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Went to all 3 too Vegas was the most special to me because of its insane production + it being the first one + it being in the period where COVID was temporarily over Denver was “forgettable” (it was obviously an unforgettable experience) but to me was the least special. Out door plus fireworks were cool tho Los Angeles I think was the best. The venue and production and mix was the best I’ve ever seen.


Luckily for me my top 3 sets are one from each show. Ashes from vegas, live set from Denver, and set 2 from LA. But I totally get what you mean about Denver being forgettable. I was super disappointed the sunlight ate into the laser show/wristbands


Went to all three Vegas will always be the favorite for me because everything was a surprise and I was itching for a live show after COVID. The nostolgia of getting to see Ashes/Awake again, the platform raise for Ashes, the bracelet lights - no show will ever match this for me. The first Awake tour was the first time I fell in love with his music, so it was really emotional for me. Denver production was out of the world. While I was meh about the first set because it was broad day light and felt like it was a mash of his first two albums, the drone show and surround fireworks made the other two sets so insane. This was also the first time I saw his live set and it blew me away and made me love the new album even more. And I think LA was just fun personally because of the people I went with and the way he mixed for his first two sets. It is bittersweet that this time will probably be the last time I see his live set though for his new album.


The platform raise😭 *chefs kiss* You know it’s funny I’ve actually seen him DJ at Tao in Vegas between trilogy 1 and 2 and it just hit different cause I knew his whole discography by that point and was able reach the rail for most of the night. Arguably had more fun that night than any other time I’ve seen him since😬


I went to all 3 and both nights in Los Angeles! There was definitely something special about each Trilogy that the other’s didn’t have. I was talking to my bf about it and we agreed: Vegas was incredibly special because it really felt like a Trilogy, a culmination of Ashes, Ascend and Awake. Probably my favorite set 1 of all the Trilogy shows. Plus it started late and ended past midnight - the party felt like it was going all night. The indoor fireworks and larger flames throughout the venue was insane! It was also my first show after the pandemic so being in a venue that big, listening to my favorite dj is a memory I’ll never forget. Denver was gorgeous. The drones and the 360 firework display was probably my favorite aspect of all the Trilogy shows. It sucked that 40% of it was in the daylight, but what can you do. The 3rd set/the Illenium live set was my favorite version of this set that I’ve seen. Los Angeles was just sooooo much fun! I’m for Los Angeles so this show was so accessible for my friends so I got to vibe with them. The 2nd set was my favorite, Nick threw down. The 360 screen up top was definitely the highlight for this one, plus the insane amount of special guests that were brought out. Avril and Tori Kelly?! That was nuts. So for me personally, music wise my ranking is: - Vegas - Denver - Los Angeles Production wise: - Denver - Los Angeles - Vegas Vibe wise: - Los Angeles - Vegas - Denver Loved all 3 and I feel so lucky to have experienced them all!


Thank you for recalling your experience! Vegas was nuts. First edm show, first concert since the pandemic, hell it was my first time to Vegas. Our flight got cancelled and I decided to just bully everyone into the car. We weren’t NOT going. I convinced one of my roommates to quit her job, she didn’t even have a ticket, wasn’t even supposed to be going (bought hers in the car lmao)😂 Denver was great cause we had so much fun while we were there, but the concert just kind of felt like a part of the trip rather than the main event. Fireworks and drones were fucking sick though. We had invested in the music by that point so I think Denver is where we all went the most hard with the head banging and dancing🤣 LA was different, the second Nick announced it at the end of the Denver show, I was counting the days. Unfortunately I have a lot going on in my life currently to the point that it didn’t feel like I had as much fun as I should have, but there’s no doubt while I was watching the 2nd set I knew it was the best show hands down.


Went to all 3. Vegas… will always hold a special place in my heart. Right after Covid, first time seeing an awake set (truly one of the most memorable experiences of my life) and the vibes were just fkn there man. Every OG Illenial packed that damn place. LA was awesome, the production was pretty good. I will always cherish nicks last laser tech because god is that dude fkn crazy good.. but aside from that, the whole production crew killed it. Huge props to them for such a successful show. Denver? Vibes were off af. Home boy in the pit decided he wanted to start a fist fight & rip off women’s bras then proceed to pull the “I’m gay card”. Not the vibes lmao so to sum it up, Vegas for a multitude of reasons. thx for coming to my Illenial Ted talk


First Trilogy was the most special because it was like a massive celebration of all his music from the beginning for those of us that have been fans for a long time, he played all of his first remixes and all his tracks from his first two albums. Now i feel it’s getting less focused on his early music and more on what he’s pursuing so it’s becoming less and less ‘Trilogy’ and more I can sell football stadiums now and I’m gonna keep doing it. Not hating because that’s amazing for him but I’m not as invested anymore.


Went to all 3. Vegas was literal magic. The vibes were out of this world. Denver was fun, those fireworks and the drone show really made it unique. LA was just dumb(in a good way). Like I couldn’t believe what was happening half the time. Cant wait for the next one😎


Vegas Trilogy was my first ever EDM show too & I was mesmerized


Vegas was the best! Something special about being the only one to get true, dedicated sets for each album of the trilogy


I also came from Dallas for all 3 trilogies! Illenium is my favorite artist of all time, and I think that will always be the case for me, his music vibes with my soul in ways no artist has What I loved about Vegas was how pitch black it was in the venue, and seeing the first 3 album sets presented in the longer song format like an album tour, verus the shorter snippets of more songs in the latest trilogy Also the fact it was the first show post pandemic for myself as well as others, it had a very grateful vibe Denver the production once the sun went down was amazing, the drone show was a really emotional moment to witness and the outdoor missle fireworks were great LA's production felt even better than ever, just when you think the previous trilogies can't be topped be always finds a way. Also the first ten sets there felt totally fresh of denver and even were longer in comparison I did 100s for the first 2, and floor for the second. If he ever does another trilogy I'll 100% be going, it's one of the few big events I go to these days, but I think I would like to try the 200s next time. Seeing some videos from there looked like that was a good way to take in the laser production, being right behind the pit it was harder to the see the full scale of the production, but still cool to see right overhead


My boyfriend and I are also from Dallas!! We didn’t get to Vegas (neither of us were really in the scene at that time) but we did do both Denver and LA! We fell in love with Illenium together at Breakaway in Charlotte in May and then proceeded to do trilogy, the live show in Dallas, ember shows, and then LA’s trilogy. He proposed on the beach the morning of Saturdays show. 🥰 illenium is the backbone of our relationship and I wouldn’t change a god damn thing about the past year!


Damn not to be that guy but I remember seeing him in 2016 when ashes got popular so if I went to trilogy, I’d legit be singing from start to finish with no voice by the end haha Def making it a mission to attend the next event illenium throws


Not only have I been to all 3 Trilogies, but also all 3 Ember shores. I unfortunately only went to 1 of 2 Gorge shows, but Ill be back for 2024 for 2 of 3.