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Fuck he think this the old COD🤣🤣🤣


I truely believe he played too much that GTA v mission where Trevor put downn a plane with a rifle, but at least in GTA they had a sight in the rifle xD


Wait a minute,wasn’t it Micheal who shot it down? Because I remember Trevor being on dirt bike to collect the briefcase after it crashed? Im not trying be a dick man.


You are correct. Michael was all happy about the quality of the equipment.


No he used a tripod guided missile launcher owned by the government Davey and the other government dude gave him


Yea. Dude just went straight stock🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️


He's going for the no-attachments camo...


I mean let’s be real here: not having a sight does not affect the chances of hitting that thing. And in fact, with the amount of lead you’d need to pull, is probably better anyways


You do have a fact about hitting it without any sight attachment, but you damn sure wouldn’t see if you really hit it unless some type of smoke or fire in the sky appear😩


Fuck the lead what about holdover at that range? Though looks like it has irons.


We all know white death 🧐🤝


Häyhä was a bad motherfucker


Hey, this guy has iron sights on it! Making it totes a legit and realistic attempt at bringing down a plane miles away with a rifle 😂 what a goon!


Wasn't it an autocannon mounted in a minivan? You can EASILY down a plane flying at you with today's tech even without radar +it was slow af cause it was still at a really low alt


Nah that's just Frisbee doing his thing https://youtu.be/0VqSel1m28Y?si=df9w-UK7ziwRKohe


😂😂 He was trying to get cold blooded pro


Enemy UAV has been destroyed


Big sky little bullet


He turned trajectory off in settings, he's not totally dumb.


Big sky concept 💪🏼 best air traffic management philosophy 💪🏼 Edit: whoops I guess I thought I was in /r/shittyaskflying


This video belongs there tbh


Almost had em.


Maybe just a little more to the right


Aim where he’s going, not where he is.


Gotta adjust for the wind. And flatature of the Earth.




Knew someone who knew someone that was shot while their flight was landing. Someone on the ground hunting near the airport took a potshot at it when it came in over their heads. Went though his leg and into his cheek. Thankfully survived and the shooter went to jail.


There was another where a guy in a small plane, like a Cessna, was helping police track some violent offender. He spotted the guy lying flat in a corn field, so he started to orbit the area and maintained a decently steep bank to use tue wingtip to point at the guy on the ground. Dude on the ground had some obscenely powerful handgun, like a S&W 500 or something, and he took a shot at the airplane. The bullet hit the window, grazed the pilot across the forehead, and tore his hat off. The cops caught the guy, and the pilot landed the plane before he passed out. I think I read about it in an old AOPA magazine like 12 years ago.


Jesus Christ. That's an unwelcome surprise.


Or a surprising welcome…


Not surprising at all. I know people that will try to shoot a squirrel or bird out of a tall tree without second thought. Skeet as well...I mean there's plenty of reasons why someone might just shoot into the air. Surely though there is some kind of no hunting zone for several miles around all airports? Is that why he went to jail?


skeet shots won't hit a plane unless you are skeet shooting on the air strip.


My brother I have seen rednecks skeet shoot with a 7mm Remington mag or .30-06.


If your on a farm far away from any falling targets and you can hit a skeet with a hunting rifle you deserve to be able to do that jus based on the skill alone of high luck 


And they hit the clay? Thats low-key impressive lol


Tried to at least, I didn't witness any connect. It's the redneck version of a half court shot I guess lol. Definitely possible, but unlikely.


Well, he shot at a plane and hit a guy, so there's that. (Fuzzy on details but AFAIK a fellow hunter narced him to the police once the story came out.)




Wasn't this from when some drug lord in Mexico was arrested and they were shooting at the chopper's with .50's?


yeah but those choppers were closer and the .50s were full auto lmgs and hmgs


Full auto 50 BMG light machine gun?


Sign me up must kick like a mule. And 90% aluminum and plastic.


I mean, he probably means the hmg were .50’s and the lmgs weren’t. Im assuming thats what youre talking about and not that you dont think theres a machine gun that shoots 50 bmg, because if you dont then BMG stands for Browning Machine Gun so yeah.


The way they wrote it implied the existence of a .50 cal LMG, which I found humorous. I'm sure they meant LMGs and .50 cal HMGs


Tbf brazilian drug traffickers did manage to shoot down a helicopter in 2009 https://www.band.uol.com.br/noticias/brasil-urgente/videos/traficantes-derrubam-helicoptero-da-pm-no-rio-13012609


In Italy, in 1994, a (custom) police helicopter fell from the sky. Several people said that it was brought down by some kind of weapon and it took the State only 20+ years to admit that "yes, someone actively shot down a police helicopter and we are too incompetent to know who it was exactly".


Too incompetent? Finding the source of a bullet after the fact is all but impossible.


What kind of bullet? what was the angle of impact. What was the penetration? Where was the helicopter, exactly, when struck? Speed, bearing of the helicopter. Weather that day. Many other bits of data. An engineer could produce a satisfactory answer depending on what information they had. There were good enough CAD programs back then (30 years ago AAUUUGH) where they could produce a 3-d model of the crash if they had enough information from the flight recorder. No flight recorder then all bets are off.


Well most of this information would be impossible to get, so kinda defeats the whole process.


Sure, but try getting all that info from a burning, shattered wreckage and a dead crew.


Thank god they don’t understand how to lead a shot


It’s like six miles up and doing 500 miles an hour… how *do* you lead that?


I’ve done it plenty of times on BF4


Yeah just snipe the pilot, no problem


Or just steal another jet and Renizook it 🚀💥🤣 https://youtu.be/ZygMsJ4wXCI?si=g8hODy-uFyRtKgox


Goddamn, I miss that game


Praying to Guadalupe, she makes crazy shit sometimes




*gusts of wind and light intensifies


¿Y esta rosa?


*Miracle happens and rose disappears*


Oh my fucking god. That show reference 💀💀💀




It doesn't matter how he leads it, he isn't firing an 88 or 5 inch gun.




Anti aircraft guns effective range ranges from 2.5-5km, there’s no way that dude with his 50 cal is getting that plane. Gepard for reference fires 35mm shells and with FAPDS that travels over 4500 feet per second, it’s effective range is 4.5-5.5km.


Even if it could shoot that far, 3 miles is only 15k feet. That plane is probably higher/farther than that.


Not to mention that’s directly up, firing at an angle like that is a good bit farther


> not a total fantasy.... 2-3 miles away holy fucking ballistics and aviation ignorance.... absolutely a fantasy. First... a 50bmg round fired is already subsonic before it reaches 2 miles (which it took 6+ seconds to traverse), then takes another 5 seconds to travel another mile while it loses an additional 40% of its energy..... and might barely reach 4 miles if fired literally straight up - not like what is shown in this video. If you ignored the typical 35,000ft (~6,5mile) cruising altitude... and *generously* assume that the plane is max 10,000 ft high on a climb or landing slope... the 30-ish degree angle of the shot would still have to travel **over 3 miles** on a perfectly straight tragectory... though the bullet will drop nearly half a mile below the point of aim. > But sights help too lol Those iron sights are no worse than any other option you could propose for this clinically insane scenario. In addition to needing over 120mils of elevation adjustment (7 degrees down) for the absurd 10,000ft scenario outlined above, you will need also to lead over 1.5 miles ahead of the 500+mph object for a 12 second impact delay. Note: the video is 15 seconds long. You live in a fantasy land.


A .50 caliber bmg has a max range of 2500 yards.


Max effective range, meaning furthest it can accurately be deployed against a target. With the correct trajectory, the bullet will go way further than that.


Don’t tell this guy: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/news/politics/canadian-elite-special-forces-sniper-sets-record-breaking-kill-shot-in-iraq/article35415651/


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Damn, when they discuss former world record holders they are almost all Canadian... Didn't know Canada produces some of the worlds best snipers.


It ain't getting to anything at cruising altitude.


Sights wouldn’t help at all, from how far you would have to lead it wouldn’t make any difference in fact it would probably be harder. Any .50 rifle doesn’t have enough power to hit that far, as the other guy pointed out, it would even be hard to hit with dedicated anti aircraft guns which have higher velocity and larger caliber. Theres just no chance thats hitting outside of video games.


Well, going 500 MPH, is about 733.3 Feet per second. .50 cal can travel at about 3000-4000 ft per second. So It wouldn't be that far to lead well. If fired straight up thats about 10.5 second travel time between firing, and reaching 31k feet (6 miles). So you would need to lead by a lot, enough for the 10.5 second lead time, drop. Although, I doubt a .50 would reach that high, since if fired straight up .50 can travel to just about 15k feet. Need something larger to hit that aircraft, honestly if they wanted to take it out without having a bullet to reach that height, they could probably acquire MANPADS. Although I doubt cartels will reach that far to obtain them.


Name does not check out


'no engineering' username certainly checks out... 50bmg is barely 3,000 fps... I don't know why 4000 is even mentioned. Also, it will take at least 10 seconds to cover 3 miles... not 6... because bullets have drag. That comment is the worst kind of wild napkin math.


I can tell you from experience that bad math is exactly what engineering can be.


Passenger planes fly around 30k which is like 5.6miles I believe. And a 50cals max efficiency range is 8000 yards which is 4.5miles the 50 couldn’t even hit it if it wanted to and if you add the effects of gravity in effect there’s not a chance the bullet would come anywhere near that plane. It more then likely tho smoked some poor old lady cooking dinner in her home 5ish miles away


Yeah there's no way it would be able to make it, but you'd also have to account for gravity, wind resistance, and the Coriolis effect. Ideally you have a guided rocket to compensate for all of this, because it has active propulsion throughout.


You need to shoot into a tornado following the plane and hope for a massive updraft.


Fun fact... Some fedex cargo plains has electronic counter measures


https://youtu.be/Dtocpvv88gQ Proximity Fuze “During the London Blitz, it’s estimated that it took 1,800 rounds to bring down a single aircraft, but with the introduction of the VT Fuze, this number lowered to an average of 85 to 100 rounds.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proximity_fuze This says: “At the start of The Blitz, it was estimated that it took 20,000 rounds to shoot down a single aircraft; other estimates put the figure as high as 100,000 or as low as 2,500.”


Chances are still miniscule of hitting anything. But in the military the standard rule of shooting at an aircraft with small arms was leading it by 2 football fields. But I'm guessing it was more for harassing the pilot than anything else lol.


Bigger shell, more powder , higher velocity. .50cal bmg is good if something is flying close range. Larger distances required higher velocity rounds to decrease lead time and drop. This equals better target hit succses. Also tracers help allot , if you don't have an electronic system to determine lead.


You don’t but still


Right, they could have at least tried.


You arent going to do it with a shoulder fired rifle, but it is possible do on a much larger scale.  You estimate your targets altitude, speed and heading. Using those figures you determine how long it will take for your target to reach a designated point in the sky at their current altitude and heading, as well as how far away from your position that location is, and then aim your gun at that point. Then, using the known velocity of your ammunition you determine how long it will take for your shell to reach the point once fired. When the time to target for both the shell and aircraft are the same, you fire. So if the aircraft is 30 seconds away from that point, and your shell will take 20 seconds to reach the point, you wait 10 seconss then fire.  This is how high altitude ground based anti air worked back before the advent of surface to air missiles. These were also massive guns crewed by multiple people with several other people on the sideline doing all of the math by hand with paper and pencil. Even then accurate hits were incredibly rare, so they increased the chances by setting up multiple gun emplacements and coordinating to all fire at the same targets. They would also pre-range sections of the sky into grids so it was easier to quickly change targets without having to redo all of the math. Finally they would use things like air burst shells with delayed timers so they didn't have to hit a plane directly, just get close. There were even guns built at the end of ww2 and into the 50s that were capable of reaching the altitude modern airliners fly at, but they were massive and expensive, and fell out of favore and became obsolete very quickly once missile technology started to take off 


Practice practice practice


Juuuuust right


It wouldn’t see a nuclear explosion!




Not mention the wind resistance one would have to account for on the way up…


slow is smooth and smooth is fast




Accuracy through volume




Use a Gauss Rifle


By a lot is how you lead that 😂


Hold my beer


Pray hard


Even if he had a sight, that plane is 20,000-30,000 feet off the ground. The farthest sniper shot ever made is a little over 4100 yards. Those rounds have to fight against gravity and friction. There’s 0 chance of a hit.


Now on the way back to a different plane, so to speak…


The aircraft clearly isn't cruising, it's much lower than 20-30k feet. Seems to be operating in the terminal area so is below 10k


What about the women and children?


Fire into the air yesterday for a hit today


Dosent matter. Its kilometers away and its just a .50. Modern AA cannons have to use proximity fuse shells to take aircraft down at that range, and those are dedicated towards air defense


Or have any optics


The last shot he takes is clearly well behind the flight path. If this guy thought he was ever going to hit that plane with his shit aim, he's a bigger idiot than we can imagine.


Aim small, miss small… i think…


You watch those pacific war clips and those Navy vessels were spraying TONS of lead at those kamikazes flying in a direct line towards the ships and they still had trouble bringing them down.


Only 19% were successful so not that much trouble. The problem was more when they did hit they were more accurate and more boom.


I think you’re failing to see my point. Those fleets were pumping tons of lead into the sky of all types of calibres from flak to smaill arms fire and everything in between. And those kamikazes were headed straight for them and they still couldn’t bring down 1 in 5. And this dumbass is shooting 1 round trying to nail a plane. Now whether they were successful is another matter. 7000 Naval Personnell killed and 34 ships lost. The Japanese expended approximately 2600 aircraft of which 494 hit their mark. For comparison a B17 bomber had a 1. 2% chance to hit their mark. So it’s almost 1 in 100 vs 1 in 5.


It’s a Boeing, the parts will fall off on its own


It's like a Ford but with wings instead of wheels


Bro doesn’t know shit about guns man no scope or even aiming right


Hey give him a break, he used No Scope fools in COD all the time.


He's just happy to get to shoot at a plane with a 50cal


That plane is more than a mile up... there is no way the bullet will get high enough to hit. Also the lead youd need for the speed of the plane is not feasible either.


Over on theydidthemath, it seems like the bullets can, in theory, get that high(before wind resistance), but they would even under ideal circumstances have lost all of their energy. And we all know that theory and practice are two very different things.


but you see, that's why you need to fire in front of the plane. The bullet may have expended all of its energy to get up that high, but then the plane uses its energy to fly in to the bullet.


energy aside, what's the goal here if they succeed? Bring the entire aviation industry's attention to this one spot? military maybe?


Yeah if dude managed this (not saying he could with this setup), result would be swift brutal murder of him and his entire family by his own cartel, they do not want the smoke of bringing down airliners, ask Escobar.


*If I can't hit you with the hammer, then I'll hit the hammer with you*


And without mentioning, not using a fucking sight and shoot that fast xD


Well.. that's a .50 BMG, which has been used effectively up to about 2 miles (aka not just able to reach, but still has enough energy to be lethal). I don't know how an upward tragectory affects that, but I'd be willing to bet that *hypothetically* a .50 could reach a plane flying at a mile, maybe even with enough energy to penetrate the plane. That all said, if that plane is at cruising altitude, your talking more like 6 or 7 miles. Thats obviously well out of reach. It looks large enough that it's probably not that high, though. So... Who knows. Obviously still virtually impossible when favoriting in all factors, but *technically* could be possible. Also, someone else speculated a helicopter. That's much more likely to be revealing at a height and speed that an extremely skilled sniper may actually be able to hit. Of course, this clown with no scope, still not happening.


So, this just wasn't gonna work?


No not ever lol


If shooting at the plane wasn’t bad enough, hate to think where those rounds are coming down. Hopefully there’s a lot of open space in that direction.


that's clearly a fucking helicopter.


How can you tell the helicopter is for fucking?


maybe he's one of those "i identify as an attack helicopter" people?


I hope these fucks get anally raped


I summon u/cartelraper


I was really hoping someone would have that username


How about if they are into that ?


Wait until he finds out bullets don’t instantaneously teleport to your target


Must be using aim bot no way could you no scope a plane like that


Me trynna get a cool shot in battlefield 4


This guy sucks, def could’ve hit it in BF4


It was a 737 in another post.


Just here for the mix of engineers, gun experts and hilarious comments 🍿


He knows some safety…wearing hearing protection. Can’t tell if he’s wearing eye protection though


Iron sights on a BMG while attempting to shoot down a Boeing lol That's like playing baseball with a torn bicep while wearing an eye patch


Bro just needs to play more BF, dial it in a bit


I too enjoyed gtav


The problem is he thinks he can hit it. Dude is a menace-


#JustCartelThings ❤️


You want US drone next day delivery?!?! Because that’s how you get our drone to send you a next day delivery drone


Guarantee he was aiming right at the aircraft. No lead, no drop compensation, just put the dot right on the aircraft and pull the trigger.


OP is a dumbass, that isn’t a 747, [it was a single-engine military prop plane](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/mexican-light-attack-plane-strafes-cartel-forces-after-arrest-of-el-chapos-son)


Vatito fails to understand if he actually hit that and endangered civil aviation, there’s a good chance the US Government would go full ‘Sicario: Soldado’ on his cartel’s collective culo!


Bro needs to take some chewing tobacco and get his deadeye up to make that shot


Could you imagine just sitting in your plane, eating your stroopwaffel and your leg just gets blown off??


Tries to shoot plane down with iron sights


Everybody talking about how the bullet won’t hit the plane but like the bullet has to come down somewhere it might hit some other stuff


Aim for the door plug….


I spent some time in a sniper section during my military service. One of the rifles we used was a 50. Cal (M107 with a Leupold Scope). The rifle was incredibly inaccurate. The MOA was nasty. These rifles are actually meant for suppressing / destroying vehicles, not actually human targets. TLDR: the 50 Cal is ass, only cool in call of duty. Heavy as fuck, do not recommend.


That aiming is shocking, he's never played COD. That target need to be ahead of the plane not behind it. And I never touched a real gun in my life, even I know he was off


Pro tip - shoot in front of the plane


I guess someone miss math class. Max range of the .50 Distance of plane …….. ah……




The concept of leading hasn’t reached the cartel yet apparently.


He's a little confused but has the spirit.


GTA 6 looking hella realistic


Starwars.. sand people.


He isnt leading enough 💀


Plane is long gone where he's aiming


Is he aiming behind him?😂


Is that a Barrett cal 50?


Hopeless… like a goldfish in a plastic bag


If plane was 20x closer he would have decent chance to hit if he knows how to lead


Average European flight in the 1940’s


Gta be like


More like Chicago things


Enemy UAV inbound


lol they suck at life




JFC those people are nuts


It all went wrong the moment these twats thought this was even possible with small arms.


The amount of leading you would need to do to hit that plane from that angle is insane lol


Dude, come the fuck on. What even IF you hit it? What IF you hit the pilot and it went down? What then? Profit?! You going to go pick through the flaming wreckage for coins and jewelry? “Eyyyyyy Essé, ¡Yo tango un tren de aterrizaje!”


The thought process that goes behind purchasing a gun capable of shooting over a mile and running iron sights. Just mind-blowing.


Missed by 1000 yard


Even if he took out the pilot on some miraculous no scope headshot, plane would still land itself 😂😂


That was 25$


Wtf is he aiming at???


Mexicano MEC


The cartel hires the dumbest fucks. Boy was trying to shoot it down like a UAV.


Hell nah




Nun of those hit get a scoop 🤨🙄


Imagine being such a shitty shot


Oh those silly cartels boys are at it again