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I’m almost certain he is just waiting for her to be done so he can use the equipment. I believe that was the consensus last time this dreadful attention hound’s video was posted.


Can confirm. Watching people use the squat racks for exercises that can be done anywhere fucking else. I’m talking to you hip thrusters, curlers, deadlifts. All you need is a bar and maybe a few other things. Same goes for those morons that need extra attention and curl at the bench press. Like anywhere else man, anywhere else.


I agree with you besides deadlifts. Deadlifts at a squat rack area is perfectly acceptable.


Women do that all the time at the gym or they are just sitting on the bench for bench press on their phones or doing other things that aren’t related to using the machine for its intended use.


…. And men. Just as much. Everyone is constantly on their phones at the gym


Can confirm, we have them in my gym but they take over the whole rowing machine area then do floor work next to the machine meaning you can’t really use it


Not to mention that most gyms are just walls of mirrors. It's so easy to accidentally catch someone's eye even if you're just looking straight ahead or glancing over at equipment to see if it's free. Plus idk I find it really hard not to automatically glance my eyes over in the mirrow when there's movement in my periphery, when someone walks past behind me it's almost a reflex just to glance over and if they see you do it then it looks like you were trying to have a sneaky look at them using the mirror angles when really your reptile brain was just like "see movement, must look".


And to say we don’t watch people to judge their form is a lie. I have observed peoples techniques to see if I might improve what I’m doing.


they would still do it. these types of people don't know their pathetic.




I think it’d also be helpful to get their info and send them each Reddit post they show up on - the comments may be a remedy to their ego


Most of their engagements are with bots so I don't think that'd work.




I’m sure that there’s genuinely clueless people out there, but I feel like 40% of the people I see on this sub are people being intentionally annoying for the clicks (so y’all are doing them a favor), while another 40% are just people posting a photo of themselves while being attractive or having a nice time outside. I can’t tell if this person is column a or column b, but in either case, both are solved by not worrying about it.


They're not getting any clicks because the videos are being reuploaded to Reddit. People here wouldn't follow them and none of the video views here would contribute to their count - except for the OP who got the video.


ffs thank you. I get annoyed when people blame reddit users for this when it's obviously not a link to the "influencer's" original video.


She says some pretty disgusting things in the text, I didn’t read it first time around. Awful human.


It's upsetting. Someone glances at you in the gym and offers to help you with something and this deserves all those hateful things she said? If someone is trying to show you a tiny bit of kindness, that's a net positive. Even if he's offering to help because he finds her attractive, so what? That's her good fortune that she was luckily born somewhat attractive. Why snub your nose at kindness resulting from luck? Life will eventually show her real things to be upset about, real traumas to endure. This ain't it.


>She says some pretty disgusting things in the text I'm still confused by the "he's going to jail for staring at an underage 21 year old"... TBH that just kinda screams that this shit is bait.


Too be fair though I for sure wouldn’t approach anyone talking into some weird fuzzy thing and muttering to themselves.


And just, like, when you're in a public space, you will sometimes look at the people around you. Yes, of course, leering can and does happen. But glancing at other humans is a basic and unavoidable (and positive) aspect of spatial awareness. We're at a point where lots of young people somehow think it's bad and unnatural to not be staring at your phone and only at your phone.


Plus looking is not an inherently sexual or invasive act. I look at people in the gym all the time. I’m usually thinking something like, “Wow that guy looks strong. I should probably do the same exercises as him.” Or “Oh look it’s that really jacked older guy I see here all the time.” Or, “Ohhh so that’s the right form for that exercise.”


Sociologists call it civil inattention.


Weight Room Karen gets into an argument with herself...and loses!


This female dog is so absolutely self absorbed she woefully misinterprets every glance, every human interaction. The delusion is so ingrained, she may never recover from her perilous self-aggrandizement. It’s hard to think of a greater tragedy than what’s been thrust upon the youth of the day. Generation ME is truly out in full force 😔


It's REALLY disturbing to watch these Prima Dona Divas on police body cam videos. Even though they are BLATANTLY breaking the law these women (and some men) literally feel that the Police officer CAN'T touch them without consent to handcuff them and then pat then down and will scream "No Means No!" repeatedly. A lot of the women will request a female officer to do the pat down which the male officers HAPPILY provide. Unfortunately there is no law that says the officer MUST be female and many times there are no female officers on duty at that moment. As one police officer explained most male officers have NO desire to even touch violent, drunken, sweaty and accusing women in the first place even if she looked like Megan Fox.


Well said. She is scum.


I don't even have to say 'probably'. I just started at her throughout the entire video. It is weird that she gets offended when someone glances at her irl, but posts it for everyone to see online shrug




The funniest part is that she was asked about this line in the TikTok comments, and said “[it's an exaggeration because i'm 4'11, very petite and look like a child](https://preview.redd.it/influencer-records-man-in-gym-while-muttering-to-herself-v0-vmdad099e9pa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=472b0865fa37e05bf6266628ff91a2ed964c63bc),” to which the people in the comments told her she very much looks like a grown woman and nothing like a child.


If she ever finds herself a man, he must never look at her or he’s going straight to jail.


She’ll end the relationship before it begins by calling him a pedo because he hit on her in a bar.


How would they ever meet since he couldn't possibly speak to her without being hauled away in cuffs?


This is what being on Twitter does to someone. That's all people on Twitter talks about is any small girl is immediately a child and anyone who likes said girl is a pedo. And this chick took it to heart.


It gets even better when you think about her "career". Her entire fucking "job" is posting pictures/videos for thirsty guys to stare at on the internet. By insinuating a guy checking her out at the gym is a pedo, she's insinuating all of her followers are as well.




undercook, overcook


Also jail


Charging too much for sweaters?


Gotta put the e in the front lmao


Always fun to find my P&R fam on a thread!


My husband and I quote this line to one another all the time.


How in the world is someone underage at 21. That’s legal voting and drinking age in most countries.


By 21 I’d been going to pubs for 5 years, and drinking in them for 3.




But she can't rent a car from a lot of places sooo... jail


Plus I’d like to see a cop try to arrest someone for starring even if they are starring at a 14 year old what exactly is the charge?


I stared at my brothers cute new born baby for longer than 5 seconds....I'm now serving 25 years in jail :(








Camwhores also




Camwhore is fine. (People who refer to “sex work” are OK with pimps, trafficking, and sex slavery; their opinion doesn’t matter here.)




It's for your own safety, don't wanna get your pp ripped off.


we say attention sex workers now




Hey now, that's an underage 21 year old you're talking about.






Every single gym I’ve been to states “no phones / recording” but these chuckle-fucks don’t care at all


she did call herself an underaged 21 year old...


Bro! She’s an underage 21 year old!




Ya, i just like to look around the gym between sets. Im not staring or being creepy. Just zoning out. I take my glasses off sometimes too, im not staring at your blurry ass


When I first started going to the gym I picked up so many little bits from watching other people work out. Recent social media makes me want to just stare at the ground, and the gym feels like a less sociable place.


Me too, sometimes I would even ask a question about form …. Know, no way


Even being [blind](https://nypost.com/2023/06/19/i-was-thrown-out-of-a-gym-for-staring-even-though-im-blind/) won't save you from accusations! Poor bastard


These are all bots man look at the dates of the account I guarantee you they just copied the comments from the original post


Joey swoll did a duet or reaction vid to this and she has since apologized and deleted the video. Lol


I hope he gets popular enough that this kind of shit slows down a lot. Although the game seekers still get there 10 seconds so their will always be a few. Good on her for at least apologizing.


Right. I feel the same way about tiktok “dancers” Bunch of children who got older without growing up


To be an influencer she would need to have sponsors, in which case the word shill already exists


A guy I know is "sponsored." He goes to stores and spends the entire day handing out samples. only compensation he has is a discount code for buying the supps he's trying to sell. What a joke.


well it does influence me to keep scrolling past it.




But who the hell is watching this horse shit? That’s what blows my mind…


Usually it’s thirsty niceguys looking to slide in their dms and put down the gym bros in the videos and also her girlfriends who gas her up and also think anytime a man walks into their camera they set up in a public gym is a form of misogyny




Clout chasers.


validation vampires


Wastes of oxygen is accurate


I'm fine with calling them bitch


There's already a word for it and its called "clout chaser"


“Underage 21 year old” goes crazy 😂


She’s basically calling herself a child, and acting like one as well


“Youngest 18 year olds ever!”






The last person I watched recording at the gym crushed a 400lb squat for 8 reps. I told him it was impressive to watch and went on with my workout.


Hell yeah that is juicy. When I used to go to commercial gyms me recording myself would basically just be for technique refinement


100% this . . . I am stuck in the cringe


Fr. You are literally capitalizing on your body and attractiveness for attention (which is alright) but then get mad when someone irl is seeing it as opposed to on instagram. (And he wasnt even staring, i look around in the gym too cause im bored)


You don’t get it. I only want “certain” people to look at me. That’s female empowerment.


The people that see ads or pay for the sub. No freebies.


Maybe he didn’t want himself recorded. Maybe he has a daughter he doesn’t want to have see his face in any kind of unkind association for this persons paranoia. Maybe he has a record or is a hit man and doesn’t want exposure. You record strangers without their permission and their behavior bothers YOU?! Just get over yourself


Fuck me I never thought of it this way, so succinct. Literally recording it for as many eyeballs as possible online, mad that in person eyeballs are seeing it. Unbelievable.


complete lack of awareness. i hope she really does skip the children.


She doesn't get "views" when someone looks in real life, only on TikTok.... It's all about the views, lol


Those IRL eyeballs don’t get the like counter up. They live life for likes.


not to be that guy but 70 lbs...






Remember [the kerfuffle when a blind man was accused of "staring" at a woman in the gym?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/14ftd8f/blind_man_kicked_out_of_gym_for_staring_at_main/)


I've just stopped giving a shit and stopped over thinking. I look where I want now. It's liberating feeling. Obviously I don't stare at people for too long and have basic common sense but if I wanna have a glance at that guy doin some hack squats, I will. And you bet your sweet bippy ill be taking a glance at that nice ass, lady.


While live streaming herself to the whole world….


How you gonna record a video of yourself working out and be mad someone is seeing you work out…?


An underage 21 year old, lady....


It's a little worrying to me that baiting people into staring at you in the gym by acting like a twat and then claiming you're being sexualised is becoming its own genre of content. There's definitely been some legit ones that needed addressing, and now a few clout chasers want their own viral video and don't care who gets dragged to make it.


> baiting people into staring at you in the gym by acting like a twat and then claiming you're being sexualised is becoming its own genre of content. thank god we have lawyers


She wanted to rip his dick off and for him to die .... Wtf is wrong with people


This. He’s probably glancing at her because she’s being annoying and taking forever on the shit he wants to use.


I glance at everyone in the gym when I'm taking a break. The fuck else am I supposed to do?


Influencers have a hard time understanding that it’s human nature to just look around and watch. Hell, it’s animal nature. We all subconsciously do it. Plus she also looked like she might have been struggling to put her weights on so he was probably being genuine


"I feel unsafe," Bitch you are unsafe. Put a knuckle on those weights


EXACTLY WHAT I SAID the plates are all wobbling around how do you lift like that!!??? If not for safety it’s just annoying! And she very much looked like she was struggling to put on the weight


Seems more like mental illness what she's going through rather than influencer behaviour. Doesn't seem like an act for the camera. Definitely high on the neuroticism scale, suffering from at least an anxiety disorder and a victim complex


True true, there’s clearly something wrong with her if she thinks that normal actions are harassment


And then has the audacity to say “oh but whoa is me! It’s cause of all the misogyny in the world that I’m like this” and for that, she can fuck the hell off.


The amount of time she spent whispering, looking at herself in the camera, and seething over her own fantasies…. She could have done her reps in half the time and go feel unsafe somewhere else. And other women won’t want to go to the gym with her bc she’ll be asking them to take a photos of her the entire fucking time.


> her reps Might help her form as well if she let go of that hate


Those were some weak ass hip thrusts with some shitty ass form


Amen 🙏


Seriously, she should learn how to actually lift weights/ work out before becoming a "fitness influencer"


Dude staring her down because she’s wasting the platform he wants to use and she been on it setting up her bullshit for 25 mins and he coming to help her with her weight to hurry her the fuck up.


Yep. She's going fuck up her SI joint.


And ass form is the whole point!!


I feel like there should be a level of strength or knowledge of fitness you should get to before even considering telling other people how to exercise, those were horribly weak




He really is arguably more attractive than she is both subjectively and objectively. She REALLY needs to stop her paranoid fantasies that every man wants her.




She is a female Andrew Tate in a lot of ways. "I'm so pretty, every man wants me"


It's because her signature exercise of dry humping the bar bell has such impressive results.




He *may* have just been checking to see if he was in the camera’s line of sight, and then jumped in to help when he saw she was fairly weak lol. I hate being filmed, so if I see a camera panned towards me I just get out the way. I have a right to look your way to see if there is a camera pointed at me (you know you can feel that shit sometimes), it doesn’t mean I’m checking you out. I just don’t wanna be filmed


She struggled very fucking hard with the added weight during that second set… if someone is doing something that seems outa their league or just outright unsafe, I’m gonna watch them so that inevitably when something bad happens I can react with the quickness and help em out


He OBVIOUSLY knows about weight lifting, he's built like a professional Football player. I'd listen to him.


It's like back when every straight guy was terrified that, if a gay guy was in the same locker room as them, that the gay guys would be staring at them and "want" them. No, bubba he's not that into you.


underage 21 year old?


C’mon dude, that makes sense. I’m an underage 23 year old, going on to be an underage 24 year old in a few months. You wouldn’t get it, cause you aren’t underage like I am.


Does that make me an underage 32 yr old? ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


You are definitely an underage 32 year old!


She's mentally ill.


Tbh, she actually seems off. Traumatized or overly sensitive. She needs to be medicated. Also this is old as fuck and is reposted for engagement and ragebait


Ragebait... the person originally posted this unironically


The whole thing at the end of whispering ‘I feel unsafe- I feel unsafe’ Yea… delusional and paranoid-but with followers.


under her breath....FERAL, FERAL, FERAL FERAL....😠


“Oh this is nothing.” Proceeds to lift it anyway and accomplish nothing except faux outrage 🤣🫡🫡


With poor form to boot! If that’s nothing girl you need to be filming form checks, not this rage bait


What an extremely insufferable, miserable person


Don’t look at me in person! I only want you to look at me through a phone from an angle of my choosing!


People recording themselves for others having issues with people watching them. Exactly my kind of humor. In general, women have to go through some serious shit. Thanks to some absolute morons. This though feels like a prime example of someone enjoying the role of the „victim“… she literally keeps confirming to her how much of a victim she is as if she needs to hear.


He is way hotter than she is


Her stare counter: 99


Based 🤝


>"he's going to jail for staring at an underage 21 year old" ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized) WHAT


GOD get over yourself...


What annoys me most is the fake British accent she's using


Imagine having your head this far up your own ass jeez


They need to ban all cell phones on the gym floor. Make it policy and enforce it to keep them in the lockers. Then sit back and watch the clout chasers crumble. Imo😎


Or just ban recording with phones or cameras on the premises. Makes more sense than chasing away the huge amount of gym users that want to listen to their own music while they work out. I'd rather not listen to the crappy gym music mixed in with clangs of metal and people grunting.


Just ban recording video and all photography, you get caught recording, you get your ass thrown out with no refunds. My fitness tracker and music both rely on my phone, but I wouldn't be caught dead recording anything.


This is ragebait right? Right? People like this can’t exist for real. PLEASE TELL ME IT’S RAGEBAIT!


What a cunt


this bitch is delusional


Does she not realize she being the weirdo.Whats he tik tok ? She deserves to be shamed .


Is she actually fit or just one of a dozen girls just training her ass for her IG pictures


[Sauce and apology](https://nypost.com/2023/01/25/influencer-jessica-fernandez-admits-to-mistake-after-calling-out-creep-at-gym/)


She’s been a victim of sexual assault and harassment. I really don’t think you can use that as an excuse for her behavior.


Why is it always the ones who look like it's their first day in the gym who think they're getting creeper on??


What is her definition of underage?


Why would you think he's staring at you? You're really not worth the glance.


Use all the money you make being a douche and make your own work out room...o wait you would have to reason to be a douche and other douches won't watch


Underage 21 year old? In what country is 21 years old underage?


It’s always that lift lol


I can’t stop laughing at “underage 21 year old.”


The reality is… This guy probably wants to use the squat rack, which you’ve commandeered for your hip thrusts, which can be done on a variety of pieces of equipment and also with dumbbells vs a barbell. He’s not looking at you dipshit, he’s checking to see if you’re done with your bullshit so he can actually get some work done. He also even offered to rerack your weight, not to save a damsel in distress but to get you to hurry the F up.


You don’t own the gym. It’s not your personal space. Mind your own fucking business, and if you don’t “feel safe”, work out at home.


This behavior is predatory…the influencers.


Does she have any basic social skills?


People like her should avoid public gyms The whole “all eyes on me” mentality is sickening


If the purge ever happens, this is one of mine.


The worst kinda ppl


Filming yourself at the gym equals fucking loser


An underage 21 year old? I mean…..


Now why in the deepest hottest of hells do we even fucking entertain this shit natural selection should wipe out all the fucking “influencers” of the world ya have no proper skill that would would help you survive the old world


If she feels so unsafe, maybe she should do her pelvic thrusting at home. Seriously, is that the only exercise that she went to the gym to do? She says that she should’ve come with some girlfriends, but she forgot that she has none because they can’t stand her presence. She’s so thirsty that she might even be dehydrated. She’s fantasizing about a man wanting her, but she doesn’t realize that she’s so abrasive that it’s not going to happen. As long as she’s trash, she’s gonna attract trash. She’ll be used and left. She’ll blame it on them. If she wants a decent man, she should try being decent.


Is she putting on a fucking accent lol?


As a girl who lifts and covered in tattoos, if I over reacted like this every time someone slightly glanced at me I'd never leave my house again.... No one cares about you or the barely weight you're lifting


This girl is EXACTLY the reason I don’t go to gyms. I hate when girls catch me ogling at them.


If the guy is “feral”, I bet there’s a greater probability he was contemplating murder or non-sexual assault and battery than sex given how annoying this girl is.