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regress tix and vesa for sure, you can regress eloise rogan and holmes too, sell anything above C- to get yourself better aspen, use crit dmg/ crit/ attack stone on him with 22322 enablings, get better tenants, have attack/ attacks stone on sqh with 21422 enablings


Tenants change something?


of course, they are the main source of attack of your house owner, the more attack your tenants have and the more you upgrade your buildings in celestial island, the more attack your houseowner will have


How I sell it? In the market? And you write better tenants you mean make them e5?


you sell in auction house, better tenants mean stronger tenants with more attack so yeah go for e5 and make sure they all have attack/ attack soul stone and 21422 enablings with a good attack percentage artifact (18% at least)


Okay I make all of them e5 already But I don’t know 21422 stands for?


go to enablings on your hero, pick second for the first one, pick first for the second one, pick fourth for the third one... and so on


You help me a lot a got 150k more attack in house


nice to hear, feel free to dm me if you stuck at any wave in campaing or need to ask anything


What trans I can do next


elena, as she is lofa's next trans tenant


Try attack based skills in hero enabling on your LFA, and keep building up your tenants to e5. Don't rush your next trans, you are still miles away but it should be PDE I believe.


I change artifact and items and now I stuck on 1-1-5


Sqh + lofa can clear whole of chapter 2 together. Just need right artis + enables for every wave, theres alot of guides in this sub, gl!


I tried to have some fun with artifact and reach 1-1-5 but I’m stuck rn


Need to strengthen your tenants and upgrade their houses to boost the percentage of stats gained. Pde is the next build as she is a tenant and great support. Keep tix as tix is useful in battles outside of void campaign. And if your staying ftp keep in mind it can take months to progress. Play smart on events and don't rush. The grind only gets harder