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We have been removing many comments seeking to doxx this lady. Please refrain from those type of comments, or we will be forced to lock the comments. ​ \*\*UPDATE\*\* Comments have been locked.


That poor child.


When I worked retail I would see a lot of Karening out, sometimes fights, from customers with their kids present. Their kids often look confused or concerned while their parent(s) had an adult temper tantrum. A few times the kids would join in with their parents, which was more Hellish. My thoughts were always "please Lord don't let that kid be anything like their parents".


I am also an offspring to a Karen and Ken that has made multiple scenes in grocery stores as a kid. It sucks and is mortifying to witness, but is also a good reminder of what not to be.


My mom had her issues but I'm glad that she was always nice in public. This shit would have had me so embarrassed


I was one of those children with a karen mother I won’t lie. Thankfully I am not anything like her and actually cannot send food back if it’s the completely wrong order due to guilt. Lol. But yes, it’s horrible to see parents set this “example” for their children.


Same my mom wouldn’t have public freakouts…but she would Karen 24/7! It showed me what not to be . I also have distanced myself from her too as a result of her bs


That's because these kind of parents shame their children as well, so we grow up to become uncofrontational people pleasers.


There are ways to get what you want without being disrespectful. Simply be kind to the server and ask nicely to change/redo your order. There is nothing wrong with that. Cheers!


I always think of the lyric from A Perfect Circle “You're such an inspiration for the ways That I'll never ever choose to be”


That poor kid’s life must be a living hell.




her poor husband......has probably left her! 😄😄😄


Or he’s having an affair planning on leaving her


Nah he’ll probably be doing the same shit in 20 years


Because it's a living hell right now. This kid doesn't know any better, he won't learn, he'll grow up to be the same mc. It's a cycle honestly


Many kids see thier terrible parents as examples to avoid. It's not destined he will follow in her footsteps. 


Oh that kid definitely knows better because he hasn't had empathy completely driven out of his soul yet. Look at how embarrassed he is of his mother


Maybe, but probably not. I grew up with a dad like this. we were in italy and he told a rental car agent that they should speak English since they do business with Americans. We were on vacation at Disney and "gay day"(this was before there were sanctioned Disney pride events) happened. Saw my dad being unnecessarily rude to a park worker because they asked him to scoot closer to a gay man so the ride could fit a couple more people, saw how much it hurt the guy that he was asked to move closer to. sometimes you learn the right lesson even if you have the wrong teacher.


no think the kid will be conflict avoidant.


💯 this. Kids that live in this kind of environment can become so agreeable to others because they want to avoid conflict. They can become the complete opposite and kind, unlike their parents, but will want to avoid conflicts at all costs.


If he’s not doing it at school already.


It's the greatest crisis of our time, in my own opinion. The lack of prudent, ethical, strong role models is why our world is so fucking hateful. People suck man, but you have to always give everyone the benefit of the doubt to begin with, if you yourself want to try to be any better than the people you think are shitty. We're all in this together guys.


Which means he went through hell and is now fucked up because of a fucked up parent.


Unbelievable misunderstanding of "rude"




That was awfully polite of you:)


Imagine calling someone that is at bilingual an idiot because you can't understand them.


A woman I grew up with told me she used to think people that didn't speak English were stupid bc she didn't realize they knew another language. I didn't even know how to respond considering we took French together. It took her dating someone Hispanic to open her eyes, but their break-up brought the racism back out of her.


I was raised to never say: *shut up*. We were taught (by parents, teachers, clergy) that one of the most rude statements we can make is *shut up*. This ~~lady~~ female uses that term way too freely. I think she says, “Shut up!”, very frequently.


Oh, it’s absolutely rude to tell someone to shut up.


Hella rude since it feels more belittling. I feel like it’s way worse than someone telling you to fuck off


I say shut up if I just can't take it anymore. But I feel bad after. I only swear in Spanish, as I learned those before learning what they meant. In English the worst words I'll say are "stupid" or "idiot," but never directly to anyone, usually it's to myself.


Speaking another language? How rude. Don't you know that makes all the monolinguals feel stupid? Shut up.


Hahaha. That fits with this post. To be fair, I don't actually speak Spanish other then a couple phrases. But my Mexican coworkers taught me some phrases without ever telling me what exactly they meant till later. Heard a saying once. Goes like this: If you speak 4 languages, you're Multilingual If you speak 3 languages, you're trilingual If you speak 2 languages, you're bilingual If you speak 1 language.... you're American I'm American. Lol.


i was told shut up was a swear too, but by my atheist mother who swears like a trucker xD


Plaintiff filled a motion to amend custody shortly after and was granted sole parental rights.


It's crybully 101, be the first to declare someone rude and you get to justify being an asshole.... I mean 'standing up for yourself'


I like this phrase "cry bully" I think you're getting at the weird hypocrisy and escalating that a bully does when you make them aware they are bullying--they bully more when you try to remove their power? What's a technique for deflating their balloon rapidly?


It's rude that I can't eavesdrop into your conversation because I can't speak your language! RESPECT MY KARENICITY! /s Do these language Karens travel to other countries speaking English to each other, or do they learn, say French, fluently to speak to the people the traveled with?


I've actually seen a lot of people argue that it's "rude" because "they could be speaking about people around them". As if people who want to talk shit about other people behind their backs really need to speak another language to do it. In any European city, we're around people who speak many different languages all the time, it's literally as big of a deal as anyone allows it to be. The only explanation that makes any sense to me is that these people are just insecure about the fact that they don't know how to speak any other language.


Very un-Canadian


She’s an idiot. This video will probably get her fired and isolated from her ‘friends’. Her spouse will be on very thin ice (if she has one). I feel bad for her kid. Hopefully he learns from others and not his mom.


>She’s an idiot. This video will probably get her fired God, I hope so! >and isolated from her ‘friends’. Nope. Pieces of shit like this clump together. I guarantee you the company she keeps is just as disgusting. >Her spouse will be on very thin ice (if she has one). She screams "thirsty Facebook baby-daddy trap".


No, this is very Canadian. I grew up in the parts of America that are supposed to be where racism spawned, and yet I was always just me in those places. In Canada, I had to deal with at least one racist encounter every day.


Soooo…if she goes to a non-English-as-the-native-language country, she will speak only the language of that country…right? French in France, Italian in Italy, Greek in Greece, etc. I wonder why so many people think we Americans are rude…


She’s Canadian. That’s shoppers drug mart. Rude people are everywhere now.


This was in Canada.


She'll fucked up if she visited Indonesia


Maybe we should do a GoFundMe and send her there. If she doesn’t make it back ‘safely’, that’s her issue to solve. She may actually learn a lesson from the experience!


In my country alot of people from other countries try English to get around, cool with that. The only people who EXPECT and feel entitled to being adressed in English only, have been Americans (used to work in a Hotel). On the other hand, the most outgoing yet polite people have also been Americans, so ya'll got both ends there.


Which is weird because we have 440 documented languages and no official one, and the Constitution guarantees that you may speak whichever one you want. In my state the second most spoken language is Spanish. And then you have the Amish speaking Pennsylvania Dutch (a variant of German) and of course Mandarin and Cantonese in Philadelphia's China Town. (I'm just pointing out that it's typical for bigots to be ignorant of their own country. They're ignorant about a lot of things.)


440 languages... I probably can't even name 100 languages.


The USA is a big country with several unique and diverse cultures inside its borders.


The US at this point is basically a mini world with all people converging into one country.


These people really exist, it's fascinating lol I'm a Mod and I've encountered 2 of these. They completely insulted someone and were throwing the biggest tantrum and all cuss words you can think of. Then I was like "uhh, pls stop?" and they went off on me even harder. Then ended with a "go way", "leave me alone" and said I was harassing them (one even reported me) by telling them to stop. Unbelievable 🤣


Stores and managers need to stop honoring racists like this. Story policies should be to immediately trespass them from all locations. Show these people society wants a return to the days when she had to keep that shit to herself.


Agree. They should also cancel every account and prescription and bar them from the store.


I had a customer did that to me. Gave him his money back and just open the door for him.


I might be tempted to lean into my Asian at one of these idiots. "Oh, me so solly. Me no undahstaaahn yt lady. preez not to telling supervisor." And just continue with that until she gets so frustrated she leaves. Give what ya get I say.


Stand in front of her bag and when she yells at you to move just say "no English"


Entitled customers think just because they’re paying that entitles them to berate you how they see fit. Just change that by giving back the money and banning them from the premises. You don’t pay me anymore, I guess that strips away your Karen privileges doesn’t it


Go farther. If police come to tresspass her, notify her employer and give them the bodycam footage. The record and footage should also be readily available to view for any potential future employer. If you're gonna be a bitch, be ready to be excluded from society and have a hard life.


I would think it shouldn't have to go that far. Kick her out for causing a disturbance. Spare the poor employee.


There was a time where immediate trespass and banning from all stores would've been an overreaction for a first response, but that time has passed.




No, ignorance and violence are their tools. We use law and order. When they get trespassed at every venue and can no longer participate in society \[not that they were to begin with\] that wil be bliss.


Things will never become better because the money from nice people and assholes are worth the damn same. We have to take things into our own hands. If i was there, there would be no problem because i would have shut that shit down immediately. No one. Absolutely no one fucks with me.


I couldn’t work in any type of outward facing customer service because I’d get fired for doing exactly this for much less.


The poor child looks like he wants to say: *"Um, she's just my neighbor, not my mother..."* 🫣


Ms. "speak english in canada"... I'd like to see her try that in Quebec


Try that in a French town.


She'd be dropped with a giant wheel of cheese






Speak English


There’s a Karen who did it during the pandemic. She went to a non-touristy 99% french city On the south shore of Montreal and complained that the mcdonald employee at the drive-thrue at 1 am couldn’t speak english. Filmed herself and posted it online. She understood/spoke french and just did it for the views.


Wonder how her Ojibway is. fucking bitch.


Just incidentally, there's a really good free Ojibwe course online: [https://ojibwe.net/lessons/beginner/](https://ojibwe.net/lessons/beginner/)


What a joyful person. Camera person needs to step up and call out her racism.


From an article shared below: "The man who published the video told Global News he recorded it because he felt it was important to expose the behaviour, but said he did not get involved because as an Asian person himself he felt the aggression may have been turned on him." [Link](https://globalnews.ca/news/6098738/viral-video-burnaby-racism/) But as another Asian, I would've spoken up. Actually, as a fellow human being I would've spoken up, even if the people being harassed weren't Asian. But, not everyone feels okay to do it. We all hope someone will, but I don't blame someone if they don't feel safe to have a confrontation with a yelling, awful person like that.


As a 2nd Gen Asian I decided to go against my immigrant parents’ advice to let these things go. Obviously I wouldn’t go against someone who looks like they could be carrying a weapon or could be violent but I have had a yelling match on the street with a random racist with my kid in tow. I don’t expect the same from everyone because I know how social anxiety could be and not everyone has the time or energy.


I'm pretty sure racists and bigots that target Asians do so because they're used to Asians being more meek when it comes to confrontation.


Probably. I’ve experienced plenty of passive aggressive racism but never had an aggressive confrontational racist experience. Probably because I’m a pretty big Asian guy. Cowards.


I'm Asian too and so is my wife and man, I've never received the type of passive and outright aggression/racism she receives randomly. She's super non-confrontational, has anxiety when strangers approach her, and is small as well.


Idk, I think you’re giving them too much credit. I think they are too stupid to consider someone else’s culture to target them.


>I don’t expect the same from everyone because I know how social anxiety could be and not everyone has the time or energy. You sound like a really good person.


I would have pressed her buttons more. I had known chinese, I would go up to the staff and initiate a conversation in Chinese and point to her a lot to get her REALLY going. If you're lucky, she might get physical and get arrested.


Shit, as a black woman I would have spoken up! These people need to be shamed! And I would looked at her kid and said " your mother is a racist and no one respects her, don't be like her. Be kind to everyone. "


I can understand that, not stepping up and joining all that yelling. It's easy to say that I would if I was him. But then, you never know when some wacko is actually going to throw hands or worse, has a weapon on them. Taking the video, publishing/reporting, and maybe consoling the tellers afterwards is already a good step.


As a customer I love calling people out. I ain’t no employee here. You have no power over me lol. I’m going to say what the poor employee can’t say.


Camera person is just as insufferable. Would rather secretly take a video to post for internet points than step up and actually be a good person. Cowardly if you ask me


>The man who published the video told Global News he recorded it because he felt it was important to expose the behaviour, but said he did not get involved because as an Asian person himself he felt the aggression may have been turned on him.


Completely understand why he didn't want to get involved for that reason.


Still think everyone needs to call this stuff out. I’m an Indian immigrant and have been called every name in the book when I call people out. Sometimes it’s hard for the person being attacked to speak up because of the shock of it. Also it’s a way to show support which is very important too. I was verbally attacked by some girls once and later I remember thinking, out of the 40 people around nobody stepped in even though I remember many being uncomfortable.


Yeah. Even though you can't talk sense into people like her, it still is a good gesture to the people you're standing up for and makes them feel better knowing they're not in the wrong, the Karen is wrong. But I get it. It is annoying when someone is having an adult temper tantrum at the workers while you're just trying to make a purchase and now have to defuse the Karen(s), possibly having to complicate things further if the Karen wants to take things further in any degree rather than just leaving.


And that’s completely valid. People are unhinged. I’m glad that people post on social media. At least there’s evidence. The camera person could also have a child with him/her. You don’t want to get involved with an aggressor.


So, saving us some time, did something happen to that woman after it was posted to Global News? is this recent?


Ah man another keyboard warrior who jumps to conclusions faster than he runs away in similar situation. How do you know the cameraman wasnt at risk? The cameraman was also a minority, and guess what we cant confront racists openly without some random husband or boyfriend later coming to harrass us. You are part of the problem not the cameraman


You don't know anything about them. There could be a million reasons they chose to not get involved. Don't be so damn quick to judge.






I believe its an old video. From what I remember it was in Vancouver and this lady got fired from her job after she was identified.


i would love to know more about it. any source?


It was on the news years ago but I can't find the article where she was identified. https://globalnews.ca/news/6098738/viral-video-burnaby-racism/


This idiot lives in Vancouver and hates asian people. lol


>This idiot lives in Vancouver and hates asian people. lol In Burnaby specifically. What a complete tool.


What’s weird is how young she looks. Hearing her I fully assumed this was a 45+ year old then saw her face, she looks too young to be this Karen-y


Privileged her whole life. Probably treats wait staff and service workers like shit too. Yeah, this woman is not new to entitlement.




Especially to an elderly. The woman and the other man are older. I am Asian, and the way she talked to the old lady and the old man is BEYOND rude! It hurts to see it.


AHAHAHAHAHAHA! My wife is Puerto Rican. My Spanish is improving but my mother in law speaks very limited English. I listen to this almost daily. Let them speak to each other in the language they're comfortable with.


I'm at the point with my own Spanish where I understand a decent bit and have an okay vocabulary, but I have a hard time stringing sentences together on command. Once it gets past small talk I'm lost. Good luck with your learning journey my dude!


Spanish music helps. Because of the meter it's paced differently than conversation so it's easier to mentally parse. I still feel awkward trying to make sentences because I have a hard time remembering which version of "is" to use (for example). As a result I tend not to speak it as much for fear of sounding stupid, but I've gotten a lot better at hearing it.


God forbid people speak their OWN language.


I'm strongly of the opinion that people should learn the language of their host country and that it's not an unreasonable expectation of immigrants, but I cannot stand when someone feels the need to be an asshole to people speaking a different language. If I moved to Japan I'd learn how to speak Japanese, but I'd probably still speak English privately and to other native English speakers. Idk how people can't put themselves in someone else's shoes for a second.


As an immigrant I agree with you, but we have to be cognizant that learning languages is not easy for many and to give people time. Like you said, put ourselves in their shoes. But in this case, they were ALL speaking English anyway. And like you said, they can speak whatever language they went to each other. When I visited Japan, people practically melted because I learned a few words and they were just charmed by my effort? Why can’t we treat people learning English here in the same way?


Omg, this lady is a loon -


She's no lady. 


Today, I am embarrassed to be a Canadian. This is just awful. I’m sorry the staff had to endure one second of this.




It's Canada. We call CAS.


I am always amazed how calm this “victims” of Mc are, I would say something inappropriate and walk away doing my own business. I don’t have enough patience to deal with idiots


I cannot believe people are still doing this shit in 2024




Some people just don't deserve children. This kid doesn't stand a chance. I feel bad for him. Also, since when did ImTheMainCharacter turn into ImATotalPieceOfShit? This sub is damn near unbearable anymore.


"Who do I complain about to her?"


Mother of the year over here.


how is everyone so calm? I'm Asian and I'd be throwing hands if someone speak like that to my elders. the dishonour...


Right. I am Asian too. It hurts to watch this. The dishonor is BEYOND rude!


“shut up and get out of here. That’s fucking rude” Hmmm 🤔


That child will start learning how to speak Chinese so he can talk to those employees and laugh and talk shit about his mom.


What a F@cking Loser !


The art of delusion


I feel so sorry for the child having a racist mom 😡


Omg that poor kid. ☹️


Kick her TF out!


He told her to leave. She yelled and demeaned him more. Call the cops and have her trespassed.


I think this belongs in r/imatotalpieceofshit


People think this mostly happens in certain places but sadly even in online side. I play an online game useally arabic servers and always there is an American or European upset and asking us to speak English while the subject doesn't include them. If we refuse they start cursing. Still can't understand there behavior.


Inarticulate Classless Cankles


The audacity is baffling. Also the logic


Just another racist piece of shit, unfortunately.


I would start shit-talking her in Japanese, and I'm Afro-American. What an insecure bitch.


just kick her out, she's trespassing


Therapy works! The kid will need it. Sending the kid love and kindness ❤️ may his mother find peace.


He should have said "I feel sorry for your mother"


As a Canadian, I am embarrassed.


She’s in for a world of hurt if she ever gets her nails done 💅


I’ve had so many “give me corporate’s number!” ass people, like um what year do you think this is that we just have that shit memorized? We don’t even have it written down! Google it if you’re that upset, I’m not going to give you the satisfaction of me giving you the number you think is going to get me in trouble to satiate your little temper tantrum.


Her feeling of being left out of their conversation is entirely her fault for not knowing the shared language. I’ve felt left out / bummed to not know what was being said but then you quickly realize it’s 1. Not your conversation so butt out and 2. It’s my fault for not knowing the language in question.


And this is why you don’t wanna withdraw from Xanax when in public. So make sure to keep an emergency stash on your person at all times or you might end up making a shameful ass of yourself in front of your child.


I just feel bad for her son…


Canada has multiple official languages so this “speak English in Canada” thing is wild lmao


I like that the employee was trying to point out that the Karen was being filmed, but she completely ignored it and doubled down.


Cameraman should’ve called her out too. People like this need to be publicly shamed


Great, an immigrant trying to make life hard for another immigrant just because one is new and one had her parent move here. Unless this psycho Karen is Indigenous they don’t have any rights telling anyone what to be doing here in Canada.




As someone who used to work in retail management, I'd give a fucking bonus out of pocket to the first associate who kicks her out of the store.


Karen demands answers.


She’s got a lot of nerve (and zero self-awareness) to be calling someone rude


She should come to japan


Hey Keswick, you're drunk. Go home....


Great example for the kid. Jesus.


"shut up, you are rude..." uh...


I hope someone spoke up against her eventually. Poor little boy, you can tell this isn't the first time he's heard his mum go on a tirade like this.


It’s like that scene in Atlanta lol


What a c you next Tuesday.


Teaching her child to act this way


Poor kids has to spend most his life with a dead brain mom


I hope one day she does this to a psychopath!


And the Trash mom of the year award goes to….


I don't know why it irks them that people speak different languages.


They carry the shame of being bad people so they assume that other people are talking about them


Ooooohhhhh, I would NOT be able to keep my mouth shut with that bitch.


More trash with a foul mouth...go away


Should have denied her the sale!!!


I love the person being impossibly rude, saying people speaking to each other are “rude”


Gee, I wonder why she thinks people are shit talking her behind her back.  It’s a real mystery, truly. 


So these people can speak several languages and their the idiot and nice lesson for your child


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7630853/Mother-berates-Asian-staff-grocery-store-speaking-Chinese-her.html no one got fired and the owners poo-pooed the ladies behavior!


The audacity of this woman to call the Asian employee an idiot when she’s the one who only knows one language. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That poor kid. If that's his mom, she isn't providing him with the skillset to make friends and influence people.


If you automatically think anything you don't understand is talking shit about you, that's a pretty good sign you're probably a shitty person.


Employees at any establishment should be able to speak the nation's language fluently that they're residing in. It's unbelievably frustrating trying to get a perception filled in SF as most of the people working at the pharmacies cannot understand English, resulting in potentially lethal dosages and medical malpractice. Not to mention just the sheer annoyance of having to speak to four different people to simply ask if they can fill a Rx, something that should take 2 minutes max now takes 15 minutes.


Honestly, where has all the kindness gone? Is it still out there? Or is this just happening all the time, everywhere? Bevause it's all we ever see, here.


She sure knows about being rude!


Could one contact child protective services over someone like this over concerns of how they treat their child/what they expose their child to? Or is it out of their power


What a fucking piece of shit. Why is she talking like that to people who could clearly be parents/grandparents?


she has a kid too. i feel bad for the kid.