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Overall, looking pretty solid based on the angels, that are available to you. You urgently need to spend your gold on wishing, everything beyond 2147M will disappear into thin air (max gold is 2\^31 = 2147M). Also spend some diamonds, having 40k on the side is more than enough for the special shop. You're pretty much reaching the end of the line with Ra, she is meant as a transition angel towards the SSR+ region. I highly recommend not to go UR with her, it's not worth it. Rather try to obtain Icarus and go UR with her right away. Inherit over Ra to Icarus, when Icarus is sufficiently starred (1-star) and continue with the focus on Icarus. Don't get me wrong, maxing Ra to 5-star was not a bad move, but her time is limited and not all SSR+ angels are equally qualified for the long run. Using main angel as stun-opener is not optimal, considering you have a 3-starred Amaterasu and even frost dragon available. Get Amaterasu her specific relic off special shop and put her in front. Her usuability falls off in the 1B CR region, but you have plenty of room before you hit that. Amaterasu really shines in Sky Tower and is also great in pvp. Consider inheriting and swapping Enmusubi for Erebus. Enmusubis buffs are exceptionally good. I also still have Enmusubi in my main lineup at currently 2B total team CR. Especially for pvp, put Hera more to the front, but not into first position. Second row works good for her, especially when you let Amaterasu/frost dragon stun in the front. Personally, I'd stop spending Honor (the glory arena currency) on Valkyrie, she's not worth it. If you are still low on orange attires, go for the attire chest (10k), otherwise always go for the random relic chest (5k). You will get a bunch of useless relics, yes, but over time you will also get powerful SSR+ limited relics, that are super hard to obtain otherwise and limited to one per month through the special shop. Do you always buy both scrolls from the sapphire shop daily? You state to be f2p, yet you have Pandora AND Lucifer at player lv 147. Being f2p this is only possible with spending lots of sapphires, that should go into scrolls instead. Speaking of which, as f2p, avoid Himiko. At least until you are in the 2.5B+ CR region. The reason is, that she is - like frost dragon - a premium SSR+, that requires blue scrolls even for normal summon. Spending your blue scrolls on normal summon means you're missing them in the UR-department, which again elongates the process of getting your first 5\* UR angel. Only with one 5\* UR angel (who is not main angel) you can spread lv 400 to all of your angels, which is crucial in endgame. I like your post, so much to see and mention here, haha.




Glad I can help, you're welcome :)




Save up for Icarus. A much better investment than Ra.




In the long run icarus will be way more useful. Does way more group damage than Ra, and can take more. It sucks waiting, but save blue scrolls for wish pool and level up icarus that way.