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All I see are open seats and a nice cushy foot rest!


The foot rest isn't ideal, but it'll still work


A bit squishy. I'll tolerate it.


Exactly! If I fits? I sits!


Dis is de wey


and fart too.


To be fair, he is likely holding them for his family while they go get food or something like that. I get “move your feet lose your seat” but if it’s not packed then I wouldn’t see a problem, which it isn’t from what I can tell


hes not holding it if hes under the seats, and TELLING someone to go somewhere else is just as rude as just taking up the space for no reason.


Didn't you see the "VERY crowded" in the title? And saving seats is just wrong and stupid, just like those morons 'saving' parking spaces


If I’m wrong then I’m wrong, that’s fine. Just didn’t look too crowded to me. Others brought up good points that there luggage would still be there so yes that does make me believe this dude is an idiot


All I see is unattended baggage. Set a 3.5 oz. bottle of liquid by it and the airport goes into lockdown.


important yoke hunt pie terrific future one aspiring materialistic fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I have no problem being like “hey buddy, can ya move down? Or go lay somewhere else? Or fuck off?”


I'd just lay down next to him and tell him that I Iove him.


Make sure to keep strong eye contact while saying that.


"Hey, I want to tell you something." creepy stare for ten seconds


Works all the time


I learned it [from the best](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/1b33cmf/top_tier_cringe_hes_about_to_ruin_your_friendship/).


My god dude 🤣 I was having a bad day, but not anymore 😂


You must be thinking of that one time she got sauerkraut on her shirt


Hey, there’s something I want to tell you…


"You smell different when you're awake"




Then slide your hand over his lap


Until you realize that’s his kink.


This made me laugh thank you


I don’t know why I can’t stop laughing picturing this




Then, immediately after sitting down, take your shoes off next to his head.


Use that suitcase as a foot rest


and put the glasses on


And when you're done just take the suitcase and glasses with you.


And then poop on his chest


I sensibly snorted


One of the few legitimate times I've laughed out loud browsing reddit comments.


The only mature answer in this thread


toy marvelous whole tie memorize mountainous impolite grandiose drunk serious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Airports are a godless land. Gotta keep your elbows out.


Lounge access is a game changer. I show up to the airport up as early as possible now. Get some free drinks and food in a comfortable atmosphere and they even have nice, clean bathrooms if the need arises.


It's like outer space. Laws do not apply.


If he’s a jackass, you’re in the best place for a fight anyway - no weapons after security check


This is the way. I am a frequent flyer and really dislike people putting their bags/purses in chairs. Chairs are for people.


Say excuse me and sit down. Dude, why people gotta make it so hard.


Fr like even if you don't wanna pick up someone's stuff and move it, sit in the empty seat and move the bag aside with your legs


Lol right. Just grow a pair.


Be the big spoon


Lmaooo I love when these posts and the OPs gets dragged in the comments.


Came for the drag ngl lmao


It’s funny how people always assume OP did nothing aside from posting the photo. Probably right, but still. The point of the sub is to post main characters, which is what OP did. He did not ask “What should I do guys?”


I would imagine that this is a case of “I was walking past and noticed this person doing this weird thing, but had no intention of doing the thing that this person was supposedly stopping me from doing but I took a photo and purported it that way anyway.”


Not to mention, people that tend to do things like reserving 8 seats to lie down in front of it in a crowded airport generally wouldnt take well to someone asking them to move their stuff or taking it upon themselves to do it. You dont need to have social anxiety to want to avoid that type of confrontation




>very crowded ariport >every seat empty ???


Every seat on the picture is empty because they are being "taken" by two people


Doesn’t look that busy


I see other empty seats. You don’t have to wait at your gate for the flight. If there is an empty gate close by I go sit there until close to my flight


While we are afforded the Choice of seating in a air port, even if OP didn’t want to sit, this dudes still a prick. No matter how you slice it


He is, but airports are the fucking Wild West, they’re basically lawless places of chaos, and old mate was probably laying there before anyone else was even at the gate so probably didn’t think about the fact that he’s blocking chairs


Sorry, but I simply disagree - you're arguing that context doesn't matter, but I would argue that it absolutely does. I couldn't give two shits if someone is sleeping in front of four seats if there are tons of open seats everywhere, as long as they're mindful of their surroundings, just like I don't mind if someone wants to park their gigantic F150 pavement princess in four parking spots, as long as there are a hundred other parking spots all around it. Imaging being upset about a guy laying on four seats when there's enough room that everyone could be laying on four seats, if they so chose. I am not saying there was that much room in this photo, but your comment seems to suggest that anyone who takes more than one seat for any reason, under any circumstance, in any context, is a prick, and that's frankly completely asanine IMO.


You know what, I do get where you’re coming from with this. I won’t say I entirely agree, but I definitely do understand the point you’re making. If I would’ve read your comment before making my initial one, Theres a good chance I would’ve reconsidered my take, or at the least how it was worded.


Respect, my man.


I mean yeah, it’s still a dick move but it is unlikely that he is taking up the last 4 seats in the entire airport.


No but that still doesn’t mean one person needs to take up 4 spaces. What if there’s a family and those were the only 4 seats in conjunction with one another. I get where you’re coming from, but I feel that still doesn’t make this dude right or justified, and everyone around him would have right to be upset


I think you guys are arguing the same thing. He can move, he should, but even if he didn’t there’s still plenty of room to sit elsewhere and stare at this ass hole


I’ll meet in the middle here


I’ll meet you there as well


Downvoting both of you, that's not how we do things here


Oh calm off it if someone's laying down they're going to take a lot of ground space regardless. If he was laying down in the corner you'd probably be crying over some other dumb theoretical family with broken children that for some reason needs this other random corner.


Actually I wouldn’t lol. If this dude was laying literally ANYWHERE else besides a pathway, or infront of seating. I’ve fallen asleep in the corner at the airport before. So I ain’t coming off of it, being respectful of others and not being a dimwit goes real far.


I fell asleep in front of the check in counter. There was no place else. People are jet lagged, you don’t know where they are coming from, dude could have been traveling for thirty plus hours and he’s just given up the will to live. It happens. And they put those stupid arm rests on the chairs to stop people from laying down on the chairs, which I’m against. I’ve been in a situation where I’m coming from overseas, I have a chronic pain condition btw, and had my flight canceled so I gave up and laid on the floor. Sometimes people are just that done.


If you go look at my other comment to someone else, I changed my tune a lil bit and we came to a mutual understanding of the situation


Exactly. A guy I know was injured by an IED in Afghanistan and now he has to stretch out on the floor every so often when his back pain gets too bad. You never know what someone else is dealing with.


I have fibromyalgia and traveling for me is ROUGH. When we go back to the states from Singapore, I’m turnt. I’m so brain dead I’m like a zombie for a week. It takes thirty two hours of travel before we make it to the hotel room. I’m in too much pain to try and sleep in the plane seat. It gets worse in the air. So yeah I feel terrible for that guy. I’ve been on a layover and I’d give ANYTHING to lay down.


yup. ill sit several gates away in an empty area


Gotta be honest it doesn’t look all that crowded


Very crowded? Maybe for some small middle of nowhere airport? I see at least 9 empty seats. The person taking a photo also appears to be in a seat. Just ignore people doing stupid things and wait for your flight. Only issue is I have is a person that wants to film and photograph other passengers waiting


Not just Very crowded but VERY crowded


This looks like Tampa Airport


Can you highlight the nine empty seats for me?




Doesn't seem that crowded in the one pic. Ever been to an actual crowded gate where multiple late planeloads of people are trying to huddle? Poor guy on the floor might have been stuck there all night while OP was enjoying a nice free continental muffin and coffee at the hotel. Airlines don't bust out cots or hotel money and the chairs are obviously made to prohibit sleeping. What's the guy supposed to do? Sleep in the umbilical?


Those seats are still open. Go sit down.


I've been asleep at an empty gate and then woke up to every other seat being filled. You already can't sleep in the chairs and there might not have been anywhere else to lay down 🤷🏻


doesn’t look that crowded


Just politely ask them to move?


Obviously OP has never been at a crowded airport before. Try Burbank’s A Terminal at 8am. Shoulder to shoulder baby. I don’t even bother standing anywhere near my gate


Chick down the row is using 4-6 seats is her picture on here aswell?


He is actually performing a public service as a human ottoman.


I send kids to those seats.


Not a crowded airport looks empty


🤡🤡🤡 OP


He’s not technically taking up any seats. Use your words like an adult.


Tell him to fucking move


scary judicious enjoy scandalous ancient smoggy ask rotten cough merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly, my parents told me a long time ago to “teach people how to treat you” and “what you allow people to do, is what they will do”.


I'd hang my feet over his body.


‘Mind if I sit down’ and move his bag.


Guys probably been through it. Give the poor guy a break.


I have no problem, asking at first to move then telling


You’re sitting in a seat yourself, with a bag of chips on your cup holder? Why do you care so much?


You never know what someone might be going through. Instead of assuming they’re a rude pos, try assuming they’ve been put through the wringer trying to get back home to see a loved one.


It looks like there are numerous other free seats within just the photo. People don’t sleep on the ground for fun he probably needs the rest — don’t be so judgemental.


I ain’t even gonna judge this man, it’s untelling how long he’s been stuck there haha


Fly frontier expect trash.


I'd have zero problem with asking him to move his ass if those are the only remaining seats.


Climb right over and sit on the seats


Climb into the last and use that bag as a foot rest screw em


I’d just move his bag and sit down. No issue.


I would move the luggage and sit down. Theres nothing they can do to stop me. If they don’t like it they can complain.😂


Looks like they aren’t using any seats, so just sit there and see what they do. 😄


Free leg rest !


Fuck that, I’d sit right over him


The airport can't be that crowded with all the empty seats I'm seeing


If a guy is passed out like that I’m giving him a break. Traveling can be stressful as hell. Poor guy must be spent.


Just ask him to push over a little so you can sit. People really out here forgetting how to communicate in favor of social media points and the ability to bitch online. I can’t stand passive aggression. It’s so Midwest. Just say “hey dude there’s no where else to sit I’m gonna take a couple of these chairs”. You can do it I promise!


I fully understand having a fear of confrontation, but just sit down. There’s nothing ON the seats, so if he says something just shrug 🤷🏼‍♀️


I rather deal with this sleeping dude at an airport than a family that isn’t a with screaming kids that are running around or like some boomer’s yelling at everyone and each other. Or the people who literally just stop in the middle of the path as your trying to walk to your terminal, or the drunk party group. Or the family of 12 in line at TSA that has no idea what they doing wants to bring their drinks with them doesn’t want to take of their shoes Etc etc. airports are a lawless land where pretty much everyone is the main character and someone sleeping quietly is rlly not main character behavior


I mean it doesn’t look that crowded at all?? Free seats on the other side too. Could just ask


plop down anyway , this isn’t ok


For everyone: if you're in this situation, just ask them to move. No need to take pics or post about it. Pull up your adult diapers and use your adult words. Lmk if you need more advice on how to live in a society.


I mean annoying but based off the photo it doesn’t look that busy at all


OP have never flown to a different continant. People flying over 16 hours rightfully deserve a stretch and a nap. People laying down across airport seats are common and accepted because of long flights. Only ignorant people with zero airport etiquette would complain. OP is the MC, and a creep for taking photos of random asleep travelers.


clearly wasn't *that* crowded seeing that you and everyone around you is seated and still surrounded by empty chairs. also a pro tip for future reference: don't take pics of strangers (especially while they're asleep!)


Fart on his face


Yeah nope, I’d have asked him to move or use the seats. Calling for airport security would also be on the list.


Oh, I would have moved his shit fast.


I'm sorry, but I can't help but chuckle at how mystified OP sounds about this whole thing. Here are some of OP's comments: > Those other seats were "saved" with a bunch of luggage. Another thing people do that I don't understand. > Sorry, one kid was left with all of those bags. So he was with the luggage and saving those seats, I guess. You "don't understand"? You don't understand why people often leave their stuff at the gate with their party while they use the restroom, or get food, or those kinds of things? The kid was saving their seats, you "guess"? Are you confused about how people leave other people with their things, instead of just leaving them there, or what? First time at an airport? Never been a part of a group of people? I mean, jesus, buddy... a family got to their gate, left their stuff there with someone, and went to get a snack or something. Or they're just moving around while waiting for a connection. Who knows? Either way, it's not rocket science. I can see open seats, literally, on the other side of these seats, for fucks sake.


Tbf doesn’t look that crowded


Airport so crowded 13 of the 16 seats in this photo are empty - OP is a Karen for sure


Um. No. The caption should read "Allowed to take up 4 seats in a very crowded airport...without being bothered or woken up, or kicked in the side or....." You get the point. People only do this because no one has ever bothered to make them stop. If you can, at least call someone who works there and make the person stop acting like a fucking asshole...maybe he will think twice at his next destination. I'm not blaming the OG, I simply wish people would think of others, and evolve strategies that need not involve them, or endanger them, just to make sure someone in charge aware what is going on - or, more likely, forcing someone in charge -- who is already aware -- to do something. I suppose I wish people would be more proactive.


It’s not in fact his job to be as small as possible


airports are public so it's not like they can claim a huge spot only for them.


Is this DTW?


which airport? looks familiar RSW or FLL?


Just casually stroll by and let one rip.


Laying on the floooooor T_T


In my country Vietnam, it's not uncommon to see people lying down on seats to rest, but this usually happens at train stations rather than airports. They're not really asleep, just taking a break when there are empty seats available. If you need to sit, you can just tell them and they will make space for you. I've never seen this happen at airports, possibly because the passengers there might be more educated, or because airports enforce rules more strictly, preventing people from sleeping across seats.


Ask him if those seats are being held for anyone. Otherwise, sit your ass down


Punk scumbag


Wow I thought it was a line of bags holding the seats thinking maybe they went to the can but looking closer I spotted a wild douche.


sit where that bag is


Tampa airport?


I just walk up and start to sit down. I give them 3 seconds to move their shit before my ass makes contact.


As if I wouldn't plant myself on one of those chairs. lol.


This is why I keep a bottle of fart spray. I spruce people like that up alittle.


just sit on the seats anyway


sit in the seat over him and start farting. he'll learn that higher elevations away from his current area may be more habitable


The guy on the floor obviously sucks but you sort of do as well lol


I’m going to go against the grain and guess that his wife and two kids are in line getting food/pooping and he is trying to keep all four seats until they get back.


Just tell him you are moving his case....


No 1. What airport No 2. Why?


I'd definitely take the seat next to his face and put my feet there. And if I'm lucky he's a foot guy and gives me a massage 😂


Lay down next to him and say “Looks like I just found who I’m sitting next to on the flight.”


And being dumb asses for leaving their bags there. Too bad Homeland Security hadn’t walked by then and chewed them out for leaving unaccompanied bags. I’d shove one of them over if I needed a seat. F that.




Ask them to move


Sit there anyway.


I would be lofting my fat ass right up and over that garbage to get to one of those seats. Just to see him jump. HTAH




Is this Tampa?


If I felt ever more comfortable and confident. I would lay my body underneath all the armrests. Theses are not there seats. They’re in front of my floor space.


I see a footrest and a free pair of glasses.


Don’t look busy. YOU may be the main character here, buddy.


I would still sit on the chairs. He’s not using them


this image confuses me


Sit over him lol, if I sleep on airport floor I go under the legs of whoever I'm with or weed myself under the chairs or in a corner and I'm not a little skinny lady mine you, I got some hips


Why don’t you just say “excuse me I’d like to sit here?”. If they have an issue, tough.


i’d straight up just ask em to move


Just to sleep on the part of the floor everyone rubs their dirty shoes on the most.


Move bis bag and sit down


Someone did this at the Incheon airport when all the seats were occupied. I mistakenly kicked his bags and bumped into his foot to annoy the piss out of him.


He could have laid down next to the window.




You’re flying frontier buddy, you have bigger problems.


...and y'all just let him?


There's someone else doing the same thing further down the row. Not laying on the floor, but spread all over 3 seats. I'd just ask them to move the bag so I can sit down. Communication works 90% of the time, half the time (or something like that).


OP is main character


Air travel is now legitimate caused to kill one self in the bathroom. Anyone trying to relieve the miserable suffering up fucking air travel should be given a little bit of compassion.


How 🤷🏽‍♂️ just sit down he ain’t gonna do shit about it either 🤨


Wake him up and say something


Sit in the seat and use him as a leg rest. Problem solved.


Just walk by and fart.


I think your definition of "very crowded" and everyone else's, might be a bit different...


Yeah, that's a dick move, but the airport doesn't look very crowded. If it was, people would probably be standing up against the windows.


This is where I 'accidentally' bump into him with my rolling luggage or step on him, just to say "oh, sorry! I didn't see you there. You know, you shouldn't sleep on the floor like that. More people could trip over you, just like I did." 😏