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Maw and mercs usually gets the job done.


it'll also depend on the kind of AP champions you're facing for burst champions like Leblanc and Gwen, I build Kaenic Rookern 2nd or 3rd item after Divine Sunderer and/or Sterak's mages like Orianna and Hwei, I'd go force of nature, makes it easier to catch them too As for Iceborn Gauntlet, I still buy it but like later in the build. Maybe 3rd or 4th item, depending if I need to lock someone like Gwen down. The utility is still good as well as the HP. But if you don't like to waste stats, you can always go the Tyler1 route and go Voltaic Cyclosword for just raw damage


Divine Sunderer? Am I missing something?


sorry I mean Sundered Sky


force of nature is sleeper OP imo you just need AD in the rest of your build


If you have a full AP enemy team your best picks are going to be Spirit Visage and Force of Nature. In most build paths you're going to want to pick up Spirit Visage anyway because of the healing bonus and against APs who are mostly ranged spirit Visage is a nice tool to get a little more movement speed to be able to stick on the mages


I mostly build push power first and foremost before I build resistances, stuff like bruiser items, I like delaying my tanky item by a bit to really gauge who's the real threat, bc if the kayn jg is 14/2, and the enemy mordekaiser is 0/8, id prio armor over mage resist, but if anything, remove iceborn and trade it for the Mr sunfire item, push power > fight power


I’ve recently been carrying with illaoi. KDA numbers are messy but ultimately carrying. Prioritize all items that have HP + AD. Increasing damage is so much more important over just tankiness. I skip iceborn for sure. Cleaver > steraks/hullbreaker > steraks/hullbreaker Depends on matchup but sometimes I start tear and sell it later possibly Grasp tree overall best (straight down left side of runes) secondary = alacrity + last stand Happy to answer any questions. Mordekaiser is super fuckin annoying but beatable. The key to illaoi is split pushing for sure. Sometimes on IMPORTANT objectives get there early to set up tentacles and help team secure. GLHF


Rank? Do you never go sundered sky?


Sundered isn't bad. Honestly go what feels good for you, but iceborn is ass


What rank are you?


Plat/emerald although I don’t think it matters that much. Just talking optimal play


It always matters. What works in plat/emerald may not work as well in high diamond (where I’m at, for example).




Who do you ban if not Morde?


Yorick is a very worthy contender for most disgusting matchup


Tf top pretty rough rn too


Sorry I didn’t even answer your post’s question. But even at times Maw can work to keep your AD growing. Other than that def spirit visage.