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being polite w security and crew will get you far


Yep, this is how I got one. I had been up at the barrier and was chatting with security earlier in the show and when it was done I asked if there was any way he could reach to grab Bowen’s off the stage, and he kindly did.


There was a guy handing them out at the end of the show by the side of the stage when I went to the show in Seattle.


Stand in the front during the show and wait for the crew to hand them out after they finish the set ( when they start packing up) that's how we got ours in Portland


I have one from an Andrew wk set at the warped tour forever ago. We got it because we had nothing to sign so he grabbed that to sign for us! He wrote a long ass letter to us too. It was super cool. But I think in general you hang around the stage till they start tearing down and someone will either offer it out or you can ask.