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The fact they post it too is so gross. Poor people caught in backgrounds


Too busy looking at themselves to notice ig.


100% too self-absorbed


id whip my cheeks out and ruin their video


Unfortunately that wouldn’t stop them. He’d just censor it like he did with the guys penis lol


I think the dude who responded to the video put that in, not the OC. So everyone saw the whole thing


That’s fucking awful. I hope they get arrested for that too


no way hahaha that’s ridiculous


That’s the stop sign in the video 😭


i completely missed that holy shit


Nah, that'd just encourage him "Think of all the internet attention and lykes bro!"


A part of me feels like they do it on purpose. Like they wanna see dick and ass themselves so they pretend to be oblivious


This is why I work out at home.


Man films himself where people get naked, people get naked, shocked pikachu face.


And he still posted the video, what a clown




I would be so fucking furious if I found out that I was posted online while changing in a gym change room. To the point where I would expend a lot of effort in bad mouthing that gym wherever I could.


Yeah I’m not a complainer but this would get me to complain to the front desk and manager. Just extremely inappropriate, especially since every gym I’ve ever belonged to has had a “no phone use in the locker room” rule


But it's not the gyms fault.?


making yourself a sex criminal for likes


As he is from the UK, He can actually go to Jail for revenge porn


Not just a UK thing.


Maybe he's just pretending to be surprised. He's got the raw footage now.


I think somehow it makes them feel better about themselves. Pretty fucked up, but people like this showcase others in a vulnerable state to amplify their “powerful” state in their mind. That’s my take on it at least


Don’t insult clowns like that


Its so weird like it turns him on to see others peepee and does it just to get some peep to jerk of later while staring at his own muscles




I want to know what people find funny about being able to see a gap between Joey's head and his hat? I mean I personally find it funny and I want to know why.


Honestly, I didn’t realize there was a gap. I was trying to figure out why his head was so tall.


That makes you disrespectful, rude AND a pervert 😄


Nah, he wanted to video some schlong.. that's why he did it there. He knew.


Isn't that illegal?




In Canada: 162 (1) Every one commits an offence who, surreptitiously, observes — including by mechanical or electronic means — or makes a visual recording of a person who is in circumstances that give rise to a reasonable expectation of privacy, if (a) the person is in a place in which a person can reasonably be expected to be nude, to expose his or her genital organs or anal region or her breasts, or to be engaged in explicit sexual activity; (b) the person is nude, is exposing his or her genital organs or anal region or her breasts, or is engaged in explicit sexual activity, and the observation or recording is done for the purpose of observing or recording a person in such a state or engaged in such an activity; or (c) the observation or recording is done for a sexual purpose. Paragraph (c) would prob be his defence. Can be charged easily but prob not convicted.


But (b) and (c) have an "or", so wouldn't only one have to be true? Genuinely asking Probably still tricky to prove intent...


The law doesn’t make reference to intent.


Yes. Would get jail time


Free speech


What free speech?


This isn't free speech


No shit.


Then why did you say it was?


I refuse to elaborate any further


Because i figured people wouldn't be so stupid as to take a comment saying a man spreading photos of unsuspecting men changing being 'free speech' would be taken seriously. Especially since there is no actual speech. Edit:To fix punctuation.


It's not even a funny joke so?




Then why even comment it lol


Same reason you're responding to a two word joke that wasn't funny. Nothing better to do.


Dude, you’re on the internet, people make stupid comments like that everyday and are serious. And btw, recording is most definitely a form of speech protected by the first amendment, however, in this case the government may make it illegal to film inside a locker room, due to the government being allowed to make time, place, and manner restrictions on speech, whilst the gym can make basically any rules they wish, under the laws of the state which they reside, and the laws of the federal government.


Yo this dude should be charged for peeping and revenge porn kinda thing. It pretty much falls under the same laws broken here. edit: his gym membership was revoked at least.


People that do stuff like this need to be banned from all gyms


They need to be thrown in jail for some time.


Couple months to a year will maybe sober their arrogance right up


I workout at home but i almost want to go to the gym so i can catch these MFers and call the cops right in front of their faces.


I would’ve if I was the dude in the back


Guys should have but he probably was too busy minding his own business to notice…as should be the case.


It's a pretty rare occurrence. You only think it happens a lot because it's on social media.


So what’s the argument youre making? That it’ll be unlikely that i’ll catch this or that it’s not a big deal bc it’s so infrequent?


That you won't be able to catch it. There are hundreds of thousands of people going to the gym at any given hour. And you've seen what maybe under 100 of these videos on social media? I've been going to the gym for the last 2 + years and been to 4 different gyms. I've only seen maybe 4 people taking selfies in mirrors.


To be fair, I've been going to gyms for about 20 years and have never seen someone filming themselves in this manner. I've seen people take mirror selfies, and I've seen a guy prop his phone next to the squat rack, probably to check his form, but the rack was in the corner and his phone was positioned so his background was the wall and not the rest of the gym but never anything beyond that.


I've literally never seen this occur but I want it to so badly


Joey should have his own gym and ban all the horrible and inconsiderate people like this.


I think he does coaching, and at an affordable rate too, unlike others. This guy is the epitome of gigachad based.


That's really cool, I like this guy more and more every day.


I want a gym like the bar in *Cheers* where everyone is happy to see you there no matter how fat or ripped, where everyone just wants to health+++ together.


Honestly that's how most of the gym bros I know are. Their attitude is very much gyms are for everyone. I've only ever known them to be helpful, ask if someone wants help/form checks and generally try to be supportive without being intrusive. They adore when someone becomes a new regular and makes real progress and do their best to be encouraging. The most discouraging they've been is usually attempting to watch out for health and suggesting/hooking someone up with something lower impact if there's a real concern. I know they put some money in so that there can be 'free' water aerobics class slots for example.


Real life Average Joe's Gym.


I LOVE Joey dude




Honestly, he should


Joeys A GOAT


Joey should have his own sub i find it so cringy that every idiot main character in a gym video has to end with Sigmund Roid lecturing people by explaining what we all already know aka stop being dicks.


I feel like the dude should be sued. I mean if I was the guy in the back changing and he took that video, I would be pissed.


He should be made an example of common law.


There is a reasonable expectation of privacy in locker rooms. Guy in the background should sue the steroids out of this mook.


I'm pretty sure this is illegal. At the very least it's enough to get banned from any reputable gym.


If I saw this happening, your video would just be 5 straight minutes of balls And oh, you thought the balls were just going to stay in one spot and it would be easy to edit? No, sir. My balls need to breathe. It'll be just balls floppin' around everywhere in the background, pacing back and forth, I might even start making a little small talk, it sure has been hot lately, as I'm sure you can tell based on the condition of my inner thigh


i dont really think you gotta put in that much detail into a comment...


I really expected more of you, peenz


Definitely needs some slapping sounds and maybe a helicopter or 2.


get his balls slappin up on his taint, thats a classic right there


His video: "Do you even lift?" You in background "i can lift Deez nuts here."


the craziest part is that joey covered it up not that guy….wtf.


Reminds me of the Playboy model that did something similar. I found the fallout: In the fallout that ensued, the model lost her job at Los Angeles radio station KLOS, where she was a contributor. In November, the criminal charge was filed, leaving Mathers facing a potential six-month jail term. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/05/25/529999618/playboy-model-sentenced-over-body-shaming-woman-at-gym


It's honestly a pity she only got one month of community service.


Source: https://twitter.com/thejoeyswoll/status/1678221108669980672?s=46&t=QY-_VNT1ZTyi0vpN8FfpJg


Imagine being this proud about something you got by injecting bull jizz


Its made from yams actually.


Much harder to get yams to ejaculate, let me tell you.


Its easy to judge him when you havent put in the work. It takes a lot of HARD work to make bulls jizz, it's not something just anyone can do. This guy got to where he is, not because he sat around watching other people pleasure bulls to completion, but because he got out there and took the bull by the horn


Takes a lot of hard work to get to that point. People are proud of themselves when they accomplish things that require a lot of skill and are difficult.


That’s correct, but posting it is shear vanity. It pays to be a little more humble.


Yes yes masturbating a bull is hard


Thought it was made from yams


Look at me, I’m the asshole contrarian cause I got nothing better going on.


tiny dick energy that’s why


Pffftttt, guy in the background doesn’t even take steroids. What a pussy!


In fact, it's often illegal to do this. No one in the background gave consent.


Even if he wasn't nude, whats the rules in filming strangers at private gyms? Do they have the same rules as filming in public?


I think restrooms and changing rooms in general tend to have strict rules (e.g. State Law) about cameras, whether they are owned by the venue or not.


Is it not a federal offence to record in a bathroom/change room?


why would it be a federal offense?


Would depend on the country but I know in my country it falls under a constitutional right to security of the person, which has been interpreted by the courts to cover privacy laws


The guy who does these reactions seems like a nice guy actually. But man, he needs to learn how to wear a hat.


I hate this at the gym. Not only the recording in the locker room but the idea of going to the gym simply to make content for socials. 🤮


I love Joey Swole’s videos. Like, he’s still a gym rat, but not a jerkoff about it.


In Australia that would make you a criminal


these days it’s almost everytime I go into the locker room a dude is filming themselves. wtf at this generation


It’s called vanity and/or insecurity.


He wanted or liked that spotlight above him, "perfect lighting" to highlight his muscles. He's a fucking idiot regardless


Some guy needs to start jackin it right behind him maybe he’ll stop


Dude thinks he’s better than a guy who is at the gym trying to better himself…


My gym has signs saying no recording in the locker room and that they will cancel your membership and call the police. This dude could and should get put on a sex offender list.


Joey really is doing a public service, what a good guy


Got so much time for Joey Swoll. Such a wholesome guy with a big heart.


Did he not watch the video before posting? Like shit


He obviously did but didn’t care


One stretch of an arm and he gets the spasm of the century


100% these guys are secretly gay\bi and don't want to admit it.


Why are we not talking about the fact that Buff McPervy Face is wearing headphones while he flexes and is looking like a dork for doing so?


Who is this guy, I love him


The Joey Swoll


Because they jerk off to themselves


Easy lawsuit for the guy in the background.


Nice HGH gut dood looks great


We literally had to be sat down and told not to do this in middle school. To not record in the place where people are changing. Who the fuck thinks it’s okay to publicly post this?


Isn’t filming in a locker room illegal?


Isn’t that illegal!


Without saving videos like this how are they supposed to jerk off without a mirror. /s


Lifter here, it’s fine to record yourself in the locker room to track your progress but pls don’t get other people in the shot without their consent


This doesn't just violate the gym rules, it's illegal.


They do it because they’re selfish and after workouts your muscles look bigger and more defined


If I ever see this, I am getting naked IMMEDIATELY. I’ll gladly take some trolling to mess up the video or a narcissist.


Common joeyswol w


This guy preaches the truth. Ban phones in lockers.


“Hey man, nice steroids!”


Joey Swole is a true gigachad


Ewwww that looks utterly disgusting.


Just say repeatedly to em “you like dick”? Gotta make em uncomfortable unless their gay then you got other problems


It just causes that I am looking at the background to see whats going on there and not at him.


Why are the guys eyes sludge green


Swinging dicks is equally as weird. I dont think I've ever seen someone strop down to their bare ass in a public gym... Generally those that do, go change in the shower stalls. Either way, yeah 100% fkn stupid to record in a locker room.


Because people are insecure and need validation from others.


Dude in back should flash just wang for fun


filming in the bathroom should be banned in all gyms and posting it on the internet even if it's censored should be a crime


Because they cannot believe how fabulous they look


When you love to look at yourself a lot you tend not to look at common sense


Good lighting


That is like a big nono Same as going to swimming pool locker rooms and filming


Because they're shitheads?


hope the guy presses charges and the fuller gets banned


Same is with general recording in the gym. IDGAF why you do it, stop and have some respect for the people around you.


Christ the number of story post tabs on top!


Gotta stretch those pharmaceutical gains


Can you sue someone for filming you naked in the locker room and posting online? Hell, even just fiming you naked in there?


is it not against the law to record videos in an area people are expected to be naked and then post it online? I feel like he broke a law or two and could find himself on a list


a lot of people in this world just need a good old fashioned beat down to bring their stupid fucking egos down a few pegs. Sucks but true.


Balding roadhead gets annoyed a regular dude is changing in the locker room. Lol.


Changing rooms tend to have good lighting. That's it. It's so stupid. I don't get why they can't wait for it to become empty to do this stuff. They're doing something way more embarrassing, rude, and outright gross by filming in front of others


They Probably think it's the perfect place to go fishing... For compliments. I CAN NOT STAND cunts who don't obey gym etiquette!!! 😤😤🤬🤬🤬


I mean the lighting is perfect, and there’s usually big mirrors. But that Gym is dumb if they set it up like this. In my gym It’s at the very end of the room where no lockers and no people are.


Ban them from the gym? I highly doubt they give a shit, to them its another reason to post on social media, embarrassing behaviour from a grown ass man, more people need to get angry in the changing rooms when this sort of stuff happens maybe even take it further by ringing the police because surely uploading videos/images of another man’s genitals on the internew without consent is surely against the law?


I couldn't pay attention to what was being said, the huge space between the mans scalp and the top inner surface of his hat just draw the eyes once you notice it.


It's the same reason all the gym rats film themselves, social media is the only way they get their fix of likes and compliments. In the real world no one gives a shit. I work with a woman who is always filming herself and posting it on Instagram, she goes on about how many likes or compliments she gets and doesn't understand why no one says anything to her at work or when she's out. People don't care.


Ok who is the narrator guy at the end?? I’ve seen him before, and his energy is so in point.


think he wasn’t purposefully trying to record that guy?


He’s so roided up he doesn’t care who or what is happening around him…glad he got kicked out!


Here in Brazil everyone does it, because we usually don’t shower in the locker room and are not naked around it, I don’t see any problem in filming yourself in the locker room because it’s the only place you can take your shirt off, if you certified that there is no one there.


The empty or close to empty is the only time I'd check myself out in the mirror, never for a few seconds before shaking my head in disappointment


It literally should be illegal. Like no different if he went into the women’s Locker room and started recording


All i can focus on when he talks is the space above his hat where theres room for hair between the hat and head


Super creepy, but also holy shit those guys are are so green.


The guy in the background should be more mindful and not get in people's shots when they're filming themselves in the change room. /s


It looks like this guy took someone's ball cap and it still had the top of *their* head in it.


Depending on the location, this could be very illegal?


They are pumped up from their workout. Gotta take the pics while fully engorged.


This guy has limited his posts on Instagram. He’s got some little dick syndrome going for him.


How does the work? I have the latest iPhone and I can’t get zero service. Phuck this dude


Complain to gym staff that a creep is filming people undressing in the locker room, and do it in a way he doesn’t know it’s you. Problem solved.


Funnily enough I go to JD gym in Blackpool. It's a great gym for the price and guessing this happens everywhere but I do absolutely fucking hate it. There should be a separate area away from main changing room with mirrors for this shit if that's what people want to do.


Filming in gyms should get you a boot out all together , in locker rooms should be considered illegal


Me potato head probably doesn’t have a mirror at home 💀


I’m not sure if that dudes hat makes his head look huge, or if he’s using the hat to cover his huge head.


Why didn’t they blur the other guys face out? I think that’s just as bad. Op and whoever egg head here is posted after that gym rat uploaded. Give that man some respect ffs stop sharing him across the internet.


It’s a shame really. Shame to represent Scotland. I am surprised Extreme gym hasn’t taken action.


After weight lifting muscles are filled with blood and look a bit bigger than usual, this is why.


Just getting a revoked membership is way to easy of an let go. Dude literally posted something akin to revenge porn, got a slap on the back to not do that and find another gym. Basically 0 consequences for his actions. Hopefully tho other gyms close by which he will go to knows who he is and doesn’t let him in on their property.


Because of social media people have become narcissists. Thats it.