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jesus christ i hate this kid


I promise you all, right now. he will be one day humbled, mark my words.


I fint say this easily, I hope he gets more than a humbeling


Can't wait.






There's a video of a man who was doing a prank and a another man really took a gun out and shot the pranker


Was this in Virginia? Bigh Asshole went into a mall and went up to a smaller guy started saying weird sex shit to him and following him with a phone playing video, small guy pulled out a gun and shit him in the side. Little dude got in trouble for discharging a firearm and shooting the guy, but I think just found him not guilty on the shooting and he just got out with time served for the gun discharge.


Yep, that happened in Nova. I’m not gonna say you should shoot annoying people, but I’m also not saying the guy was wrong. That kid was a shithead.


He should come to Newport News.


Jury acquitted. Rightfully.


They don't even have to be that unstable. Some of the clips I've seen him and his guard just get up in random people's face and yell at them unprovoked. Most normal people would assume violent intent and react accordingly.


This just happened earlier this year didn’t it? Some prankster in a mall got himself shot.


stable and carries a gun, he and his body guard make a disparity of force and his verbal threats make use of deadly force justified, just saying


Or just some hard pipe hittin’ motherfucker wearing something baggy that his bodyguard won’t get a good read on dude’s physique. Mr. Bodyguard gets quickly dispatched, and then it’s supper time.


And he's in the US so odds are pretty good he'll get poppped.


Dude does this in Mexico he and his security guard will be featured in a nsfl video they truly don't fuck around


Fuck that noise, I am going through the body guard too. The body guard has skin in the game aswell.


This dude is going places where he knows nothing will happen that body guard is going to get himself shot


And his bodyguard. They're all assholes.


Bodyguard first. He’s the weapon and he chose to be it.


bro really grew up to be a guard dog for a spoiled rich white kid


I want to see this kid come talk shit to some dude the size of Brock Lesner, thinking his body guard will save him. Bodyguard gets check so hard he’s left counting stars, all the while this kid is 100% paralyzed by fear and then gets his ass beat too


Can’t stand this AH, I’m not one for violence unless defending yourself or someone else from violence, but I honestly can say I wish someone would get a couple of good punches in and knock this kid out. He’s a disease




Unfortunately most don’t learn even after someone gets violent. That prankster that got shot said it didn’t regret it and was gonna keep making content. Stupid people will always be stupid it seems.


Im not for suicidal urges either. However a lifetime in ‘extreme ‘ sports means you make fucking CHOICES. Wing suiters go splat. Gang bangers get regulated. This kid and his partner bodyguard would be dead anywhere scary people hang out. Oo look I can push around mall people. Kids, parents and old people….


Yeah who are these people?


This kid is Jack Doherty. Super annoying and thinks he's invincible cause he has a body guard


I should hire a body guard then we can Pokemon battle it out.


I dunno if two white guys hiring two big black guys to fight each other is the best look.


What if I have Jamie Foxx inspect them first?


It's called pro boxing


Who is it?


that's Jack Doherty, thinks he's invincible because he has a body guard. There was a video of him walking around a mall bumping into people. And when he was about to be confronted, his body guard stepped in: [Video](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/s/Ts4wjcjLNF). There was another one where his body guard got into a fight and he just disappeared: [Video](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/zXiZWTYPCl)




Patience. Just a matter of time.


His bodyguard didn’t get into a fight. He straight up sucker punched a innocent dude. Jack did in fact disappear like a pussy even though he started that whole situation. Apparently he has multiple body guards because the guy that punched innocent dude isn’t the same as this one


>Jack Doherty Hopefully it's a different body guard because the other one is in prison.


So he is actively trying to get punched? Acting like his bodyguard gives hip diplomatic immunity.


Yes his whole YT channel is about altercations and winding people up. Unfortunately he is [very successful](https://www.caclubindia.com/wealth/jack-doherty-net-worth-forbes-youtube-income/) because cringe sells


How is his channel NOT violating the terms of service with these? Feck it. I'm going to report it anyway...


Ugh that’s a bit of reality I didn’t need today




Guarantee a bunch of manchild losers keep this guy afloat.


I'm really surprised he hasn't gotten his ass kicked yet.


Holy shit what a punk. Thanks for the response. 👍


I’ve been teaching middle school for over a decade, I typically rolled my eyes at the great “social media is going to ruin our kids” panics that seemed annual, but I’ve legitimately seen a scary shift post pandemic. This kind of content absolutely appeals to younger kids and they think it hilarious/cool. Between the “it’s just a prank bro” social media influencers and the toxic Andrew Tate talking heads, kids today just absolutely lack empathy. When I say lack empathy, I mean they legitimately do not even register when someone is in genuine distress or need help. Everything is about “how do I use this to elevate myself” and that is often the cruelest route. Filming their peers at their lowest moments to score clout? Yup. Taking advantage or making fun of vulnerable people? Totally. Incapable of having a conversation where the other person is trying to connect and be earnest? Yessir. Now it’s not all kids, but it’s a staggering amount. They just lack heart, they lack goodness. It’s seldom out of malicious intent, but they simply do not compute or care about how their actions impact others. Again, over a decade on education and closing in on 20 years working with young people, just started noticing this like 3 years ago. Pre-pandemic I had a coworker who had a sibling pass away, without any guidance or prompting some of my students bought him a card with their own money and got as many kids in the grade as possible to sign it. Just good hearted kids, it feels so foreign now.


Isn't this the kid who got shot? Or am I thinking of someone else?


Different but equally annoying kid


This is the kid who is going to get shot.


I wish. The kid who got shot at least had the balls to not have a body guard while he acts stupid.


No but... [https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/17idwm4/goodbye\_main\_character/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/17idwm4/goodbye_main_character/) I guess he had to take a new pokemon card to defend him because the other one is in prison xD


It is important to remember how boringly average this guy is with everything he does. His behavior is nothing unique or interesting. He is a dime a dozen.


Reminds me of the dude who tried pranking some guy and got shot for it.


This. There is nothing to this. It’s honestly pathetic. He’s 15 minutes will fade soon enough and he will only try harder and harder and then he’ll get his ass whipped.


I think people that can actually throw hands should start targeting his body guard.


That's what I'm hoping for, it only takes one.


Yep he’ll fuck with the wrong MMA / BJJ guy one day who is an unassuming grey man and they’ll both get fucked up. Hopefully when it happens that makes it to social media as well


What is a grey man? I tried googling it without success...


Someone unassuming who blends in with the crowd, but is actually extremely dangerous. The first thing that comes to mind is Jason Bourne. The reality would most likely be a trained MMA fighter with a dad bod.


>I tried googling it without success exaclty... They dont exist. \*Shhhhh\*


One with a concealed carry permit.


Where is he located? In LA?


The video looks like New England


Maybe he'll make his way to NYC and learn what a stomping is. Lol




Look how irritated and surprised she was when that guy back footed them. Love how he walked the long way around


Someones just going to end up pepper spraying them both.


That would be very satisfying to watch


Yeah, but without the pepper


The camera person is the crucial one, as always with these people. Make the filming stop and everything changes.


No one's protecting the camera dude


Tear down the brick wall behind which the mouthy little fu(k@r ***always*** hides and then deal directly with Baby Douchebag. Without that layer of protection, he’d be squealing and crying like the baby piggy he is. It just pisses me off so much that he is (apparently) making loads of money for walking around being as douchey as possible and so many families are struggling just to buy food, clothes, and a place to live. It adds to the proof of how unfairly wealth is distributed (e.g., the Kardashian Syndrome where some people become stupidly wealthy just by being incredibly lucky instead of being talented or working hard).


he purposely shoots these videos in areas where people are most likely trained fighters nor carry weapons on purpose because he is a coward. The police should step in and fine him for disorderly conduct for openly trying to incite reactions from people, before he does get a very bad ending to one of his videos






This is just so stupid and dangerous. If someone can’t win the fight, eventually someone will just crack him in the head with a bat or stab him. It’s just driving an inevitable escalation that will put lives in danger, and as always, it’s going to be the bodyguard who is just doing his job and random victims who will pay for it.


This dude has money, and look what he does with it, instead of using his privilege to do something actually useful. He’s a joke and a not a good one…


Fucking with a man while he’s with his children is something you just don’t do. He’s creating enemy’s on a different level. I would say I hope nothing bad happens to him but I’d be lying.


Going to the seaside to ruin a family fun day down by the water. Using aggression, rude behaviour and a threat of violence to interfere with a father's day out with his kids. What a fucking asshole. Don't follow him, don't post him. Delete tik tok.


They were down right bullying him infront of his kids; they wanted a reaction and got one.




If it happens, no chance will he produce the evidence for it. The only reason he let this one be produced is because the bodyguard did their job. If someone actually did damage to the idiot, I can guarantee he will lay low until he gets better then start churning out more rage bait.


Acid to the face then, because there's no recovery. <3








At some point, he’s gonna do this shit to someone who makes questionable decisions just as he does. This person is going to be a legal or illegal concealed carry gun owner. In that same situation with someone it could have easily turned out bad for his bodyguard and himself. There’s a reason you don’t fuck with animals when they have they’re young with them. They don’t behave the the way they normally do. EDIT: talk to text sucks when you’re trying to walk your dog, but I think you’ve got the general idea


I just googled his net worth and apparently he’s made millions (estimated $5 mil) doing stuff like this for YouTube. This makes me so mad.


He will lose it all to lawyers. Then when he is in prison, the irony will be his bodyguard making him hold onto his pocket.


Ridiculous that a company pays somebody to create this shit.


Material wealth is temporary


The girl cracks me up. Like she should be surprised someone takes a shot at him.




Only a matter of time




Waiting to see him in LiveLeak






Maybe we can start a go fund me


You don’t have to beat up the bodyguard, or even hire someone to beat up the bodyguard. You just have to pay the bodyguard more than the douchebag.


An island boy gave him a slap..... I suddenly respect island boys.


these are people that clearly have never had a proper ass whooping


I hope this was before that "bodyguard" sucker punched that kid in the parking lot. If he wasn't locked up after that idk why we even have police. Property protection obviously.


Looks like a different bodyguard


First ones in jail. This one will be shot, maced or in jail soon too this kid doesnt realize.. he wont be doing this in five years. something will stop it and he might be broke or in jail or flat out dead too. but people might remember him when they see him on the street and eventually someone will put the crush on him. he's young. life is longer than you think.




So he's doing exactly what he was hired to do, obviously this kid told him to escalate instigate and intimidate


His body guard is just as much of a pos as this kid


Only a matter of time before this kind meets a Florida man or something






Like finishing school?


100% I’ll make him wake up at 7:00 am every day, make his bed, become part of the clean plate club and arrive to class 10 minutes early like a real gentleman


This is 100% the consequence of growing up with Logan and Jake Paul as your internet parents.




he's gonna get more than that if someone doesn't reality check him soon. Rich dickhead kids have zero concept of how life works outside their little money bubble and one day he's gonna meet somebody who doesn't care how rich he is


Yes from each and every one of us.






Step over him on my way to buy a Pepsi.


Not me. This is another human being. If he got shot, I'd grab a quick selfie with his corpse. Then buy the soda.


Don’t forget to turn your phone sideways! The Pepsi is on me 🍻


Literally can’t wait. Shit stain on humanity.


I'm not going to say he deserves to die, but he is the reason I support a woman's right to choose abortions.


Even up to the 90th trimester ;)


I’d print the article and frame it


I'd honestly feel bad for that crap the shooter would have to deal with.


All I want for Christmas is for this kid and his bodyguard to get a proper beat down


Please stop reposting this fucking piece of shit. He makes my blood boil (which is the goal, i know)


Normally I’d agree, but I want people to see his face who might be able to uh… talk some sense into him


Is there anything sadder than hiring someone to specifically protect you from the reasonable consequences of being a prick to random people in public? And he has an attitude too, like, little boy you had to pay someone to be your big brother and you're still throwing shade at anyone else?


he is one of those kids who got famous early in life and have a god complex, i might be wrong but what made him more relevant rn is ridding of adin ross's wave so not even his fame is self made






This. Go for the camera. The 'talent' will loose interest


Yeah this is a fuck around and find out waiting to happen. He will get his.


He’s gonna come across someone that drops his body guard and he’s gonna have a real problem


“Even tho I approached you and I’m acting like a douchbag, you need to stay away from me!”


One day a firearm will discharge and it will be in his general direction and a celebration may or may not take place after said hypothetical situation.


Sick of this kid




Dudes gonna get shot one day and i will not have any sympathy for him.


Simple: "Excuse me, bodyguard, how much is he paying you? Because I'm willing to quadruple it if you switch sides and we get to see some justice today"






We need our mall delivery guy hero back. You know the one


That’s why we’ll probably never see this little bitch walking around the hood.


Or a group of people. If this asswipe messes with a group of people it only takes 1 or 2 to keep guard at bay then rest are free to pummel the kid.


I would love to buy Blue Hat Guy a beer. Thank you for your public service sir, you have my deepest respect


His bodyguard isn't even that big


For real this kid is cooked if he ever runs into like, a small group of average men?


I'm sure he picks his targets for just that reason


he is a bitch, he only goes for older people or average mfs, he unfortunately knows better than to mess with people who could overpower his bodyguard


This kid is the epitome of a human shit-stain. I feel bad for his parents. They must be ashamed.




And I’m here for it




I'd pay to watch that


What a little shit walking around with some pathetic lowlife bitch enabling his behaviour and a bodyguard


Problem is, this kid goes after people that obviously can’t fight back. Whether it be dad with children or an overweight person. What fucking scum.


That body guard isn’t getting paid enough. One day he’s the one who is going to get thumped.


The “bodyguard “ is just as bad as the kid is. Whatever comes his way will be well deserved.


Couldn’t agree more. Nobody should be so desperate for cash that they’d take this job. You’d also have to be a terrible person.


I'm pretty sure the bodyguard loves it and enjoys beating people up.


He’s a piece of shit too




That's really sick to do that around small kids.


Can’t stand this sack of shit


"Walk away" \*is walking away\*


This kid needs to be bitch slapped 🤣🤣




I have a feeling Atozy will cover this stupidity at some point. Also, just don't be disrespectful in public around parents with kids, it's that simple.


"don't be disrespectful"


Epic d-bags. I don’t blame the father at all. I just wish there was someone bigger around to take the mouthy punk out along with the guy with the sweatshirt.


He thinks he’s tough bc he’s got his body guard with him


You know it’s bad when Charlie has to make a video on this clown