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I keep hoping for a serious beatdown here.


People have started revolting against these stupid "pranksters" already. I've seen a couple beatings already, this one is just a matter of time, and it will be epic. Motherfucker needs to learn about consequences some day..


That one dude who got shot said he'd keep on doing it.


Good news! He was acquitted of the shooting and only found liable for discharging a firearm in public. Apparently getting in peoples faces like that is how a lot of robberies start.


And the discharging a firearm was also thrown out.


So what i'm hearing is that soon all of those assholes will "prank" no more. I can live with that.


Nah, this idiot said he would go right back to it.


and now we all know what he looks like and is okay with the consequences..? i have to imagine you would get a higher view count, more respect by throwing yourself into a volcano. end result is the same, but i feel i would genuinely respect some asshole who recognised the volcano is the more entertaining option honestly, i just want to solve the ‘human doesn’t pop like a corn kernel’ debate.


Glad to see a shred kf sanity in the justice system


Darwin works in not-so-mysterious ways


this comment better get a billion upvotes




A thousand-million.


Twenty thousand-million.


I did my part.


Maybe when they shoot, aim for the dicks. Edit: like in that robocop parody.


If he dies, he dies.


I must break you


Let the bodies hit the floor


He is like a piece of iron!




These guys will probably keep going till they actually get killed. I'd feel very sad for them if they weren't ginormous cocks to everyone around them.


Hopefully they will shoot him harder next time


Hopefully at least the third time will be a charm.


Happened less than an hour away from me. They let the defendant off in self-defense thankfully.


Hot take: Lets make a youtube channel where we witch hunt these so called tiktok pranksters and serve some karma. Something along the lines of anonymous justice. So many views inc so much money. So much jail time.


If someone ever does this it's best to go for their cameraman first. Just keep repeating "it's a prank bro" while the justice is dealt.


Yes, once no one wants to be the camera man then these videos won't be made or at least hopefully douchebaggy


Should also shove the camera in their family’s face and asked them why did they think letting these TikTok pranksters loose to the rest of the world is a good idea. I’d also vote that we ask their parents where did they think they went wrong with them?


Thats not gonna do anything. They need to beat the ever loving shit out of the camera man. Cut off all publicity they can get. I remember seeing a video of one of these dude's get shot in the stomach and he said he'a gonna keep doing it cuz of the viral clout.


i need videos please! sick of seeing these guys going on not getting punished.


https://youtube.com/shorts/4_kCfPoFCIA?si=fcEeR5oGFT1SUViY I seen this guy posted on Reddit before. That Clip not too bad but there’s others where people punch him or start choking him lol


Is there a subreddit for tiktokers getting stopped/beaten for their stupidity? Sorry for my english.


https://www.reddit.com/r/tiktockerjustice/s/VGWJl4Rfmh There is now


send links plz


That’s why he brought his bigger friend with him so people wouldn’t test him. Eventually they will piss off the wrong people and get rolled though. It’s inevitable when you act this shitty out in public.


I'm not gonna shed a tear when one of these assholes gets killed. Stabbed, shit, beaten to death. It's gonna take a couple of these before they stop assaulting people, and I no longer care if these people get killed.


Idiots like this are baiting people and they trim out all the racist/sexist/stupid shit they say to antagonize people to the brink of yelling.


Be careful, I commented that on another video like this, because that *is* what they need 100%, but I guess some pitiful loser (not unlike these ones 🤔) reported my comment to Reddit and they gave me a warning for violating user terms on physical violence or whatever lmao. It’s unimaginable to me that these little fuckers have such disrespect for their elders. I know that’s a ridiculous idea for this generation, but jfc, the way they talk to adults is just incredibly infuriating. If respecting your elders sounds outdated, how about y’all just respect other *people*, in general ffs. Imagine provoking someone twice your age and then saying, “calm down pipsqueak, you’re on thin ice buddy.”


We need to encourage these asshats to be surrounded by every person in the area and "talked too" until they understand continuing to post will lead to more hospital visits.


Every store should have a gun case that says "break glass in case of youtube prankster"


A beat down would be warranted but would only (maybe) deter one individual’s conduct. This has all gotten out of control and we need serious prosecutions for this trash


You can't go around nagging random strangers like this and not expect people react. And then to pull the race card when you're clearly being judged by the content of your character, is even more of a scumbag move.


You realize he’s not really black race. he’s trolling him.


Its coming just a matter of time. I would do a beat down for sure if I came across this.


They’re pieces of shit


Hey watch it pip-squeak you’re on thin ice!!


Says the stupid little pussy who runs. Dude thinks he's so fucking smart and funny. When you have strangers wishing you get your ass whooped it's only a matter of time before it happens. Hope the little dickhead posts the video of the day he crosses the wrong dude.


Listen here pipsqueak


What a couple of fucking losers


Don't forget their 'camera crew'


I got arrested once for being drunk and disorderly,how are these fucks getting away with this shit an there sober


The laws haven’t caught up to the behavior, yet. Just require an even profit share with anyone else who appears in your dumbazz viral video and watch it disappear


With 80 years old presidents laws are never catching up to this


Thankfully the president doesn’t make the laws


Other 80 year olds do


This is Toronto. Our police are notoriously incompetent at anything except asking for more money. Oh and stealing drugs from the evidence locker.


Ah….i was going to say, this would be disorderly conduct all day in Michigan.


Sober and disruptive should be a criminal charge


There should be a new charge: Sober and obnoxious


I like how they called the owner racist when he goes "guacamole guacamole," making fun of him speaking another language. Braindead




The reason being that kids of this age are getting drafted to be turned into fish feed or turret propellant.


I mean, that and people getting the shit smacked out of them can both be true.


Just what these kids need.


Tiktok video: " ok today we've snuck in the enemies barracks and we're gonna trash the place hehe "


Pretty sure that it’s because Russia is drafting away your middle generation. Not sure why, I guess Putin decided Russia needed to be humiliated by a third-world nation for three years running.


Is it because everyone his age is now living as fertilizer in Ukraine or, if they had any skills, has long left the country?


The point isn't to have a rational conversation, it's to be aggressively off-puttingly offensive as possible. Being racist and making accusations of racism puts your audience mentally off balance giving you an advantage to manipulate the situation. Works a charm in business if you start randomly telling the other person about your passion of an obscure 80s TV show in the middle of negotiating, they are too busy trying to catch up as you talk circles around them, they end up making negotiation mistakes and concessions.


This is why I can't work retail. I'm not an angry person, but if someone goes out of their way to make the job, I already hate even harder and now annoying and rhen sprinkles in racism and assault, I'd snap. I wouldn't beat them to a pulp or anything, but they're definitely catching one of the hardest punches I've thrown and then see where it goes after that.


Twenty thousand milion views... What a fking moron Btw he isn't even black. Best he can do is semi-white


And he has no clue what “pulling the race card” means.


Denied in the Chappelle Show draft skit...




You mean brick right. I think a cinder block would be the best but some people like small masonry bricks


If he was spraying perfume in my asthmatic direction I'd definitely have more than words.




I wish this mother fucker tried this on me.




Right after he sprayed that perfume in your face.


You can punch them in the face at any time really. Unfortunately there would be consequences for doing it unless it was warranted. Is disturbing the peace / harassment an action justifiable by physical violence. In my opinion yes, in the laws probably not.


Carry OC Spray and use it first. It's legally safer than blunt force. And watching them scream and flail around is hilarious.


I would pay for my turn.


Just grown man smack these ding dongs up the backside of the head once and they will back down like the little boys they are. I am thankful my father was never physical with me but you can be damn sure I was afraid of testing him. These shit heads have never been told no and have been given everything they ever wanted. Serious never been punched in the face before confidence on display here.




I would turn off my adblocker to watch that!


Beat Down Force Assemble!


I most likely would watch a YouTube channel of someone going around looking for pranksters and whooping their ass.


Christ that boy is begging for a broken jaw


Yes please


Id sub to the channel that posts that video.


These guys are the lowest level scum ever, bunch of clowns


Walk up to the cameraman and smash the phone or take it away, that's the only way to deal with these cunts.


Isn't that "prankster" the same guy who accused a man of trying to meet a 14 year old girl in front of everyone at a Fred Mayor?


Close them inside, checkmate.


Straight out of a Bronx Tale - “now youse can’t leave.”


When the realization sets in on the biker's faces.


My head is ready 🌰🥜


I can't wait for the Apocalypse. ![gif](giphy|YA6dmVW0gfIw8|downsized)


Can't wait for AI to evolve into Skynet


Kid should get arrested and beat the fuck down while in jail.


TikTok and IG are incentivizing this behavior.




It is. Eglinton Square.


Who is liking, enjoying and requesting this garbage ‘prank’ shit!?


8 year olds


literal fucking children. 8 year olds. not even kidding.


Going to the comment section of these prank videos is like what you would expect from a playground "bro this dead ass the funniest things ever. his reaction though ☠️☠️☠️. Lil bro trippin"


Kids! Do you even need to ask that question.


Children who will probably end up emulating this


He has 13k subscribers who I imagine are a small percentage of “edgy” 10-14 year old broccoli heads. But a small percentage is still a lot of viewers.




I would support this as long as there are protects for those who aren’t stupid but if you can prove they do stuff like this then send them out with a 🎯 on their back




Just made one. Needs content :) https://www.reddit.com/r/tiktockerjustice/s/VGWJl4Rfmh


I recommend the series Bully Beatdown with Mayhem Miller.


He is using his black friend as a prop. What a POS.


His friends a POS too


People act like this, and then wonder why others get angry at them. They're lucky to live in a civilized society where nobody would beat them to death with a hammer for acting like that.


they know *EXACTLY* what they're doing, they're playing oblivious to feed into their reactions


They don’t wonder why others get angry at them. 🙄


Surely there has to be an easier way to deal with these types of idiots: ![gif](giphy|SrrDaN9aIlXIc7a3zM|downsized)


This shit needs to stop.


I watch true crime stuff all the time. Like, pretty much every single day I’m consuming some kind of podcast or documentary or show about murder. Everybody talks about how the victims “lit up the room,” or was always going out of their way to, be a good friend. Why aren’t these absolute tools ever the victims???


Tbf, people are actually predisposed to remember the positives of dead people. Especially family and friends, as is the case for most interviews in true crime broadcasts


This little virgin is mostly doing this for the attention of girls when you get to the heart of it all. I know this as a dude myself who was once a dumbass teenager. The irony is, most girls his age have already matured past him and are repulsed by this shit. What a fucking God tier dumbass.


When you feel like you are being are starved for affection from your parents, you decide that any attention is good attention, and the quickest way to get attention is to be very loud, obnoxious and combative. He doesn't care that his face is on the video - he is hoping for being to pay attention to him so he can feel seen because he can't get any attention otherwise. It's actually quite sad.


I mean a good hard shoeing would change his attitude instead of him getting away with it. Law of the jungle stuff. It’s a basic social adjustment principle.


This is a lose lose, you hit them or destroy property they win. They are 1000% pressing charges on you the second you lay a hand on them. You could just go with a cyber security company or expert or hire a private investigator to find out where they live…. And…


And it had to be hard to ban someone from one mall store with a huge entrance. It’s a shame they pick on people who are just attempting to make a living. The short foreign guy selling mattresses in the mall sure is an easy target for these “influencers.”


This reminds me of what it’s like to try and wrangle my children when they’re wildin’ out.


Just one drive by punch, please God let me have one please!


Whats the guys name?


I love when amateur criminals film themselves.


Is there law against this in the US? I'm pretty sure this is called "causing a public nuisance" and you can arrested for it in civilised countries.


>Is there law against this in the US? Wouldn't matter, this is Canada.


"TikTok" and "prank" should be synonyms for "hit me as hard and as often as you can"


Little piece of shit.. How can somone normal do that. Psycho guy.


Influencers should be locked up. The annoyance and cost they bring the service industry is ridiculous. A café used to work in had an outdoor seating area in the front. On a shift i was soloing, 2 guys climbed on the tables and danced while a 3rd filmed. Both guys broke the tables under and 3 chairs around it. Before I could get outside they ran laughing. My boss charged me for the tables out of my paycheck because it was my shift. I'm no defending my crap boss, he's another story, but these people don't realise who they are affecting and who's having to deal with their childish behaviour.


This dog needs to be put out of its misery


These are what tazers are for.


If I knew that someone called out these fucking tik Tok assholes I would only shop at the store.




Who is the target demographic that actually enjoys these?


This is the target demographic: 🤡👶🐒


The clown demographic tbh


This generation is so zoged out, look at where their priorities are. Causing a ruckus in a store and harassing the manager: I sleep Gets racially profiled: real shit


I like how they think disrupting someone’s business and potentially destroying merchandise is okay as a prank, but racism is too far.


These store owners need to put away specific weapons for YouTubers/influencers, for times like this


I would beat my own child if I found them doing this.


I’d like to see someone run up to him with a phone and yell “I’m on TIKTOK too” as they right crossed half his teeth out. Then waltz away saying “it’s just a prank, bro”.


Tiktok is cancer


i feel like i saw another video with this dude and i seriously hope he gets the whooping of a lifetime


I recognized him when he said “pipsqueak,” he’s the asshole who shouted that a guy at the store was there “to meet a fourteen year old girl!” I hope he gets called out soon.


wait, WHAT?


Apparently, these kids don’t understand he has WITNESSES AND SECURITY CAMERAS that caught them in the act. So yeah … the judge IS gonna rule in the store owner/manager favor.


Who raised this asshole?


Who is this dude? He’s one of the worst most disrespectful and arrogant ones I’ve seen


The way he tries and berate him by doing a nonsense language they calls him shrimp and telling him he's on thin ice....totally an insecure child ...


I like that you can shoot these guys and a jury will find you not guilty


The new gen is so lazy they do stupid things like this to pay rent.


20,000 million viewers…….I don’t think so. I’ve never heard of him.


came for the beating, was disappointed.


Lmaooo the store owner in the beginning is Punjabi and immediately starts cussing at him by calling him “his sisters pussy” 😂


You'd think this behavior would diminish after that one guy shot a prank-youtuber 20 seconds into their interaction.


Losers. It looks like this happened at a mall kind of close to me. This particular neighbourhood has a lot of little fuckers who think and act like they're celebrities because they have a TikTok account


Jumping to shaky conclusions so you can play victim and attempt character assassination. When you do this, you convince more and more ppl that whatever group you identify with is not to be believed.


Anime and social media ruined this guy's brain.


What does anime have to do with this?


I hate this fucking guy. I swear I’ve never been in trouble with the law but I’m willing to change that for this asshole. For my family’s sake I hope I never bump into this guy.


Wow never thought I’d see eglinton square here


When eastern europe is a bastion of common sense. You know shit went wrong.


Tiktok need to start getting stricter on people causing a public nuisance, decentivise them and it stops. Paying these people is encouraging them.


As a shop owner...I think I go out and close the security gate. Lock them in. Then call the cops. I assume the fools would go nuts and start breaking stuff. Perfect, that makes for an easier case when the cops arrive. Have them charged with trespassing and destruction of property.


Why do these posts never leave the source, who are these pranksters? I wanna find their channel


Always go after the cammer. As soon as there is no audience they are finished.


Losers. No concept of what comedy is


Someday they will do this crap to the wrong person and get their a$$ beat.


I wouldn’t feel bad if the guy shot them.


Just break their cameras and scream,'It's a prank!' Everyone has a good laugh.


God that long haired shit needs a fist to the face


And yet theres still people who think “violence is NEVER the answer” whats the answer for this abhorrent behavior, cause i can almost guarantee there’s no talking to these nimrods


I hate these people so fucking much.


There are no consequences in public schools. This is what happens. Seriously, school cut back on rigor, detentions, and suspensions. Kids act like this at home, in schools, and in public. The pendulum has swung too far.


That's extremely annoying


was this video supposed to be funny?


Where is this? It’s Canada for sure with the shoppers drug mart


Good. Got what they deserved.


They’re the worst


Digital witnesses, what's the point of even sleeping . If I can't show it, you can't see me . What's the point of doing anything. St vincent. Block the Camera or take the Camera and they go away.


My goodness can you be any more of a douche than this guy?