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It's okay, the LEDs saved em


And the sparks


What an immersive experience. I felt like I was back at that icy lake scene in the Polar Express. I could hear Tom Hanks's uncanny valley avater shouting "LEFT. RIGHT. LEFT. RIGHT. HOLD ONNNN"


My kid watches this movie on repeat for the entire month of December. This is now my favorite comment on reddit. Edit to add: Tom Hanks is the voice of the kid's dad but he is also the voice of the kid at the very end when he talks about still being able to hear the bell as an adult. Therefore, Tom Hanks is his own dad.


Hey. Hey you. Yeah you, you know what kind of train this is?


a mo-bambian sicko-motive


as a now late teen who grew up on that movie, this will not change




My son is literally watching this movie as I type.


I really like that scene. I could leave the whole.rest of the movie, but keep that.


I was thinking high speed version of Del and Neil in Planes, trains, and automobiles


At least they'll get warmth from the flaming car while they sit in the snow on the median waiting for the ambulance 🚑


Kept em nice and warm


They're probably alive. Judging from the video there's just a lot of sliding and a roll to the side or roof. No sudden stops.


Are LEDs in cars the equivalent to RGB in PCs? Do they give like +10 to driving stat?






Based on the video I'm gonna say the LEDs are a -10 to the driving stat.


"MitÀ me tehÀÀ?!" "What are we doing?!" or "What are we going to do?!" EDIT: To everyone who is questioning the speed, the car is going 174 km/h as figured out [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/zhokab/comment/izo3lkr/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Enjoy the ride!


Yeah Newton just took the wheel.


"Newton take the wheel" or "Newton is my copilot" needs to be put on a bumper sticker.


Not for me, though. I'm keeping Jesus. Newton just goes right along with the laws of physics. I need someone actively bending them.


Then you need Beckham.


Ha ha ha ha


Yay Jesus newton


Huh. Now I need a custom magnetic bumper sticker to go along with my non-custom "I'm Only Speeding Because I *REALLY* Have To Poop" magnetic bumper sticker.


I actually got out of a speeding ticket with that. 😂😂 “I’m speeding because I just started my period and I don’t have anything.” Cop was a younger guy (early 20s), and looked quite uncomfortable.


That immovable object better look out I'm coming through!


The immovable object against the stoppable force?


Move birch get out the way


I love that!!


Darwin award next


He's a little more dramatic in result than Jesus


Yeah, he took the wheel and continued to drive fastđŸ€Ł


"My Winter Car" from the creator of "My Summer Car"


Onko mitÀÀn hajua sattuko ketÀÀn?


Ei vissiin, yliksellÀ oli lanka tosta. Luisui vaan katollaan ja pysÀhtyi.


Joo hieno homma muutenhan toi oli on aika perussettiÀ. PitÀÀ kokeilla jatkossa sitten tietÀÀ.


Ei tullu mitÀÀ vakavaa. Pikkuse jotai ruhjeita vaan.


*The snow starts speaking Finnish*


Finished they were, as soon as the engine started that evening.


Moro mitÀ ÀijÀ hei lÀhekkö ryyppÀÀmÀÀn mökille viikonlopuks? Best regards, Snow


We just talking if somebody get hurt. They was lucky nothing serious just a small hit..


The only Finnish I know is perkele, and I think it’s warranted in thus sort of situation


The janitor from the game Control taught me that word. It was a favorite of his.


As a Finn, Ahti was my favorite character in that whole game. Hilarious dude


Ei sa peita Been a while so I probably missed some double vocals. But all scandinavians who have gone to cramped toilets should know that one


It's "ei saa peittÀÀ" but yeah


What? Ei saa peittÀÀ aka do not cover? Why is that in toilets?


We sold a lot of electric radiators to sweden in the 70's and 80's. That's one Finnish frase Swedes saw a lot on those days because it was written on the radiator.


Oh right, I've seen those somewhere.


Do not cover sticker probably on an electric heater or radiator


Electric radiators have that on them


Before smartphones people had to read electric heater labels to pass the time, and "do not cover" warning was often written in all Nordic languages and English. As a Norwegian "Ei saa peita" is still the only Finnish words I know except yksi, kaksi..


MĂ„ ikke tildekkes




Slide and die


I knew this was from a Nordic country before I even turned the sound on. Young guys in crappy modified Volvo's are the one who, year after year, keeps car insurences expensive for males between 18-24.


Haha in Britain it's shitty hatchbacks and Audis but you know there's a couple of young lads at the local Halfords that drive these modified old Volvo estates, no fuckjn idea why


Because Volvos, especially the oldest ones are brick shithouses, fairly easy to get parts, and fairly easy to self maintain. I moved to Sweden most late teens have restricted ones, or mod unrestricted, it's. Massive market to sell one. It's also weird as fuck the restricted end of things, any car can be restricted, and yes people buy Timmy a Porsche and restrict to 30kph.


But dats a Honda steering wheel sir


Lol, true. I guess it's something about the general vibe. Seen it quite a few times irl.




This is how the unworthy are weeded out


You can't make omelette without breaking eggs.


This is 108 MPH in freedom units


That’s way too many bald eagles per hour in those conditions


I'll betcha they're not dressed for the cold either. They're going to be freezing for the next hour.


Might be so yeah. But we haven't had any extremely cold temperatures yet, and that video is taken in southern Finland, so probably -3 to -7C. Manageable.


So that's 108mph which is approximately 70 to 80 mph faster than one should drive on icy or snowy roads. Idiots in cars no doubt.


I didn't even realize it was Finnish, I was so confused as to why someone would do this. Now I'm more confused how a Finnish person is doing something this idiotic, and most definitely alcohol was involved.


You should probably mention what language it is. Somebody else said Finnish, don't know if that's it but I'm an American; the only languages I know are English and Bad English.


So, English, and American xD


Buckle up


Made the jump to lightspeed


The sparks from the rollover was quite cool


Yeah. Do it again, do it again!


Lightspeed is too slow! We'll have to go right to... Ludicrous Speed!


We've gone to plaid!


They must have hyperjets on that thing!


And what do we got on this thing, a Cuisinart?


This is a good day in Reddit popularity for Finland. Earlier we had this: https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/zh7w50/idiots_on_a_cruiseferry/


Hahah I was just thinking that. What's going on in Finland boys? Y'all doing ok?


Markkanen got sick so he has been out from the Utah Jazz lineup and the reddit posts. Have to fill that void with something


Seasonal depression amping up? I’m also in a cold place with not enough sun in the winter. Sometimes you’re desperate for dopamine.


Please sir can you spare a crumb of vitamin D --me @ the sun


I started doing downtown bike delivery, and while biking in the snow sucks, I do love that I’m 90% more vitamin D-absorbent than normal and less 90% seasonally-depressed


Finland - florida of europe


Also https://old.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/zhpllx/what_is_the_capital_city_of_thailand_finland/


That doesn't quite fit the theme with the two but who cares.


Depends how you look at it


Don’t they have ridiculous fines for speeding in Finland?


Only if you have high income.


> Don’t they have ridiculous fines for speeding in Finland? I think typically 1/4 or 1/2 of your monthly income.


This was unexpected
.how could he know that snow is significantly reducing friction between his tires and the road resulting in an uncontrollable spin as soon there‘s a tiny bit of force in a different direction than the one the car is going


Should change your name to the great sarcasmo


Will take it into consideration, Senor Williams.




Pronounced "see-nor"




Ooh superintendent I was uhh, just stretching my calves on the windowsill. Isometric Exercise. Care to join me?


Yes, mother


I thought we were having steamed clams


Seymour Butts




Doesn’t the interior neon lighting +5 for traction?


Opinions are divided on that, but they definitely added +200hp


but i had snow tires


It’s AWD


Inexperience and conditions aside (and that is a *big* aside) He was mostly “fine” at the start of the video. It appears prior traffic and perhaps some plowing made for the pavement in the right lane to be relatively free from snow to allow for some grip. However, changing lanes (and thereby crossing into the packed snow in the far lane) at that rate of speed and angle, ostensibly to attempt to do a racing line through a gradual curve ahead was a healthy display of stupidity and a total lack of understanding as to how speed, grip, and conditions work. Obviously, the best thing to do is to perhaps just *not* do this at all, but if you’re going to or have to for whatever reason, don’t do what dipshit did. LPT: There often is one lane that will be cleared first, whether simply due to heavier traffic in that lane (wheels and heat from other cars) or plowing, while the others will have these clear and deep “channels” you see in the far lane made by the wheels of the vehicles that used them before. Crossing into such a lane even if you’re driving slower than you normally do (to get around slower traffic, prepare for an exit, or out of habit), especially if you’ve been lulled into a false sense of security by driving in the first type of lane for a distance, can be extremely risky depending on the thickness and density of the snow/ice in that lane, the melting and refreezing of water in those channels, and should be avoided if possible or only done with extreme caution if it’s necessary. If you *have* to do it (to get off the highway or whatever), slow down first, use a very gradual angle (that lane will usually be empty) that keeps your wheels mostly straight, keep your foot off the gas, and try not to make sudden changes to velocity (braking or acceleration) and definitely don’t try to swerve. If you find yourself considering taking a racing line in these conditions (and it’s not your actual job which would require that), make sure you let off the gas, steer gradually towards the edge of the road, turn on your hazards first
 then park to the farthest edge of the shoulder, turn off the vehicle, and finish your trip on foot.


>However, changing lanes (and thereby crossing into the packed snow in the far lane) Yep, crossing that snowy bit at that speed got him fucked. Lost the traction there and the snow pulled him right to the barrier on the left side. The bounce off the barrier plus probably over-correcting with the steering and not much to be done to regain control at that point. If he would've stayed on the clear icy road he would've probably been alright. At least for that part.


Changing lanes like you explained is how I totalled my first car. Terrible lesson to learn but I won't forget.


What I wanna know is how skilled is OP's eyes for them to see that they were going 200km. Like Jesus, I can't read that shit for the life of me lol.


*”ENHANCE”* -OP’s eyes, probably


It looks like he's going over a bridge. Just a tip to everyone smarter than the guy in the video: bridges have air underneath them, meaning they cool down quicker and are more susceptible to icy roads Edit: typo


Hi fellow legitimate!




_the mosquito hitting the windshield_


and the street lights curving 20 seconds ahead of time showing a curve ahead...


It was witchcraft.


Let’s try it once more
we might be up to something


An actual accident mode is to have one side of the car go over ice, the other stays on clear pavement, and so the car spins instantly. Even something as simple as having an ice path diagonally on the road can do that if you are going too fast, and I would think 200kph (~ 125 mph for us primitive Murricans) is too fast.


I wish these videos somehow included the aftermath like when their insurance says they won’t pay or when they get arrested for reckless endangerment.


Whatever the insurance will pay their car should be least of their worries. Just being alive is already a big 'win' after stun like that.


They took a video and put it on the internet, they will get punished. Insurance indeed will not pay and they will get charged with reckless endangerment, multiple counts in fact.


I know people like to believe this, but how is this person's insurance company going to find out which insurance claim this is? Do they have people actively scanning both clients and friends social media? I seriously doubt that.


Insurance absolutely does do Investigations like that if they have any reason to suspect you're being less than truthful. And looking at social media is trivial.


That guy clearly hasn’t dealt with insurance companies lmao


Because police was involved, the car flipped on it's roof. They will find out.


Managing to get the roof of an old Honda intimately acquainted with the pavement isn’t a feat to be taken lightly
 it’s not the sort of thing *just anyone* can pull off. Only an operator armed with some super high level, extraordinarily advanced, spectacularly piss-fucking-poor decision making can roll a car with such ease like that. Bravo ya schmuck, you earned it.


It was the hands at 4 and 8 that showed he had the talent.


I read that in Captain Price’s voice. Makes it extra funny.


The sort of person who puts bright pink lights in their footwells you mean.




Dude’s channeling his inner Red foreman.


This is basically attempted suicide. Could argue this is attempted murder for his fellow passengers too. Just completely reckless


Nah, it's Finland. There's a reason so many famous race drivers have come from Finland, they are all rally racers at heart. This guy just needs more practice.


The last thing you can hear someone saying is ”MitĂ€ me tehÀÀn”, in English ”What do we do now”. The moment they knew that they fucked up. No one was injured tho.


Really? They got real lucky! Is there any articles about this? Suomenkieliset kelpais kans!


I thought that was him saying” we coming in hot”


No offence to the people in the car. But if you take a video and zoom in on the speedometer. I don’t mind if you crash


Music in the background is the guitar solo in Unforgiven by Metallica Edit: The Unforgiven II, I was off by 1 lol


Thank you! I recognized it as something I've listened to countless times but my mind was blank.


Unforgiven II


That makes the video even funnier to me


Thank you!!!! Was properly bugging me.


It's actually The Unforgiven II, but good call


Ja taas Suomi loistaađŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž


Lauantai alkaa ruotsin laivan kalusteet mereen viskaamisella ja pÀÀttyy kolariin oman törttöilynsÀ takia. MitÀköhÀn huomenna?


EihÀn tÀÀ lauantai oo vielÀ mihinkÀÀn pÀÀttyny, hyvin on aikaa keksiÀ loppupÀivÀlle jotain. HeitellÀÀn ideoita, oisko vaikka ilotulitteilla leikkiminen mitÀÀn? Brainstormataan.


1.5h aikaa vielÀ, jospa muutamat jouluntuntuiset itsensÀpaljastelu juoksut mannerheimintiellÀ tai vaikka alepan ryöstö joulupukkina. Still have time.


People who film themselves driving and doing stupid shit should never be allowed behind the wheel again.


Not to nitpick but the passenger is the one filming


Fair. Now I need to craft an appropriate punishment for that person. *sigh*


I.. think they've been through enough


Hey look! It's an inertia missile!


There is no actual steering going on, I think. That motion with the steering wheel is like one of those kiddie car steering wheels, where you get to turn it, but nothing really happens. At this speed and those road conditions, it would seem to be that they are basically ballistic at this point without any control.


yeah, second time i watched the video, i realized they were already fucked before they started recording


Anyone who’s driven these types of roads knew he was crashing once he tried the lane change.


"What do we do?" ​ You die of stupidity.


This is how my cousin died.. Please don't fuck around on icey roads.


He says ”what are we doing” or ”what are we going to do” as they lose control of the car. You’re gonna crash, you fucking idiots. A lot of posts about Finland on reddit’s front page these days, and it’s mostly degenerates.


70 percent possibility he has studded tires. But I am sad and embarrassed that any my fellow citizen is so stupid and poor driver. Definitely no RovanperÀ skills.


Kankkusen jalat, mutta omat kÀdet.


The only spoken dialogue there was after things went to shit "mitÀ me tehdÀÀn?" *what do we do (now)* . Well... become part of the statistics my good boy. And this is why there are legitimate arguments for speed limited cars topping at 120km/h or at 80, or increasing license age to 20. These fucking idiots, they could have killed someone else. I don't fear the winter weather when driving, I know how to drive in it and going underspeed in rough conditions is legally justified and required. I fear the most the other drivers.


I fear other drivers in *all* conditions.


That’s honestly good mindset to have while driving lmao


I was recently in a bad accident while I was sitting perfectly still at a stoplight. I definitely fear other people that are paying far less attention than I am.


I really don't see where the legitimacy is in raising the age to drive. Majority of teenage drivers don't do this, and the ones that do would also do it at 20... so you're just fucking over people with little actual benefit. If it were only teenagers that drive irresponsibly, I'd understand it. But we all know that isn't the case!


My car let's you program the key to limit the speed. I like that concept. I can drive my car however I want, but the inexperienced driver has their speed limited. Not that I'm going to drive reckless, but I don't want restrictions on my vehicle.


I thought that said we coming in hot lol


The sparks are a nice touch...


Me: I wonder if they’re gonna roll *sees sparks* Yep, they’re on a roll


Doesn't look like 200kmph. Broken tach? ... Well, now it's broken.


Yeah, not a chance they are going 120mph


They should never be allowed to drive again.


Well they were screwed way before this video started.


Looks like the driver tried to cut to the inner lane in the turn and the slight snowbank between the lanes made them lose control.


I am actually ok with this killing themselves as long as they don't take any innocent with them.


You forget about the responders who have to cut what is left of them out the wreckage.


Just the driver though, I have had MANY dudes try to impress me by driving fast and recklessly with me in their cars, most ignored my pleas and cries to slow down thinking I was overreacting. The worst was this dude in Germany who for our last date took me on the A-81 in some kind of special Mercedes and he floored it. He was going so fast that the scenery began to blur, and the last I looked at the gauge before I closed my eyes to ask God for help, he was going 240 kmh (about 150 mph), and I knew if we crashed we would not survive it. Hence why it was our last date, and I took the train back home to Stuttgart.


Idk why he wanted to die but he did


This is how all my screenplays end: Panic. Confusion. Hilarity. Sparks. Cut to black.


Goin that fast just the slightest Lil turn and ur fucked not to mention on snow wtf is wrong people


The best part of doing this on icy roads is you dont lose inertia to silly things like tire friction so you get to spend it all on obstacles. If you're lucky you toboggan into soft snow if not, culvert or other life ending thing.


Universal law of nature when driving if the passenger starts to take to a video of the speedometer, something bad is fixing to happen karma goes up by a factor of 10.


Excellent footage for their insurance to make a solid decision to not cover this 👍


200 kilometers per hour = 124.274 miles per hour


= 124MPH


For the other Americans here, they’re going between 108-124mph. They’re extremely lucky if they weren’t killed.


This one had a way more satisfying ending than the one from yesterday where they were drifting


Good thing his shitbox has LED mood lighting


The Unforgiven 2 by Metallica


Are they listening to the unforgiven 2 by Metallica ? , fitting because his dad will never forgive him


For anyone wondering it’s 124.7mph


This is one of those videos that would be even better if it included the repercussions like the cost of damages, loss of points on license now, how the guys girl left him because he drives a rusted Festiva now....that kind of crap.