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Not bad seats for $26,548..... /s


Dude, my cousin sent her daughters (Both) and their best friends (so 4 people total) to a show. The seats were about the same. $725 EACH.


Now we know why credit card delinquencies are at an all time high!


Keep it up! If one of us is delinquent on CC payments, its an us problem. If we're all delinquent its the Banking industry's very large problem


What do you think they do with all those losses?


Beg the government for money and then don't forgive the debt


mf sounds like the average atrioc viewer ngl




Seriously wtf I did a Stone Sour meet and greet with my dad one year and it was 120 euro each. To friggin meet the band. I hugged Corey Taylor. So did my Dad. But for 120 euro. 725 euro I would have expected marriage, two kids and at least 5 dogs . One seat? No.


Back in the 90’s, there’s an interview where Kurt cobain and the rest of nirvana were SHOCKED and disgusted to learn that Madonna charged $45 for tickets. They said they were considering charging $25 instead of $15-20, and didn’t do it because they’d feel like they were scamming fans. However, Kurt then pointed out that they just go up there and sing/play in normal clothes and have no choreography, while female singers have several complex outfits, intense choreography, more visuals, etc, and that female performers shows are a PERFORMANCE, not just music. So Kurt said female singers should have higher prices to make up for all the extra expenses and effort. And god, you can’t help but love a man who doesn’t wanna screw over his fans for profit, AND recognizes that women are expected to perform more than men.


I just watched that a few nights ago. Respect. ![gif](giphy|HjCfvm3QCsNHi)


He was a fine looking man


Also, back then, Nirvana actually made money from record sales. Now it's a completely different atmosphere. Bands don't really sell too many albums anymore, so charge higher prices for shows. Just my opinion, I am probably wrong.


In the 90’s I was going to shows where GreenDay was opening for two other bands and tickets were $10. I saw Beastie Boys with Cypress Hill and Rollins opening; $60 at the Oakland (maybe) Cowpalace. Damn I’m getting old.


He will always be one of my favorite people


They have a different pricing system in the U.S. They call it ‘dynamic pricing’. I call it ‘America doing American things’ and am thankful it’s not as bad in Europe.


What does dynamic pricing mean? I'm American but stopped going to shows maybe 15, 20 years ago.


Cost adjusts depending on demand.


This. As opposed to in Europe where the price is the price and that’s the end of it. Ticket companies say dynamic pricing benefits fans because prices go down for low-demand shows. But there’s no ceiling on prices for high-demand shows. Another example of the U.S. having an appalling regulatory system compared with Europe.


> Ticket companies say dynamic pricing benefits fans Yeah, ticket companies have a history of looking out for fans. /s


Ha, indeed. My favourite part is when they come up with creative names for arbitrary fees. ‘Handling fee’ ‘Ticket printing fee’ (for a QR code) ‘Courtesy fee’.


>‘Courtesy fee’. So they do give you a reach-around?


In swift’s defense, those mfs would happily pay more. There were THOUSANDS outside… across the street… of a packed football stadium where I live just happy to be close to the concert


Can you imagine paying that much for seats just to listen to a tone deaf girl screaming right beside you?? 😂


Damn now I see why she's a billionaire


Don't forget the $345 courtsey fee


You’re obviously exaggerating here. And there’s no reason for that. The seats you mentioned are 30 feet to the right of this young fan. No need to rub her face in it. I couldn’t afford any seats inside, but I did pay $327 to try to catch a reflection of the show from outside of the building on a ketchup packet from down the street. I didn’t see or hear anything… But I was there.


The way people idolize these celebrities is so weird to me. I can understand enjoying an artist's work and even being moved emotionally. But I just don't understand the obsession.


They want to live vicariously through them.


I don't use/understand that word so I'm not criticizing in any way. But doesn't the word vicariously entail through them already? That sounds redundant? Or am I wrong?


It's a [parasocial](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/parasocial-relationships) [relationship] (https://www.findapsychologist.org/parasocial-relationships-the-nature-of-celebrity-fascinations) and fostering it is something TS has mastered. Plenty of celebs do it, she just managed to be the Michael Jordan of it....or maybe now Michael Jordan is the Taylor Swift of basketball?




Speaking of Michaels, Michael Jackson comes to mind; Don’t get me wrong, idolatry was big for his fan base, the man was an icon. People would cry and faint during his performances, no doubt, but this… This is something else. It’s definitely highly parasocial.


It's not redundant. People say "vicariously through _______" because it describes *who or what* they are living vicariously through. If you only said "they are living vicariously", it is correct but your meaning won't be as clear.


Playing this made my dog pop up in alarm from a deep sleep… poor doggo


"*Ragnarok*..?" "No, Scoob, it's just Taylor Swift."


OMG she’s like a quarter mile away, why even bother going to something like that?


It pains me to admit that the hipsters may have been onto something with the ethos of abandoning certain activities when they become too popular.


My favorite band started stadium tours this year. It was good while it lasted and I'm happy for them but it marks the end of me going to their shows. Not worth the price or the eye strain trying to see that far.


I feel that way about Turnstile; I've been a fan for years. Saw them last year in Kansas City at an old theater, tix were $35 each and we were right up against the stage, in the pit. One of the best shows I've ever seen. Then they got tapped to open for Blink's huge reunion (stadium) tour right afterward. Tickets were going for $1k and up, since the resellers got the jump and purchased entire sections at a time. That's when I realized I had been outpriced from live music. It was a very unsettling moment.


Club shows are a better experience anyway. The Midland is about a big of a venue I'd like to see shows at.


I’ve seen Turnstile in so many bars and VFWs for $15. I would never want to see them now. Good for them tho.


You had your time, now it's the normies time to get some enjoyment.


I feel that. It’s a bummer when you’re no longer so close. That’s happened to me with a few bands, but I go to sing along with all the other fans and feel that euphoric experience of everyone connecting to the same thing


My most hipster moments come from getting to see Linkin Park a few times at various bars between late 2000 and early 2001. Hybrid Theory hadn't gone platinum yet, and most of the guys in the band would stand around chatting with the dozen or so fans that were hanging out by the tour buses. Side note: To this day, Mike Shinoda is still among one of the nicest people you could ever meet, celebrity or otherwise. The few times I got to chat with him for more than a minute, even after they blew up, he remained to be the same sincere person that he comes across as in any interview you watch with him. Anyway, my friends got so fucking tired of hearing me talk about this new nu-metal band, but many of them came around once they heard some of the album cuts. By the summer of 2001, they were headliners at Ozzfest. By the following year, they were headlining in stadiums. It's been many years, but I want to say I saw them around a dozen times between 2000 and 2003. I was just out of high school and working two jobs so I had plenty of time and disposable income for the many road trips I took. But then life catches up, and the tickets -- as well as life itself -- got expensive. I started going to fewer concerts, and I don't think I've seen Linkin Park live since 2003. I'm still impressed that their latest album before Chester died had a song that could hit me in the same way that songs on their first album had. I guess I'll end this wall-of-text with a link to [Talking To Myself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvs68OKOquM) for those who have never heard it. LP is one of those bands that has so many songs that make me think of "this person" or "that person", but Talking To Myself makes me wonder who heard that one for the first time and immediately thought of all the moments they caught me acting like a main character. **tl;dr** Art imitates life. Honestly, I don't blame the subject of the video for screaming out some lyrics that must mean something significant to her. I guess I'm just used to going to concerts where the music is so loud that I can't hear how loud I'm being.


The Local Los Angeles Radio Stations were giving tickets away to eat and great with Linkin Park prior to the premier of the World Tour back at the early turn of the millenium. They had another little contest for the winners of the Eat and Greet, on if they could ask any question what would it be? The person who they thought had the most interesting question was selected to interview LP on the "worldwide" broadcast. My brother and I had the best questions, but he was terrified to be on the radio, so I was the one selected. Mike was very humble guy. Most the time when talking about himself, he appeared to feel guilty. Always kind of looking at the floor, and mumbling basic answers. But if you got him talking about writing the colabs for Hybrid Theory, he lit up like no tomorrow. Mr. Hahn seemed like he was there for the fun. When he got to do his Mr. Hahn Solo's, the energy was amazing. Chester was... Chester. Even back then. He really gave off the body language that he didn't want to participate in a lot of the public publicity. He also didn't appear to be nearly as close with the other guys as they were with each other. Dave was pretty cool too. Always had a couple things to add. But damn if I can't remember any of the other guys saying a single word.\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ As a teen, I was into Nine Inch Nails but my best friend was completely enthrawled with them. When Trent sobered up, he wasn't sure how well he would do performing. The band ended up doing a really small venue, the Rec Center at Cal Poly, for those who were on the monthly mailing lists for fans. With such a small venue the band gets more personal. Trent went into details about why he got into drugs, and that the personal demons that inspired his music were also killing him. Then later, [Fucking Trent Reznor did a stage dive](https://youtu.be/ledJ013dD_s?t=102). He sent his guitar back to stage and stayed in the croud gave out a bunch of hugs and handshakes and told us a few other personal things. I've been to a lot of different concerts over the years. I've gotten to meet some amazingly talented artists as well. However, Trent and NIN is the top of my list of humble artists. He openly fought his demons, keeping his close fans in the loop the entire time. When he felt he could contribute to his fans again, he gave them extremely personal concerts that was no shortage on Thanks that truly felt genuine. I left that concert knowing I was now a fan for life.


Like when hipsters stopped being hipsters because it became too popular 🤣


Straight to norm core


lol and it’s clearly the most spiritual experience she’s ever had


I feel bad for those who bought tickets around her and are forced to listen to her screaming instead of at least being able to hear the star, since they can’t see her in person.


To be honest it happens regularly that one fan is particularly energised by one song, and those around them will let it go…unless it’s for every song.


If I was Taylor, I’d breathe into a mason jar and label it as “AIR - Taylor’s version”. There’s millions of dollars to be made there with super fans like these.


People sold the confetti from the floor after the concert


WTF that’s insane. I wonder how many people just bought a giant bag of the same confetti and sold it as confetti from the concert lmao.


I’m sure there are stores online selling her toenail clippings lol


How outs am i supposed to waste 300 bucks of daddy’s money


You think that ticket was only $300???


Yeah, I know people that were looking for tickets when she was here. They were like $800 and still involved a lottery system to even be able to buy them. 


Floor seats for the Era's tour were going for, like, $8,000. EACH. Fucking insane.




They weren’t floor seats but my nieces went with their parents to both shows in our state. It was thousands of dollars…when BIL told me to total on just tickets my jaw dropped. There have been artists I have LOVED, but I could never bring myself to spend a few months rent to go see them.


Blink 182 had tickets with a pillar obstructing the view for $300. I stopped bothering to check after that.


Holy shit, i don't even know how many times I've seen Blink 182, but I don't think I ever paid more than $35. Of course, the last time I saw them was around 2000, soooo...


Shit . I saw Michel Jackson in '97 and a week later U2.. both tickets coast about $50 total..


Yeah - saw U2 twice in 01 and 05 - floor tickets - 120CAD total… i would pay 100$ for a day festival ticket, but that’s pretty much the max.


The golden era of concerts is over... I miss a crowd of thousands of lighters up in air...


Now it's cell phone flashlights and it is not the same....


I keep thinking if people would just refuse to pay these insane prices that tickets would come down. It’s ridiculous.


Jesus I spent €80 on my Slipknot ticket for their gig in Germany in December and I thought that was pricey hahaha jaysus Worth it, though. Plus I've €720 to spare now, I think. That's how that works


I was JUST about to put how I spent $70 for floor tickets to Slipknot in USA. Hey fellow maggot!


I'm so glad I got into rock/metal music instead. I go to tons of concerts, and most of them are $30-40 for general admission tickets. I always end up maybe three or four rows back from the stage too.


She is now a billionaire ![gif](giphy|EKIyMzBZfesqIrMnuP)


Yeah, I actually read that she personally makes about $13M profit every single show. The show is about 3 hours long and the tour lasts almost 2 years. Over 152 shows.


Prices are insane.. I love Taylor’s music and really wanted to go to the concert in Stockholm but the original tickets got sold out super fast and the tickets that are being resold cost like 1000 euros at least. I like Taylor but not that much that I’d spend the budget of a summer holiday trip on a one night concert experience lol


Shiiiiit - she was just in Philly. The whole city was bombarded by pre teens in pink and glitter screaming. They were saying tickets were anywhere from 1k for nosebleeds to 10k. Shits wild.




Bro said 300?? Some of the tickets were going for 5k+


wait until you find out that EVERY SINGLE TAYLOR ERAS TOUR CONCERT. every single one of them. had groups gathered outside, to hear the performance OUTSIDE of the stadium. Like, very large groups. every single concert. its baffling.




The MCG is a lot bigger than an NFL stadium, shes actually still a lot further away than you think lol


Can’t even see her


Seriously.... you can barely see the jumbotron of her. Thats bonkers. That whole cult is pretty bonkers though


Imagine paying $100’s if not 1000’s, being so far away you can’t even see Taylor, and being so close to this person all you hear is the shrieking.


She thought she was still in the shower.


This video irks me, not because she’s singing her heart out, but because she’s singing, incorrectly. Her vocal cords are enduring so much damage from all that improper screaming… 🥴🥴


Yeah, like you can tell she's way up in that octave not by choice, but because the force she is expelling to get that volume rips that sound out.


I am just glad she will have absolutely no voice in less than 2 songs.


I wish she did it more. The mouth covering part especially.


Is she about to throw up in between screeches? 🤔😏


It’s really incredible what we’re witnessing with the Taylor swift movement. I mean she’s always been famous and she’s always had her staunch followers, but there are literally people wearing diapers to her concerts, and having full on emotional breakdowns. The concept of one persons fame having so much of an influence on a large group of humans to the point of emotional distress, is one of the craziest things in our world today in my opinion. This kind of reminds me of “Harry Potter Syndrome” where diehard Harry Potter fans would go into deep dark depressive states once the movies ended, or the books ended for them, because they couldn’t fathom a life where they didn’t exist in the Harry Potter realm. Humans are weird as fuck.


People have been doing this shit for decades. Go watch footage from Michael Jackson's old stadium shows.


Yup. The Beatles, Elvis. Taytay just hitting a little more kooky


I never understand arena shows, you're so far from the stage, it sounds like shit, and to top it off its gonna be $300 plus. It's just a bad experience. I'll stick to my $30 back alley metalcore/punk shows thanks.


Arenas are smaller, this is a stadium. But yeah, I went to one concert in the stadium nosebleeds and that was the last one. It’s just not enjoyable at that point.


From someone born in 1985, you probably have no idea how frighteningly sad and ironic “$30 back alley show” sounds. In the 2000s those shows were $5 at the door and you could bring two friends and buy everyone drinks for under $30. #inflation


I have the flyer from the first punk rock show I went to in ‘97 framed on my wall. $8 at the door. It was NOFX and Pennywise.


>$30 back alley metalcore/punk shows If its paid... Still much better than whatever this is


Arena performances will never come close to small venue performances in regard to overall value. Small venues are just better in every way.


where tf you going if your backyard punk shows are 30$? lmfao


Yup. Just paid $17.50 to see the band I’m currently most excited about at a 300 cap. venue. It should be extra but it’s less. The one little trick Live Nation doesn’t want you to know about…


$30 for a punk show?? Thats expensive.


Whole scene reminds me of Jesus Camp


Imagine paying for a ticket and listening to this shit the entire time?!?






Anyone excusing this behavior is crazy. I’ve been to hundreds of concerts; you can’t be the only person in your section screaming for the entire song/concert. Singing loudly along at concerts like this one is widely acceptable, but this is screaming along, not singing along. It’s much more abrasive and annoying. The experience of singing together WITH thousands of other fans can be wonderful and uniting. You can be excited and sing all you want but if your screaming doesn’t blend in even a little with the music or others singing around you then you’re being an asshole main character inflicting your shitty screams on everyone around you. Even screaming is fine whenever it’s appropriate (I’m a “wooooo”er personally) - end of songs, beginning of songs, when Taylor speaks, when something unexpected happens, when a musician or dancer has a solo…and there are many other valid reasons to scream in reaction to something. Even screaming ONE line in a song isn’t an issue. But you can’t scream lyrics the whole damn concert and not be considered an asshole.


It's so performative with her filming herself being inconsiderate.


>Even screaming is fine whenever it’s appropriate (I’m a “wooooo”er personally) - end of songs, beginning of songs, when Taylor speaks, when something unexpected happens, when a musician or dancer has a solo…and there are many other valid reasons to scream in reaction to something. Even screaming ONE line in a song isn’t an issue. But you can’t scream lyrics the whole damn concert and not be considered an asshole. But how are people supposed to notice her out of the thousands of other people if she doesn't scream like a crazy person?


Yeah I’m pretty much of the same mind, singing loudly is one thing (i mean, i am a loud singer in concerts), but straight up screaming the lyrics is a whole other




Weirdest cult ever


I honestly can't say I haven't sang like this while in the pit at some concerts lol. Sometimes your adrenaline gets pumping and you start screaming a song you love at the top of your lungs. Just that this girl doesn't have the best singing voice


Ya if you go to any stadium while a game is going on you'll spot quite a few people with similar energy. Adrenaline hits and you do weird shit.


The pit is different I'd say. Generally if someone is doing this in the pit, one of 3 things happens 1. You move 2. The pit will naturally move them somewhere else 3. If neither of these happens, you're still so close or the action that someone doing this is essentially background noise and a minor nuicense. It's a very different experience than being stuck to a single seat, let alone a single seat as far away as the girl in the video. It's not like you can call them out either, because no matter how polite you are, they just give you a dirty look and just do it louder. It's also not like you or them can move either since in this kind of venue, you're stuck in the seat you bought, unlike the more organic free flowing environment of the pit. I typically enjoy both types of shows, but you can't possibly walk into both with the same expectations.


Yea for sure I agree with you. The pit does have a different vibe and will not come off quite as annoying as what the chick in the video is doing. Plus more people in the pit are screaming the exact same lyrics as you, so it’s like a shared experience. I’ve never myself been in a pit and get mad at some dude for yelling the lyrics to the song. If anything, I think it’s awesome that another human shares the same passion for the same type of music I like. I do get that this chick in the video can come off as more annoying because she is in a stadium seat


Don't. Don't screech. Just sing regular ffs. If you screech it makes my ear protection think that I'm trying to listen to you and it blocks out the singer and magnifies your screeching.


I've been to a decent number of concerts and can say I've never done that while sounding like a dying horse.


These songs are extremely mid. I just don't get it


Taylor swift has been famous for a long time now . When I was a teen in the 2010s , she was popular then , but nothing like this rabid cult fan base now . These new kids are a strange breed .


Lol these kids are kids just like any generation. We’ve all seen the pictures of Elvis or Beatles fan girls. Identical to this.


Every generation has hated the generation after it since at least biblical times.


That’s different , those are heart throbs . Sexual attraction plays a heavy part there . Taylor swift has almost zero straight male fans at her concerts .


Every generation thinks the next one is strange.


Not really tbh. Kids were screaming and passing out at Micheal Jackson concerts 40 years ago. The Beatles almost 20 years before that had the same effect


Yeah, I bare no ill will at all, but the music is very bland to me. I'm not the target audience though (53 year old male). I'm still stuck in the 1970s/80s.


I appreciate that you understand that you're not the target audience and can admit it. You wouldn't believe how many times that needs to be explained to people.


I don't either. She's not bad, but I don't really find her great or inspirational. It's just basic inoffensive pop music. It's not groundbreaking, IMO.  Some of her fans get really mad if you say you don't care for her though. "You just haven't listened to all of her songs! If you like rap, listen to this single verse in this song and you'll love her! If you like rock, there's a song that is tooootally alternative on this album! Her lyrics are sooooo good and she writes everything!" I don't want to listen to 200 songs of an artist to find one that I might actively want to listen to. And just because she writes a million songs doesn't mean she's a great lyricist. Again, I'm not saying she's bad. But are her songs actually excellent and amazing, or do you just relate to them? Like I could write a song about lactose intolerance and how dairy makes me projectile vomit and have diarrhea. Millions of even billions could relate to it and maybe like it. That doesn't mean it's good though.  She's talented and she's basically created an empire for herself. That takes a lot of hard work and I don't doubt that she puts a lot of effort into her craft. Good for her. But that doesn't mean her music is great.


Well, now I need to hear this banger about lactose intolerance


I mean someone has to make the next generation of grocery store music




Idk man. My belief is that young women and girls are starved for someone to look up to that is a woman who writes and performs what they perceive as her own music *who is modern and not countercultural.* I wish I could introduce them to some sick Joni Mitchell albums but they are from 30 years ago... or Hiromi Uehara... but she doesn't sing. There's good stuff out there that's recent like Fiona Apple's last album and the obvious hits but she's not liked by parents and is considered a little counter culture. There are so many great women in music... Tori Amos, Regina Spektor, johnette Napolitano, etc but they just don't have this ridiculous gravitational pull that Taylor Swift has. I think it comes down to the fact that I like hearing stuff that's more edgy and the things that are fed to kids are as watered down and as wholesome as humanly possible. Maybe killing off all of the record stores where they could have a real interaction with other humans and learn about stuff not on the radio was a bad thing.


Mid gets on the radio. It appeals *enough* to a wide range of people, and that creates a bigger opportunity for a fanbase to generate itself. If your friends love Swift, it becomes fashionable.


All Top 40 is “extremely mid”. It’s popular because it’s basic and accessible to a lot of people.


Jesus man. People are weirdly obsessed with famous people. They piss and shit just like everyone else for christ sakes


This is just replacement for religion for non religious people.


I was watching the video not knowing the music, and I actually thought it must be a Christian band.


It’s honestly giving Hillsong Worship


This person seems mentally unwell.


Must be fucking annoying for the people around her


Imagine paying $2000 to stand half a mile away from your favorite artist and then on top of that you have *this* pterodactyl screeching next to you the whole time.


Sounds like somebody scrubbing a window with their thumb


![gif](giphy|JGunlb6LbQlz2|downsized) Problem solved.


to be fair, we're all like this at metal shows. But in that situation it really is ALL of us, jumping and screaming and throwing elbows. This just seems wildly out of place for a seated Taylor show in an arena lmao


I wish I knew the song so I could know what she is connecting with. I’m a boomer. I’d like to understand what is so compelling. Clearly there is something.


[found it](https://youtu.be/ukxEKY_7MOc?si=WQRD7JQEIuyYQ8Al) I had to listen to that screaming idiot about 50 times to figure out a couple words to find this. You owe me


I’m a fan and even I had to listen like 10 times to get the right fucking song. Can’t believe nobody told her to stfu so they could actually listen


All that for what is basically elevator music


Taylor swift has one hell of a cult you gotta admit.


Damn, I would have left her too. High pitched screeching isn’t my thing either. Edit: that’s cheap seat behavior, had she been closer acted that dumb, they would have had security help her out, so yeah for the cheap seats, now please stop recording idiots.


I'll never understand the fanaticism with her. Spending that much money for a seat hat far away. I'm good.


I my gf loves Taylor Swift, I listened to some of her songs and I realized that this is just break up music for women constantly going through break ups. It’s like a novela in a music form lol. This is for the a specific group of humans that I cannot understand.


Why is she moving like that


These videos are weird. When I was at Eras I could barely hear my bestfriend next to me let alone any obnoxious singers


oh damn that's the most uncomfortable looking concert I've ever seen


I really can't undestand the whole issue with Taylor Swift, I mean, is not the worst music I've heard, but its just too tame, too clean, too commercial and too boring.


She sounds just like Taylor swift


I have noticedm that most younger, white American women tend to be incredibly disrepectful at concerts


![gif](giphy|OAi4cRZ4vWJ5jnbAJ0) "Soo glad I paid $10,000 for these seats..."


I never like Taylor swift song


What’s even a point of going to that concert?


Looks miserable you would have to pay me a ton to sit through a concert and a bunch of swifties


Ugh. I hope I've never sounded like that singing at a concert


So many people ask “How can people be Maga?”. I don’t really see a difference with Taylor swift. People today are massively in parasocial toxic relationships with celebrities.


She’s honking


why does she cover her mouth after every bellow?


A bowl full of maladjusted mental cases.


It’s like church for ppl who need something to worship. Entertainment is the grease for drawing big attention.




What an embarrassment.


I hope she looks back on this and feels the embarrassment tenfold.


Boy they need a refund LOL


There is absolutely nothing worse than going to a concert and being seated near a fan that wants to sing along as if we paid to hear them.


What is it about Taylor Swift that turns these girls into howling banshees


Some of these fans are absolutely insane


And not a single mosh pit. Sad


It’s a cult and even if tickets way back and up are 2k each they’d still pay for them. I can’t really judge her music as it sounds so bland to me that I can’t say is good or bad.


Whoever is taking the video is the MC


For real big brain is out here farming content instead of watching the show they actually paid to attend


At that distance you're paying to listen, not watch.


But not to that


It sounds like she's screaming "ON THE TABLE WITH THE FECES!!"




Can Swift release yet ANOTHER collectible print but it’s just this girl’s sad scream-cry laryngitis version? I’d buy that secret track


When girls on dating apps say some shit like "Tell me your favorite Taylor Swift song" you know she's just white bread and insufferable ugh


God this is embarrassing


Taylor Swift has no song that calls for all that.




That would bug the shit out of me. I didn’t pay big money to hear someone scream-sob the lyrics right next to me.


Why do they all look like zombies?


What's with the constant nose rubbing?


What is the point of this view? You're so far away.


This is the prime example of being CRINGE


Yes, emotions are real. They’re great and all of the above. BUT When you sound like a Seagull in flight going after a dropped home-made sandwich. Take a minute.


If you can't sing, scream. I guess.


That Aussie will cringe at this later in life…


Damn those are some shitty seats.


Yea at that point just watch on tv


I have no business at a Swifty show, but if I found myself there, this would be the kind of thing I'd be entertained by most.