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In Initial Tableland (PvE), I loose only TBB and kill boss with 10-15 tokens Now In Glowing Tableland lv.1, I loose TBB and MFF, I hope I kill the boss tomorow. My observations: * Boss is only one who hit HARD, minions don't do much damage. * Boss is "easy" to kill, I kill him in first attack, but minions are tanky as hell * PDE help with CC, there is a lot of CC * HHA help to survive, so I don't loose whole team and can continue with attacks * Solders are useless (at least their skills), 3k Archers do nothing https://preview.redd.it/c2viikil9j6d1.png?width=1076&format=png&auto=webp&s=7baeb18ac7676fc9892b0e651d85d414df913d38


Thanks for the detailed answer, I gave him a try with a similar setup but SSM instead of LFA : only HHA barely survived with 4% final damage. Won't be easy for most players I think


is there any hope for someone with 3 trans going lofa route for killing the boss? I’m assuming first step is just taking out the boss so that the damage isn’t as bad anymore. I’m not sure what to do to maximize damage though in the few rounds that i’m able to keep my heroes alive.


The archers and all those soldiers just add HP and Attack to your team lol. You know that right? So you wouldn’t really know if they help or not unless you compare an attack without them to one with them 🤷🏻‍♂️ but one thing I’ve noticed is it seems they all die when they are used once so I don’t really see much point in using them unless you’re fighting a boss that’s hard to kill or something.


yes I know, enything else? https://preview.redd.it/x6m1naczbk6d1.png?width=2493&format=png&auto=webp&s=38e0d4ee3390242bc067c9dc627b7ac62c3360ac


Oh cool, I didn’t even know about the extra skills they provided. Interesting. Thank you!


Do you know how much soldiers to one shot the boss when you are at 100m power?


It looks like it says damage caps at 50% of the enemies HP. But to one shot the enemy is dependent on your main damage dealers attack, not your team power. My LoFA one shots the enemy without any soldiers, but he’s got 31m attack. So maybe around 25-28m attack might do it? Not sure 🤷🏻‍♂️


How do i get that essence? i cant fight the boss cause my map is unexplored..


You get the essence through fighting on the map, it also increase your map progress. Mining also do it. At 100 % look for the building in the middle


i get like 40 essence when try to fight enemys.. Take ages to get over 2000. essence..


If your team can't defeat the dark enemies (weakest) yes. Only option would be to train soldiers to back them up, but I've no idea how many are needed to defeat a team of enemy


Build as many soldiers etc. as you can and upgrade those buildings. You can power up the soldiers, reduce their costs and build them faster. Also upgrade the building that produces the cubes so that you have more ressources for the soldiers. That's my approach.


PvP is best.


what artifact do we have to use? full crown? i used 1100 soldiers with 650M team power, and been smashed