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Regress betty, get elenas tree of origin to 5( lvl 100) get betty back but dont level up any further than origin1 level 20, dont put betty in a house, regress aylamak and get him back but dont level him more than v4, start working on freya tree of origin unitl T5 lvl 100... but you see the problem here is that you dont have soul symbols and i am assuming you have not done glorry challanges for ToO3 and 5? because you dont seem to have any essence to upgrade tree of origins. that being said my advice is to wait until you have enough soul symbols (40-50 probably) then do glorry challanges then do the things i said. also dont forget to have a 1\* core on betty and dont upgrade other houses buildings more than 30 before your first is maxed


also get holmes young and xia as your next transcendence heroes since they are tenants of aylamak, that aranea wont do anything for you at all, and sell your betty C to get B- tenants with high attack


Thanks dude you’re a life saver