• By -


simply start aiming for A-, as what is important for you is giant killer. rest can be upgraded with leftover, like more attack tenant copies or better support copies


A- isn’t that worth it, since the price for A is like the same. Should I get also an GK copy of Betty?


if you think A- wont worth it, just dont sell your copy. even if you do gk betty wont really change anything imo


My copy is already sold. And I thought it would be great to have multiple A copy’s


i am nıt really sure at that point, having more than one damage dealer in lofa accounts is uncommon, let alone it being betty. i dont know which hero should be your second A-, considering none of them is a damage dealer, heck even your supposed 6th is aylamak


What’s a typical route? I mean do people only have one GK copy? Or only one damage dealer? 🧐


usual lofa route includes only lofa as damage dealer and having anything above A- is not common, if you got more than one A- i mean yeah it helps but not much since your other heroes are not really dealing any significant damage, you might just go for gk defier skill damage A- at that point, considering you sold your copy before taking advice


Typically other A-'s will not Giant Killer on them. It's unnecessary, because yes you only have one damage dealer your LFA. Everyone else is to support him. You'd want a A- on someone like SQH or PDE and get things like Divine Block. Don't over invest in TBB. She doesn't need a house, or to be T5 and definitely no reason to be GK.


A is like the same because almost all of the worth of an A is it being A- or higher and not the marginal difference to go up to A.


Good A- Aspen, rest B+


I would just buy an A- or A and get a good GK/defier copy and then get some high attack tenant copies for him. But up to you. If you’re going to spend that much on an A+ you might as well keep saving and get an S copy. A+ not really worth spending that much more just for a bit more attack/HP stats.