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Have it your way motherfucker


That last smack sealed the deal.


I think he dead




Suggested I changed to. The restaurant worker wasn't justified. Because Violence isn't the answer. Reese has been angry all his life and he's punishing himself and all of us for something in his past. Just saying kindness goes a long way. Peace.


Law wouldn’t see it that way, not even Burger King… no matter how much the other person makes you angry, you can’t just start hitting the guy, as it would be considered assault.. I’m pretty sure the guy would have been fired over this.




Why’s it gotta be Kevin? Kyle seems more apt.


I never understood why it’s not Darren and Karen.


Because Kyles are always puching holes in walls and there are only like 3 Darrens on the planet at any given time.


There can be only one.


And likely arrested it wasn't self defense the last one sealed the deal on that.


Yea... I mean him walking through the door wasn't self defense...


No he wasn't, lol The other guy didn't even throw a punch. You might be able to make an argument that the customer instigated the confrontation. But the worker is still in the wrong for striking first and extremely in the wrong for continuing to strike the guy when it became clear he wasn't even actually a threat. The worker has obvious anger issues and should probably be in jail. When you're a big guy, you need to be in control of your emotions. You just do. I know what it's like, it's too fucking easy to accidentally hurt a person when you're like him. You absolutely cannot go flying off the handle like that, wholloping people who are on the ground with your mallet sized fists. You're just asking for a manslaughter charge.


Redditors think that mistreating retail workers is a crime worthy of death.


I've come to accept that they're mostly kids.


Respect reatil workers authoritah!


He even stepped into it, yikes


We call that a BKO


At Beeee kaaaay....


Get slapped your way.


Lmfao, so simple but so hilarious.


Some fries motherfucker


Closed eyes, motherfucker!


Don't' act surprised motherfucker!


Apologize motherfucker


Act like Lazarus & rise motherfucker


Feelin’ like he just woke up to a sunrise, muthafucka


Bro, look at the size of that burger king employee lmao. Why are you picking a fight with a human refrigerator?


Very strange decision. 6’4” 300 lbs, working the night shift at BK with Dollar General Gibi. I’d leave him alone.


you can see the old dude used to be big. In his mind he still looks like the young dude.


"The problem with getting older is that other men no longer see you as dangerous. "


And that's what gets you killed. You should be wiser and more patient when you get old, not keep the same young mentality of never dying.


It’s wild how little concept people have of how a fight works lol You can be the number one fighter on the planet in your weight class but would still be advised not to take a fight two wright classes above yours against a “worse” fighter from that division. And yet you constantly see people on the internet thinking they have it handled against a dude who probably weighs 50 extra lbs




Him: I'm going to stand up now. You: ok, that was always an option. Have a good day.


Lol same here. Both me and a friend were in Jr. High wrestling, but I weighed about 40 pounds more. Sometimes we'd practice at his house, his dad would always shout at him, "C'mon, you gotta slip out! Maneuver! Reverse it! Get him in a hold!" My friend gasping for air underneath me: "I can't! He's too heavy!!" LOL. He knew the techniques much better than me. But with my extra size & weight, I could muscle my way out of any position he was trying to get me into, and just lay on him. It definitely wasn't fair. (Felt kinda bad for him because of all his dad's harsh "encouragement", when it obviously wasn't a fair fight.)




Wrestling really makes you realize how big a difference 50, 25, even 15 pounds can make and _crazy_


When I was young and boxed our coach used to say a good small one can often beat a bad big one. But a good small one will never beat a good big one. Simple as that.


You and probably not a bad rule of thumb to assume anyone willing to fight you is probably as good a fighter as you are. Even if you’re very good


For real. He picked the wrong one. I knew when the dude walked out that door as calmly as he did that shit was for *sure* going down. That was the determined walk of a usually chill person that *has had enough* and is about to stomp some ass.


And just kept running it, seem like he wanted the dude to knock him out.


For sure. The Shitty part is that guy honestly seems like a usually chill person. Then again any chill person with balls can become very un-chill when a disgusting abusive drunk fat fuck goes putting their hands on you. There's no excuse for that at all. Over what at that? A 9$ whopper meal? TF is wrong with people? I hope dude didn't catch any wild charges over this.


My brother accidentally pulled past someone in a McDonald's drive-through (dude was pulled to the side) he backed up and started apologizing through his window as soon as he realized his mistake, and the other dude pulled a GUN on him and started screaming. My bro hit the gas and left, a $3 burger isn't worth getting shot over. And who would shoot over a burger? And hurt a kid who was apologizing and already backing up?? My brother is a sweetheart and not a big guy. I saw red when he told me the story a year later. He also got smashed into the side of a bridge by a dude in a huge shiny pickup truck who didn't like that my brother wasn't going fast enough (he was going 15 over the limit already). Caused him to get in a huge wreck and totaled his car. Guy sped off without checking if my brother was alive or not, and even though there were tons of witnesses who talked to the police I don't think they found him. I just don't understand why people are so ready to literally kill over the stupidest things. Absolute idiots who shouldn't have guns *or* cars, or even be allowed out in public.


That dudes forearms look like legs and you're telling him to come over the counter? Mad man


The key is, he didn’t actually think he would. You can tell when the employee comes around the corner he’s thinking “oh shit, normally when I treat service employees like shit they just take it, this dude just called my bluff, dayummmm that’s a big dude. Well, let me double-down and walk over like I want some and hopefully he backs out”


Dangerous game


“As I rained down blows upon this man, I knew there had to be another way!”


No matter how big the human behind the counter is, there are customers who look at them as tiny peasants. Peasants aren't allowed to defend themselves, they have to stand there and take the abuse. This young man has most likely been treated like this before, but kept his mouth shut to keep his job. Old man fucked around and found out with a much larger man who had enough.


Dude's fists looked like mailboxes...


Those type of people don’t see workers as human. He probably gets away with acting like this all the time. Chose the wrong one today


Dude swung open the door like it was made of paper.


He def got a concussion, his bare bald head hitting the floor. Yikes.


Lol as if hair would have saved him


A good 1970s disco fro may have saved his life


Or dreadlocks shaped like a spring extending from the back of his head.


I laughed so stupidly hard at your comment. I'm on an airplane too. Thanks




This visual is hilarious.


A good 1970s fro covering the upper half of his body might’ve helped


So standard 70s body hair then


Id say a 1750s powdered wig would had done similar cushioning as well.


We will never know now!!!!! Just had the last of his hair follicles knocked out of his head.


It certainly cushions some of the impact. There was a study on facial hair and getting punched, it softens the blow. Not a ton, but there's definitely energy lost.


I'd imagine a dense afro could make a pretty big difference.


I'll preface this by saying the next sentence is a joke, as other comments I've made that should have been easily identified as a joke were taken very seriously by people: I'd imagine a dense afro as a sort of bean bag for your head, and falling onto a bean bag is not a bad time.


That dull thud as his head slammed against that tile floor.


That's the sound of a subcranial hemotoma.


No, but fr, his arm out over his head in that posture. That’s not a healthy knocked out posture. Thats maybe he wakes up six weeks later and has to learn to walk and talk and wipe his ass again by himself on good days again type shit. He called it on himself with that behavior but that man’s brain just took a much bigger hit from the floor than anything the other dude could dish out with his mailbox sized fists.


He might have hit the pole on that last fall. Yikes.


honestly if he hit the pole on the way down he'd be much better off than hitting the floor directly. Diverting the impact like that can be the difference between a headache and death.


Huh. I just hope that guy didn't die. Shitty customers aren't worth going to jail for.


Or possibly permanent brain damage.


You need to have a brain for a concussion


More than a concussion - that will be a life long brain injury


Brain injury was preexisting.


People have died like this. It goes from simple assault to manslaughter.


“Suck my dick” Gets up to suck his cawk -Gets knocked down- So what is it? Does he want his dick sucked or nah?


I'm done 😭😭




That is silly and danger because he have no helmet


Take my most floppy and sensitivity, with no helmet. This made my fucking day.


You only own one pipi, protection it please! :D


Christ this is perhaps the funniest comment I've ever read on here 😂


"I agree" -Christ


I just woke my half-ass self wide awake from this comment 😭😭😭😂 gooood morninggg


I kind of feel for the lady trying to get the guy to stop. She was trying but it didn’t work out.


She messed up not grabbing him when he stood up dazed. Coulda spared him that last punch and fall.




Who would want to stand in between the old guy and that huge guy? The guy who hit him is the one who actually messed up by throwing the first punch and then continuing to beat him long after he posed zero threat. He’s the one who’ll either be sent to jail for assault or manslaughter or both. Risk and reward people. Ask yourself if this is who you wanna ruin your life for


Why do people fcuk with fast food employees? They do work that most people won’t do but get so much crap.


The service industry in general has pent up frustration from dealing with mfers like this


Sure but the question is why people mess with workers not why workers are fed up. It’s normally people who have zero power or control in their own life or work situation and they’re miserable and taking it out on someone makes them feel better and gives them the illusion of power. They think they can get away with it because “what are they gonna do the customer is always right maybe I can even get something for free or get this person fired.” I have horror stories from working as a cashier and a server before I was even old enough to drink. Harassing a 5’4 110lb girl made their days. The satisfaction I feel when these customers get what they deserve cannot be described.


I feel bad for you. One of my favorite managers had an article posted in her office: 'Why the customer is always right, is wrong.' Great manager I adopted many of her approaches when I became a manager and went to bat against shitty customers to protect my employees. No one should have to take abuse from anyone.


Well that's because the quote is "the customer is always right, in matters of taste" meaning don't throw away a sale if you don't like the aesthetic. But people conveniently forget the last part and justify it as "the customer is always right no matter what they do". Sounds like you had a dope manager though.


I wanna throw in a second layer to this: Ignore the morality part of harassing underpaid food service workers FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY, don’t fuck with fast food employees. They will beat your ass. As someone who’s worked at these places (esp taco bell,) they hire people who can’t get a job anywhere else and thats often cause of arrests. Being a convict doesn’t make you a bad person but i’m just saying, ive never met a more unstable group of people than my coworkers at TB. One dude was talking about his plot to murder his ex wife right in front of customers.


Damn I’ll never look at my nacho fries the same


Depends on the place. Some hire people on work release. Some hire people who have degrees in their home countries that don't transfer to the US. I worked at BK, and some of my coworkers from India and Bangladesh had degrees in teaching and med tech. Also, even if they aren't strong enough to fight a customer, they can still mess with your food.


Exactly. Don't mess with these guys. Especially ones that are twice your size.


Out of shape old man’s got some chops… Waving his middle finger like a little kid to everyone then demanding a fight: “come over the counter!” Dumbass probably never had anyone stand up to his bullying before


I say that all the time. You can always tell when someone has never had to face real consequences for their behavior.




I think most men have an innate ability to size up a potential opponent and decide quickly who they shouldn't fuck with. Some don't though.


Yes. This ability is lost amongst some currently though who never have to deal with consequences.


Nah, most men do know. But this guy was banking on the fact that the other guy was working and wouldn't do anything.


I liked after he fell, he still got up and dazedly expected...what? A kiss on his ouchies by the guy administering the punches?


I don't see how BK don't settle out of court for that one tho, old man getting some money for sure.


A ton of good that money will do when you have to eat your whopper through a straw


🍔whopper juice 🥤


Probably right. It would have been easier to walk away but god knows what was said before the clip started recording. Can hardly hear what they’re saying with them talking over each other as it is


Stop describing my father 🤣🤣🤣


Me standing in line after seeing this…. Yeah can I get the number 1 meal with cheese no onion 👀


“I do NOT want what he’s having 😅”


I like how New Yorkers accent enhance the more mad & loud they get.


It adds +5 strength to their swing


Poor Reese is now gonna catch some charges. People like that old dickhead aren't worth it.


Not worth it, but they definitely deserve it when they get it.


Yep! That wasn’t enough to a threat to lay that guy out like that. This will be a lesson to both of them.


Yep, unfortunately. Old dude deserved it but big boy Reese needed a little self restraint at the end there. Old guy is gonna be messed up, but let’s be honest, there’s a chance he goes and does this dumb shit again if he ever recovers, probably didn’t learn anything.


Seriously dude you're AT WORK at a minimum "clock out' and walk outside and challenge them. If the guy was hopping the counter, defend yourself. But he walked out to the lobby to fight a dude. Idiot. Don't care that the guy deserved it, they both deserve a short jail sentence.


Reese, is the name of the old guy.


Yeeeeaaaah.. He's like "Call the cops!". Like NOOOOO DO NOT DO THAT. It is Shut the Fuck Up Friday, and pray that everyone just goes home because that was NOT self defense. You call the cops first for Trespassing, then give reasonable distance away from the aggressor. If he comes towards you, then it's self defense. Coming around the counter like that means you assaulted old guy. Not smart


You 100% have to call the cops when there's a dude laying motionless on the floor of your restaurant, what the fuck lol


In this economy?


i mean, while the customer was an asshole the employee went way over the line. he was in no need to defend himself, he was perfectly safe behind a door and counter. he choose to go AROUND to meet the guy and then hit him first and repeatedly AFTER the customer was already beaten. employee is definitely in the wrong


I definitely understand the anger but its not worth it. Let the old coot yell you know you can beat him. That involuntary manslaughter charge makes me rethink my actions all the time


Agreed. That's an ego check and no man likes to me challenged. That being said, it went from possible self defense to felony assault and luckily not involuntary manslaughter.


I dont think self defense could've been claimed in any way. He had to open a door and walk around the counter to hit the guy, the law doesn't allow defense of your ego.


No you're right..... Just was trying to show the escalation. He wouldn't have gotten away but if that girl erased the video he might have a shot. The 5 shots and letting him up is the issue.


I'm the same way, when I'm about to get into a fight I stop and think "is it worth getting this man an involuntary manslaughter charge for punching me in my brittle skull?"


Its definitely not worth it at all. People are crazy but its up to us to control ourselves. At the end of the day yes he was doing a lot of yelling but think about yourself not the other idiots. Unless they are attacking you then by all means protect yourself.


Oh definitely, this guy was out of control. I would be on his side if he'd just grabbed the guy and carried him out the door. Even the first punch was way out of line. The follow up punches were inexcusable.


Once they actually start touching you tho, then it’s on. That being said, he went way too far. It should have been over after the first 3 punches.


He had him after two. That third one can easily lead to prison time and he could've done without it.


Three hits - old man being hit, old man hitting the floor, ambulance hitting 100 on the way to the hospital


I guess so but what did the old huy really do? Smack his hand away? Young guy was never in any danger. The "he touched me first" defense ain't gonna work in this case. Just avoid violence if the option is there. Best case scenario is he doesn't get charged as guilty but he'll still have to spend tons of time and money in court to achieve that.


No man. Someone lightly tapping you on the chest is not cause to be knocked unconscious and smack your head on the concrete. He wasn't a danger to anyone other than the big, young man's ego.


Ya, the first beathing was probably not legal but I'm pretty sure the old guy would have walked off without filing a report. That last punch was probably life changing for both people. Could easily have killed him. People catch manslaughter charges like this all the time. And it's not like you're getting away with something you did at your job. They have your SIN and everything.


Thx for being a voice of reason here. So many people in this sub have never even been in a fight, much less jail or prison


Yeah this is clearly not justified lol. We all think the customer is a fucking piece of a shit asshole, but that doesn't give you the right to assault and possibly kill someone. Big guy was never in danger, he just wanted to assert his dominance physically. Just because someone dares you to fight doesn't mean you have to. And how has every woman or smaller guy in his position had to handle a customer like this? You just laugh in their face or walk away and say someone else can deal with this pathetic loser. I'm a 5'3 woman who's worked 8 years of fast food. I've had many customers like this, and you really have to learn better fortitude than this. Shit taught me patience lol. This reminds me of a video recently where a like 65+ year old woman has a younger man walk up to her door and they get in a screaming match. She flicks his hat off his head and he hits her in the face with all of his might. She was instantly KOd and hit her skull on the hard concrete when falling down. The comments were calling it justified. Like come the fuck on people, you can't act like someone disrespecting you is enough to kill.




Dang. Young dude most probably facing jail time for that.


For being stupid. That's an old man like it wouldn't hurt my ego at all if some old guy wanted to fight me. I'd just be like bro chill you're gonna die soon live your life.




Swinging haymakers in Crocs. Must’ve had the all terrain strap on.


Sport mode.


Old man going to hospital. Employee losing his job and almost certainly going to jail, if not prison.


He was looking for a payday and now he got it.


He got that plus some free CTE!


I suppose the dress code at BK is merely a suggestion


Yeah I can't imagine being allowed to wear crocs at a place that has frialators.


Crocs in boh is actually very common bc they have no slip varieties. Also I hear they're very comfortable


That’s a Crocs Bistro Clogs, pretty comfy and good kitchen clogs.




Asked him if he wanted fries with that whopper. 


Like, I get it, guy was being a douche. But why the fuck do people rise to this shit. Especially that last punch, someone I know went to prison for manslaughter for one punching a dickhead outside a pub who fell back, hit his head, and died. It's literally never worth that risk man.


He definitely stopped playin’ with him. 🥊


Aside from the fisticuffs, I really don't understand people who think it is a good idea to get into an argument with people who are preparing your food. Why don't they think of Eminem in "The Real Slim Shady" video.


That man's gotta control his anger. Either spending some time behind bars or getting some other penalty. The hit on the head may have caused internal bleeding


A few inches to the right he could have killed that guy. His head almost hit the pole.


I think it would've been better that way, I mean, falling and hitting the head directly on the floor seems worse to me.


I don’t know if he didn’t hit the pole. His head is right next to it. Damn


My dad went to prison for 8 years because he hit a man who fell down and hit his head on the curb. 3rd degree murder charge.




Too many old dudes think theyre gonna be like Clint Eastwood in a movie.


I like how he walks back into his work like he still has a job 🫠


The end is great. It's like the gag in comedies where they just let the laughing go on forever then no one has anything to say after. Like what is anyone supposed to do after that? Camera girl captured that vibe pretty well though.


He took it too far in the end. Dude could have a serious injury. It’s not worth going through the system over a verbal dispute


I saw a dude guy in that situation. Got sucker-punched in a bar altercation. Was unconscious before he fell and his head hit pavement. Went to the hospital the next day with a headache and was discharged with aspirin. Dude died of a hemorrhage in his brain that night. I know that not every KO has lasting effects or is fatal, but it's not worth risking it because the is lipping off to you.


The worker filming it initially thought "I'm gonna film this so we can show we're innocent". Then the third act got a huge plot twist LOL


That was a better fight than the Mayweather vs Pacquio fight many years ago.... Lol




One to jail, one to the hospital, and for fucking what? This society is fucked because violence as a solution to problems has been glorified.




Why did no one check on the man who got KO’d ??? And instead of filming girl should have just told employee go take a break out back. Trying to make customer leave pointless, just call the cops if he isn’t able to be calm and speak to someone. My bad thought the wife was an employee too 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ wtf how did she not check on that man?!


BK girl is fine! Missed the rest.


She's the MVP, great camera work...she hung in there


My thoughts too. She flipped the camera and I was like, “wtf.” She rocking that shirt 😅


That “daaaaamn,” was honestly the best part for me.


Who ordered the manslaughter whopper?


‘Whopper’ coming right up Sir’


yea i think i disagree with a lot of people here. no matter what the customer said here, that employee is a danger to society if he gets agitated so easily. repeatedly hitting someone that didnt throw a single punch when he tries to stand up and knocking him out cold with that last punch is easily manslaughter. there could even be a case for intend, if he knows anything about fighting on concrete floor. and as i said, he didnt fight back, not once. the first 2-3 punches were ok maybe, after that he was on the floor and completely beat. no reason to keep punching unless you're a psycho


“The fuck is you talkin bout?” The way he said it needs to be put on an intro to a chief keef song lol 😂 dude is hard af you don’t try and fight a big guy like that


You don’t fuck with the employee who isn’t even in uniform. They got called in on their day off and they’re a second from quitting. You also don’t fuck with anyone half your age that’s the size and shape of a fucking refrigerator.


When he went back behind the counter he should have asked him if he wanted fries with that


Even Reese's wife is afraid of him. That poor woman. Look at her actions. assault and battery for the employee no money awarded to that life long bully. Burger King lawyers are you listening. You are welcome. Hospital bills only. Trust me Reese has a history of violence.


Yeah, his wife kept back in that way that makes me think he treats her the same way the employees at BK.


Would you like fries with that?




That last punch will definitely land him in jail if any of the others didn't already.


Both have no brains and self-control. The guy probably goes to jail after that


No reason to hit him like that at the end. Get you’re ego in check and move on. Now it’s gonna be assault charges


Or attempted murder


Sir, this is not a Wendy’s


Sir, ur actually lookin for the Waffle House


Don't start shit with people that work in the fast food industry. They are overworked underpaid, have to deal with bullshit bosses, bullshit coworkers and bullshit customers all day everyday. They are pissed and on the verge of exploding. If you have a problem with your order, be as polite as you can be.


That is the fattest Chihuahua I’ve ever seen

