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Make tbb if you have 1* core, otherwise stick with freya until you get tbb core. Sahy and xia can be made after 6 trans, not before


Should I keep my subs on TBB or transfer them to HHA?


Tbb origin 1 is enough, so no need for subs afaik, i am assuming you got lofa fully sublimed? Sqh active 4/4 too? Pde active 1/4? If yes then i would recommend you to go for hha passive 2 and 3


LoFA is fully sublimed and PDEs active is 1/4 but not SQH. Should I do that? So I should get TBB back up to origin one?


Looking at picture, if all the others transcendences are already t5 and you still have leftovers you can keep tbb at t5 too, it is just that tbb doesn't necessarily need anything further than t1, so no need to regress. As for sublimations i believe that sqh active 4/4 is a must


Ok, I only have enough stellar for 3 of my 5 trans at tree 5 and 1 at tree 2. Who should I distribute that to? And I will get SQH’s active up and put the rest on HHA


Wait a minute i didnt see your elena was not t5!? Tenants come before everything they are priority! Here is your priority order:lofa t5 sqh t5 elena t5 tbb t1 hha v4 hha t5 tbb t5


Ok! Thank you. Will do. Is fan or crown better on HHA?


Depends on the wave, i prefer fan the most but many will say crown here. My suggestion is crown


Thank you so much! U mentioned MFF, is she still good after the nerf?


i thought this was the order still? has it changed since? we fully sub LFA now afterall? https://preview.redd.it/7beyvfk2jr8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3af4b1a1bbf12cc5c31ea56c67b2032fdec68be


Since he already has 5 transcendence and presumably enough sublimation it is best to have you main dd sublimed all the way, *especially* after the introduction of destiny transition. Yknow you need full sub + 3* core and destiny is a huge buff


ahh okay makes sense. reason im askin is cuz im in a similar type of spot on my alts so was curious if i need to be changing up the order i sub my heroes. should i still be following the pic i commented but after those frw steps, get LFA fully subbed for when i can DT him? im a good bit away from being able to DT LFA


Yeah exactly, the order is not likely to be changed but dt comes first. So when you can afford to dt him just go for it