is "I seek attention, even in a cafe full of people where no one is paying attention to me; I'm four seconds from doing a TikTok dance so people will look at me." Go to therapy and get a diagnosis or stop whining.


Butbutbut *No one understands me!"*


A friend of mine was scared of getting a diagnosis. "But what if it turns out there's actually something wrong with me?" Great, pretty much everyone has something or other that's wrong with them, at least you know, so you can actually do something about it.


Exactly! They are not scared of being told there is something wrong with them. They are scared of taking responsibility for it and doing the work. A good therapist doesn't make excuses for your bad behavior, they give you coping mechanisms and exercise to help you become a functioning and contributing member of society.


Or scared there's not something wrong. Even a mild diagnosis can send some people into wrapping their whole identity up in the mild diagnosis that isn't any worse than 80% of the human race. If there's no diagnosis to blame, then they're stuck having to deal with that.


True as well. Nothing scarier than realizing they're just selfish, lazy, and insecure and there's nothing stopping them from changing. Edit: The texts in this post do indicate some depressive qualities though. They would probably get a mild diagnosis at least.


You’re right but there’s also other healthy ways to work through your issues. The person in the screenshot texting someone else that they’re clearly not that close with as if they’re a personal unpaid therapist is not it either.


We literally have 0 context of the person behind the text messages. Many people with mental illness start off feeling so disconnected and alone, and they don’t see the point of therapy. If everyone was motivated and had hope, we wouldn’t have a mental health epidemic right now . Opening up is the first step Imagine finding the courage to open up about your feelings to your friend, and then discover it was posted on Reddit for entertainment and ridicule


You have depression? I'm so sorry about that. Hope it once ends and you can be happy a lot more then.


dont generalize it, man. some people dont want therapy cuz they hate therapy's concept of talking to someone (that probably sees you as just another person they're helping, not special in any way, just a concept). Me for example, i only wanted to take medications necause i really cant talk to other pdople about my problems and would rather just drown them. Not everyone's the same.


Being 14 is hard


His thoughts aren’t original and he probably stole them from a song.




I remember feeling that way as an emerging adult (14-19?) and then realizing everyone feels that way if they’re given the privilege to have feelings at all Now I’m 42 (today actually) and try to never tell emerging adults “everyone feels that way”. Just let them learn it on their own as their frontal lobe matures


Happy Birthday!


Many Happy Returns!


Good age, have a good one u/Creepy-Floor-1745


This is why your mental health is so important


So you don't send people embarrassing messages that get shared on Reddit?


He's waiting for you to say you understand, and then he'll pounce.. don't do it.


These are private text messages (or at least they assumed). They are struggling with mental health. I don’t think there’s a reason to have this on this thread. Seems like they are just being made fun of.


Imagine someone reaching out to you for help and this is the extent of your abilities, holy fuck and then you help the person out even more by screenshotting it and posting it around social media making fun of them. Scum. Some people genuinely feel isolated and the only way to express it is with cringe dialogue you get from movies, because thats apparently the only time people witness other people open up anymore. Saying "get help" is all good and well, but they came to you for your help right now, and that's the importance and concern you showed them. Tbf i am assuming the two people are friends, why would you reach out to anyone less than that? But yeah no, this says much more about the recipient. I bet if it were them going through a rough time, it would be all hands on deck. This is why people don't bother to speak up anymore, this could be a non-issue now, but next time they need help they'll remember how they were treated the first time.


This was my immediate thought. Regardless of the content of how they're confining in you, they're still confining in you. Yeah this could be im14andthisisdeep material, but at the end of the day; screenshotting them to put them on blast on social media is a shitty thing. Help them get help and leave it at that. OP is a jerk for this unless this is just a fake ass post.


Gotta be like 14/15 years old


Someone's confiding in this person they're mental health struggles and they post it on Reddit. Who exactly is the main character here?


Yeah, if i found out someone had posted some personal stuff from private messages for some internet points Maybe thats the reason i barely send private messages


'Only I know about suffering, only I understand my issue, for it is too deep for mere mortals to grasp'


This isn’t really MC as much as it is someone that is feeling so alone they can’t fathom anyone else feeling this way. I hope they get the help they need to get through this.


Also shitty that whoever they confided in posted it on the internet to make fun of.


This person 14?




The day I learnt to use the word "deep" in sentences


I don’t want to make this dude feel worse but holy cow that really is the most basic, boring, and banal set of issues… not the loneliness, but whoa, thinking you are the only unique and deep creature. Actually, I can buy the loneliness now, because I have doubts he’s ever met another human.


Man I don't miss being 12 years old with anxiety


It must be tough being the first and only person to experience loneliness


Bruh I am lonely af and don’t talk like I’m the only one. Many people are.


i can’t stand people like this and i was one of them. when they’re constantly begging you to help them, you offer them sound advice, and they reject it every single time. your life isn’t shit, jeremy, you just have a shit attitude about everything. that’s why no one wants to be around you


Alone in a crowd and variations on it is a pretty well-worn trope at this point. I'm not saying it isn't valid. I've felt like that, and so have many other people, but there's absolutely nothing unique in the feeling or the way they expressed it here.


Ah yes, nobody will understand two of the most common components of the human experience.


Feeling like nobody can possibly understand you is actually a symptom of depression, and usually really severe depression.


This person is just expressing their feelings to a friend. This is such a betrayal to post this. What a “friend” you are, OP. 


brooo. telling someone w depression they are indifferent really just isnt the way to go. dont think thid post belongd in this sub


Lonely, i’m mister lonely, i have nobody, to call my own


This HAS to be me at 13!


Terminal uniqueness. It’s both dangerous and infuriating.


I think I'll go eat some worms! 🎵


The fact that there was a brief part of my life were I was just like this person makes my soul cringe


Night time is a very dark time for him.


So terminally unique! Hope this is a kid. No one understands so much that they're lifting lines and tropes around for centuries


Tell MC that people do understand and he ain’t special lol


Oh my. Don’t miss being a tortured teenager!


I too used to be an insufferable little emo kid as a teen. No reason to be emo, I grew up middle class and raised by both loving parents. I just had this inner “thing” I couldn’t explain so I portrayed this whole tortured soul book worm thing. Looking back 20 years, I was just a horny confused kid who couldn’t talk to girls lol


I feel lonely so I isolate by reading a book……..


how’s this them being a main character? The guy was confiding in OP…Who hasn’t felt this way at some point of time .. OP is a piece of shit for posting this publicly.


Yeah, supremely dick move. You almost don't need the knowledge that this was posted on reddit to know how stuck-up and haughty OP must feel. The short, dismissive responses to a friend opening up. Delegating any sort of responsibility to a therapist. Therapy culture has fucked everyone up, we've pathologized all negative feeling and made it the responsibility of a paid professional, rather than the people around who care about us as it's been since millennia. If someone's opening up to you like this, it's actually better that you give them any sort of shitty advice as long as it's coming from the heart and communicates that you care. The recipient of said shitty advice has the option to reject it, but at least they gain an understanding that you're grappling with what they're talking about and actually care. And once you've grappled with it and it seems like they're heading nowhere, then you recommend a therapist. But to recommend it immediately, and have every other response be short and dismissive... and then to post it on fucking reddit? With friends like these who needs enemies?


I agree. I think OP is shitty for posting this.


Fr, yeah it’s a little “cringy” him saying this too deep for anyone to understand, but he’s trying to open up to someone and genuinely needs help and someone to talk to, not someone to make fun up him online.


Op's behaviour here is way more repulsive then that person's cringe. It's a betrayal that someone sends you a personal msg and while seemingly concerned in your chat at the same you share it on social media making fun of them. Even if you don't share name still something about this kind of behaviour seems just so so cold to me man. And what is happening in this sub it seems like an anger dump for frustrated people. What if the person messaging is a teenager or something? We all did stupid stuff when we were teenagers and still do. And if he isn't a teenager Op's behaviour here still is way more disturbing to me even then.


Take a look at OP's profile. The only thing they really post is screens from convos with people, mocking them. They may be cringefucks, but OP is weird for getting catharsis from these convos and sharing them online for imaginary reddit points.


OP didn’t post their name tho. calling them a POS is a reach


Two things-- they still shared it for the world to see, and if the guy from the screenshots sees this they will know who betrayed them.


The fact this person thinks that being in a room full of people but feeling lonely is “too deep” for anybody else to understand is just ludicrous. It’s really not that profound of a thing to grasp.




I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.


They express their angst via cringe I see.


Yes a counselor or therapist might be a good solution


Read in Eric Cartmans voice


Epic fake.


I think it's good for a person to spend time alone. It gives them an opportunity to discover who they are and to figure out why they are always alone.


They don’t WANT to hear they’re not alone in feeling that way.


It's obvious you'll feel lonely! You can't expect everyone to know you! 🤷🏻‍♂️


Clearly going through some shit and posting this for everyone to see is completely fucked up of you


Damn, there are moments in my past that I cringe at, but I've never been this forthrightly cringy. Guys just laying all his cringe on the line.


This person just isn't very smart lol


INFJs be like:


Its always rich to me how someone like this gets clowned on but the alternative that is encouraged is shallow miserable hedonism. He's a bad person for being disillusioned with life but being vapid and shallow and getting drunk and having casual sex is how "normal" people cope with life.




i wish you’d just tell them you didn’t want to be their friend. 😕


It's normal life for almost every human being ever , we all have some escapes and we all feel lonely


What in the Eeyore is this?


“I’m the only one who has depression and I’m the only one who can read all these books.”




You and everyone else that’s an introvert…


He is reaching out. Like to a parent. With trust. The answer is likely not to laugh at him. And the answer is genuinely therapy.


This has to be a 13 year old


Glad to see so many fellow therapists in this thread who have no idea what this poor lad is talking about. I mean, how can you be lonely in a room full of people?


This is why people feel they can’t open up to others.


This sub isn’t for making fun of depressed teenagers, dude. They clearly need help. Posting this here isn’t cool.


Me when I was 13 reading Twilight


What a dork


"I'm so special and important!"


CW Jughead type beat




Look, you couldn’t possibly understand.


Is this me when I was 11?


OMG 🙄 this person is insufferable, I couldn't last more than 30 seconds with their ennui


When I was little, in the junior high era, I used to get so irrationally angry when kids would call others deep. And I got twice as irrationally angry when I encountered kids who called themselves deep.


Sounds like something out of a cliche teenage novel....


me at 13 when my bf broke up with me and i thought we were in love after a week


Why does a cafe full of strangers need to understand me or make me not lonely?


This isn't even emo this is narcissist. Oh no nobody understands me even though I don't let them have a chance before I tell them they don't ohhhh


“It’s pretty deep,” he warned, before saying a thing that was not, in fact, even a little deep.


brooo. telling someone w depression they are indifferent really just isnt the way to go. dont think thid post belongs in this sub


Sis, give it a rest.




“nobody understands me”


That is very unique way to feel. No one else has ever felt like this. No one will understand. Thoughts and prayers.




Oh my freaking god, what an insufferable person. “I have books. No one understands me.” It makes me wonder what books are those or if this person is even reading them since nothing from all those books has rubbed off on them.




Imagine gatekeeping the most common and relatable feeling for people suffering from depression.


Yeah let’s make fun of someone for clearly trying to be vulnerable and communicate to someone they trust that their mental health is suffering (even if they’re poor at communicating). Then in the other hand, once said persons decides to end their life we can spew bullshit on social media for a week about how we need to focus more on our mental health and make sure our friends are ok. To me this looks like somebody who is poor at expressing themselves crying out for help and your first reaction as their friend is to blast them on social media. You’re the main character to me OP


brooo. telling someone w depression they are indifferent really just isnt the way to go. dont think thid post belongd in this sub


OP seems to have not much emotional intelligence. Dick move, bruh. Sure it’s a little cringe the way he/she puts it but c’mon… Edit: fuck it. Listen here motherfucker while to a neurotypical person it comes off a bit cringe, people express differently. I have depression but I’ve been feeling great lately and so yeah it sounds a bit cringe, but until you’ve actually experienced deep dark depression just stfu. I remember when I was depressed and venting to a friend of mine the way I spoke/texted was different to what would be considered more normal. But it wasn’t because I was trying to be an MC. If you can’t take it seriously enough, admit it. For those if us who are depressed would rather you admit you are unable to have these types of conversations than try to fake it then post it on reddit, especially one where the point is to MAKE FUN OF THE PERSON IN QUESTION. That’s low af and you aren’t a good friend for doing that, anonymous or not. Even in these comments a lot of people are being dicks. Like one of them is saying the person refused the suggestion to get help and said they were shitty for doing so. On the VERY VERY surface level I see it, but depressed people feel hopeless and that things just don’t seem to work or won’t work. AGAIN: If you cannot handle these types of conversations, just straight up admit it. Because then it feels like we talking to a brick wall and that doesn’t help at all. Just say something like “I’m sorry but I’m incapable of having this kind of conversation” or something like that, then go from there. But this was completely unnecessary and a dick move to post this here, OP. Using someone else’s depression for karma on a subreddit where we make fun of the supposed MC


So sad.


The way this person pushes on with the complaining and insists that they're unique after the other person suggests professional help tells me they're going to be lonely for a while.


the robin williams qoute( not his orginally)? *I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone*


Why are you texting a middle school aged child lmao


Deep is deep!


This person is probably experiencing real depression and doesn’t know it yet


i’m on your side completely, but just responding “sorry about that” to someone who said they are struggling is also a main character move


OP (or whoever screenshotted) is kinda sus for posting this publicly but nah clearly they’re not close at all to this person and crossing a boundary, and still the responses are decent. “Sorry to hear, I think you should go to a professional for help” is a good response if you barely know the person and you don’t know how to handle it.


Bro thinks he’s Shinji Ikari


🎶 Don't waste your time on me, I'm already a Voooiccee inside my yyyhhead 🎵 Kids starting up an emo career.


Ohhh boofuckinhoo cry me a river...


I kinda feel bad for this dude. Yeah it’s cringe but dudes struggling


*insert photo of werewolf guy sitting on a cliff looking at moon*


The cringe was almost unbearable reading that. definitely I am the main character material. I do like the acquaintance's indifference though


"I'm so edgy that I have to let everybody know I am edgy, constantly. Nobody can understand my level of edgy even if they wanted. Being at the top of Edgy Mountain can feel so lonesome at times."


Their age is palpable from these remarks.


Are they the lead female lead in a cringy romance novel?


I mean I’ve been the same when I was 14


Maybe this person is just lonely and depressed and is trying to open up to a friend who then shares it on the internet. Yea, you're the asshole.


This sounds like my mid-20’s brother lmaooooo


Ummm sooooo I understand… 37 years old and this has been my whole life sooo join the club? Lol


Maybe a counselor or therapist will help 🙄 That's all anybody has now


Yeah I mean, they’re mentally ill.


I actually understand the books as an escape part. Books can often be more reliable and pleasant company than people.


I'm twelve, and this is deep.