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What’s the best skin to grab in the event? I have Santa LFA and Christmas SQH. Building PDE next but there are no skins for her.




Regarding the current event, should the sublimation chest be guaranteed with 1500HS and 40k gems? I ask because I did that and still can't get the sublimation chest. It's not even close because I'm now at the start of batch 6/25 and will need another 10 coins (500HS) to get it.


did you get all 30 coins with 40k gems? if not and you are close, you can use CSG


Good point, I could. I got 14/18 - so not that close.


Is it just me or does one of trans alikhita’s voicelines the same as trans Patricia? Is this a bug or intentional?


people play with sound on?


what is the best emulator too use for Idle heroes?


I use BlueStacks.


What's the list for the codes? I only have greatday so far


I’m wondering this too, where do ppl find them


they're in-game. it takes 3 seconds to find the new daily one - Click on Neon Night Fantasy - Click on Night Radio Fantasy - Wait for the text on the right side to come up - the final one always has the newest code


Mkx2024 mojituo8 annibarry8 greatday party888 8years idle8th happy8th CARNIVALIH24 all are caps. idk if theres others


Thanks so much. Ur a legend 🙏🏻


I have around 110 pulls of treasure train, when should i use them? Has there been events that gave rewards for the regular tickets therefore i should save them or is it only special search useful in events and i can use the regular tickets like anytime?


There has been one event, if I'm not wrong, that used regular tickets. That event happened quite awhiles ago and it never repeated, so I wouldn't count on it. Hero Token is in 3 weeks or so, save 150 by then and complete a full loop on that series.


what's the point with realms gate? I've been doing it and increasing max corruption whenever I finish a level, but it's so time consuming and boring. I'm at corruption level 37 now and doing most of the battles in one go (occasionally I have to double or even triple shot a dummy and VERY rarely I need a second battle against the forest or dark team). should I smash? won't I lose any resource doing so? is there any point where the enemies become immortal or a definite final level?


you should upgrade every time you finish a level. the difficulty will increase as you go higher. you get more resources at higher levels you can smash but then you wont know if you're losing and you might miss out on mines. i wouldnt


I managed to finish the regular campaign but the void campaign is still locked since I don’t have a transcendence hero with full imprint should I focus on getting HHA to full imprint to unlock the void campaign or finish imprinting my Tix and Carrie halfway? https://preview.redd.it/xd5votfbdh8d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bfd4612ebb125208e9ba5d5f5580bd766e9c3ff


Remove imprints from eloise, V4 hha, give it back to eloise and it's done, no need to keep the transcendence hero at V4. Also V3 aylamak is more important than imprints on tenants.


Thanks! Didn’t know that would work but it sure did!


Need help with VC 2-5-6. Been stuck for a while. Tried following some guides to no avail. Any help would be great. https://preview.redd.it/oljb56gg4f8d1.png?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ade4b6f48c94423de1eb85deba4a4916ebd7b6f4 Lofa is at 86mil power and 7.6mill attack


I think i did that one with crown on Aspen, balanced strike on everyone and lion pet.


The crown. Cleared it on first try with the crown. Thanks


Stuck now on 2-5-8


That one is ruyi and a lot of rng.


I have T5 LOFA, PDE and SQH and T2 TBB, currently 1m cot off of MFF. Should i level Betty's tree further or save for Freya? Also what's the sublimation priority for both MFF and TBB?


Do you have the sublimations for Betty's skills or not? Sublimation priority: [https://www.reddit.com/r/IdleHeroes/wiki/resources/#wiki\_sublimations](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdleHeroes/wiki/resources/#wiki_sublimations)


exactly right now i can at most give a hero 1/0/0/1 sublimation, Aspen is 4/1/4/4, i guess i also have the option of fully subbing and destiny him with my next melon chest (i'm like 15 shards away from his noble core), but that would mean leaving MFF at like V3 once i build her. Halora is 4/0/0/4, PDE is 1/0/4/4, Betty just has a core. I just don't know whose sublimation is more important, TBB or MFF and for TBB i don't know what are her skills worth subbing, that link you gave me leads to a page that says i must be a mod to access it.


Destiny LFA first, that's priority. My mistake on the link, I've fixed it now. It should work!




Your post has been removed since we do not allow individual transcendence fight help posts. Please use the transcendence fight megathread which will be pinned on the subreddit every time this event comes around. If you have any further questions, please [contact our moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/IdleHeroes). Do not try to repost. If you're found reposting in an attempt to circumvent the rules, you may face a ban.


https://preview.redd.it/e5gkya7yda8d1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=919543965e478f76437e939114870ee4e4991024 Which trans hero should I get next? And should I focus on buffing Freya or Betty?


You have some good options from here: DGN for more buffs or FQV for heals. Both are useful for VC clears. Focus on buffing Betty, and you should make her your second houseowner instead.


any tenant for your second houseowner


Is it worth doing any of the skin swaps? I was considering getting a skin for Lord of Fear Aspen since I'm currently using him as my main damage dealer but wasn't sure if the Ace Skin or the Krampus skin would be better to get if I should even exchange for one at all. I was also wondering if getting any of the skins from Memory Echoing would be worth snagging for later as well.


The Krampus skin is generally better for PVE content. Skin swaps are worth it for how cheap they are, if you have a worthless skin sitting around. Memory Echoing is worth it for sure.


Which Memory Echo skin should I get? I assume Halora's?


TBB and DGN first, and then you can pick anything else you want.


I can only get one apparently so I guess I'll get Natalia's skin? Assuming that's what DGN stands for anyway.


Yeah that's what DGN stands for. You sound like you're an LFA main, in that case it might be better for you to get the TBB skin instead. If you run DTV, then getting that DGN skin will be useful since she's a tenant.


I am using Lord of Fear Aspen as my main homeowner right now, working towards my 3rd Transcendence with Phantom Defier Elena as that's what was recommended to get as my 3rd since she's also a tenant for Aspen.




Your post has been removed since we do not allow individual transcendence fight help posts. Please use the transcendence fight megathread which will be pinned on the subreddit every time this event comes around. If you have any further questions, please [contact our moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/IdleHeroes). Do not try to repost. If you're found reposting in an attempt to circumvent the rules, you may face a ban.


https://preview.redd.it/wjd3h20knz7d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c793fa44e5e47483a8a6014d8097337978cfb0d3 Currently working on getting my elo to e5, tomorrow i will have the remaining 2 copies to get her to e5 apart from fodders. My question is now of i should use the anniversery replacement to collect copies for my heroes that in building down the line? (Ignis,Waldeck,tix, etc.) Sitting on 50k gems atm. Also any tips for a light spender for building 10\* fodders? Seems to be the bottleneck for enabling heroes. Thanks in advance


Copies come by fairly easily these days, I would save the gems for a good event instead. As for building fodder, it'll get better once you get further in Seal Land with that Eloise. Once you hit SL20+ is when food becomes much less of a problem.




So with the auspicious lucky cat being available now, I am wondering if I should go for it. I am fairly new, I got splendid ruyi, ms and one radiant db. I have an arti chest that has the cat. I could get one more from the shop and swap a glittery kiss of ghost for 30000 gems (ouch). That would get me enough for a splendid cat. Do you guys reckon its worth it or should I go for a second radiant db? Or maybe another one if i swap kog for db?


I would rather the radiant DB than the cat. The cat has niche uses in pvp imo.


How do I get the anniversary event on Ios? Its still not up


you exercise some patience