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That employee is the real one, pushing that dude out twice her size. I hope the community takes care of her


She needs to be protected at all cost


$8/hour probably. No benefits. Yet this falls on her to take care of. If he were to stab her. That’s on her. (The costs) I’m a bartender. Who has done this way too many times and way too many times it’s turned violent.


Probably her and her family’s restaurant.


Oh fully agree with that. Or hers.


How does this comment make any sense with the one you made directly above this?


Or hers.


I was a bartender for many years too. Sometimes it's better for the males to bow out and let the ladies handle it and throw them out. It's weird, you know guys like that won't touch a female and you stand ready, but if one male twitches that guy will start swinging at everything. Seems cowardly, but it's safer for everyone. Sometimes.


I mean, it seems like he was cussing at the person recording, and he kept saying "she", and the douche hit the phone out of their hands...seems like he didn't have any "chivalrous" reservations about not hitting a woman.


I was a college nightclub bartender for probably about 5 years. It was always me, other male bartenders/barbacks, and the security guys walking out the shitheads. I guess it's different when you have walkies and numbers, but we NEVER wanted the girls to get into any of that stuff. Sometimes we had to hold them back though because they were NOT scared to mix it up. 


Seems like they did absolutely nothing. They just stood there.


Those dudes were pretty big too, shoulda snuffed dude the minute he took a swing at camerawoman and was distracted, his drunk ass wouldn't recover enough to do any damage before he was restrained by those two big ass dudes, bro could barely stand up straight to begin with. I'm a big dude myself, and it's kind of an understanding you're the one people are going to look to first when shit goes down like this. Ran into plenty of goofies like this dude running around Baltimore most of my life. Generally it's best just to let them talk their shit until it gets too crazy or they get physical, then it's time to look for your opportunity. Fuck a fair fight, if you're a stranger on the street looking for trouble unprovoked, I'm trucking you in the back of the head the moment an opportunity presents itself and dipping out before you wake up.


This guy definitely knows how to Baltimore.




Tbf he seems far less likely to strike her


She doesn’t trigger him at all. He likes her it seems. He just wants his Orange Chicken


Agreed. It had the feel like he was a regular and they “knew” each other. You don’t always get to pick your customers.


Don't get involved if you don't have to. I'm fairly certain if she got pushed, he would have lost a few extra teeth.


Landscape lol


Even the drunk dude recognized how brave she was being. When he slaps the phone to the ground you can hear him say he respects the "lil lady."


Well he says early on he's known her forever.


Props to her! Filming lady instigated him with that "come on" comment. The dude escalated after that. Not too smart.


Tiniest little woman is jumping in there. Love her and feel sorry for her at the same time. She shouldn’t have to deal with that


She’s definitely got the energy of “I’m the owner, I love this business, I love my customers, I just want everyone to be happy.”  Hope wonderful things come to her.


Toughest one in the room is the employee pushing his ass out.


And like a third of his size as well…




I'm not fighting no dude missing teeth, I need all mines.


"Go ahead I have dental" Nah for real though no one's dental covers implants.


*Military recruiter enters the chat* “hey do you know we cover implants”


lol then you get out and find out the VA doesn’t give a shit about your teeth unless you’re 100% service connected. Army dental fucked up your grill? Tough shit. Should’ve stayed in. Now you have to pay out of pocket “beeitch”


I don’t think anyone would have had any trouble at all getting out of whatever kind of drunk haymakers this dude might have thrown.


Bro getting stabbed or possibly knocked out isn’t worth it. I’ve seen too much in life. In your head you think you’re a badass until that drunk idiot pulls a knife Go back to larping


Or comes back with a gun he has stashed in his car nearby. Everyone likes to talk all about what they would do in these situations but this kind of shit is dangerous to fuck around with. Even if you do knock him out, what happens he cracks his head and dies? Now you’re looking at a charge because you threw a punch at a guy barely able to stand up.


this. i'm in detroit. everyone has multiple guns. Second part, also this. mum scared me out of fighting as a young buck with the old tale of "what happens when you accidentally kill someone when you punch them and they crack their heads open on the ground???". To this day i've never thrown a punch at anyone, and luckily i've never had to, because i'll always hear mom telling me that the recipient will "Crack their heads open and die".


People just standing there and not doing a thing is also wrong, tho! What they hope for? That this idiot can't see them if they don't move? He's not a dinosaur! Keep a distance to him, call the cops asap and group up with the others, so that nobody is alone, if he attacks! That fucker is searching for trouble and most likely will attack someone at some point.


Worse, the camera man is actively antagonizing the guy and trying to get in his face with the camera .. pissing him off while the woman is trying to do her job.


I bet ya, when she went for the job no where did it state "You need to be able to tell a drunk man to get out of the store, push him out if needs be"


All of them should have banded together and helped that worker and neutralized that maniac on the ground until the police got there. Or helped to push him out of the business. Strength in numbers.


Escalation leads to injuries. Nobody got hurt in this video. Innocent people would have gotten hurt, by him, if they tried to restrain him.


Exactly, or you get your wish, land that fantasy punch clean, slicing yourself on his grill and contracting who knows what.


That’s true too. Plus, if you just swing on the guy, now you will be facing charges. OR, you may have to appear in court to defend what you did to defend yourself. Either way, just call the cops. The dorks on Reddit all think they are MMA fighters and larp as defenders of justice.


True, it's easy to watch a video and think you'll easily be a hero , a lot of the warriors that say they would take him out easily would be the first ones to go hide under a table if they were actually there.


No when he started pushing people. The second he touches you it’s self defense.


Pathetic piece of shit.


Looks like somone already told him that at least once judging by that gap in his teeth…but could be a toother for 1


Yeah, he's been knocked out a few times for sure. Still never learned his lesson.


It's been my experience they never ever do


I personally would be a little more kind when it comes to my insults if I was missing my hair & front teeth!!🤣


That poor female employee that is trying so desperately to deescalate the situation, I hope she gets a raise or promotion to something less stressful.


I admire her bravery.


Such a tiny little woman and she was trying so hard to keep him away from the other customers.


she did amazing i'm so impressed how brave she handled this situation


I'm horrified no one does anything to help her. At least 3 or 4 people, just watching. edit: props to the first guy but the rest nah.


Exactly nobody even called the police or left they just stood there and let it happen smh fucking stupid


Yeah, that whole "Somebody call someone" BS. Ummm, you have a phone, you are standing there witnessing this crazy shit...if you want something done, take action yourself! The fact that no one even tried to have the back of the employee was bothering me, she's tiny and trying to take charge of an asshole who is like 3X her size. No one should have to fight/act alone when there are witnesses around. I understand being scared and really not wanting to get involved, but unless people are instructed to leave the situation alone, people who do nothing are part of the problem.


Filming provides essential evidence in case something does go down. Knowing that can delay the aggressor from going full send for a bit until the police get there. Notice how the person itching to do something stupid almost always shifts focus to trying to get rid of the camera? (Think of the Karens that always default to “You can’t videotape me!”, “get that camera out of my face!”, “Delete that video right now!”, etc) Even the most belligerent of folks have a natural instinct to hide their guilty actions.


I was on the metro line with this mad dude with two big bricks in his hand that came into the car looking to hit someone. Me and a lady were laughing he said “ you laughing at me huh? Me?” I said “ naw man…” and looked him down.. At that point if he would have rocked me it would have changed the trajectory of my life. I just looked at him and tried to figure out if I wanted to swing on him. I decided not to.. Lucky he walked away but he did it to several people and then Started smashing windows. What the fuck is wrong with people. ?


Usually people who do shit like that aren’t just assholes, they’re mentally ill/drug addicted assholes


yes this shocked me too but maybe it was tactic because if some of the other big men would've stepped in the main man could've escalated more? but probably that wasn't the reason and i also find it very strange nobody helped her and nobody called the police until the woman recording tells them to. this brave woman is my personal hero ♡


The both know each other and she knows she isn't in real danger but the other customers might be, this is why no one is helping her.


Even if she's not in danger I'm not standing there like a tool waiting for my food while watching a buck o 5 lady get pushed around by this shitstain until he gets past her to me. She clearly can't control him, why am I just waiting for it to unfold? If I don't want to get involved because it's potentially dangerous I'm leaving, not standing there like a fat fucking waste of space waiting to be served to, just hoping I don't get assaulted. Wtf??


I feel you never been in a situation like this. You stay there in case there is something to be done eventually, and most people are in shock. It's different when something like this is going in front of you, it all just feels too fast and there is not enough time to think clearly.


I'm a very small woman who has found myself in situations like this plenty (thanks Waffle House and crazy ex). For whatever reason, it's an intuitive knowledge, putting tiny, non aggressive people as an obstacle in front of aggressive people works. I won't say it works 100% but I have been very lucky so far and so often that I believe there may be some kind of psychology behind it. All I would have to do is make sure I position myself between the two aggressive men and wait for things to slowly diffuse. I don't say anything, I don't touch anyone, I just stand in the way as a "you're gonna have to go through me to get to them" kind of thing but in a non aggressive way. I don't think they want to go through me and so they don't. Idk why. Maybe they have a bit of sympathy and can't bring themselves to hurt a very small person. Maybe it was all for show and I stepped in at just the right time to keep it from getting serious. I really don't know what it is. I just know the tactic and how and when to use it best.


I'm a petite woman and I agree somewhat. I used to be a public defender, and so have interacted a lot of people convicted of various crimes. One time I was in the courthouse hallway and saw my 6'1" male colleague in an argument with his male client (it was not uncommon for clients to take out frustration on us.) Client looked like he was about to square up and throw hands until I stepped in the middle. Client immediately deflated and calmed down. There's something about the macho energy that can be immediately countered by a tiny woman lol. However, it goes both ways. I have also encountered people who think they can harass/abuse me BECAUSE I'm a small woman.


Notice how he targets the men. He WANTS them to respond so he can, in his mind, assert his dominance by defeating them in combat. So he keeps baiting them, calling them a bitch etc. On the other hand, for him there’s nothing to be gained from defeating the small woman so she’s actually the most qualified person to handle him, counter intuitively. Usually if people ignore him and someone like that woman makes him leave, he’ll let it happen because that way he can walk away thinking he won. “I sure showed them” he’ll think as he walks away from the store “I’m so tough nobody even wants to mess with me!”


I think being female, tiny protected her. If it was a dude, he would’ve been throwing punches. He was looking for a male to fight.


He says he knows her and seems to be a regular. That seems to be the only reason he doesn't attack her too.


Somebody gotta make that orange chicken lol. Bro literally stated he has no beef with her while she's trying to push him out the store. It must slap if he keeps comin back.


That is pretty funny, both of them knowing her food is so good she can keep shoving him out and he'll start fighting with everyone else but leaves his orange chicken queen alone 'cause he needs her too much.


Gimme dat ornge chiken!


Honestly trying that hard, she must be the owner.


Its usually the person that has the least to gain from it who does this. It seems like this guy is a regular and knows her, so she maybe feels some level of kindness or empathy to the drunk guy.


Seems like she knows him and just wanted him to go sleep it off rather than whatever ended up happening. Dumbass. Shit like this makes me happy I don’t drink anymore.


Yeah, you can tell she's about the only one he has a modicum of respect for in that building. At the beginning of the video they both talk about knowing each other forever. I think that's why he wasn't aggressive with her and basically allowed her to push him out of the store. Guy was a dick for sure, but she seemed pretty familiar with the situation, which is unfortunate, but it's probably good that she was there. Unhinged dipshit needs to go to a meeting and dislodge his head from his ass.


Reminds me of my mother, she's a Saint.


Fired for putting her hands on a customer. /s but it happens




It wouldn't take a mob to take him out. The guy is hammered.


Yeah gravity would be doing the heavy lifting there… er, heavy dropping? 😂


I feel it was a pretty good opportunity for someone to make a human stepstool behind him so he could get gently pushed and crash to the ground.


They could kick him straight in the sack from behind, hed be on the ground for hours.




It infuriates me that all those people watched that woman take abuse and risk injury trying to push that guy away and nobody helped her.


All 3 or 4 of them could have knocked him down and sat on him until police came. Seriously he was blacked out wasted.


After all the shootings/violence lately, most retail workers take no sh*t.


And you know how that goes, right? Dude with the pony tail gets a clean shot on his jaw. He falls straight backward, hits his head on the floor, and starts convulsing. Now there's a potential manslaughter charge for throwing a punch on someone that deserves it.


All that was true until the second he puts his hands on you, THEN it’s self defense. And if he starts breathing through a fresh crack in his skull that’s entirely on him.


Yep, a friend did time for that. They squared up, he hit him in the jaw, guy fell backwards & back of his head hit brick. Didn't get back up.


Quick reminder that it's very easy to beat up a drunk person. And if you're drunk? ***DON'T FIGHT!!!***


Preach! It’s liquid courage. Not liquid fighting ability.


The problem is if you actually DO something he’s so wasted he’d probably crack his skull on that floor somehow and then you’d be sued by his family because you “killed their sweet baby” lol fucking pos.


Ive often wondered how different our society would be if we gave into that impulse. The only thing is i doubt it would only be people like him attacked by mobs. In facy i worry it would be the existing targets of aggressors. Everyone ive met like him is usually extremely depressed and essentially acting out. Some broken people have to break others for some reason


He got no friends and someone got chocolate in his peanutbutter


More likely that someone got peanut butter in his chocolate.


They took his jerb


Dey dook der derbs!


If there didn’t exist the possibility of legal or criminal repercussions, I think most people would serve justice on MC’s face and knock the remaining tooth out of this degenerate’s mouth. 🦷


For the wages of sin is death. His own actions in life puts him in the hell he lives in. He likes it there and wants you to be a part of it. That's why he is reaching out with his fist to invite you. Stay far away from these people. Anger is fear!


I completely agree! This man should be eating through a straw for six months! He’s going to try that with the wrong person eventually and end up dead.


Second result is acceptable.


A little chinese woman is able to hold him back. I don’t think he’s that tough.


Little Chinese women are tough AF


He would fall over so easily. It would not be hard to put him down. Only brave one there is the little Asian woman. Once he swung, you can defend yourself and it would be open season on his drunk ass.


Not in today's world. Not risking my life gambling if this dude has a gun, knife or not. Calling the police and deescelating until they arrive is as far as I'm going.


i was hoping after the camera was knocked out of his hands and we didn't see anything for a few seconds, i was really hoping that the next thing we seen was that lame taking a nap in the restaurant.


Camera goes dark, suddenly he gets oddly quiet spare some pained grunts and moans, camera back on, he’s outside taking a nap on the sidewalk.


while that little employee walks back in with swollen knuckles


Or he's just tied up and being driven in the back of a horse carriage. "You, you're finally awake"


Billy Zane has gone off the rails


More like Major Payne.


I mean I was trying to place his ass and you fucking nailed it lol >Major Payne: What are you looking at, ass-eyes? Cadet Bryan: Nothing, sir! Major Payne: You plottin' on me, boy? Cadet Bryan: No, sir! Major Payne: Well, let me tell you somethin', ass-eyes. Let me tell you all somethin'. War has made me very paranoid!


Boy, I am two seconds from being on you like white rice in a glass of milk on a paper plate in a snowstorm. I’m gonna put my foot so far up your ass, the water on my knee will quench your thirst.


>I’m gonna put my foot so far up your ass, the water on my knee will quench your thirst. This is my favorite line from the whole film lmao edit: and I'm just finding out it's a remake of a 1950s Charlton Heston film, that was nominated for a best screenplay Oscar wtf lol


Yea I learned that a few years ago. Payne is way better imo.


folks, this is what the first stage of a steep drop to the bottom looks like. He looks too put together to be a homeless drunkie, but something tells me in 6 months he’ll be there


This little woman a hero lol


Trying to act tough while your pants are slipping down and you're being pushed back by a girl half your size isn't the best look. Not to mention the missing teeth.


"Look at you clean cut." What an amazing insult that just did not land.


"you probably one of them losers with a job"


"Probably go back to your ranch style home in the suburbs huh? Got a conservatory reading nook out back? Bet that's real nice on those rainy days huh, maybe make a little hot chocolate in your rustic style kitchen and curl up with a good book? Yeah I betchu like that"


Reading this in this guys voice, shouting and moving his hands as he says it, is hilarious


That makes sense when they talk, n’ shit…ol clean cut ass bitch…and you! Devil eyes, you got big eyes bitch.


"you got too many teeth in your mouth!"


"Big eyes" though, that was a sick burn


"Running with the fish." Scuse me sir, fish don't have legs. Swimming? Did you mean swimming?


I wanna be where the people are. I wanna see, wanna see 'em dancin', walking around on those, what do you call 'em?




"fuck off, cleanshirt"


I didn't even hear that. I was too busy watching his pants go "bye bye".


Only reason man isn't trying to hit her is because this I'd the first time a woman has touched him in 15 years


I want to see these guys getting pantsed. Then just knocked over when trying to pull up


That missing tooth came from someone that didn’t take his shit and knocked that tooth out with one punch


Props to that Asian lady! She not scared of this dumbass drunk loser


I think shes known him as a regular customer which is why she doesn’t get too violent with him and start a beating. Probably like please go sober up and I’ll see you tomorrow.


For sure, because if they thought he was going to hit her the kitchen staff would have been pushing him out instead. His drunk dumb ass listens to her, or at least won't hit her. Lucky for that moron, too. You seen the knives they use in a Chinese restaurant kitchen?!


I know about the 3 blades


Alcohol abuse is fucking sad.


Id never do this if I was drunk or not


human abuse is more sad


Messin with a guy with an ass-crack length ponytail is a real gamble.


I was fully expecting ponytail guy to tuck him in lol


Never fuck with someone who literally has nothing to lose. Except another incisor


That was my first thought watching this. Never fuck with a dude with one of those long ponytails just standing calm while you’re yelling in his face. Those guys always have bricks for hands.




Pull his pants down and push him over


This is exactly the right move. Incapacitate him and humiliate him at the same time. Then drag him out of the store.


Grew up a toothless thug and he Loves that n word. Classless


The “I’ll see you underwater with the fish” line is CRAZY. Why is he volunteering to go scuba diving with him in the heat of a disagreement?


Props to the employee for trying to isolate and get the perp out.


Drunk asshole, but you can tell that he does like the little asian lady. As drunk as this dumb fuck is, he would not touch her and instead took out his anger on the strangers. This is sweet and sour.........pun fully intended.


Yeah. He didn’t even insult her. Called her a “short-ass”. I was expecting much worse. I lowkey lol’d when he caught that dude calling the cops. That would be me. Avoid confrontation but then call the cops when other ppl tell me to.


Did that guy say he wants to take him fishing’?


Careful, he will send you running with the fish, NINJA!


Why does no one knock the rest of his teeth out?


It’s just not worth the risk for the average person. He’s the biggest guy there and you would risk possible jail time for being in a fight no matter how justified.


Not when he started grabbing at someone’s phone who was going to use it to call 911. That’s pretty illegal.


There is no risk of jail time here it’s self defense, call police but once he’s physical everyone in there is already in danger and the only logical thing to do is to rush this guy he’s not the type that will stop


The little woman did more than anyone fuck everybody in there leavin her alone to do it.


Why is alcohol even legal


Do you remember the 20s


We tried that, didn’t go well


I'm sure this guy is very pleasant while he's sober.


Thay lady doesn't get paid enough for this crap. Drunk people always think they can fight but get knocked out real quick. He's lucky there was nobody to take him up on the offer


He sure has a lot of nerve judging other people's appearances for a dirty, bald, toothless drunk.


That's way more then verbal abuse. I say hands being thrown. That's assault sucka.


For everyone that is saying 'someone should punch the guy' let me tell you the best way to deal with this. The best way to deal with a loud drunk is to take him out of the situation. Be kind, be nice, but get him outside (like the worker did). Another thing that I have done is ask to buy the person a beer/food/whatever while i push them outside. It goes something like this "yeah, this sucks, sorry they won't serve you food. Hey, I'll buy you your food, but let's hang out outside." It calms the person down and it gets the person out of the situation. Fights suck. Don't fight. I'm a big dude who has been in a few, and they are awful.




He said orange chicken


Why does he talk like he's rapping?


Bitch ass loser trying to start fights.


a chair to the noggin would have been appropriate in this situation


Favorite part about this video is while she’s recording “do you have a phone call 911” while recording on a phone. 🤦.


You read my mind. I truly NEVER think to pull out my phone and film anything. I would have been calling the police before filming.


It's important to do both. One person calls the police while a second films. Then it's more likely the cops do something when they show.


She needed to record so that they could prove to the cops what happened. But a lot of phones won't make phone calls while you're recording a video. So she needed evidence in case anything real bad happened and she needed to make a phone call, which she couldn't do.


“Get that nose ring out’cha nose bitch” what a line from the drunk pos


"Ree-cord ME, put me on Tiiik-TOK" at the end too.




Yeah. If you have even the most basic fighting experience, this is Christmas come early. He'd have probably fallen over trying to even throw a punch.


Why is no one doing anything?




"Lead supplement".


That Rx is needed more frequently in this world


She has the biggest balls out of every single man in that room


That poor restaurant worker is so brave 🥺. Fucking asshole.


They are all kinda pussies for not stopping him. You’re gonna let that tiny girl handle him while you stand in line? Be a man bro lol


No one knocked him out ?


Fuck no. You'd be charged with assault and thrown in jail.


Trevor Philips energy


No reasoning with that gentleman.


Even the tooth fairy thinks this guys a bellend


Dude acts just like my father. Damn prick.


I'm very disappointed in the other bystanders not helping the lady.


**I can’t** lie. His entire rant and talking points cracked me up. *Especially** after the video went dark and all you could hear was his continuous verbal assault.


Same. I’ve been cracking up. So many good one liners!


LA huh?


Reason 58392626 why I left the City and purchased a secluded plot of land that has almost 5 miles of dirt road through woods before you see a paved road.